Chapter 4

The Person Next To You


Days passed by but I never had the chance to have a one-on-one talk with Amber. If there are times that I pass by her, she’s always with someone… but most of the time, I see her with Hyuna… just like now.


Ever since that night, I never had a peaceful sleep. I don’t know why I kept on thinking about that scene. I want to forget about it. I hate it.


I was walking in the lobby to my office when I saw Amber and Hyuna flirting with each other. She’s too close to that model, having her arms s around that girl’s waist.


I ignored the sight and walked straight to the elevator, but I think it’s my unlucky day today because I ended up sharing the same elevator with them.


“Good morning Ms. Jung.” Amber and Hyuna greeted at the same time with a smile on their faces.


“Ah, good morning.” I greeted them back.


What made this ride worse is the fact that it’s just the three of us inside, with the two still flirting with each other. The scene I saw days ago started to play again in my head, making me feel uneasy for the rest of the ride, but nonetheless, I was hurt… hurt that Amber, my bestfriend, is now ignoring me, and I don’t even know why.




At last! I can go out of this torturing cage and start working. It’s actually the first time after two weeks that I’ll be using my office again.


After hours of typing, reading and signing papers, I checked the clock and it’s almost lunchtime. Before, you will already see Amber inside of my office. It’s either she already had some boxes of food with her or she’ll bug me until I give up and stop working to eat lunch with her. But she already has a girlfriend right? I see no other reason why she’d go here and bug me like she always do.


I called my secretary outside the office and tell her to take lunch. I just decided to work on some more files and finish them first. I’m not that hungry yet anyway. It’s already an hour past the start of lunch break but I’m still stuck in my office reading some papers, until I heard a knock on my office door.


“Delivery for Ms. Jung Soojung!” The voice outside said.


Delivery? I didn’t order anything… but I told the guy outside to come in anyway.


“I’m sorry but I think you’re mistaken… I didn’t order anything.” I told him as soon as he entered my office.


“Hm? But somebody called our restaurant and ordered this. That person even paid for these already.”




“Yes. But you’re Ms. Jung Soojung right? It’s the name written here. Where shall I put these Ma’am?”


It’s weird… who’s that person who delivered food for me? Maybe my sister? She knows I’ve been too busy lately, and she also knows that once I start working, I won’t stop until I’m done with it, or Amber will bug me ‘til I can no longer take it… Wait… Amber? But… I better not expect anything from her.


“Just put it on that coffee table. Thanks.”


After putting the food on the table, he asked me to sign the receipt and left. I didn’t budge from my seat though, and continued with my work, until I receive a message on my chat window.


am_Bear: Can you please stop working for a while and leave your desk for a while, and eat?


She knew? Wait…


jungSjung: You’re the one who ordered it?!


am_Bear: Ordered what? I just noticed that you haven’t stepped out of your office since morning. I saw the delivery boy though. I just sensed that even though your food has arrived already, you still wouldn’t move and eat.


Yeah right… What am I expecting?


jungSjung: Isn’t it still lunch break? Don’t tell me you haven’t eaten yet?


am_Bear: I just came back when I saw the delivery boy.


jungSjung: I see… Can I ask you a question?


I asked her but 10 minutes already passed and she still hasn’t replied.


jungSjung: Why are you avoiding me? I tried calling you before but it seems like you changed your number. What happened Amber?


I asked her before I finally decided to stand up and eat… alone.


While eating, I noticed my food getting salty… and that’s when I realized that I’m crying.


Amber… After more than one month of leaving me… She never came back to me again.

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again