Chapter 16

The Person Next To You

I slowly opened my eyes as they adjust to the sunlight that enters through the thin curtain of my room. I looked at the calendar and remembered that it was weekend today. I stretched my body as I got up and checked the time. It's only 7am but I can already hear some sizzles in the kitchen. I washed my face and brushed my teeth making sure that I'll look good in the eyes of the person, who woke up early to cook breakfast.


I got out of the room was greeted by Amber's smile that is brighter than the morning.


"Good morning Princess. Come and seat here now. I just finished cooking breakfast."


"Good morning Amber. I told you already that you don't have to do these things." I told her as I sat in front of the dining table. She did the same and sat in front of me.


"But this is the least I can do for letting me stay here with you and taking care of me in the hospital."


"You're my best friend Amber. Of course I'll do what I can to help you." And the fact that I love you, I won't just leave you behind like that.


The setting has always been like this ever since she started living with me. It's not new to me that she's with me because we had sleep-overs before. I know it's awkward for her though because she can't remember those times, and for her, it's like she's staying in a house of a stranger. That fact hurts me nonetheless. I've been trying so hard to remove that awkwardness between us. I want her to be finally be comfortable with me just like before.


A week or more and she's able to speak some Korean. They're just some basic words though, like when buying foods or complimenting, asking for the time, phrases that she'll be able to use when commuting and others that I think would help her to live a normal life once again. She's been struggling but nevertheless, she's determined to learn and remember everything. I, on the other hand, never failed to accompany her for her physical therapy treatments twice a week.


Sometimes at night, after work, we'll stroll around the place for her to familiarize herself and also with the hopes of remembering something. There came a time when she asked me to bring her to the office. She told me that it could make her remember something. I allowed her to, but I never left my sight on her.


Days passed and she convinced me to allow her to return to her work. I doubted if she could already converse with the models and other staffs but she pointed out that since Tiffany unnie is our makeup artist, she'll be able to help her translate if she wanted to tell some things to the models and staffs. I kept an eye on her on the first day after the accident. When I saw that she could manage herself, I agreed, but I asked Tiffany unnie a favor to watch over her for me.


One weekend after almost a month, the doorbell to my place rang. I opened the door and saw Amber's sister standing in front of the doorsteps.


"Jackie!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around her.


"Long time no see Krystal." We broke from the hug and then she asked me about Amber.


"So where's my little sister? Is she being a good patient?" She joked as we walked inside.


"We're talking about Amber, Jackie. She has amnesia but she's still as stubborn as before." I said causing her to laugh at my statement.


We got into the kitchen where she saw the awake Amber for the first time after their last visit. We were laughing before but as soon as she saw her sister, as if she's dreaming, her eyes glowed and soon, tears were flowing on her cheeks.


"Amber..." I called her attention.


The moment she turned around, Jackie didn't waste any minute and ran towards Amber and embraced her. The sisters have finally reunited. And I'm glad to be here at this very moment watching them. That night was spent in a series of story-telling, where the main character is none other than the person who can't remember anything. We shared our own experiences with Amber in those 7 years that she lost. It's funny to be with two people with the same personalities in one night and in one room.


That night, I let Amber spend the night with Jackie in the hotel she's been staying at. The next day, she surprised me with a sudden decision she made over the night.


"I want to go home in LA." She announced as if it's that easy. Well it really is easy but I don't want her to be far from me.


"B-but..." I stuttered as tears start to roll down my cheeks.


"Hey, don't cry..." she softly said as she wiped the tears with her thumbs.


"I-It's just... too sudden."


"I know. But won't it be a good idea if I start regaining my memories in order? I still have to remember my last two years in LA before finally living here for the past five years."


"I-I see you've finally decided. So, when are you leaving?"


"Me? Wait... Didn't I tell you?"


"Huh? Tell me what?"






"You are going with me Krys."

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again