Ch. 28- Notes

The Raven and the Dove

" Hey watch out!"

I could feel myself tumbling down, sticks scratching me, and I felt pain on my arm. Somebody was holding me though.....a boy about the same age as me. I couldn't open my eyes because I couldn't take the pain on my arm. I felt something warm fall down my arm but then I felt something cover it. It felt like a piece of cloth and I couldn't feel it fall down again.

" Are you alright? Can you hear my voice?" All I could do was nod my head in response. I couldn't make out his face but when he turned around I saw something red on his back. One of his sleeves was ripped and then he turned back to me. He was saying everything was going to be okay and that was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


Myungsoo's POV:

I woke up at the sound of my alarm and I noticed that I had ten minutes to get ready. I got out of bed immediately and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face and then put on my uniform as quickly as possible. Then I ran down the stairs so fast that I didn't notice that I left my bag up in my room. I ran back up to my room, grabbed my bag, and ran back downstairs. Before I put on my shoes there was a piece of toast in my face.

" Here take it. I don't want to hear your stomach growling in the middle of class. Now hurry up before we are late!"

" Thanks Sungyeol!"

We both put on our shoes and went to the car. The car ride to school was quiet and I didn't like it. I was about to strike a conversation until Sungyeol put his hand on my mouth. I could feel my face getting warm and then he lifted his hand away.

" Don't talk, I'm tired."

I nodded my head in response and we just sat there in silence. Even the driver was feeling awkward because of the silence between us. I thought today would be better but I guess I was wrong. He would usually talk about how tired he was of school and of work. Then he would be happy all of a sudden because he got to drink coffee this morning. Which reminds me that I didn't make breakfast this morning!

How could I get up late this morning! I made a promise to myself that I would make breakfast every morning! Maybe this is why Sungyeol is in a bad mood so early in the morning. Let's just hope he isn't like that for the rest of the day.

" Why are you staring at me?"

" H-Huh? Oh..sorry." I looked away even when I didn't know that I was looking at him. I could feel myself blush and I just looked out the window for the rest of the ride.



I arrived at school and I saw Sungyeol was around the corner. I didn't like how he would tell his driver to drop him off two blocks away but I understood that he didn't want anybody to know who he was. I waited for Sungyeol by the gates and then a car pulled in front of me. I saw the guy get out of the car and I rolled my eyes at the sight of the person.

" Hello Myungsoo-sshi."

" Hi Kris-sshi."

" So who are you waiting for?" I pointed at Sungyeol who was a few feet away.

" Ah I see. Well tell him I said hi then and also I need to talk to you before lunch. So wait before you head off to lunch with Sungyeol." I felt him put a hand on my shoulder and walked past me. I brushed off my shoulder thinking about the his germs touching me.

" What were you guys talking about?"

" Huh? Oh, nothing, he just wanted me to say hi to you for him."

" Okay then. Let's go to class then." We walked to class but when I looked at him, it looked like he didn't want to go at all.

We got to his locker but then he told me that I could go to class first. I did as what he told me thinking that he was just getting his books.


Sungyeol's POV:


I opened my locker and unfortunately there was another note. I opened the note and it said for me to disappear from their lives. My anger was getting the best of me and I crumpled up the note and threw it into the trash can. I was getting sick of these notes appearing in my locker and it made my days even worse. While walking to class I could heard somebody talking about me but I chose to ignore it.

" Hey what took you so long?" Myungsoo asked me right when I sat down in my seat.

" My locker got stuck that's all." He looked like he didn't believe what I said but he didn't ask anymore questions. Then I heard somebody come in with his girlish voice and jumped onto Myungsoo's desk.

" Looks like somebody is happy."

" Well at least somebody should be happy out of the three of us, Sungyeol-hyung! Anyways, Myungsoo I was wondering if you can help me study for a test tomorrow. Please!"

Sungjong was giving Myungsoo the puppy eyes which was disgusting to me and I couldn't take the sight of him. Myungsoo would usually say yes to anything Sungjong said, which made me angry for some reason, and go to his house. I know that Myungsoo likes Sungjong and should use this time to get closer to him, but sometimes I want to hold Myungsoo back. Whenever I have these thoughts I would feel selfish and bad because I want Myungsoo all to myself. Though seeing Myungsoo being happy with Sungjong made me happy so I can't help but let him go.

" Okay! I'm going to go home first and then I will come over to your house around 6." My heart clenched again when Myungsoo agreed but I had to let him be with Sungjong.

" Really!? Thanks hyung! Well got to go to class! Bye Myungsoo-hyung! Bye Sungyeol-hyung!" Sungjong left to go to his class and there was only Myungsoo and I.

I didn't feel like to talking to Myungsoo and put my head on my desk pretending that I was tired. I didn't hear him trying to talk to me, and I was a bit disappointed. My mind was thinking of turning back to him but my heart was waiting for him to initiate a conversation with me. Minutes went by and he never tried getting my attention and I gave up. I thought taking a peek at him would be fine but instead it was worse. He was happily smiling to himself and I sighed in disappointment.

