Chapter 21

You And I 2

Today is the first day of the new year and yet, I was stuck with the drama production team. We were actually having an early dinner that I treated the crew and I was having a chat with Seung Gi to discuss about the schedule for NGMiracles. 

"No, they can't afford to stop." I said, opposing to the idea of letting the members return home to spend time with their family.

"Hm, I think that way too."

"How about we just let them rest early today and treat them a meal?" I suggested.

"Okay. Are you coming over?" 

"I'm left with only a few scenes. I will rush over right after that." 

"Call me when you arrived."

"Hm." And I ended the call.

"Are you rushing off later?" Min Ah asked as I placed my phone on the table. 

"Yes." I replied with a kind smile, picking up my chopsticks to eat again.

"Oh... So you won't be joining us later?" I looked at her wonderingly. "The Big Bang members just came back from Japan and we will be meeting later. Seung Hyun oppa didn't ask along?" I shook my head slowly. 

"No, he didn't."

"Oh..." She gave a nod. "I thought I will have a chance to know you better. I guess next time." Was that a smirk on her face? Even though her words seemed no harm, but her tone doesn't sound right. Like... She was seeing me as inferior. As if in the eyes of Big Bang, I was in a much smaller position than her. I was totally okay with Seung Hyun not calling me out. He knew I was busy. But after Min Ah saying this, I can't help it but feel slightly awful. Seung Hyun didn't invite me to join them. I took a glance at Min Ah to see her texting on her phone and I sighed inwardly unknowingly.  It's okay, Jung. Don't think so much. For all you know, Seung Hyun might call you up to check on you later. I forced a slight smile and shrugged, feeding myself a few more stalks of vegetables. After everything was done, I bid farewell to the people and left, following my managers into the van. 

"Oppa, you can please stop by the coffee house? I want to get some snacks." 

"For the kids?" Yoo Hyun asked casually at the driver's seat, staring at the front. 


"Don't spoil them." Jin Hye said, eyeing me.

"The amount of practice they will be getting will not decrease. It's just... I know how hard it is for them." I replied quietly. 

"Jung Jun should hear this." She talked back, rolling her eyes as I just smiled. Jung Jun... I don't know, I seemed to pay more attention to him. Maybe that's because he is different from the other two. 

I returned to the van with Yoo Hyun with a carrier of cakes and pastries. Although these were common food, I hope they will still feel warmth spending the festive occasion with us.  When I arrived at the restaurant where Seung Gi asked me to head to when I called him, I immediately spotted them at one of the tables. Smiling brightly as I approached them, they greeted me.

"Hello. How are you guys?" I asked the kids and turned to Seung Gi to say hello. "Hi, oppa." 

"We are doing good." Kyung In answered with a small smile. Eun Sung and Jung Jun seemed a little down, and I guess they wanted to go home. Kyung In is a trainee for years so he knew they won't be able to go home but for the two who are new... 

"Ah... I suddenly miss my parents..." I heaved out a heavy breath with a faint smile, looking at them. My heart went out for these kids. They must really want to see their parents and I wanted to convey the message to them that I understand how they feel. "You know what, I often thought of just buying a ticket and fly back without letting President know. Shall I l? Oppa?" 

"What's wrong with you?" Seung Gi asked with a snort, seeing me get whiny.

"What, you even said you want to head to Jeju to see your girlfriend last year." I talked back. Suddenly, the kids' attention went to him. 

"You are in a relationship, oppa?" Eun Sung asked whisperingly, eyes widening.

"Yah, why are you digging out the past? I don't have a girlfriend now." He shot at me, horrified that I spilled out his secret. I suppressed my laughter, turning away. "You are really too much. Eun Sung ah, you are a fan of Micky-ssi, right?" He added, turning to the girl. She nodded.

"She rejected him when he confessed to her." My eyes shot to him and my eyeballs nearly bulged out. He is revenging on me this way?! Eun Sung gasped.

"Oh my god! Unnie!"

"Oppa...!" I ignored her and called, shocked. 

"Why? You can and I can't?" Seung Gi rolled his eyes, turning away and reaching for his cup of water. I turned to the kids. Even though the two boys didn't have a dramatic reaction like Eun Sung, I can tell that they were surprised. 

"Kids... Things like these... What's here remains here, okay...?" I gave an awkward smile and turned to glare at Seung Gi. This betrayer...

"Why, unnie?!" Eun Sung exclaimed softly. 

"Tell them." Seung Gi urged, tilting her chin to the others. What?! 

"Okay..." I sighed. "I can tell you guys everything, but can you promise this is just between us?" Kyung In and Eun Sung nodded and I turned to Jung Jun who didn't give me any response. 

"Fine." He shrugged. And there, I told them everything. Everything.

"Oh my god...! You should have accepted him!" Eun Sung cried.

"I told you I was already liking Seung Hyun-ssi then." I laughed a little. 

"But he is better than TOP!" 

"Eun Sung ah," Kyung In called in a strict tone and she immediately kept quiet while I smiled at his response. A leader, indeed.

"It's okay." I smiled at Kyung In and his gaze softened. "I guess it is not the matter of who is better but who you actually fell for." I continued when I turned to Eun Sung.

"Yeah, but still..." Her voice faded.

"Hey, why do you sound so disappointed... I'm doing okay." The pout remained in her face. "Okay, I will introduce him to you." I wriggled my eyebrows and she gasped, eyes widening. 

"No, no...! It's okay...!" We laughed softly while she pouted at us. 

"He won't even look at you." Jung Jun said with a smirk. 

"Yah, you have a serious problem with me, huh?" Eun Sung shot back. Turning back to me, she started. "Unnie, you don't know how mean he is. He picks on me at everything I do and say!" 

"That's because you pissed me all the time." Jung Jun talked back causally.

"He doesn't call me noona, doesn't talk to me much and is cold towards me." She continued and I turned to him, smiling faintly. 

"You all have to get along, okay? When things get hard, all of you will be the support for one another." We were disturbed when the food came and I changed the topic. "Okay, let's eat. Happy new year, guys!" They smiled at my enthusiasm and Jung Jun smirked before digging in. I watched them eat, especially the kids, happy that they were feeling better on this day even though Seung Gi and I scarified our secrets. 

We went out of the restaurant after supper and stopped by the road. 

"Here." I handed the members the cakes and pastries. "Rest well today. Just hang in there a little more. I promise, if your foundation is strong, things will be smoother down the road." I encouraged. 

"Thank you, noona." Kyung In took the carrier and I waved at them as they entered Seung Gi's car. 

"Not coming?" Seung Gi asked. Shaking my head, I smiled faintly. 

"I will take a cab. Quickly send them back. They had a long day." 

"You will be okay? I can give you a lift too." 

"It's okay, I might be shopping around." 

"Okay then. See you soon." We waved and the car left. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep as I tilted my face up slightly, feeling the coldness of the weather. I continued walking on the pavement, suddenly had the thought of checking the time. Fishing out the phone from my bag, Ye Jin's name flashed on the screen with an envelope icon beside it.


