Chapter 9

You And I 2

Time- 7:58PM


I went to sit on a bench, looking to the front. Jin Hye was helping me check in my luaggage. Yoo Hyun was beside me, watching people walked to and fro infront of us. Yes, off I go to Singapore! Happy! I'm able to escape from this freezing weather although I love snow with all my heart.

"Excited?" Yoo Hyun asked, looking at me as I smiled to myself.

"Yeah...!" I exclaimed softly, the sunglasses covered my smile eyes. "I have waited for this day to arrive...!" He just chuckled softly to himself, looking infront. Soon, Jin Hye came back with the boarding passes. I jumped up, skipped my way to her, still smiling like a mad women.

"This excited?" She asked as she eyed me weirdly.

"I'm so excited!" I nearly started to jump if not for the weird stares I started to get. I know I appeared weird. With a pair of sunglasses, the hood from my coat was over my head. Who would still have sunglasses on when the sky was so dark outside? Anyway, I just have them on. I took my bag and followed where my managers went. We entered the departure hall and that was when I remember something. Gosh... I got myself all excited and forgot about this. Digging my phone out, I dialled 'you-know-who''s number. One ring, two rings, three rings and four rings.

"Yeobosaeyo?" I heard that voice and automatically, I smiled.

"Oppa..." I called, can't hide the happiiness from just now.


"I'm at the airport right now. Where are you?" I asked. My managers were a few steps behind me, looking into the duty-free shops.

"Going already? We still have something to tend to..." I turned when someone tapped on my shoulder and saw Jin Hye pointing towards a comestics store and then went in. I followed the both of them.

"Your flight is so much later than mine." I said, randomly looking at a bottle of perfume from the racks.

"It's your's that is early..." I coughed a laughter.

"Why are you always so busy? Your schedules can pile all the way up to the 15th storey where my unit is..." I talked back.

"It would be good then. I can work and can also see you whenever I want, since I have schedules stack all the way to your house..." I chuckled softly.

"Becareful not to fall. It's really high..." I heard him chuckled.

"So what are you going to do after you arrived there?"

"I don't know. Maybe sleep in the hotel? I have not sleep yesterday. I just went back to shower after '1 Night 2 Days's photoshoot and came to the airport." My eyes lit when I saw the price of a Burberry's perfume. It was so cheap!

"Sleep when you got up the plane. Rest well."

"Okay. You too. You are much more busier than me..." I pouted a little as I picked up a bottle of the perfume and passed it to the salesgirl who had been following beside me all the while. I smiled to her and she went to the counter with me behind her.

"Okay. I will find time to rest."

"Hm. Let me know when you arrived."

"Hm. See you in Singapore...~" I laughed softly.

"Okay. See you in Singapore." With that, we hanged up the call.

"Buying something?" I turned and saw both my managers behind me.

"Yeah. It's so much cheaper, unnie." I smiled as I gave the cash to the cashier. In the end, both my managers bought perfumes too. We walked out. The sunglasses were already off from my face and people started to recognise me. I simply smiled to them, walking together with my managers.

"Finished with your love chat with TOP~?" Jin Hye asked in a teasing tone, soft enough for the people staring at us not to hear.

"What do you mean by love chat? It's just a normal phonecall." I corrected.

"You are smiling throughout and you are saying it's just a normal phonecall?" Yoo Hyun in, eyeing me.

"I bet you don't smile when we called you." Jin Hye said. Oh my god. What is wrong with them?

"What you all say doesn't make me smile, that's why I don't smile." I talked back. How and why must I smile when all they say on the phone are reminding me about the schedules?

"Yah, I can't believe you just said that." Jin Hye pretended to be hurt which I just chuckled.

"I bet 10000 won that she would smile even when Seung Hyun is scolding her." Yoo Hyun said as he rolled his eyes. I coughed a laughter. Gosh, this is ridiculous. Are they jealous?

"Oppa," I tried to control not laughing. "Why must I smile when I was scolded? And how am I supposed to smile?"

"You would." He emphasised on the word 'would' and then started laughing with Jin Hye and they hi-fived each other. Gosh... They are childish! I eyed them weirdly, even though I was smiling, before looking to the front.

