Chapter 8

You And I 2

Time- 4:29PM

"Yeobosaeyo?" I answered, not even looking at the caller ID before I picked up the phone. Still staring at what Ji Yong was doing on the screen with me sitting beside him, I looked down to the music sheet that we roughly came out with earlier.

"Jung ah, where are you?"

"I'm in the mist of composing the song, unnie." I told my manager.

"Be at the salon by 4PM, remember?"

"Yeah, I have not forgotten it."

"Okay, I shall not disturb you further." Then, she hung up. I placed my phone back on the table and continued to stare at the screen.

"Busy later?" Ji Yong asked, clicking on the mouse as he adjusted the pitching.

"Yeah, to the salon." I replied, supporting my chin with my palm.

"Can your hair be any shorter?" He asked normally, fixing his gaze on the monitor, but I can hear that he was trying to tease me.

"Maybe I shall shave off the hair at the sides too?" I replied nonchantly, playing along with him.

"So that you have a couple hairstyle with hyung?" He glanced at me.

"You too, shaved the sides." I answered, reminding him that Seung Hyun was not the only one 'hairless' at the sides. "The three of us can form a new group and even model for 'Dreams'. I will dye my hair brown." I smiled. "Good idea right? Plus, we have a song together. We will perform with that hairstyle." My eyes lit up, thinking that I was such a genius to think of that, but of course, I was just joking. How can I shave my hair?!

"Then I'm not performing. It's so embarassing. Are you planning to get on the headlines or something?" He laughed.

"It's not only you who care about your image. Over my death bed, I will not shave." I shot back, eyeing him. " So how is it?" I then turned back to the screen.

"Almost done. I was wondering about this one." He clicked and the melody came. Then one of the pitch got a little high and I chuckled softly.

"Of course that can't be. It's too high." I said. "Maybe a key lower." He then clicked a few more times and the melody came. "Okay." I smiled. The first verse was done! He stretched in his seat and I tilted my head a little, stretching my neck.

"You know how to play violin right?" I nodded, giving him a wondering look.

"How about we include violin in the making of the melody and you play when we record it?"

"I'm fine with that." Although this meant more work and practice, I was okay with it since it was our song and it would be good if we contributed more. He spun around in his chair and rolled himself to the table behind us. I went to take out my violin from the case and held it like it was a guitar, the bow in my other hand. He took the instructment from me and lightly pulled the strings. After awhile, he passed it back to me, sliding the paper infront of me.

"Can you play this?" He asked, looking at me. I rolled my chair nearer to the table and leaned in to see the notes. I lifted the violin to my shoulders and pressed my chin lightly on it, supporting. Holding the bow right, I followed the music notes that Ji Yong wrote and began playing, rubbing the bow against the strings. After the whole song, I looked at him.

"It sounded a little weird here." I pointed one of the notes where I thought strange as I was playing. I played that part again and he tilted his head, staring at the paper. "How about this?" I lowered that particular key to an 'A' instead of a 'B'. He turned back to the screen and inserted the notes into the melody and played it. It did came out weird, I feel. He then changed the note that I suggested and played again.

"Okay." He nodded, changing the note on the paper. We kept editing the music sheet for the violin, leaving aside what we started first.

"Shall we have a nap first?" His head already on the table and mine was also not much lifted from the surface. I came to his dorm when it was like, 7AM? And the time was 1PM then. His dorm has the equipment so I just came here. When he said that, my eyes went to shut itself. Sitting opposite each other, we buried our heads in our arms. Then we heard a knock, I did not lifted my head, just shifted my cheek against my arm, looking from the side. Ji Yong lifted his head a bit, to see who it was. I saw Dae Sung at the door.

"Hyung, why is the door closed?" He asked. Then he came in, holding a bottle of coke. He looked at the scripts scattered around the table.

"Go out. Why are you looking at those?" Ji Yong pushed his waist, trying to shoo him, but Dae Sung just ignored him. I smiled, looking at the two of them. Ji Yong's irritated face and Dae Sung's 'whatever' face. Things must be kept as a secret to others before it is released to the public, so of course Dae Sung was not allowed to peek, since he wasn't involved in the making of the song. All artistes know this. Dae Sung went over to the screen, even moving the cursor. "Aish, you...!" Ji Yong stood up, pushing his hand off the mouse. "What are you doing?" He asked, stopping him.

