Chapter 24

The Person Next To You


Krystal’s POV


I slowly opened my heavy eyes and looked around. The last thing I can remember clearly is that I was on the club by the beach drinking and dancing with Amber and our friends. And then there came this weird dream… I dreamt about me and Amber doing things…




I wonder what it’s gonna be like if it happens in reality. I mean everything felt like it’s so real.


I sat up slowly and felt a hand on my waist. I looked to my side and saw Amber peacefully sleeping. I then suddenly felt cold from the AC. That’s when it hit me. I was … so is Amber…


Wait… When I woke up… it’s warm because of… Amber… hugging me?


My eyes grew wider as I realized what just happened.












Oh my gawd… I HAD WITH AMBER!


I pulled up the blanket and covered my exposed chest causing Amber to wake up.


Sh*t… What should I do?


I was about to stand up and hide in the bathroom when I suddenly hear her say, “Goodmorning. Where are you going?”


I turned around and saw her scratching her eyes.


“Uhm… B-b-bathroom.”


She then pulled me down the bed and hugged me. “Mmmhmm… I see.” She slowly muttered, obvious that she’s still sleepy.


“A-Amber… How am I supposed to go to the bathroom if you’re holding me like this?”


“Oh yeah… Sorry.” She let go of me and I was finally able to get out of the bed. I grabbed some clothes and ran towards the bathroom.


I looked at the mirror after washing my face.


What in the heck happened last night? I thought everything’s just a dream, but I just saw, with my two eyes, Amber and I… … on bed.


Of course I’m happy that it really happened, but… I’m still having my doubts. We’re both drunk last night. We didn’t have control over ourselves, and we lost all logical sense we have. I also can’t remember her telling that she loves me. And besides… the Amber I slept with last night is the Amber seven years ago. The Amber seven years ago doesn’t have any feelings for me. Even though we’ve been living under one roof for almost a year, all I felt is her being the usual caring and thoughtful Amber… a friendly Amber. I felt her a bit closer to me these past few days though.




I really don’t know what to do!




I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the bed. Amber’s already wearing some clothes, but she returned to bed and slept again. I was about to go out of the room to clear my head when she called me. I turned around and saw her sitting on the bed, looking at me.


I don’t know why but I froze from her stare. Her eyes never left me as she stood up and grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the bed again. She then cuddled with me and pulled me closer to her as she back-hugged me.


“Can we just sleep again? I’m still sleepy.”


“But why do you have to drag me here? I want to go for a walk outside.”


She buried her head on the back of my neck, feeling her hot breath on my skin.


“I just want to…”


I turned around only to meet her eyes. She flashed me her smile once again before she leaned in and planted a peck on my lips and then on my forehead before she tightly hugged me, letting me hear her heartbeat.


“I love you Krys.”


She what? Am I hearing things?


I looked up to her with a confused look on my face.




“I love you. Why? Something wrong?” Her face suddenly turned sad. “Sorry… I just thought…”


“No… Wait… I mean…”


“You mean what?”


“What happened last night… is it real? I mean…”


“Yes, we did it. Although it’s like a dream, as you can see, your bikini’s still scattered when we woke up.” She sat up and looked at me seriously. “Look Krys, I… *sigh* What happened last night… I know were both drunk but I can still somehow remember what happened, although not everything. I’m sure of one thing… I love you Krystal Jung… and what happened last night, even though we’re both drunk, means a lot to me. Now if you don’t feel the same, don’t worry I’m not expecting you to. I’m sorry if I thought wrongly. You’re free to go outside now. I’ll just continue to sleep.” She finished as she pulled the blanket to cover herself and faced the other side.


“I… love you too and I’m happy that we did it… Honestly… But I… I’m just having doubts. You still haven’t remembered everything… What if suddenly you remember? You hated me before you got into that accident.”


“I know…”




“I remember everything… My memory came back weeks ago. I just didn’t tell anything about it.”


“W-What?! Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Because I thought it’s better that way. It’s like we’re starting over again. I’m sorry.” She turned around again to face me again. She then grabbed one of my hands and intertwined our fingers. “I never thought that… you’re having doubts because of my amnesia. But I remember everything now, and I’m sure that I’m still in love with you.”


I’m so lost for words right now that I ended up kissing Amber. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.


“I love you Amber.” I told her as I put my lips on her once again. “Make love to me again Amber.”


We were already stripping our clothes once again when my phone rang.


I knew instantly that it’s my father who’s calling because I assigned a unique ringtone for him knowing that everytime he calls me, it has to be something important. But why, of all times, does he have to call me?


I ignored it at first and continued Amber’s skin on the neck leaving my mark on her but then, it kept on ringing that it annoyed me.


“Hey Krys… Mmmmhhhmmm… Y-Your dad’s calling.” Yes, Amber knows the ringtone I assigned for my Dad. She also has a unique ringtone, so are my mother and unnie.


“Argh… Dammit!” I pulled out and reached for my phone, answered the call and put it on loudspeaker, putting it back on the night table. I then continued climbed on top of Amber once again and kept on planting small kisses on her lips after saying “Hello.”


“Yah! Jung Soojung, why did you pick up your phone only now?”


