Chapter 10

The Person Next To You


So this is going to start here. All texts in blue are in conversations in English.




“Uhm… Excuse me?” She said in English.


I stood up immediately, and went beside her, making sure that I’m not imagining things. And there she is, eyes wide open.


“A-Amber!!! Thank God you’re finally awake! Are you okay? How do you feel? Wait, I’ll just call the nurse’s station and inform that you’re already awake.” I told her as I leave her side to tell the nurses outside that she’s finally awake. I went back to her and she has this confused look on her face.


“Uhm, miss, where am I?”She asked again in English. Aish, why does she keep on calling me miss? Does she hate me that much?


“You’re in a hospital Amber. You got into an accident four months ago. Can’t you remember?”


“I’m sorry miss but… I don’t understand a single thing you’re saying. Can you speak English?” What? Aish… Are you playing with me Amber Liu? Oh well, let’s have an English conversation.


“I said… you’re in a hospital. You got into an accident and has been in a coma for more than four months.”


“Oh, I see… How’d you know my name by the way? Are you a nurse here? But you’re not wearing that white uniform.”


I was taken aback with her question. What’s happening?


I was so confused when the doctor finally went inside the room, carrying with him Amber’s profile, which I filled up for her.


I stepped aside so the doctor can talk to her properly.


“Ms. Amber Liu, right?” The doctor asked.


Amber looked at him blankly for a couple of seconds, as if she’s trying to think of something. She opened to say, “Oh, you’re asking for my name? Yes, I’m Amber Liu.”


I saw the doctor furrowed his eyebrows. He then asked her another question.


“How are you feeling right now Amber-sshi?”


“What? What did you say? What in the heck is the language you’re saying? I don’t understand you guys! And since when did LA had a hospital that is full of… uhm… Asians like me?”


The doctor’s eyes widened. As soon as he regained his composure, he asked Amber once again while I stood here, silently listening, wondering… confused.


“Ms. Amber, do you know where you are right now?” The doctor suddenly asked her in English.


“Uhm, according to that girl…” She eyed me, “I’m in a hospital.”


“Can you guess which hospital you’re in?”


She then started mentioning names of hospitals… the thing is… they’re all located in LA.


“Okay Amber, right? Since you came here unconscious, is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?”


Amber nodded in reply.


“Where do you live?”


She then recited her full home address in LA.


The doctor then asked her about her family, what are their names. He then asked her birthday. All of these, she answered correctly.


Except for one thing…








Her age.


“How old are you now Amber?”




My eyes widened, heart pounded, knees weakened, tears starting to build up.

























…. is already 28 years old.

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again