From Ye Jin

Unnie, where are you? Hye Yoon unnie invited me over to play and asked me about you. She said to ask you over if you have time. Are you still filming? Come join us. I have not seen for you quite some time too...! I miss you so much!


A smile played on my lips and I called to see if it is okay for me to go over despite the time. They gladly agreed and I picked up pace, walking towards the road and flagged for a taxi. 

As I dropped off the taxi, I walked over to the gate and rang the bell. Aunt came to answer.

"They are at the pool." She invited me in kindly and I greeted her. I went to greet Seung Hyun's father before going over to the pool outside. I slid the glass door opened and poked my head out, scanning the area for them. Strangely, the area was empty. Furrowing my eyebrows, I pushed the door open wider and stepped outside, turning my head to and fro. Aunt may have mistaken. Maybe they weren't here. It's cold and they won't probably be intending to swim, right? Still, I walked towards the pool, enjoying the coldness of the night breeze. The indoor slippers that I was wearing absorbed the water from the pool as I was walking along the side. It's warm... I stared at the surface of the water. Maybe they really intended to swim...? I was about to turn around and head back inside to look for Ye Jin and Hye Yoon when out of a sudden, an arm hooked my neck from behind, causing me to gasp in fright and surprise. 

"Did you break into my house?" That deep and hoarse voice rang in my ears. He's home? I held his wrist and turned around, carefully not to fall into the pool. I met his warm smile. 

"Oppa," I smiled nevertheless. "You're home." 

"Hm. Just a moment ago and omma told me you are here after I changed." I only smiled, nodding.  "I thought you didn't have time. Should have asked you over for food. Seung Ri actually treated." I chuckled softly.

"Really? He must be really happy since it's rare for him. You and the other member didn't ask me along." I pretended to play along as I was really curious as to why he didn't ask me if I would like to go over.

"I'm sorry. I heard from Min Ah that you guys are really stressed as time is running out and you told me you might not have anytime today." I stared at him for what he said. Min Ah said that we are stressed out? I mean, yes. I feel stressed, but isn't it a little weird for someone to tell the whole world about it on your behalf? I didn't even mention about me being stressed. She said 'we' are stressed and she could still make it to the gathering with Big Bang while I can't? 

'Unnie, you look very stressed. Please take care of yourself.' I remember her saying. Yeah, maybe it was really that obvious that I was feeling pressurised, but still...

"Everything is going well. So it ended early today." I dismissed my negative thoughts about Min Ah and said quietly. She is just concerned about you and of course she has more free time than you. You are the main female lead. Of course you have more scenes than her.  Seung Hyun leaned in and pressed his lips tenderly on my left eye, which fluttered close in response. Hands on my waist, he stared into my eyes.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly and I shook my head, giving him a smile. 

"You have gain weight, oppa." I said tenderly, just giving comments. "What have you been eating in Japan?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Is this the only thing you can say? Yah, we have not seen each other for a week."

"I'm just saying. Your thighs look bigger." I patted his left thigh and he looked down with a laugh.

"I ate a lot just now. As you say, it's rare for Seung Ri to treat us. So I took full advantage of it." He said quietly as he stepped nearer and embraced me.

"I saw you stuffing yourself with Japan's delicacies in a Japan's broadcast." I eyed him playfully, clearly remembering that programme that I watched where they were featured in. 

"Every member ate too."

"And you looked the happiest." I cocked my head to the side, having fun with all the teasing.

"For teasing me, I will get back at you." He declared, shooting me a look as he loosened his grip on my waist while all I do was chuckling inwardly.

"Charlie, come." The door to the kitchen slid open, leading us to break our eye contact and turning to the direction. Ye Jin was seen coming out with Hye Yoon behind her. Both holding onto plates and glasses with Charlie walking between them. Instinct: Get ready to run. I stepped back as I saw the pet hurriedly followed behind Ye Jin towards my direction.

"Careful." A firm tug on my arm stopped me from moving further and I turned back, seeing the waters right behind me. Seung Hyun smiled as he shook his head a little, letting go of me as he headed forward and scooped Charlie up in his arms.

"Unnie...!" Ye Jin called cheerfully, placing down the things on her stand onto the table and gave me a hug. I smiled and embraced her in return. I greeted Hye Yoon and she greeted back. 

"Seung Hyun ah, what you are doing?" I turned to where Hye Yoon was looking and saw Seung Hyun by the pool, removing the clothe Charlie was wearing. "Put it back on. He will be cold." He ignored his sister and when the pet was , he lifted him and slowly guided him inside the pool. I let out the laughter that I had been suppressing. Just imagine, an adult man squatting by the side of pool, full concentration on lifting up a dog's limb as he pulled down the cute little clothing, then pushing it into the water. 

"You're weird." Hye Yoon commented, furrowing her brows though she couldn't hide her smiles anymore. Ye Jin was also entertained by that bingu boyfriend of mine. 

"Are you going down like this?" Ye Jin asked, motioning to my attire. 

"You're planning to swim?" I asked back, can't help to feel surprise even though I have already guessed it. 

"You don't say?" She gave me that 'duh' look and I knotted my brows. 

"Don't say that to me when you know I still can't get the link between the meaning and that sentence." Tsk, I just don't understand why people say that when the meaning is like you are stating the obvious. Where's the link...?! 

"You're wearing black, right?" Hye Yoon came to the beach chair beside me, dropping the robe around her on it. I nodded, clearly knowing that I was wearing a black oversized graphic tee. "The water is warm, so just come along." She smiled to me, heading over to the steps and went down. 

"This is real? Swimming..." I asked, chuckling to myself as I pulled down the zip of my padded jacket. 

"Let's say we are going to have spa." Ye Jin said, taking a sip of juice before joining Hye Yoon.

"My first reaction was the same as yours. Crazy people." Seung Hyun came to me, removing his jacket and urged me on. I took off my outer wear. Same as the others, I was wearing a dark colored long sleeved clothing, together with a pair of leggings. Seung Hyun and I quickly went got into the pool as the coldness was really unbearable without our coat. 

4 crazy people in the pool on the last day on the year at what, 10PM plus?  We chatted, relaxed and decided to join the elders for the last few minutes before the new year begins and went to take a quick shower. I changed into the set of clothes that I packed as a habit. Yeah, mentioned before. 

Going down the stairs to the living room, we all watched the television programme. 

"Jung ah, stay over today." Hye Yoon said from the couch at the side. 

"Yes, eat something tomorrow before going off." I smiled at Aunt who said this, my heart aching a little. I was touched at their intention. Not to let me start the new year alone. I turned to Uncle to see him also giving me in kind, warm smile.

"Am I disturbing? I don't wish to trouble you all..." 

"What are you saying? Aren't you part of our family already?" Aunt objected, gaze slightly more intent on me as she stared right into my face. 

"How about you..." I turned to Ye Jin.

"She had already agreed. She's staying as well." Hye Yoon said. I turned my head back to the younger girl. 

"Right. She's a grown-up. Doesn't need my opinion anymore." Seeing my blank stare and hearing my sacarsm, Ye Jin grinned sheepishly as she hugged my arm. "Not cute." I mumbled, staring straight into her eyes. She pouted, defending. 