I fell asleep immediately when I arrived in the plane. Both my managers were also sleeping. The announcement by the plane woke me up from my slumber. I turned to the other side and rested my head on Jin Hye's shoulder, my eyes still closed. I heard them announcing that the plane would be landing soon, that was when I decided to wake up. I would end up still sleeping in the plane when everyone left if I don't wake up now. I held my neck and stretched it a little.

Walking out of the arrival hall, I was talking to Jin Hye. She was complaining about the backache she had after sitting for five 'good' hours in the plane. I went to take my luaggage and when the glass that seperates the arrival hall came to view, screams could be heard. Not that kind of big crowd, as my agency did not reveal the timing for my flight but still, I was shocked to see fans waiting for me. I can't imagine how long some of them could have waited. I smiled brightly as I walked passed them, not pulling my arms away when some of them tugged on me. Anyway, it wasn't those huge crowd afterall, so it would still be safe. I turned back and bowed to them when I was outside, ready to get up the vehicle prepared for us. I turned to the window and waved to them and the van drove off.

"Unnie..." I called in a whining tone as I slumped to the bed. I fell flat on my stomach onto the bed the moment we entered the hotel room. Jin Hye pulled the luaggages to the side and lied on the other bed too.

"Try whining to Seung Hyun too. Why are you only whining to me?" She asked, feeling unfair. "Stop acting as if you are not this kind of girls. When I told people what you are really like, they called me not to lie."

"How can I whine infront of him? You know I don't let other people know this side of me." I muttered. "I have to be strong and independent..."

"Then be strong and independent infont of me too!"

I don't want to..." I gave that whining tone again which made her sat up.

"Stop it..." She stared at me. Jin Hye isn't those kind who takes whining. She finds them irritating.


"What?!" She asked in a loud voice which made my lips curved up.

"I'm tired..." My face in the pillow and I shifted my face a little to the side so I can talk.

"Sleep then. Yoo Hyun would be next door so if there's anything, look for him. I will go to the TV station to get things done." She grabbed her bag.

"Becareful when you're on the way..." I said, hugging the other pillow as my eyes slowly fluttered closed.

It was 6PM. The concert starts at 8PM. I'm in the van, heading to the performance location. The stylist was combing my fringe. There would be a kind of short conference later on, just before the concert, for the reporters to ask questions and take a few pictures. Seung Hyun has not called. Maybe his flight was delayed or something. My flight was 9:20AM, while his was 12:45PM.
We soon arrived and got out. The phone was vibrating in my pocket and I guess it was Seung Hyun but I couldn't answer as I was nearing the door of the area where all the reporters would be. A male staff was at the door and she opened the door for me when she saw me, smiling. I smiled back and bowed a little before going in. Jin Hye slightly pushed me to go faster. I walked up the stage and bowed. Flashlights flashed everywhere. My managers stayed below and went to the other side where I would be exiting later.

"Good evening. I'm Yi Jung." I smiled and bowed again.

"It's your first time to perform in Singapore. How do you feel?" One of them asked, looking up at me with a notebook and a pen with her.

"This is the first time returning to my homeland after my debut. I'm not very sure what this feelings are. When I landed on Singapore, the first feeling was, wow... It's so amazing... My emotions are mixed. Happy, excited, nervous, anxious, touched... These are also what I am feeling right now."

"Singapore fans have been hoping to see you in person. What would you like to say to them?" Another asked.

"I'm always grateful and thankful to my fans. Because of their support and love, I'm able to stand here, in Singapore. Instead of just thanking verbally, I would like to express my gratitude through the performance later. For those who aren't able to come to join us, I would still like to thank all of them for making my dreams come true. I hope everyone would enjoy the night together with us." I smiled, finishing the last sentence.

"Okay, let's take a few pictures." The man who kept the 'conference' running said and I smiled, looking at the cameras infront of me.

"Thank you Yi Jung, for coming." I bowed again and walked down the stage, my managers were behind me when I exited.

I was then led to the backstage and we found our waiting room and quickly got in. The make-up artist touched up on my make-up. The stylist fixed my hair a little more while I took out my phone, remembering the phonecall just now. A missed call from Seung Hyun indeed. I dialled his number, placing the phone against my ear.