“*peck* Dad… I just woke up okay? *peck* That’s why…”


“Oh, I see. Goodmorning by the way.”


“Morning Dad *peck*”


“Anyways, I called you because I couldn’t reach your sister’s phone. I have something important to tell her. So I thought you’re…”


I stopped assaulting Amber’s lips for a while to tell Dad that I’m not rooming with my sister, but with Amber instead. I then laid my head on her shoulders while I continue talking to my dad.


“Oh, I thought you’re staying in the same room with your sister. Anyway, is Amber also awake?”


“Yes Uncle!” Amber answered.


“W-What? Yah, Jung Soojung, am I on loudspeaker?”


“Yes Dad.” Amber and I chuckled a bit.


“Aish, kids these days…”


I looked at Amber for a while, talking to her through our eyes before cutting my Dad’s monologue. “Dad? I have something to tell you.”


“Huh? Oh… Okay…”


“Amber and I… are together now.”


“Really? Aww… FINALLY!”


“Mom!? Dad, don’t tell me I’m on loudspeaker too?”


“HAHAHA… Sorry Soojung. Your mom insisted, I’m just following orders.”


“You’re so whipped Dad.”


“Heh, you can tell that, for me, I just love your mom soooooooo much. *smooch*”


“Yeah your lame excuses Dad… and eewwwww… Do we really have to hear your kiss to Mom?”


“Hehehe… Kiss Amber then. Hahaha.” Mom answered this time.


“Mom? And what’s with the ‘finally’?” I asked as I looked at Amber searching for answers. This llama face is just smiling at me.


“Oh, Amber told us almost a year ago about her feelings for you. I kinda asked her about it and she confirmed it so yeah. Congrats on you too!” Mom explained.


I looked at Amber who now has a wider, stupid smile plastered on her face.


“Dork.” I whispered to her not to let my parents hear it.


“Going back to the topic Soojung. Could you please wake your sister up or check if she’s already awake before you guys do *cough* anything?”


I raised my eyebrow when my dad said that. The way he said that, I know he means another thing. I sighed before answering, “Yes Dad.”


“And Amber…”


“Yes Uncle?”


“Aish, call me Dad…”


“… and call me Mom!”


“Uhh… D-Dad?”


“Ahhh… Sounds great. Anyway Amber, keep everything down low okay? You have a lot of time to do ‘that’ so help Soojungie wake Jessica up.”


Amber giggled a bit before answering, “Yes Unc… I mean yes Dad.”


The phone conversation then ended. Finally!


I got down to kiss Amber once again but this time, she stopped me from doing so.


“I told your Dad that I’ll help you wake your sister up.”


“What?! But…” I pouted. C’mon pout, be effective!


Krystal Jung used POUT!


Amber then moved her face up to peck me on the lips. “Let’s do it again later Krys. Besides… I’m already hungry.”


It’s not very effective.


“Argh! If you don’t want to, then fine!” I said as I got up and got myself dressed.


“Hey… Are you mad?”


I didn’t respond and started walking towards the bathroom.


“Hey, Krys…”


Before I turn the knob to open the door to the bathroom, I turned around and stuck my tongue out on her.









“Yah Jung! What in the heck was that?!” She ran after me, but unfortunately for her, I already closed and locked the door.


“Make sure that you’re all dressed and ready once I got out of the bathroom.”


This time, I’ll make it right.


WE will make it right.


I smiled at my own reflection in the mirror, seeing how happy I am now.


I kept on looking for the perfect guy, when all along, I already found the perfect girl. Maybe life let these things happen to make me appreciate her more, for me to love her more and hold onto her more. I’ll never let you go again Amber.




Maybe the accident was also a blessing in disguise. It made me realize how foolish I am before that I never told her my feelings until it’s almost too late. I’m glad that we’re given a second chance to correct everything.


From this very moment in time, I just can’t see me with anybody else but Krystal Jung.


















“Hey Jess, wake up… It’s already late in the morning.”




“Sica, baby… Wake up now or I’ll get out of this room and flirt with some girls outside.”


“You do that Kwon Yuri, or I swear you’ll wish to have a time machine and go back to this time and prevent the pool of blood from occurring.”


“*gulps* Hehehe… I’m just joking. But you know, I think it wouldn’t hurt if we let people know that we’re dating.”


“But what about your career? I’m just afraid that…”


“I’m not just a model Sica, you know that. There are still other things that I can do. And besides, look at your sister and Amber. I think she, of all people will understand you. Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”


“Thanks Yul. But why of all people, my sister will understand me?”


“Just look at here and see how she flirts around with Amber… Are you sure they aren’t dating?”




*Takes a deep bow*


Thank you all for reading, commenting and subscribing. I know I could've done a lot of things here before ending it but things just didn't go well. School already started and I have to get back to the real business. hohoho.


Sorry for a lame ending, but still, I hope you liked it.


Even though I already ended this one, I still have Top Speed. It'll take time for me to update that one though, but I'll try my best to upload once a week.


Person Next To You - DONE

Top Speed - On-going

Untitled fic - "under construction"


Let's put on our bear masks and flip tables for tomorrow, we'll be zapped by f(x)'s Electric Shock. Don't forget to buy the mini-album... dance and flip tables 

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ (・o・) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again