"I want to tell you. When you arrive." 

"And Hye Yoon unnie is still the one to say it." How old is she and she wanted to take things in her hands? She continued to pout while I was the least wavered. She knew I am particular in such things and she still does this. There were many chances to tell me. She could simply let me know through text messages. Okay, I know I'm nagging already. 

"What's wrong with you?" Seung Hyun nudged me a little, seeing that I was a little pissed. I know I was embarrassing Ye Jin by doing this infront of everybody. Moreover it's coming to the last minute of the year, but I also believed that lectures should be given at the point of the mistake made. Then the lesson will be learnt. Some people will stop making the same mistake because they were embarrassed. Like me and Ye Jin. Although I didn't raise my voice, no, in fact I lowered my volume to save her the embarrassment. Ye Jin could see I was slightly upset and looked apologetic. 

"No, I'm okay." I said to him then turned to Ye Jin, reaching over to the back of her head to give her a pat, then lightly knocked it with my knuckle, smiling a little. I have already forgave her. I wasn't very angry with her to start with. She mouthed me a 'sorry' and I nodded kindly. 

The programme broadcasted on television was a new year special. Because president wanted me to rest if I have extra time, he demanded that I don't attend any of these events. 

"It's surprising. Big Bang actually didn't go for year-end events?" I said to Seung Hyun. 

"If more schedules come, we are going on riot." I chuckled softly. 

"Are you guys planning to escape again?"

"And we are going to leave Seung Ri out of this." I laughed more. 

"Then don't get me involved, alright? I don't want YG to call me asking for you or Big Bang." His eyes suddenly lit up. 

"Why not we go missing together?" 

"Crazy." I shot back, turning away while he laughed lightly. 

The show ended with the count down. Hye Yoon, Ye Jin and Seung Hyun practically went insane screaming. The elders and I were so entertained by them. 

"Yes, yes. Happy new year." I replied to Hye Yoon and Ye Jin, who was jumping around and screaming the greeting into my face. 

"Bye omma, bye appa!" Hye Yoon waved frantically to her parents who were at the door, all dressed up for a midnight movie at the cinema. 

"How romantic..." I smiled faintly, saying to Seung Hyun at my side. "They are still so loving." As far as I know, my parents don't do this since I was born. 

"I guess so." He simply said, turning away as the couple went out. "So I guess it's just left with you. Noona, I hope you will be able to get a boyfriend this year." He made his new year wish, making me and Ye Jin cracked up. Hye Yoon punched his arm, playfully glaring at him. 

"TOP- ssi, just shut up." And she went upstairs after shooting a look sharply at Ye Jin and I, causing us to stop our laughter abruptly. 

"Aunt had prepared a guest room for us." I nodded to Ye Jin who said that. 

"Sleep, okay? You still have to work later. No working overnight." Seung Hyun playfully warned and I nodded with a smile. I went upstairs to the guest room and saw Ye Jin climbing on bed. 

"Goodnight, unnie." She said and I went over to the bed.

"Hm. Sleep tight, Ye Jin ah. Sweet dreams." She nodded with her eyes closed, snuggling deeper into the blanket. Despite the coldness, I grabbed the scripts and headed to the balcony, afraid that I would disturb her sleep. I began reading and reciting the lines over and over again, until a distant voice was heard. 

"I just knew it." Snapping my head to the side, no one was seen. Am I that tired to actually imagine that? I still continued looking around until I tilted my head back up, seeing Seung Hyun looking down at me from his room with a blank look.

"You are caught red-handed." With a cigarette between his fingers, he tapped on the stick and ashes floated in the air. Weird that I didn't smell anything... 

"Oppa, what are you doing?" I turned my body, directly facing him now. I got a scare, okay...?

"Do you want to come over to the library? Since you aren't sleeping." Staring at him with a wondering look, I still nodded. He disappeared into his room and I was still wondering what was going on. Slowly sliding the glass door closed, I headed for the door and exited the room. Climbing up the staircase to the third floor, I walked along the hallway until I reached the library. Turning the door opened, I pushed it slowly and saw Seung Hyun at the couch, documents all the glass coffee table. A bottle of wine was opened and one glass was quarterly filled with the other was empty. He looked up at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quietly, heading towards him. He poured some wine into the empty glass and handed it to me. 

"I can't sleep, so I decided to drink and," He motioned to the things in the table. "To decide on some matters." Taking a sip of the drink, I placed it on the table.

"What are these?" I glanced at those and turned back to him, an action showing that I was asking for his permission using my eyes. He smiled and nodded, which I reached out for a document. 

"That is the one I'm still considering." It was a drama offer. Gosh, he is really very wanted in the industry.

"TOP is so famous..." I pretended to sigh as I said. Of course I was happy for him. He laughed. 

"Yi Jung is popular too." 

"Nah, how can she fight with Big Bang's TOP? That girl is so far behind." I flipped through the papers, looking at the offer. Seung Hyun chuckled again. 

"I'm actually at lost at which to pick." I nodded and took the others he handed to me. A total of 7 offers. Gosh. "I was about to just return everything to the president. But since you are here, let me know which you would choose if it's you. I want to do something you like." I turned to stare at him, surprised. Do for me? I actually see this kind of things as romantic. I don't even discuss these kind of things with him. Or am I the only one who thinks this way? 

"You can decide. If you think you will be too tired, then reject everything. Why force yourself? Ultimately, it is you who are going through everything." 

"You're not helping." He said and I reached for his hand, covering the back. 

"I will watch anything. Which of your dramas have I not watched?" He looked at me for a moment before searching through the offers in my hands, pulling out one.

"I'm considering this too." I took a look at it and it was about north and south Korea. Why are there so many such films nowadays? 

"But isn't this similar to the war film and the assassin one that you did last time?" I questioned and he nodded. "I don't know. Do you like characters like this?" 

"You will try new things?" I nodded. 

"Maybe you are comfortable with such roles, but I will want to try out a new role. Of course, the one that I have confidence in as well." I smiled, handing the one he considered back to him and placed the rest on the table. 

"Okay." He sat back, arranging the papers nicely on the table. "Is that the script?" He asked after that, taking a sip of wine as he stared at the book that was still in my hand. 

"Hm." I nodded with a smile and handed it to him. He randomly flipped through and suddenly stared at a certain page. 

"Scene 90, you filmed that already?" I thought for a second. I'm going to film Scene 128 tomorrow, so I guess that scene is completed. I was about to nod when I felt that scene number very familiar. Like something about it gave me a leave me a huge impression. And Seung Hyun even asked about that. Why did he only ask about scene 90... I tilted my head over to have a look and only gasped, closed the book in his hand and snatched it back. Oh my god! 

"Is the drama rated? Why are there scenes like that?" He questioned, shifting his body to face me directly. 

"This, you have to ask the scriptwriter..." I rebelled softly, diverting my eyes. I mean, why is he asking me such things? He took the book from my hands again and read out the instruction. Yes, for Scene 90.

