Chapter 7

The Person Next To You


I walked out of my bedroom and found my bag on the coffee table. I pulled out my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from my sister.


Thinking that it’s a very important matter, I didn’t think twice and dialled her number.


“Krys! I’ve been calling you since this morning…”


“Yes, I saw… What’s up?”


“What’s up?! Krys, come to the hospital NOW!”


“Hospital? Why? What are you doing there?” When my sister mentioned the word hospital, I suddenly felt something bad.


“Amber… She’s…”




“Krys… Amber… Sh-She got into a car accident last night. The cab she’s riding got smashed by a truck that lost control due to defective brakes…” My knees got weak upon hearing what happened to Amber, making me sit down on the cold floor. Just last night… she’s… she’s just with me… “The taxi got pushed away to the bridge, causing it to plummet to the Han River.” I finally lost control of my hands and my phone dropped on the floor.


“Krys? Krys? Soojung-ah… are you still there?” I heard my sister’s voice calling onto me.


Amber… It’s my fault… If only I… If only I didn’t let her leave… If only I’ve held onto her longer, this wouldn’t happen.


After exhausting myself from crying, I heard a ring on my doorbell. Gathering up my remaining strength, I stood up and opened the door to see Luna standing in front with a concerned face.


“Ms. Jessica called me and told me that she just told you what happened to Amber. She’s worried, so she told me to come here and pick you up. Dress up now Krys. I’ll drive you to the hospital.”


I just nodded and weakly walked to my room.


When we arrived in the hospital, my sister ran to me and hugged me. She then led me to the ICU where I saw Amber’s almost lifeless body with tubes and wires attached to her. I wanted to hug her but my sister said that the doctor told her that nobody is allowed to get in the room yet. So here I am now, looking at her through the window of her room, watching her struggling for her life.


That’s when I finally broke down and cry.


Stupid… Why did you take seriously what you told me about stopping your heart beat?


“Soojung-ah, you have to stand up… Please? We can just seat outside and talk, okay?”


I nodded in response. My sister helped me get up and walk towards the seats outside. A few minutes later, a doctor approached us.


“Ms. Jung?”


“Yes?” My sister said as she stood up.


“As of now, the patient is already safe. The driver of the taxi didn’t make it though.”


“Did the driver’s family know already?” Jessica-unnie asked.


“Yes, they just arrived.”


“I see. How’s my friend by the way?”


“According to the CT Scan, she doesn’t have any internal hemorrhage in her head. We’ve also repaired her broken bones. As of now, her vital signs are stable.


“It’s actually a miracle that she made it. When the rescuers brought her here, she’s no longer breathing. She’s been oxygen-deprived for fifteen minutes. I’m worried now of its effect on her brain, since her brain neurons were damaged for not receiving enough oxygen supply.


“Let’s just pray that she wakes up soon. Once she wakes up, then we’ll see how much damage did her brain had.”


“What are the possible effects Doc?” My sister asked.


“There are different possibilities depending on which area of her brain was damaged. It can be paralysis, loss of one or more of her senses, speech problems, and amnesia… but worse comes worse… death.” The doctor sadly stated.


“Ah, thank you Doc.”


“No problem. We’ll keep you updated with the patient’s condition Ma’am. Anyway, I’ll take my leave now. If you want to ask anything, you can always go to the nurse’s station.”


“Ah yeah… I see. Thank you again Doc.” My sister said as she bowed down.


Jessica sat beside me once again, my back.


“It’s my fault… It’s all my fault.”


“No… It’s an accident Soojung.”


“No… If only I didn’t let her leave last night…”


“W-Wait… Amber’s with you last night? I thought she’s avoiding you.”


I nodded. “W-We had a fight…”


“A fight? About what?”


“About… her relationship with Hyuna.”




“She confessed to me… telling me that she’s been loving me for a long time now… But then I confronted her and told her that I saw her and Hyuna making out one night. I told her she’s no different from my past boyfriends. She… She told me… She’d tell her heart to stop beating for me. That stupid llama… taking her words so seriously.”


“Soojung-ah…” My sister then hugged me. “Go on… just cry you heart out. Let it all out baby sis. Unnie will be here, okay?”


I kept on crying on my unnie’s shoulder when I saw ‘her’ running. I pulled away from my sister’s hug as she approached us.


“H-How’s Amber?”


I didn’t answer. It’s my sister who told her everything instead, but they talked in another place far from me.


I decided to go back to Amber’s room once again and watch her sleeping peacefully.






“Wake up Amber… Please…”

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again