He must be very happy to be able to be with Sungjong if he is happily smiling to himself, which makes him look like a fool. Whatever. I have bigger problems to deal with.

Somebody was calling my name so I looked up to see Kris waving at me. I waved back, he smiled, and I smiled back. Kris only smiles to a few people and one of those people was me, and I felt happy actually. Seeing Kris smiling at least made my day a bit better. Then I saw Kris glaring at somebody towards my way, and I looked to see he was glaring at Myungsoo. Myungsoo was glaring back at Kris, and my head kept going back and forth between the two of the. The way they were glaring confused me because they couldn't even stand looking at each other. In order to stop them from glaring at each other until they burned holes into each other, I kicked Myungsoo's chair and he glared at me.

" What was that for?"

" I was making you stop glaring at Kris. It looked like you were going to burn holes in him."

" Hmph. I want to burn holes into his head." I laughed at how childish he was being and his was surprised at my reaction. He pouted and I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks.

" Ow! Let go Sungyeol!"

" Haha! Your pouting is just too cute!" His face went red and then he slapped my hand away. He didn't look at me for the rest of the period but that was fine with me because I got to see his blushing face!


At lunch......

I was walking to my locker to see if there were anymore notes, and unfortunately there were actually three notes this time. Each of them said the same thing: "Stay away from them," " You don't deserve to be around them," and " Disappear." Anger was boiling inside of me as I read each note and I crushed all of them in my hand. I hit my locker with my hand, I could feel pain, but that didn't matter at all. All of these notes were starting to infuriate me and all I wanted was to beat up the people who wrote these notes.

As I was on my way to lunch, I threw the notes into the trash can, and walked to the lunchroom. I didn't feel like eating with anybody so I got some food and went up to the roof. I sat down and opened the wrapping of my sandwhich in silence. It felt quite nice; being by myself without having to worry about anything though I knew I couldn't escape forever. Then I heard the door open and I turned around to see Kris and Tao walking over to me. They had food in their hands too and sat down next to me.

" Why are you guys up here?"

" I could be asking you the same thing." Kris was eating and talking at the same time.

" Kris was worried about you because you headed out the lunchroom pretty quickly." Kris nudged Tao in the ribs and Tao laughed at him. I laughed at Kris too and then we were all laughing.

Thank you you two. It feels nice eating with you guys.


At the end of the day....


Myungsoo's POV:


I can't believe he called me cute this morning! Who calls Kim Myungsoo cute? He is going crazy I tell ya! He must have not ate breakfast this morning for him to be acting like that. Maybe he was just playing around with me to see how I would react! Very, very, very smart of him! I will get him later!

I was at home already because Sungyeol said he had to deal with some things before he came home. I changed my clothes and started on my homework until I heard the door open. I walked downstairs to see a tired out Sungyeol taking off his shoes and walking into the living room. From what it looked like, he had a tiring day at work, and I wanted to be of some use. I pushed Sungyeol down onto the sofa and started to massage his shoulders.

" W-What are you doing Myungsoo?"

" Just relax! I'm giving you a massage so you should be grateful that I'm giving you my services."

I kept on massaging him and I could tell that he was enjoying it by the way he closed his eyes. He kept on telling to massage in certain spots and keep doing it in the same place. When I massaged this one place though I heard something come out of his mouth. My ears jumped to the sound he made and I leaned over to ask what he just said.

" Did you say something?"

" U-Um, n-no I didn't say anything! Well thanks for the massage! I'm going to change and eat dinner." He got pushed away my hands and ran up the stairs to his room. He left me standing there confused and curious as to what he said, or what sound he made.

After a few minutes he came down and his face was red. It looked like he was sick so I put my hand on his forehead and then put it on mine. His forehead didn't feel hot and it didn't look like he was sick. I shrugged my shoulders thinking that he was okay and I went to sit in the living room. When I looked over to Sungyeol, he was still standing there.

" Why are you standing there?"

" H-Huh? O-Oh, haha, nothing. Anyways is ramyun fine? I'm too tired to make anything else."

" Yeah it's fine!"

I could smell him cooking ramyun and my stomach started to grumble loudly. I checked the time and it was 5:30 already. I didn't want to miss meeting Sungjong but I didn't want to go to his house on an empty stomach. Since the food sound a bit more appetizing, I decided to stay until it was done and head out right away.

" It's done!"

I ran to the dining room and saw Sungyeol carrying out two bowls of ramyun. I my lips at the smell of them and digged into them right away. While I was eating, I heard somebody laughing at me. I looked up to see Sungyeol laughing at me with noodles hanging out of his mouth. We then laughed at each other and soon we were done eating our dinner. I put away our bowls into the sink and ran up to my room to get my bag until I heard the doorbell ring. Slowly I walked out of my room and saw Sungyeol opening the door. There was two people standing at the door- Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya-hyung. Hoya-hyung didn't look to happy either.

