Chapter 9

The Person Next To You


One day when I visited Amber, I saw Hyuna about to go.


“Can I ask you something Hyuna?” I asked her, stopping her from going out of the room.


“What do you want to ask?”


“Do you like Amber?”


“Hah… You’re asking me that? Why?” Aish, this b*tch…


“Can you just please answer me first?”


“Yes… I like her… I love her even though she never loved me back. You know what’s the problem with you Krystal Jung?” She said as she turned around to face me. “You kept on looking for the perfect guy when a perfect girl like her is just standing right next to you. One night, she came running to me, crying, broken, and seems lost. That’s when she told me her feelings for you, even though I already knew she loves you. I confessed to her but she turned me down. I asked her why is she letting you hurt her like that, why does she kept on loving you when you can’t even see her? She rejected me once, but once she came back after a month, I did my best so that she’ll notice me… I lowered down myself, offering her ‘help’ so she’ll forget you. I look so pathetic aren’t I?”


Amber… Why did you have to suffer like this because of me? Why didn’t you tell me anything? Sorry… for being so blind and numb.


“No… I think I’m more pathetic for being so blind.”


“Can I ask you now Krystal Jung?”


I nodded in response.


“What is Amber to you now?”


“Sh-She’s… my bestfriend. She’s the person who knows me more than I know myself. She’s the person who stupidly loves me even though I don’t love her the way she did. Amber… She’s now this stupid person lying here all day on this bed, making me hurt so much and think that maybe I shouldn’t have let her leave that night… She just made my heart break like this… I need her… I-I… I love her…”


“Then… I’m out of here. I hope you’ll be happy with her. And oh… Don’t worry… We’ve never done ‘it.’ She just loves you so much that she can’t do ‘it’ with me. She always stops in the middle.” She said before leaving Amber and me alone in the room again.


I stood beside the sleeping Amber and some strands of her hair.


“Good thing you didn’t open your eyes yet. Don’t you ever, ever dare wake up when I’m not around, okay? Fine, you can wake up even when I’m not here, just don’t when Hyuna’s visiting you.” I told her, hoping that she hears me and my possessive request.


It became a habit of mine to bring my work here in the hospital too, just to spend more time with Amber. I wanted to be the first person she sees once she opens her eyes. Today, I brought my laptop with me to work on some documents and presentations, emailing here and there. I was so lost with my own little world that I didn’t notice the person I’m visiting finally wakes up.


Uhm… Excuse me?”She said in English.

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again