Chapter 8

The Person Next To You


Amber’s family flew all the way from the US to Korea as soon as I told them about the accident. They couldn’t stay for long though because of work, but I promised them that I’d keep them updated.


Days became weeks. Weeks became months. I don’t know how long but I’m still waiting for her to wake up. I always go and visit her everyday that the nurses and doctors know me already. Even the guard, who do his rounds every night, informing me that I have to go already, became a friend of mine. He sometimes sits with me and listen to my stories about how Amber and I met, our happy memories together, and even our fights. When I finally told him what happened the night before the accident, I thought he’d be disgusted, but instead, he told me how numb I was for not feeling something until she finally confessed to me.


“After all she’s done, you still didn’t feel anything? I won’t even do those things to my wife if I just treat her as a friend, but I did because I love her.” He told me.


“So I guess I’m the stupid one here?”


“Yes. Hahaha!” His laugh was so contagious that even I finally laughed after a long time. “I think… I just think okay, it’s just my opinion… that what you saw before was something that Amber-ssi wanted but at the same time, hated.”




“I think she just did those things with that girl, even flirting with her, to divert her attention from you… so she would stop thinking about you. It served as her distraction… something that she thought she needed that time, but at the same time, hated. She hated it, I think, because one, she’s using that girl, playing with her feelings, and second, because she knows she’s just making a fool out of herself.”


I looked at Amber and held her hand with my two hands. Do you really think like that Amber? Maybe I shouldn’t have judged you right away. But why didn’t you defend yourself? Why didn’t you tell me?


“So what’s your answer now?”


“Huh? Answer?”


“She confessed to you right? What did you tell her?”


“That she’s just like my past boyfriends… for cheating me and stuffs…”


“No… not that.”




“You mean you didn’t tell her what you feel?!”


I shook my head in response.


“Poor kid. Hey Amber-ssi, you better wake up sooner or your girlfriend will grow tired of visiting you everyday.”


“Yah Ahjussi!” I blushed when he said ‘your girlfriend.’ “I-I’m not her girlfriend. A-And besides… I-I won’t grow tired… of visiting her… everyday.”


“Okay… So soon to be girlfriend?” He teased me as he laughed while walking out of the room.


It’s been four months Amber. It’s going to be your birthday soon. Wake up please…


“Hey, Ms. Jung… it’s already 20 minutes past the time. Leave now okay? Say goodnight to your girlfriend now.” The guard said as he opened the door once again.







I know it’s a cliché when people said that you’ll never know what you have until you lose it. After one month of leaving me, the Amber that I knew has changed a lot. Although she changed, there were still times that we’ll talk to each other. We’re still friends. But with what’s happening to her right now? I just realized how stupid and blind I was. I kept on looking for someone who’ll love me as me. I already found that person but I kept on pushing her aside and look for a better one, not realizing that the person I put aside, is already the perfect one.










Girlfriend… not bad… I want to be yours Amber. You can call me stupid, brat… you can call me your bestfriend, your friend… you can call me your girlfriend… call me yours… You can call me anything you want, just open your eyes and wake up.


I stood up and picked up my bag, preparing for me to leave and go home. I then walked towards Amber and kissed her on the forehead.


“Goodnight Amber…









I love you…” I finally told her before giving her a light peck on the lips.




Ahh... My updates are getting shorter... Mianhe... but I update frequently, ain't I? LOL... I just want to finish this before school starts. I don't want to make things harder for myself once classes start.


Top Speed readers, I'll also try to update later. Hmm.. Let's see what I can do. I have a game tomorrow that's why...

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again