"Oppa." I called, looking at the mirror reflection to see the time from the clock behind us.

"Hey. We have landed. On the way right now."

"Is it? I'm already in the waiting room."

"Really? We got to speed up. We are a little caught in a traffic jam..."

"Traffic jam?" I asked, totally forgotten that it was peak hours then. "The concert is starting soon..."

"Yeah. We are about to reach. See you there?"

"Hm. See you." Then, the call was ended. My hair was fixed then and I stood up, handing my phone to Jin Hye. The three of us chatted.

"I got to go. Have some stuff to settle." Yoo Hyun suddenly said, standing up.

"Becareful on the way, oppa." I said to him, waving, even though I don't know where he was heading to. He picked up his bag and left.

"Where is oppa going?" I asked Jin Hye.

"To the TV station. You know it too." She replied.

"Didn't you just went?"

"We agreed to take turns. How can I be the only one doing all the work?" I chuckled softly.

"I got it..." I smiled to myself. "I will just practice a little." I said to her and stood up, going to my bag and took out my Ipod. Sticking the earpieces into my ears, I played the song I would be performing later on and faced the mirror, softly singing it. Tapping my foot along with the rhythme, I rehearsed over and over again. I was nervous, very nervous. Would I be able to do well for my first ever Singapore performance? Or would I just screw it? My heart was racing from all the nervousness. I wanted it to be a perfect stage. It must be. I can't afford to ruin all these... I removed the earpieces, still facing the mirror. I warmed up my vocal cords. Jin Hye just sat there, doing her own stuff. Then, I started to sing the songs without music. I just kept trying, not satisfied of myself. I tried harder, pushing my vocal cords opened and tried singing clearer and with more power. At last, I took a rest after I found myself acceptable. Time check, 7:30PM. Another half an hour before the concert starts. I could hear noise from outside. People rushing through the corridors, fast footsteps and when they talked, it was sort of urgent.
"Unnie..." I was so nervous as I turned to her, my hands clasped together as I glanced at the clock above her. "I'm trembling..."

"You can do it. Show what you got tonight." She stood up and patted on my shoulder. "Relax and just enjoy the time here."

"Can I have a hug?" I asked, still shivering a little. She chuckled softly and wrapped her arms around me.

"Fighting...!" She cheered softly before pulling back.

"Thank you, unnie. I'm going up then." I smiled and waved. MBLAQ would finished their performance in 5 minutes and I'm going up right now to be on stand-by mode. I smiled and bowed to the staffs behind the curtains and peeked outside. Oh gosh!!! So many people! I quickly turned back, heart banging my rib cage. Am I freaking out right now?! No...! As the other staffs were watching the performance from inside, I could not even take myself to peek one more time. My heart might just burst! When their second song was coming to an end, I freaked out more. I could even feel my insides trembling. It was like the time when I was having my debut stage! Looking down to check myself one last time, I fixed my skirt properly, tugging the edge down. When the host announced my name, instantly, the entire hall's lights were dimmed. I took a deep breath and walked out confidently. I thought I was about to faint as my eyes practically widened a little, just slightly, as I faced the audience, 1300 audience right before my eyes!

'Oh my god...' I could only repeat this in my head as I smiled, a mysterious one and began my performance. I then smirked, turning to face the audience with my back and raised my right hand, clicking my fingers and suddenly, the stage went black. Pitch-black. I could hear them cheered as the dancers entered the stage. We got into position and a few seconds later, the lights became dimmed and at last, bright as the music started. I was already facing the audience, doing the dance intro. Dancing the 'iest dance ever' taught by my trainer, I was laughing in my head. He always say that was the iest dance that was ever cheographed. Then I started singing. The back dancers did a great job and I was not that nervous anymore. I was indeed enjoying myself! I headed out to the extention of the stage when I was singing the last chorus, where it was surrounded by cheering fans. The dancers were behind me and were dancing freestyle, clapping as they kept jumping. I was leading the fans, heating up the atmosphere. We started making our way back to the main stage when the last verse came and we ended it with a pose. The audience roared with claps and cheers, whistling. All of us bowed and the dancers left, leaving me alone. The lights dimmed again and now, a soothing melody came. Cheers and claps were audiable again and I started to sing. 'Lovely love' was the title of the song. I know the name but anyway, it was about the relationship between a couple that was sweet, lovely of course and was every girl's ideal type of relationship with a guy. The song was written in such a way that it was a little unrealistic, like a fairy-tale, but again, it somehow reflected some elements from real life. It was a happy song. Okay, third song. It was the hit song that I released about a year ago. A pop song with simple cheography for ballad singers like me. Soon, I finished all three songs. Facing the passionate audience, I bowed and thanked them before exiting the stage. Behind the curtains, Jin Hye was there and I was smiling like hell, revealing my teeth. I was so happy, so relieved, so... So exicted and nervous too! Even after everything, my heartbeats were still as rapid.