"I'm just looking." Ji Yong pushed his back, pushing him to the door. "Why are you pushing me?" Dae Sung asked, trying to get away from Ji Yong. Dae Sung was at the door then.

"You are just here to fool around right?" Ji Yong blocked Dae Sung from coming in. "Don't disturb us." Then he pushed Dae Sung out, closing the door.

"I'm going to tell TOP hyung!" He screamed from outside which nearly made me burst out laughing. Tell Seung Hyun what? That instead of working, we were sleeping? And Ji Yong even told him not to disturb us when we were taking a break?

"This boy really..." He muttered, going back to the chair, lying back on the table. I smiled to myself, seriously tired.

"He's cute." I muttered.

"It's always cute at first, annoying is the word you would use to discribe when you stayed with him for a long time." He muttered back.

"No..." I objected softly. I liked people like this. Making noise, creating a lively atmosphere. Just look at my house. Everytime I open the door, silence welcome me. Maybe it was because I lived alone, so I prefer someone to annoy me. I completely closed my half-closed eyes and soon, I dozed off.

Everything was fine until I heard sound. I stirred, snuggling deep into my arms. Peeking from my arms, I saw a pair of hands, gathering all the scripts into a stack. I stared at the pair of hands. When did Ji Yong's hand got bigger...?

"Woke up?" I heard someone said. Oh my god, this voice... My head shot up, eyes widened. Sitting up, I quickly fixed my hair.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled, looking at my slightly 'panic' state. "Acting as if you did something wrong." He eyed.

"You aren't teasing me again right?" I asked, totally knew what he meant. Sleeping together with Ji Yong, on the same table, heads buried in our arms...

"I flew back the moment Dae Sung broke the news to me..." He squatted beside me so he was at my eye level.

"He really told you?!" My eyes widened. I didn't expect him to really be that... Okay, like what Ji Yong always say, childish.

"What's wrong with you? He just told me he was starving and called me to buy food for him." He stated. I slapped his shoulder playfully, rolling my eyes. God, he really loved to tease me! I'm losing soon... Think of something, Yi Jung... Come on... "You look like you are guilty of something..." What the hell... Guilty of what?

"Oh, what's with the jealousy?" I smiled, teasing him back. He looked away and smirked. I smirked too, challenging him.

"Jealous, did you just say?"


"Oh no, I'm not." He shook his head.

"Then is that possessiveness?"

"Of what?" He continued to pretend.

"Let's stop. This is getting nowhere." I said. I don't even know why we were entertaining each other with such lame conversations. Standing up, I went out.

"Good morning." Dae Sung said cheerfully, eating with Seung Ri at the table.

"Good morning, JaeSuSshi." 'JaeSuSsi' means sister-in-law. Seung Ri said, smiling to Dae Sung after that. I went to sit opposite Dae Sung and beside Seung Ri. Seung Hyun sat at my other side.

"Dae Sung oppa, I don't know you are that childish." I stated. I knew he sure said something to Seung Hyun.

"What did I do again?" He asked, feeling wrong. I looked at him, lips slightly curved up. He looked so cute! "I just asked hyung to buy us food." He stated.


"And I told him to check out the song in the room." He innocently said and the next moment, he started laughing, giving a hi-five to Seung Ri. I suppressed myself from laughing. What else can I say when that guy actually said that and behaved like a child?

"So how's the song?" Dae Sung turned to Seung Hyun who was unwrapping the food.

"Ji Yong had the final draft under his arms." He answered, still focused on the food.

"Since Ji Yong hyung didn't allow him to see, he sent Seung Hyun hyung to steal glances at the song." Seung Ri said to me, motioning to Dae Sung. "Hoping that Ji Yong Hyung would be afraid and gives in. He's so stupid right?"

"Well..." I shrugged, smiling. I turned to Seung Hyun when he pushed the packet of rice to me.

"I don't know you are here, so I didn't buy your food."

"I only eat cucumbers." I reminded him of my diet.

"I will keep it as a secret. Yah," He turned to the members at the table. "What's here, remains here."