"'Kyung Joon to kiss Young Ah forcefully, hands roaming her back with a sense of urgency and hunger.' Is he trying to you?" Seung Hyun asked loudly, causing my eyes to widen a little in surprise. 

"No..." His eyes were intense with a tinge of shock in it and I shook my head slightly. "Young Ah doesn't like him, but he was kind of... Attracted to her... So he keeps harassing her... Then, they actually had a little argument and this scene came in..." I don't know why the hell I was even explaining to him when it was just supposed to be fake. 

"How many times did you do this?" He asked, his voice calmer and softer. 

"About 12 times. We NGed 11 times." His eyes widened.

"He kissed and touched you that way for 12 times?!" I held my hands out, trying to calm him. 

"Young Ah. It's Young Ah." I corrected.

"It's the same!" He exclaimed in horror. His eyeballs looked they were going to pop out from its sockets. Aigoo, what am I supposed to do?

"Then what am I supposed to do? Not do the scene?" 

"He should have improvised it!" 

"He isn't at fault if he didn't improvise..." I talked back softly. When did I become such a coward?

"Are you defending him right now?!" His eyes became more intense.

"No... I mean, what's wrong with you? It's not something for you to get so worked up at..." I looked down a little. He looked kind of intimidating with his eyes widened like that. I heard him sigh and I peeked up.

"When is that going to be broadcast?" 

"Next week?" I wasn't sure too. 

"Thanks for telling. I will remember not to watch. Not even the members will be allowed to turn on the television that day." 

"Where is there such things? You just stay in your room then. Why can't they watch?" I raised my voice a little, fighting for my rights. Yeah, my rights... My rights to achieve high viewers' ratings. 

"Do you mean I am supposed to let them see such things? When other guys are kissing you that way?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 

"You are so childish! That time when you went and filmed the bed scene with Lee Min Jung, Ye Jin and I watched it!" 

"I already told you not to watch. What can I do if you are stubborn?" He shot back. I was just supporting him by watching! Fine, he wants this, right?

"Fine! Don't watch! You are getting yourself all jealous at the first day of the year and it is for that one drama scene. You are like a kid!" Gosh! I stood up, ready to stomp out but before I could reach the door, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"What again? Just let me go and return to your room." I muttered, trying to wriggle out of his grip but of course, impossible. 

"When have you became so petty?" His deep, husky voice heard at my ears and he was burying his head into my neck. I turned my head to him and he lifted his head, attaching his lips to mine. 

"I have to get back what is originally mine." He pulled away just enough to speak, and before I could make up what he meant, his lips were back on mine, kissing me deeply. I felt myself tensed, my eyes fluttering closed. Seung Hyun leaned in so much that my head was pushed back, and his big hand pressed my waist towards him, keeping me from falling. We had a slow, hungry kiss, our mouth opened but no tongues involved. 

"You're so possessive." I panted once we pulled away after a long time. My voice whisperingly soft with my heavy pants.

"I'm actually a selfish person. Never enjoy sharing. Where did you get the idea of me being nice and generous?" I stared at him intensely. How dare he tease me... 

"Of course you can't possess me. I'm not an object." I talked back. 

"But still mine." He replied like it was a matter of fact. I mean, yes, I am his girlfriend... But... Arg! I was about to fight back when my phone rang.

"Hey." I said into the phone, walking away and Seung Hyun followed. 

"Are you done with your work? I have the things you asked for yesterday." Bong Soon said and I had to elbow Seung Hyun lightly in his stomach when he kept disturbing me as he pressed his cheek to mine, hoping to eavedrop.

"Yeah, I'm free now. Where do I meet you?" Inching away from his protruding lips, I slapped his arm away from my waist. 

"I'm actually near Dreams' Inn. I shall go to you instead. Are you at home?"

"Not really. Let's meet at Dream' Inn then. I will be reaching in five." And I hung up when she agreed, pushing Seung Hyun off my body. Oh gosh, why is he like this?! 

"You're going out? What about me?" I stared at him blankly, dumbfounded. Must he behave like a kid? His acting . Shouldn't have gotten so much love calls from drama productions. Giving him a disgusted look, I shot him simply.

"Stay at home." I turned away just as he pouted, coming with me out of the library. 

"Do you perhaps, keep some guys in your store?" I spun my head to him, seeing his strict expression. Is he for sure? Suspecting me? 

"Oppa..." I called, worried that he really doubted me. 

"That line appeared in one of the dramas I filmed." A kiddy smile appeared and he was back to a child while I closed my eyes, breathing deep to calm myself. Someone, save me! Ignoring him, I went down the stairs to the living room. 

Once outside, I walked down the road since I don't have a car. It was a long time since I took a stroll so I didn't ask Seung Hyun, who was following behind me by the way, to drive me there. It was not long before that he caught my hand, immediately pushing it inside the pocket of his coat. When I turned to him, I saw his gorgeous smile that melted every female's heart, not excluding mine. Aigoo, he's now a matured guy, a gentlemen. He sure likes to play my mind. 

"What?" I asked monotonously. Too bad, I don't switch characters like him so easily. I can only hide emotions well.

"I'm going to see which guy dares to meet you at a place so close to mine."

"You will be so shock when you get to see." He pretended to gasp loudly and, if I may add, exaggeratedly. 

"There's really a male there?!" He shrieked softly. 

"More than that." I ignored his dramatic expression and continued walking, making a turn into the other street. 

Reaching that one villa, I immediately saw a car at the entrance. 

"Bong Soon ah...!" I pulled my hand away from Seung Hyun and ran towards my friend. God knows how long it was since I last saw her. We hugged and I suddenly thought of Seung Hyun so I decided to . 

"I'm actually a lesbian with her." I turned around to him, giving a smile. Bong Soon chuckled lightly, probably already getting an idea that we had a little 'conflict'. 

"Did I choose the wrong timing?" She asked, glancing from me to Seung Hyun and back. 

"Nope. We were just feeling bored when you called. You have great timing." I smiled, hugging her arm, really in a good mood. Seung Hyun came and they greeted each other. 

"We are just hanging out at home. My family and I invited her to stay over." He answered her and she smiled knowingly and then pulled me to a side, which I gave her a wondering look. 

"What's with you going to his place so often recently, huh? What do you guys do?"

"Yah..." I shot, pushing her away at the shoulder and she laughed. Firstly, teased by my boyfriend, and now her? Handing me a set of documents, she continued.

"The sales report that you want. Raised by 3.4 percent."

"For today?" 

"Yeah. Maybe because of the new year. The fashion store didn't really have much rise though." I nodded. Since it was a holiday, people tend to hang out at coffee houses, right?

"And for the photo shoot tomorrow, Jun Ri and the group will be there with the clothes. Call back if something goes wrong, I will be in the store." I nodded.

"Thank you so much. It must be hard on you." 

"Then raise my pay." She playfully spat. 

"Hey, I didn't mistreat anyone of you." I defended and we laughed. 

"Okay, shall not bother you guys any further." She waved and turned to me. "Enjoy." Winking at me, she let out a soft chuckle as she turned to her car before I could say anything. I was so dumbfounded that I could only stare at her car where she went to, watching it zoomed down the road. 

"Are you going to continue staring, lesbian?" I turned to my side, seeing Seung Hyun and he pulled me away.  "Probably the first in the world to be a lesbian and be in a relationship with a guy at the same time." He said as he continued down the road. 

"Okay, the both of you are always teasing me. That's bullying..." 

"You're just so cute... What to do? Blame yourself." 

"What?" I pretended to snap, glaring at him. He gave me that calm look and I just look away before I ended up falling into the universe of his deep eyes. I always end up losing... That's so not fair!  We decided to take a walk before going back. 

"Hm. It is for the posters for Dreams' Inn. Similar to the ones at Dreams." I said, staring at the Han River at my side. Maybe it was just me, but I really like this river a lot. Something it had seemed to tug on my heartstrings and I sometimes get quite emotional just by looking at it.

"I'm not rich, so I couldn't get top stars," I eyed him sideways. "Like you, to help me advertise. So yeah, doing free labour." 

"Hey." He laughed. "I can help you know." 

"And I still need to pay YG, pay Big Bang and the managers." 

"That's why. Why do you even open another shop? Add to your workload."

"I even thought of starting my own brand. Bong Soon said just take these shop branches as a market testing and those photo shooting as practice. One day, I might really be posing in my clothes." 

"You must be rich to even plan so much. And how can you say Dreams is just to test the market? I invested money in it, okay?" Chuckling, I continued.

"Bong Soon and I graduated from a business course." He rolled his eyes, looking to the front.

"How practical, realistic and materialistic." I simply smiled. "Then what about the designers? You are taking away their jobs by having a designer's brand. What about Ji Yong?"

"I guess they can stay in where they are right now since I will be doing the designs." I thought aloud. "But since I don't have time, maybe I can just recruit them. Then Dreams and Dreams' Inn will have my product."

"Yah, don't you dare snatch my leader." I laughed, turning to him.

"Since Ji Yong oppa has shares in Dreams, he shall stay there. Rest assured, TOP- ssi." He stared at me sideways. "Why are you giving me that dirty look? Dreams is not completely mine, I won't have any thoughts of it, okay? I do legal and fair business." 

"You better mean what you say. You can be quite ambitious at times. Over-ambitious." 

"What does that supposed to mean?" I retaliated. Gosh.  "Dreams will remain original and special, I promise. Happy?" Suddenly, a wide grin broke out on his face.   

"Very happy." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Crazy.

We continued to walk in comfortable silence and somehow, I gave in to the sudden urge to sing and sang the duet I did with Ji Yong.

"Look at you. Singing the song you sang with another guy infront of your boyfriend." Seung Hyun muttered and I looked at him, seeing him all sulky. In pretense.

"It's you who are too sensitive and too jealous." Rolling his eyes, he requested.

"Give me a peek to the new group's song." 

"It's not my song. I can't. Ask them to sing if you happened to see them." 

"It's your song, you made it. Come on."

"But it's not revealed yet." Rolling his eyes again, he let go of my hand, throwing a fit. Dumbfounded, I watched him flipped through my script. And why did he bring that out? He read as we walked. Doing checks on what I will be filming, huh? 

"Why can I look at the script when the episode is not broadcasted but can't listen a part of the song?" I took in a deep breath when I heard him mumbled. Gosh, is he serious? Nagging?! 

"Because I made it for them and they are the ones who are going to represent me to sing the song." I can't believe I am even explaining to him.

"Yeah, yeah... What a producer-like reply." I ignored him and we continued walking, almost reaching his place. 

"Sing me a song, oppa." I requested quietly after another long pause, still staring at the direction infront of us.

"Why do you keep asking me to sing?" He asked back.

"Come on. Aren't your rap getting more like a song nowadays?"

"Blame Ji Yong." 

"You wrote the raps."

"And he composed the melody."

"Sing for me." I still said, retaining the same gentle tone. I turned and saw him turned to me as well. We stared for a short while as he appeared to be thinking, then turned back to the front. Singing Monster, which had been produced for a while now, he done his part and the rest of it to the end of the first chorus. 

"I will love you even if you are a monster." I uttered, staring at the colourful lights from buildings afar which were like big bright dots. Getting no response, I turned to see him staring at me. "That's my first reaction upon the release of the song. You made the best looking monster. Not scary at all. I don't think you are a monster. A vampire, perhaps?"

"Maybe?" He smiled which made me do the same. 

"That sentence is quite catchy with the melody though." He gave me a wondering look. "'I love you, baby I'm not a monster.'" I sang, looking back at him.

"I know you are not a monster." He smiled. "A witch, I guess. No monsters look this good." My eyes widened. Ignoring the part where he said I was beautiful, I was more concerned about the first. Did he call me a witch? WHY?! 


"You probably performed witchcraft or something to keep yourself looking young." WHAT?! 

"I would be happier if you said I had plastic surgery or Botox. What? Witchcraft?! Are you kidding me?!" I exclaimed in horror. 

"That's not impossible." He replied like that was pure fact. With a straight face!

"Then why did you want to be my boyfriend?"

"You most likely casted a big serious spell on me as well to make me confess to you twice." He's getting more and more absurd...! 

"Fine! I made you like me!" I widened my eyes and snapped at him. Okay, I'm not angry. Just feeling... Amazed by his accuse.

"Of course. Why would I out of a sudden fall for you if you didn't manage to steal my heart?" Glaring at him, I retorted. 

"You are captivated by me. And you are on your own willingness." Pretending to grit my teeth, I uttered. 

"After your black magic or witchcraft or whatever." He said nonchalantly.

"Choi Seung Hyun!" I exclaimed. He smirked.

"Why are you calling my full name? Are you going to say 'yah' the next time you see me?" Okay, never would I call him 'yah'. How rude would that be. I resorted to the last method to fight on. Physical violence. But... He laughed instead. 

"Good gracious... You're so hilarious." He chortled when I elbowed him in his stomach. "Witch... Puhahaha!" I was really on the verge of screaming a ear-piercing 'yah' into his face so I turned away, marching to his place which was already in sight. I had expected him to call me or stop me or whatever, but instead, I was nudged on the . Spinning my head back, I was so dumbfounded when I realised he actually used his hips to push me. What has he eaten today to get him so high? He was chuckling like a mad person and I was just so amused at this sight. Unknowingly, I let out a soft chuckle and he nudged my shoulder. Not wanting to lose again, I pushed him back hard, sending him stumbling a few steps away from me. He attempted to tickle me and I wriggled out of his grip, the both of us laughing all the while. Neighbors must have thought someone just escaped from a mental hospital or something. 

"Don't..." I pushed his hands away, leaning my back on his gate upon arrival. I was on watchful eyes, cautious of his next move. 

"What can you do if I don't unlock the gate?" Think, Jung. Think! You can't let him win

"That's okay. I have changed the pin number to my door anyway." I said casually. Well, it's true that I changed it. I mean, it's my house, not his. 

"I figured that you would have done that." He laughed, stepping forward to push the set of numbers. Pushing the gate opened, we went inside.

As I was about to open the door to the guest room, I thought I heard a thud. Eyes widening, I quickly opened it and saw Ye Jin on the ground, hugging her stomach. Seung Hyun who had followed behind me was as surprised as I was. I quickly ran to her side and helped her up. 

"What's wrong?" Her face cringed and she frowned, cold sweat all over her. 

"Pain..." She whimpered and my gaze dropped to where her arms were hugging her stomach.

"Today is the second day?" I asked softly and she nodded with difficulty. 

"What happened to her? Shall we call an ambulance?"

"It's okay. Can you get me a warm towel?" I turned to him and he gave a nod before rushing out. 

"I tried calling you..." 

"I'm sorry. I thought I would only leave for a short while." I wiped the sweat with the back of my hand.

"Poor thing... Having to experience this every month..." 

"It's unnie who is lucky..." I smiled to her faintly and that was when Seung Hyun got back. Setting the container on the floor, he came and picked Ye Jin up, bridal style to the bed. Climbing up the bed as well, I guided her to laid her head on my lap and took the hot towel Seung Hyun handed to me and placed it on her stomach under her shirt without revealing her skin since a guy was with us.

 "You're fine now. Sleep, sweetheart." I coed, patting lightly on her thigh. her hair, I looked up and saw Seung Hyun looking at me with a small smile. I watched as he came to sit beside me. 

"Monthly thing, huh?" I nodded with a smile. "Why don't you have such problems?" 

"Every girl is different." I replied, all the while my baby. "My case is actually in a disadvantage though." Turning to him as I said, he looked at me with a wondering look.

"You already know I don't have my menses regularly. The dates always jumps and the duration varies. And the worse thing is, my body don't give any signs when it is about time."

"You mean, you actually want cramps?" He chuckled softly. I laughed lightly as well, shaking my head.

"No. It's just that I can't take precaution. A few months back, I felt my menses came when I was on stage. And I was wearing a white pants. You don't know how panicky I got." 

"Wear a pad everyday." He said jokingly. 

"Try wearing. You think it's comfortable? Girls would pop champagne and celebrate after their monthly thing." 

"Why would I wear a pad?" He shot back and I laughed quietly at his horrified expression. "And I think you are just making things exaggerated. Pop champagne? Are you serious?"

"I get very happy once it ends." 

"So it's only you." 

"Do you really think that a girl would like having periods?" I shot him a look which he shrugged. A peaceful silence followed and I looked at the sleeping girl on my lap. My legs were stretched out and she was clutching on my shirt, occasionally frowning. 

"Look away for a while. I'm changing the towel." I said quietly to Seung Hyun and he turned to face the window, unlocking his phone and started tapping on the screen. Twisting the towel dry from the container beside me, I lifted Ye Jin's shirt and gently settled the towel on her stomach, then pulled down her shirt again.

"If you are tired, go to sleep. I'm sure you have schedules later on." I spoke.

"What about you?"

"I will just nap for a while and tend to her." He didn't reply, only shifting himself as he pulled me to lean on his chest. Hugging me from behind, he whispered. 

"Sleep, my angel."

"I'm a witch, remember?" I retorted in a soft tone, scoffing in my mind.

"It doesn't matter. I still love you in any case." 

"You won't after the spell is gone." 

"Then make sure the spell is strong enough to last forever. If you need to change the spell, you can always do it when I'm asleep." Inwardly taking a deep breath, I rolled my eyes. 

"Just return to your room." I simply shot and felt his chest moved a little as he let out an inaudible laugh.

"When have you became this petty?"

"You already asked that twice in the past one and a half hour."

"I know. And I still love you so much after knowing you developed a flaw." 

"Of course you should. You are a vampire and I still love you." He scoffed. 

"Then beside your love, you know I, a vampire, need blood too, right?"

"Are you serious...?" I shook my head lightly, laughing quietly. And the next thing I knew, his face was in my neck, teeth sinking into my flesh. Shock, I jerked back to him, slapping his thigh. 

"Oppa...!" My eyes widened and my voice kept soft. 

"I'm thirsty." He replied innocently and I actually didn't stop him from fooling around when he returned to nibbling on the side of my neck. I actually like it... A little painful each time he buried his teeth in my flesh with slight force but he would give it a kiss to soothe it. It feels good... 

"O-oppa..." I called, reaching for his arm around me. "I have to film tomorrow." I cannot show myself to public with marks on my neck, right? Looking up at me, he gave me a blank look before smiling a little. 

"I got carried away. I'm sorry. Your skin is really soft." I don't know to roll my eyes or to smile so I ended up doing both.

"So have you drank enough?" I played along.

"Hm. Enough to make you a vampire." We laughed softly as I leaned my back on his chest comfortably while he embraced me protectively, my eyes closed with a peaceful smile plastered on my face. 

I heard the door opened and stirred a little in my sleep. It was silence after that so I didn't bother opening my eyes. However, I thought of Ye Jin and decided to check on her. She was still beautifully deep in sleep and I smiled, turning to the side to see Seung Hyun's top of the head on my shoulder. Seeing how he bent down, I can say for sure that his neck is surely going to ache later. 

"Don't they look like a family?" It was until I heard whispering at the door did I turn to the other side, seeing the door not completely closed and Aunt and Hye Yoon were standing there. Although taken aback, I still bowed a little to them and the little movement disturbed Seung Hyun's sleep. Looking to the side to see him lifting his head up lazily, he buried his head back into my neck and hugged me tighter, almost squeezing me. Glancing back at the two outside the room, I elbowed Seung Hyun lightly. How inappropriate infront of the elderly! 

"Hm?" He tilted his head up and I stared back at his freshly awake face. Since I don't talk until I brush my teeth, I didn't make a sound. Smiling lazily to me, he protruded his lips and pecked on my lips, then to my cheek before snuggling back into my neck and sleep. 

"Our Seung Hyun is really in love." A male's voice. My eyes darted to the door and saw Uncle standing behind the two. My eyes widened. Oh my god! The whole family witnessed that?! 

"Good morning, appa. You're here."

"You girls are hogging by the door so I thought I should join to catch something juicy."

"Quite juicy, right?" Aunt laughed a little as she said. "Hye Yoon practically dragged me up to see this. I thought something big happened." 

"Jung ah, I snapped a photo." My eyes widened at Hye Yoon as she waved the heavy black camera in her hand and her parents turned to her. 

"Why is an adult doing that? Don't be rude." Aunt said and Uncle shot her a look. I smiled nervously as I waved my hand when they all turned back to me, indicating that it was alright. 

"Oh... Omma, appa..." Seung Hyun mumbled, holding the back of his neck as he sat up straight.

"Breakfast's ready, baby brother. Bring your darling down soon." Hye Yoon said and her parents just shook their heads at their daughter, closing the door. When the door closed, I snapped my head to him, staring intensely. 

"Yah, why are you ignoring me?" The two of us were in Seung Hyun's bathroom while Ye Jin was in the one downstairs. I roughly placed the toothbrush at the basin after rinsing my mouth, turning to him, staring at him with his mouth covered with foam from the toothpaste.

"You should really change that habit of yours." 

"Of what?" He asked back, rinsing his mouth. 

"Of kissing me." I said almost immediately. Somewhat seemed surprised, he turned to me after nearly choking. I know, it's kind of direct for me to say that. And I started to tell me about the elders seeing him kissed me. 

"They are my family. Omma saw me kissing girls too. The one I revealed at Strong Heart."

"But still." 

"Are you upset?" He asked with a laugh, wiping his face with a towel as he turned to me.

"No... I just... It's not nice to show your parents... You see... They saw you kissing me... And I..." I stuttered, amazing him."It's just not nice... And not right..." My voice faded when his hand gently cupping my cheek. 

"I got it... Relax..." His soft gaze staring straight into my eyes. 

"I'm just... Kind of... Embarrassed..." I confessed softly. "You should have seen their faces. Argg!" Covering my face with my hands, I cried in embarrassment. I heard Seung Hyun's low and manly chuckle, my hands being pulled down by the wrists. His arms wrapped around my waist, tugging on me till our stomachs were touching. 

"Why are you suddenly becoming so touchy...?" Smiling warmly at me, he ignored my question and planted a long peck on my right eye, followed by my right cheek and lips. Face still close to mine, he said quietly. 

"I can kiss you any way I want when we are alone, right?" Before I could respond, his lips were pressed hard against mine. He on my lower lip differently today because it actually made my heart beat more wildly, like I was aroused. I don't know... Confused, I lightly pushed him off, putting distance in between us as I looked up at him to see his soft gaze. 

"I'm not afraid to let you know, but, how should I say this? You know when you start to get this feeling of wanting to keep someone in your pocket and not separate from him or her..." Of course I know. I get this feeling most of the time and, come to think of it, I hug and kiss him quite a lot when I feel that way.

"I'm feeling that overwhelming feel since yesterday and it has not subsided one bit." Taken aback at his honest and also bold statement, I could only stare and watch as he captured my lips again. Normally, when we kiss, it's just a form of innocent affection and no other inappropriate intention. Of course we assume that both of us enjoy the smooch. But this time, I don't think it was just innocent affection. Because, through the way he kissed me, I know that he is a good kisser. Usually, he doesn't show off that he is one since he kisses like all other people do. Those normal techniques, if you know what I mean. But now, all different types of method came out.

He locked our lips together and gave a hard on my lower lip, producing a loud smack. I never think that I'm a good kisser so I don't know how to return his passionate assault. With my madly racing heart, our body closed pressing each other with only my hands in between us, I was totally locked in this position. I cannot even move an inch. He had my lower lip between his teeth, grazing before tugging it. Tilting his head to the other side, I swallowed a moan when he on me so much that I felt that my oxygen supply was suddenly cut off. Soft whimpers escaped my throat and I clenched his shirt in my fists. 

"Uhh..." I heard myself the moment he pulled away as I was pushed up against the wall. 

"Try to control your moans. Don't tempt me." You also, better not tempt me. I stared at him through my half lidded eyes and we watched each other as we pant. His big palms were on my back and our bodies were so hot. It was soon when he leaned back in to capture my mouth again. Everything was in a blur and my system was really out of oxygen but I couldn't stop. I was just... Just so aroused already... Seung Hyun's hands had came to my cheek and back of my head, probably stopping himself from roaming my back. Unknowingly, my hands went to wrap around his neck, one of them in his hair. We continued molding our lips, our mind off in another world until I realised something. Gasping, I pushed him away when I suddenly got aware of the pressure that had been pressing on my thigh all along. What was that... Getting off the wall, I awkwardly looked away and scurried out of the room. I leaned on the door after slamming it closed.

"Unnie..." I spun to the side to see Ye Jin leaning on the wall beside me. Shock to see her here,  my eyes widened and my ability to talk suddenly disappeared.

"Why are you so stunned to see me here, huh...?" She wriggled her brows and wore a weird smile. Something don't look right. "What are you two doing inside..." That's it! She saw us! I wanted to reply her, but I was just so dumbfounded. 

"You are wearing the look whenever you blushed... And these," She reached up to poke my upper lip. "Are swollen." 

"Hey...!" I pushed her hand off, inching away from her. 

"Hair in a mess and your hand is too warm for a normal temperature." She ignored me and continued. "Do I need to say more?" 

"Ye Jin ah..." I was about to ask her to keep quiet about whatever she saw but I nearly gasped out loud when she beat me to it and declared delightfully.

"I'm going to tell Hye Yoon unnie! Unnie!" And she dashed down the stairs while I tried calling her back, but within seconds, she had already reached the ground floor and zoomed across the living room to the kitchen. No! Even Aunt is there! I was about to go down just when the door opened and Seung Hyun walking out. 

"Something happened?" He asked judging from my horrid expression. 

"Ye Jin.... She..." Then I suddenly realised I shouldn't be with him. I mean, he was excited just now and I was embarrassed. Remember? 

"Arg! Don't come near me!" I shot out of exasperation, leaving him behind.

"W-what... Yah! I didn't get excited intentionally." He called and I turned back to him in sheer shock. He even said that loudly...

"Keep quiet!" I hissed through gritted teeth. He looked at me wonderingly, confused at my sudden change of mood while I just rushed downstairs. See how you take care of all the teasing later! 

"Good morning." I greeted Seung Hyun's parents with a smile and a bow. I saw Ye Jin talking to Hye Yoon by the sliding door to the swimming pool. Nudging Ye Jin by her shoulder, I smiled to Hye Yoon who gave me a cheeky smile in return. 

"You came late. I told her already." Ye Jin boldly told me and Hye Yoon giggled. With an intense glare, I stared at the younger girl. Why must she do this?

"Oh, omma." Hye Yoon stared behind me, smiling widely. "I tell you-" 

"Unnie!" I stopped, knowing by her smile that she was going to spill that incident to Aunt. I glanced back at Aunt to see her confused look, quickly dragging Hye Yoon to the side, which happened to be the toilet. 

"You can't." I said with a slight pout. She smiled after seeing my serious look. "It's so embarrassing, and... Inappropriate." 

"Okay, am I getting lectured?" She uttered with a laugh, brushing my hair with her hand. And I remembered. I forgot to tidy my hair! I quickly reached up and frantically combed my hair. Chuckling at my reaction, Hye Yoon said.

"My baby brother is madly in love with you." My cheeks instantly turned warm and my eyes darted away. She laughed softly, leaving.

All four of us gathered and we did the new year routines, raising our arms to our heads and knelt down, giving the two elders our respect. After that, we then sat down to eat and left to work. It was a break for us and we were watching television at the living room.

Today is the new year so the programme Seung Hyun and I had filmed were on broadcast.


-New Year's special-

"Seung Hyun-ssi is known for being conservative. He does not reveal his body often, even to s. Have he ever shown you?"

"I have saw it, but it was unintentionally." Yi Jung laughed shyly, feeling embarrassed at the thought.