"Good job...!" Jin Hye smiled to me as we headed back.

"Do you see how many people there are, unnie?" I asked, eyes widened from surprise. "I was freaking out!" I excitedly jumped a little, my smile eyes appeared again.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. You still have a chance to go on stage when it's the finale."

"Yeah!" She pushed the door opened and we entered the waiting room. Jin Hye then went to the vending machine and came back with two bottles of mocha.

"There you go. A prize for you." She extended the bottle to me and I gladly took it. I'm on diet and she gave me this? I don't usually drink or eat anything before singing as it would somehow affect my singing. Not even plain water. I still have a finale. But since I was in a good mood, I took a sip and placed the bottle on the table before going outside to hang out with others. Many of them were talking among each other, like Jin Woon was talking with his buddy, Nicole. I approached them.

"Hello." I waved and they waved back. I went to hang out with Seung Yeon and Gyu Ri who were just beside her.

"Unnie!" I called, still all excited about this event.

"Hey...!" Seung Yeon responded.

"Hello..." Gyu Ri waved, smiling like a goddness. She's really living up to her name.

"You're great just now. I was so addicted to your dance!" Seung Yeon exclaimed, starting to get excited.

"Yeah. The trainer who taught you that dance is teaching us a dance for our next album. He also taught us a little of your dance." Gyu Ri said.

"Really?" I asked, taken aback. "But oppa is so strict. God, I nearly collapse when I was learning that. His expectations were so high!"

"Yeah yeah! I could feel his powerful aura when we met him." Seung Yeon said and the three of us laughed. They then went back to their waiting room as their managers were looking for them. After all the talking, I got a little thirsty and went back to get the bottle of mocha and gulped down several mouth of it.

"Jung ah..." I turned back and saw Min Ji. Her orange head was really... Attractive and individual!

"Unnie!" I went to her and we hugged. "How is it?" I asked, referring the to performance.

"Wow... Simply wow! I don't expect that number of fans from Singapore!" Her eyes became slits from all those smiling.
"I'm so excited too...! I just don't know why! I'm still shaking at the thought of the crowd!" I sqeauled, gripping on her arm to stop myself from jumping.

"Yeah! Chae Rin Unnie was so shocked at the number of fans we have...! We nearly went blank on stage!"

"I nearly fainted!" I said back and the both of us laughed, super hyper.

"I need to go to the ladies'." She told me.

"I will go with you." I decided. The both of us continued to blabber about all the things. My manager wasn't in the room when I went to have a drink so I just went with Min Ji. I was infront of the mirror, looking at my reflection as I combed my finge with my fingers. I felt my stomach started to get a little weird, like my stomach started to churn. It wasn't the kind of pain when you have a upset stomach or a super serious diarrhea. I held my tummy, trying to overcome the weird feeling when the cubicle door swung opened. Min Ji came out, looking at her reflection on the mirror infront of her as she went to wash her hands.

"Let's go." She smiled, wiping her hands dry. I managed to smile, slowly dropping my hands to my sides and walked out together with her.

"Unnie, see you on stage...!" I smiled and waved energetically.