I couldn't really hear anything until I heard yelling but I did see Hoya-hyung punch Sungyeol.


Sungyeol's POV:


I heard the doorbell ring and I checked the monitor to see Hoya-hyung and Dongwoo-hyung. I let them in and Hoya-hyung looked pretty mad to me. Then he held something in front of me and in his hands were the notes I threw in the trash can.

" What are these Sungyeol!? Tell me! Are you being bullied!?" I could tell Hoya-hyung was trying hard not to yell, but he was about to his reaching point.

" Where did you find these?"

" Dongwoo-hyung found them in the trash can close to your locker." I looked at Dongwoo-hyung who was had a guilty look on his face. I couldn't be mad at him because I knew he was just worried for me.

" They are just people trying to pull my leg, nothing else. Now if you please leave, I have to finish my homework." I was about to lead them to the door until Hoya-hyung yelled at me.


" Hyung! These aren't like death threats at all! You are overreacting!" I saw him even get more angry and I couldn't help but get more angry. " AND SINCE WHEN DID YOU CARE ABOUT ME ANYWAYS! JUST STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAVE!" Then I felt something hit my face and I fell down onto the floor. I touched my cheek, where Hoya-hyung hit me. Then on my hand I saw blood, touched my lips, and saw the blood was coming from my lips.

" FINE BE THAT WAY! I HATE DEALING WITH YOU AND YOUR PROBLEMS! I WISH MOM AND DAD HAD SURVIVED AND NOT YOU!" I saw hyung cover his mouth and I felt myself break. I could feel my heart shatter into pieces and that was when I had enough. I didn't want to argue with him anymore and I went to the door and opened it for them.

" Please leave."

" S-Sungyeol, please, y-you know that I didn't mean that." I shook my head and didn't look at him.

" Let's go Hoya." Dongwoo-hyung was leading Hoya-hyung out the door and then I felt him hug me. " I'm sorry Sungyeol, I shouldn't have showed him those notes." He let go and left with Hoya-hyung.

I closed the door once they were out and went into the living room. My legs were felling wobbly and I had to carefully sit down. I put my head into my hands and stayed like that until I heard Myungsoo's voice.

" S-Sungyeol? Are you okay?" I lifted up my head to see him looking worried.

" Sorry you had to hear that. You should probably go to Sungjong's house before you are late."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah it's fine." Then I saw him walking towards the door and I felt my heart beating faster and faster. My body unconciously got up by itself and before I knew it my arms were around Myungsoo.

" D-Don't go......Please stay with me."

I know I was being selfish but I needed him right now. I felt him unwrap my arms and turned towards me. He led me to the living room and sat me down. Then he went upstairs and when he came down he was holding a box. He sat down on the table across the sofa and he opened the box. He was carefully taking stuff out of the box and then I realized it was a first aid kit. He put some sort of liquid on a cotton ball and pressed it on my lips and I hissed at the sting.

" Bare with it."

I hissed in pain again and then he put ointment on it and it felt a bit better. Then he carefully put a band aid on it and closed the box. I felt happy that he took care of my wound. When I looked into his eyes I saw; trust, sincerity, and kindness. He was truly worried about what just happened now, and I truly felt happy. Then I took his hands into mine and said the words I have kept inside of me and the words he has waited to hear.

" I-I'm ready to tell you about my past."

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I'm almost done rewriting ch. 37 so please wait patiently!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 56: Wowww this is so goodd
Myungyeol is the best!!!
Vanja77 #3
Great story :)
nataliawong #4
This story is great. Please write more Myungyeol chaptered stories. You are my favorite writer.
This is the very first story I read since I joined AFF and is still by far my favourite. Smart, unique and very cute. Looking forward to your future stories. Ganbatte Kudasai!
Chapter 56: Reading this story for the 3rd time and it's like the more i read it, the more emotions i really feel as i read. I started chapter one a few days ago and I would text my friends in all caps about what was going on in this story and what emotions i would be feeling. This story is truly amazing and i love it so so so so so so so much ♡ You did an outstanding job writing this. Thank you for the lovely story, I'll be reading it again soon :D ♡
Chapter 56: This was my favourite myungyeol story so far. I absolutely love ĺove loved it!! Thank you soooo much for this amazong story.
Chapter 56: Finished this one!!! Kyaaa this is one of my favoritee!! Huhu finally theyve reach their trur happiness kyaa so beautiful!! youre so great authornim! Gawsh hope youll write more myungyeol fics! Ilove them so much huhu iloveyou authornim for making this wonderful fic!!
Japanda #9
Chapter 56: You know I was never one to read a fanfic this long but I stick through it because its so damn good. I know that you were trying to show us that love slowly develop to an eternal love and it's hard to realize. I like this concept and I'm glad I stick through to the end and see how these characters grow.
animelovingninja #10
Chapter 48: only tears~ 。・°°・(; _ ;)・°°・。