Chapter 19

The Person Next To You


Amber’s POV


After that day I met with Zoe and our friends back in high school. It’s really fun to be with people whom you didn’t see for a long time as they said. To me, it’s like I just saw them last year but to them, the last time they saw me is five years ago.


Being with them somehow made me remember the whole two years before I decided to go to Korea. That time, I also started becoming interested with the language so I took some lessons.


Bit by bit, I was able to speak Korean again. Everytime I remember some things, I never failed to tell it to Krys, and she always hugs me and smiles at me, telling me how happy she is that my memories are coming back.


There’s just something on my mind though. Did I really like her? I don’t know why but being with her for the past few days, it’s like… It’s like I’m starting to like her… more than what I used to be.


“You know, it’s alright even if you can’t remember if you really liked her before. That’s already in the past Amber.”


“But Jackie…”


It’s one of the evenings where I can’t sleep again that Jackie, who just came home from work, saw me sitting beside the pool again.


“You know what’s funny Amber?”


“Huh? What?”


“You may forget falling in love with her, but the way I see things… It’s like… You’re falling for her all over again.”


“You really think that?”


“I’m your sister Amber. I know you more than you know yourself… but I’m sure that Krys knows you more than I do.”


“Thanks… I really want to remember everything now.”


“Everything will come in time Amber. Anyway, I’m tired. I’ll get going now.”


“Okay. Goodnight Jackie.”


“Goodnight Amber.” She sat up and was about to open the back door when she called out my name once again. “Oh Amber…”


I turned my head to see her.


“She’s just been waiting for you.” She said as she winked at me and ran inside the house.


I looked up at the stars and smiled at myself.


Just wait for me Krys. I’ll soon remember everything.


Isn’t it funny how my feelings remember her first than my brain?


I stood up from the poolside and went to the kitchen to get some water, when I saw Krys rummaging our fridge.


I stealthily walked behind her and…




“AHHHH!” She screamed as she kept on hitting me.


“Ouch… Hey… Ouch… Yah!” I was finally able to get a hold of her shoulders to stop her from hitting me. “It’s me, Amber.”


Her eyes widened as she cupped my cheeks with her hands to bring my face closer. The kitchen lights were off so the only source of light is the one coming from the fridge.


Damn… Her face is so near.


“Oh…” She nodded as she pushed back my face and then…












“Yah! What was that for?”


“For frightening me.” She coldly said as she averts her eyes in the fridge again.


Ain’t those random punches and slaps enough for her? Does she have to smack me on the head?


“What are you doing anyway?”


“Looking for food.” She answered without even looking at me.




“Duh? Will I look for food if I’m not hungry?”


“Okay, okay…” I pulled her away from the fridge and opened one of the drawers inside and grabbed a bottle of Nutella and the light switch before closing the fridge. I then grabbed some crackers and gave it to her.




“T-Thanks.” She said as she started eating while I sat opposite her and stared at her.


She’s cute…


“What’s with the stare?”


“Nothing much… I just find it cute…” I told her causing her to blush a light pink. “… to see a 26-year old woman eating crackers dipped in Nutella like a hungry little girl.” I continued as I , causing her to throw a piece of cracker on my head.


“Hey! You shouldn’t do that…” I said as I picked the cracker and dipped into the Nutella bottle to eat. I picked up another piece and did the same but this time, I put it in front of .


“Say aaaaaaaahhhhh…”


She blushed even more as she opened and ate it.


“You really are that hungry Krys?”


She didn’t answer and didn’t bother to look at me as she ate up all of the crackers in the packet. She closed the bottle and returned it inside the fridge before putting the empty packet in the trash bin, while I just watched her every movement, trying to remember it and force my brain to regain my memories only to end up frustrated. I followed her upstairs as I was also going to my room. The guest room where she’s staying goes first before my room and as she was about to turn the knob to open the door, I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on the back of her shoulder.


“Thank you… for waiting. Don’t get tired of waiting for me please?” I whispered to her before I broke the hug and walked to my room.




For those who are wondering why aren't I updating Top Speed and why did I suddenly like 'slowed down' updating this one, I'm sorry but another school year has just started here in my country. And my course requires great amount of time to read and read and read and read a lot of pages. LOL


And the reason why I kept on updating this instead of Top Speed is because this one is easier to write than Top Speed, I already wrote the ending, and Top Speed is going to be a long story. If you're thinking Top Speed is going to be a short one, just look at the map and think again. (--,)

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again