"See you!" Then the both of us turned back and went inside our rooms. Inside, I went to sit on the couch, feeling more and more uncomfortable. I stood up, went to grab the bottle of drink and checked the expiry date, thinking that that was the one causing my stomachache. The expiry date was one and a half year later... I sat on a nearest chair, clutching my stomach, head bowed as I clenched my teeth, bearing with the pain. My head shot up, hearing the door opened.

"U-unnie..." I called and forced a smile. My hands went to my sides and I sat up straight, as if nothing had happened. My face twicthed as the pain stays. "Where did you go?" I managed to ask casually.

"I was talking to some producers outside." She replied, smiling to me and walked to where her bag was. "So ready for the finale?" She asked, feeling excited for me. I nodded and smiled back, trying to look as excited as before. I guess I did a great job in acting as Jin Hye doesn't seem to notice my discomfort.

"Get ready to go up soon..." She said in an anticipating tone, eyeing me. I smiled and stood up, getting ready to to leave.

"Unnie, I can go up myself." I said, stopping her when she was standing up.

"Okay then. I will be there when you finished everything." I smiled and nodded. On my way out, I grabbed a plastic bag on the table without Jin Hye knowing as she was looking at her phone. I even feel like vomitting now. God... What am I going to do? I was in so much panic. What if I just throw up on stage? How?! So many questions popped up in my head and I was getting worried. I squashed the plastic bag into my pocket and slowly made my way up, afraid that I would just empty my stomach if I rush. I rehearsed a little mentally on what to do on stage and I was like looking into a bleak future when I remember that I had to jump and dance. Oh my god... Please, God... Bless me this one time... Please... I prayed silently.

When the music came on, all of us ran out from the backstage, and immediately started jumping to the beats. Hands in the air, the audience just went wild. All of us just dance. We don't know what we were dancing but we just ran around the stage, sang and danced and jumped.

"Come on, everybody!" Someone screamed from the stage, but I didn't bother who that was. I was still praying for this to end nicely. This was the only thing I hoped.

"Get high, Singapore!" I screamed into the mircophone and instantly, everybody responded by cheering. Some even got up on their seats and jumped together with us. Some waving their banners and lightsticks. When everything ended, I was really feeling sick, but I was determined to finish this, to close this concert pleasantly. Everyone on stage was taking turns to say something and when it was my turn, I took a deep breath and held the mircophone to my lips.

"I hope everyone enjoyed this night as much as we did. It is a rare opportunity for us to stand here and gather with all of you. I'm really happy that I have a chance to even come back to Singapore and I would like to thank everybody present for making this concert possible. And of course, thank you for your love and support. I would continue to strive and achieve better results in the future. Thank you." I bowed at the last sentence. I was taking in breaths through my mouth to control myself. I really think I was about to throw up. Please... A while more... Not now... I was glad that finally, everyone had said their piece and we bid farewell before going in. When I was about to reach the curtains, my pace went faster and immediately went behind the curtains to 'hide'. My hand reached for the pocket behind and pulled out the now crumped plastic bag. The urge came again, and before I knew it, my hands brought the plastic to my mouth and I bolted down the way. Running back to the waiting room... How am I suppose to vomit infront of everyone and cause a fuss?

Reaching for the doorknob, I slammed the door closed instantly and went behind the door, and there, I vomitted. The taste of the fluid tasted funny. I looked into the plastic bag and found the content white. White foam! Then I realised, the fluid tasted like detergent! Oh god! What happened?! Before I have another second to think, another wave overtook me and I threw up more. Feeling weak, I fell back to the wall and slided down. My legs bent, against the door to prevent anyone from coming in. When I felt a force on the door, my bent leg pressed a little harder, afraid that it wasn't Jin Hye. Things like this, I would try to only let her know.

"Jung ah?" The force exerted became stronger and upon recognising Jin Hye's voice, my legs loosened, resting them on the floor instead, allowing her in.

"Jung ah!" She came in and when she turned back, seeing me leaning back on the wall, eyes half-closed. She got infront of me, kneeling down as she grabbed my hands. Noticing that bag of gross liquid in my hands, her eyes widened in horror.

"What happened to you?!" She shrieked, shaking me a little to stop my eyes from closing. "Jung ah...!" I was in the verge of tears already. It was so umcomfortable... My head bowed down instantly when I felt another waved and out came the white foam.