"I got it. There's no such thing as dieting in Big Bang's dorm." Dae Sung said, digging in. Seung Ri just ate.

"Quickly eat." Seung Hyun urged me.

"Actually I'm not hungry. Don't feel like eating meat." I said. I actually wanted to eat cucumbers. Suddenly have the cravings for it. I pushed the packet back to him and smiled. "Don't worry about me." Then, I went back to the room and dug for my lunchbox in my bag. I got back to the table, opening the cover of the container, revealing slices of cucumbers. Dae Sung and Seung Ri stared at me.


"Just amazed how you survived with those." Seung Ri blurted. "You have strong will..."

"Of course. I'm Yi Jung." I said, then laughed. Throwing a slice of cucumber into my mouth, I chewed and enjoyed, as though it was heaven.

"You're back." I turned back to see Ji Yong walking out of the room, yawning.

"Hyung, join us." Dae Sung said and Ji Yong went to sit beside him.

"Where's Young Bae?" Ji Yong asked.

"He went to work out." Seung Ri said, chewing. Ji Yong nodded, looking at the food before him. Then his head suddenly shot up.

"Yah!" He suddenly raised his voice, scaring the hell out of us. "How many times have I told you not to wear my clothes?"

"My clothes are not dry yet..." Seung Ri stated nonchantly, not even looking at him.

"You rascal, I just bought that 2 days ago! I have not even wore once!" Ji Yong was so dumbfolded, that he stared at Seung Ri then his shirt, mouth in an 'O' shape. "You get up." He finally put down the spoon and went to Seung Ri, pulling him up by his arm. "Go change. I don't care if Jung is here, come out . Just return my shirt!"

"I got it! What is wrong with you..." Seung Ri eyed him and went to his room. I was controlling myself from laughing out loud throughout the 'show'. Seung Ri just wouldn't learn...

"I really cannot stand him..." He muttered as he returned to his seat.

"You don't have to get so agitated." I said as I surpressed myself.

"I bought it for the performance and he wore it before me...!"

"Seung Ri is just too obsessed with G-Dragon. Wanting to surpass him?" Dae Sung said, flashing his famous smile. I chewed on another cucumber, finally can't hold in any longer and started giggling, the back of my hand against my lips. The three of them just watched me.

"Okay, sorry." I finally calmed down but I was still smiling. Seung Ri then returned in a plain white tee and Ji Yong 'glared' at him.

"Here." Seung Ri handed the shirt to Ji Yong and Ji Yong snatched it, still shooting him a look. Oh god, I'm going to laugh again... I happened to see the clock and realised the time was already 3PM.

"Omo!" I nearly jumped. Everyone turned their heads to me.

"What's wrong?" Seung Hyun held my wrist, watching my expression.

"I got to go. I still have something on." I ran back to the room to grab my bag. "Ji Yong oppa, let's continue next time." I ran to the door. "Bye." I waved to them, sliding my feet into the shoes. Seung Hyun was before me.

"Slowly." He said when my hand hit the doorknob as I sprung back too fast, not noticing it.

"Bye oppa." I smiled and waved before running off.

"Becareful." He called through the hallway which I just ignored. My manager is sure going to kill me. She always want me to reach earlier. Hopping into the car, I quickly started the engine and sped down the road.

"Unnie!" I pushed the glass door and called, running to her.

"Go sit. The hairdresser is reaching soon." She urged me, pushing me to the seat. I sat down and placed my bag on my lap, steadying my breath. "So how it's going?"

"Good. Unnie, you can anticipate this one." I winked. She laughed.

"I will be anticipating it then." Soon the hairdresser came. My hair became a little kind of bob head, like a mushroom. The length of my hair did shortened a little, just a tiny little bit.

"The concert in Singapore is nearing. Excited?" My manager asked when we were walking out of the salon. I nodded my head, energetic.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I was sure I looked like a kid, smiling gleefully, since now even my hairstyle looked cute.
Hello. It's new year eve! How many more hours until 2011? Let's see... About 4 hours and 18 minutes? Haha! Happy new year in advance, everybody! :D Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! ^^




Started- 4:29PM, 311210
Ended- 7:39PM, 311210

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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue