Chapter 14

The Person Next To You


Krystal’s POV


I got in the hospital room and was happy to see the awake Amber. She is happily solving the Rubik’s cube when I got in. Once she heard the door opened, she smiled at me and waved at me happily.


Such a dork…




I walked closer and put my bag on the couch before walking beside her.


“You look tired.” She said as she grabbed my hand and started massaging it.


Have you always been this thoughtful Amber? Why wasn’t able to appreciate you like this before? I’m sorry for being such a stupid friend.


Once she stopped, she looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw me staring at her.


“Something on my face?”


I unconsciously touched her cheek and then suddenly rubbed it as if I was trying to remove something.


“Ah… There… It’s gone now.” I lied.


“Oh. Maybe it’s from the sauce of the food I ate earlier. Thanks.”


She went back to leaning her back on the bed while solving her cube while I enjoy watching her.


In no time, she was able to solve the puzzle and put it on the table beside her bed.


“You know what, earlier this morning, somebody mistook this room as the room of her family. It’s just weird that when she told me she just got in the wrong room, her voice was cracked, as if she’s been crying.”




“Is it a girl?”




Could it be Hyuna?


“Is she… uhh… pretty?”


“Uhm… I only saw her back. I even asked her who she is in Korean, just like what you taught me.”


“What’s her answer?”


“She answered me that she made a mistake and got in the wrong room. After than she got out of the room in a flash.”


I have a feeling that it’s Hyuna. I’m sure it’s her.


“Oh yeah, talking about this morning, before I woke up, I had a dream that somebody’s thanking me and then kissed me on the lips.”




I saw Amber blushed and nodded. “The person who said it… in my dreams… she’s so beautiful. She has the same hair as the weird person earlier.”


Amber… Amber dreamt of Hyuna?


I suddenly felt a bit hurt that she dreamt of her. Has she been dreaming of me too? Or is it just Hyuna?


“You know what’s even weirder? The girl earlier… it felt like she’s someone close to me. HAHAHA.”


She is, Amber… too close to make me feel jealous right now.


“Enough of this topic.”


“Huh? O-Okay.”


I went on and taught her Korean once again. Some time after, I left her because I needed to go to the bathroom.


When I went back, I heard her mumble while staring at the window, watching the sky…




I immediately rushed to her side and grabbed her shoulders to turn her body so she’s facing me.


“What did you say?” I asked her.


Why Amber? How come you remember her but not me?


I tried to suppress my tears by biting my lower lip as she answered.


“Huh? Did I say something?”


“Yes you did!” Don’t lie to me Amber. I heard it and saw your lips moved as you called out her name.




“Don’t lie to me Amber!”


“H-Hey… I-It hurts.” That’s when I realized that I’m squeezing her shoulders a bit too hard. I withdrew my hands and took a step back.


“I-I’m sorry… I just got a bit… excited.” I lied again. “You just said a name of one of your closest friends.”






Right after I said her name, Amber started to hold her head and groaned in pain.




“Krys… My head… It… It hurts.” She managed to tell me.


I couldn’t help myself but to cradle her in my arms as I gently pat her back.


“Shhh… It’s okay Amber… It’s okay…”


“She might experience some sever headaches whenever she remembers something. Just tell her not to resist the memories. It’ll be gone soon after.”I remember the doctor told me after he checked up on Amber.


I remained at her side until she fell asleep. On my way back home, I couldn’t help but feel upset, and jealous of Hyuna. How come you remembered her first Amber?


NO. I won’t give up Amber.

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again