"Am... Bulance... Unnie, the ambulance..." I said softly. She immediately got my message and pulled out her phone. "995..." I told her the number for Singapore's emergency hotline. Her fingers touched the screen a few times and soon, she put down her phone and got on her feet.

"Get up..." Jin Hye pulled me up and opened the door wider. "Let's wait outside. The air will be better." I nodded weakly. She slung my arm around her and guided me out.

"Don't be scared. You would be fine..." She cooed when she heard my soft sobs. Everyone walking passed kept their eyes on us, thinking what happened.

"Jung ah, what's wrong?" G.0. appeared and asked, supporting my another arm. "What happened?" He asked again when I gave no response. I shook my head weakly and continued to take small steps when my legs grew completely weak and fell to the ground.

"Jung ah...!" Jin Hye cried, trying to get me on my feet again. G.O. was about to lift me up when I heard footsteps running towards us and stopped infront of me, reaching for my shoulders.

"Jung ah...?" I opened my eyes slowly and saw Seung Hyun infront of me, staring at me in sheer shock and surprise. "What's wrong with you?" He gently shook me when my eyes closed again.

"Come, I will get you out." Before I could even open my eyes to see what he was doing, I felt myself lifted and when I opened my eyes to see, I was already in Seung Hyun's arms. He was running to the lift lobby and immediately hopped into the lift which was already there and pressed a few buttons. The door of the lift closed and up it went. My eyes closed unconsiously, the side of my head slightly against on his body as the engergy in me continued to drain off.

"Open your eyes..." His hand hooking my legs tapped my thighs, 'waking' me up. "Nothing will happen." And with that, the door opened and he almost sprinted out. Out in the opened area, I could see some people standing around and guess they were the audience just now, waiting for the additional fan-signing sessions held later on as they were talking about the concert. Soon, a series of ambulance siren was heard and this caught the attention of the people. Their eyes shot to the two of us when our presence was noticed. I could see them coming closer, hands by their mouths as they tried to figure out who we are. They gasped, noticing Yi Jung and Big Bang's TOP just a few meters away from them. In usual cases, they would just go mad and ran towards us, but seeing me in Seung Hyun's arms made them guessed the situation correctly and kept tehir distance. The ambulance stopped infront of us and the staff pushed the roller bed out. Seung Hyun placed me on it and I was pushed into the vehicle, with him following me.

"Oppa." I grabbed his hand, stopping him. Jin Hye, who arrived beside me, looked at me puzzled. "Don't come." I breathed. But he ignored me, just getting up the ambulance.

"Leave..." I continued to 'chase' him off. There is a fan-sign session so what is he trying to do following me to the hospital? What about the other members? What about the fans?

"I'm going to be with you." He declared.

"Unnie..." I looked at Jin Hye, hinting her that I don't want Seung Hyun to be here.

"Seung Hyun- ssi, please leave. She needs to go to the hospital quick. Leave." Seung Hyun turned to me and I told him to get out of the vehicle with my eyes. Everyone knew how stubborn I was. Even more stubborn than him. He sighed in defeat and squeezed my wrist. I forced an assuring smile to him before he headed out. The door then slammed closed and the vehicle started moving. As the staffs started to do their jobs, checking on me and pumping oxygen to my mouth, my eyelids got heavier and they slowly closed...
Hi everybody. Sorry for the late update. I guess I won't be able to update until 21 January 2011 as I would be returning home late at night. So... Yeah... Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. ^^

P.S. I only realised the comments written below. God, I did not even realised there's an notification in yellow beside the 'Settings' icon when there are new comments... Goodness... Blur me.



 To happyteatime, Hi. Happy belated new year. I just saw your comment recently. Sorry about it. Thanks for supporting! ^^







Started- 7:58PM, 100111
Stopped at '-', 9:34PM, 100111

Continued- 8:20PM, 110111
Stopped at '--',  9:01PM, 110111
Continued- 9:10PM, 120111
Stopped at '---', 10:08PM, 120111

Continued -8:31PM, 130111
Ended- 10:06PM, 130111

Posted on- 10:44PM, 140111

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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue