Chapter 5

The Person Next To You


Amber… After more than one month of leaving me… She never came back to me again.


I was stressed out after today so I decided to go to the ahjumma on the side street and have some shot of soju. It’s the first time that I’ll drink alone. Amber… Where are you? Please come back to me.



Amber’s POV


“Amber Liu?”


“Yes, I’m Amber Liu.”


“Here’s your order. Thank you for calling our delivery service, I hope you enjoy your meal.”


“Thanks. And oh, please bring these to that office over there. I have a favor to ask though.”


“What is it?”


“Tell her it’s a delivery for Jung Soojung. It’s already paid and you don’t know who ordered and paid for it. I’ll give you a big tip if you’ve done everything smoothly.”


“Yes sir.” The delivery boy smiled as he walked towards the office. Pfft. He didn’t notice I’m a girl eh?


That stupid girl… she always makes me worry. It’s been more than a month, and so far, I’m doing well with avoiding her. Maybe I just need this space so I can go back to that ‘friend zone’ again.


I know it’s bad that I’m using Hyuna as a rebound to distract myself from getting close to Krystal again, but what can I do? After telling her my problems, she’s the one who suggested for us to do this, and confessing to me at the same time.


I never left the office as I was waiting for Krys to go out and eat lunch, but she never did so I decided to call a restaurant nearby. After the delivery boy gave her the food, he told me that the girl is busy typing and reading papers the last time he saw before going out.


Such a thickheaded brat.


I decided to PM her since I noticed that she’s online. That’s the first time we had a conversation after more than one month. I didn’t answer her last question though.


I’m sorry Krys… it’s the only way that I could think of to bury my feelings for you. Sorry for crossing the ‘friendship line’.


I guess she’s been working on a lot of papers because it’s already past the office hours and she still hasn’t stepped out of her office. I stood up and checked the windows, but I made sure that she wouldn’t notice me. She’s still working… -____-


I gave up and left the room, but I still waited for her on the parking lot. I don’t know why but I’m getting worried. My instinct tells me not to leave her alone tonight.


After an hour of waiting, I finally saw her get in her car and drove away. I stealthily followed her to the… ahjumma’s place? Didn’t she know that it’s dangerous going here at this time? And she’s alone. Aish! I parked my car nearby and grabbed my jacket and cap.


There she is, getting herself drowned from soju once again. What is this girl thinking? How is she going home? She can’t drive if she’s drunk… and I won’t let her.


A few more bottles and she finally paid and walked out. The two guys sitting near her earlier also left the place. I have a bad feeling on this. I also paid my bill and followed Krys. My instinct is right… The two men are following her. And there she is, wobbling on her way to her car. Before the two guys catch up to her, I sprinted towards her, overtaking them.


“Hey baby, didn’t I tell you to wait for me in that place?” I said loudly as I put an arm around her waist, supporting her to walk


She looked up to me with eyes wide open.


“Shhh… just stay silent and play along. There are two men following you. Can you walk?” I asked her, causing her to nod in response. But it’s taking us time and I want to get away from them as quickly as possible so I just carried her in my arms.


“Yah! Put me down I can walk!”


“No, you can’t Princess. It’s better than both of us stumble down the street.”


“No! I said put me down!” She said once again as she kept on hitting me and shaking her legs, causing her shoes to drop.


I looked at the guys behind using my peripheral vision and they’re still following us. Sh*t! There’s no time to pick up those shoes. I walked faster and was finally able to see her car. My car was parked a bit farther so I decided to just use hers instead.


“Hey, where are your keys?” I asked her but she didn’t respond. I looked at her and she’s already fast asleep.


I put her down with my one arm still holding her on the waist while I raid her purse. I didn’t waste time as I saw it and quickly unlocked the doors and let her sit in the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt. I ran to the driver’s seat and quickly the engine and drove away.


After getting to her apartment, scenes from last month came back to me. It’s like this… me bringing the drunk Krystal Jung in her apartment. Just like the last time, I laid her on her bed as I ransack her closet to find some comfortable clothes, bringing in with me a basin of warm water and a towel, and a glass of water.


I undressed her again -_____- except for her underwear of course, while cleaning her up. I was about to put on her clothes when I saw her eyes wide open, staring at me.

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again