Flashback (Yi Jung's POV)

"Hm." I nodded when Seung Hyun told me to sleep before leaving through the door with the other members. We were in Japan for a music festival and Big Bang had came over to my hotel room to offer supper.

I went to the bathroom to wash up after locking the front door. There will be an interview in the afternoon so I better get ready to sleep soon. When I slipped infront of the dresser, patting my face with toner, my gaze stopped in the mirror reflection behind me. Giving my cheeks a last pat, I stood up and went to the bed, picking up the leather jacket and immediately recognizing it as Seung Hyun's. Not only clumsy. So careless... Since we were staying next to each other, I might as well pass it to him now. He might need it tomorrow and we may not meet since we have individual schedules. Giving myself I check, I decided that I don't need to put on another pair of pants since I was wearing leggings. Grabbing my cardigan and quickly putting it on, I went off. Seung Ri and Young bae was in the room just next to mine on the right, followed by two units occupied by Dae Sung and the managers. Reaching the last door at the end of the hallway, I knocked on it softly. Ji Yong came to answer

"Oppa..." I whispered, seeing the lights in the room were switched off. Recognizing the jacket that I extended to him, he pointed inside the room as he opened the door with a small yawn. Smiling a thanks, I went in as he went to the bathroom. I quietly went in, almost creeping, intending to just leave the clothing there and left without disturbing his sleep. I went to where the beds were and jerked to a halt when I saw a person standing by the bed. With his facing me. Pulling off the shirt from his shoulder. My eyes widened instinctively, my ability to move vanished and I just stood rooted there. Maybe he realised someone staring at him, he turned around as he dropped the clothe on the bed. He jumped slightly, seeing me.

"Omo, you gave me a scare..." Did he get a scare more than me?!  "You should have make some noise. What brings you here?" He stepped forward, like he forgot that he was half-. 

"Don't come any nearer!" I shrieked softly, moving back by a few steps and he immediately stopped. My cheeks warm, and I couldn't look at him in the eyes. He is facing me...! 

"What's wrong?" He narrowed his eyes a little and started making his way to me again. I quickly covered my face with one of my hands when I realised I was staring at his body and shoved the jacket to him, turning back and brisk-walking towards the door.

"What happened?" Ji Yong asked as he made his way out with a towel hanging on his shoulder, probably hearing my shrieks from the bathroom. But I just bolted out, slamming the door closed.

End of flashback


"How is it?" 

"Huh?" Yi Jung, taken aback by the bluntness of the MC could only widened her eyes and ask with a nervous laugh.  "I guess I would say he has good quality muscles. You know when the muscles are shaped so nicely that on his back, he has the lines and the contours of the muscles?" She added when she saw the MC holding a wondering expression.

"Ah... You must have a nice body, Seung Hyun-ssi." 

"I'm still embarrassed, actually. She said it as if I was waiting for her to see my body, but I think I got bigger shock than her. Because everything will turn awkward for us, so I decided to play cool about it." Yi Jung covered her face in embarrassment. 

"From then, he keeps asking me to press his muscles. He used to only do that to the members, but now..." The MC laughed heartily while Seung Hyun chuckled sheepishly, turning to shoot Yi Jung a look.

"Okay, next." Laughter subsided, the show continued. "Most people change because of the person he or she is meeting. Seung Hyun-ssi, are you one of them?"

"After getting to know her, I don't work only because of passion anymore. She gave me hope and I started to have personal greed that is not related to my job." Seung Hyun was seen speaking, looking at the MC.

"Like what?"

"To be honest, when we were filming 'The playboy next door', I went to the set so much earlier than the filming time that the director arranged. I used to reach ten minutes earlier or on the dot for other filmings. At that time, my manager can't understand why would I actually wake up so early to go there and daze. But because I wanted to get to know her more..." 

"So you used the waiting time to communicate with her?" 

"Yes, she has this habit of arriving at the set early to practice the lines so we did it together. And of course, to leave a good impression of myself."

"Ah... That you are actually a very hardworking and punctual person?" The MC said with a kind laugh.

"Yes. I am serious when it comes to work and always work hard, but because she might not know that since I always arrived later than her, I don't want her to think otherwise."

"Ah..." The MC nodded knowingly and moved on. "You guys are really a happy couple and I'm really curious about this. Have you ever argued?"

"People say we don't but of course we do. We bicker over the tinist things but laugh over it at the end. I think it is the way we resolve it that matters." Seung Hyun said.

"How about a serious fight?"

"Only once." Yi Jung showed her index finger and said. "That was really the only time that I was so upset. It was a huge misunderstanding."

-Back in the waiting room-


My mind went back to the time when that incident happened.



"Oppa, where is the thumbdrive? I'm going to transfer the files over." I called to Seung Hyun who was in the gym in his villa, poking my head in to see him wiping his face with a towel.

"In the first drawer of the bedside drawer on the left side." He stopped the trackmill and stepped down, walking towards me as he said. "I will just go get a drink for us before going up."

"Okay...!" I smiled, skipping off.

Seung Hyun was back from the army and had to return after two weeks. He said he had made two raps out of boredom in the camp and I was excited to see the lyrics. I couldn't wait so I decided to take a look when he was busy working out in the afternoon. He ate too much yesterday when we went on a secret date to Dong Dae Mun. 

I opened the drawer, flipping his things around when there was no thumbdrives in sight. I squatted down to make myself more comfortable, pushing all the papers aside until I saw a red thumbdrive under the stack of papers. Picking it up, I arranged the papers neatly back into place and was about to close the drawer until my eyes saw something. I don't want to touch or look through his things, really. But I saw a phrase that seriously broke my restraints and all the teachings my parents taught me. I picked up that paper and stared.

'Sorry, I'm sorry. Goodbye TOP. God bless you.'

Don't you find it familiar? I felt familiar because I was the one who stayed up late with him, keeping him accompanied as he made that song. Yes, it was a line of lyrics in a song. His song. Continuing to read, the more I felt ridiculous and surprised. I won't let you know exactly what the content of the letter was, but I will tell you what were written that was linked to his song. 

'I am hospitalized for a few days now and I suddenly thought of the days when we were together. It is so boring here and I want to hear your voice.'

If my voice brightens your world, farther and farther, I'll shout.

'Don't you find life funny and that it's like a delicate play with fire? Everything humans do is risky and might change our lives forever. It's so hard, there are many times I want to give up. People pity me and I'm so embarrassed and even felt sorry for myself that I couldn't even lift my head to look at them in the eye.'

Life is funny, it's a delicate play with fire. Playful obstacles are life's restraints. Everything is for your heart's resolution so keep your head up.

'We promised to be friends and I thought I will let you know about my condition but realised I would probably end up crying so I wrote to you instead.'

Do you hear my heavy heart? Friend, wipe your tears. I think you're prettier when you smile.

'Your status had changed and that made you difficult to approach. This is why I initiated a break-up. I'm sorry, Seung Hyun. I shouldn't have left you to vacantly stand alone.'

Baby, don't cry. You vacantly stand alone. Don't worry, it may be lonely but you're not the only one. Look around, you are not alone.

'Sorry, I'm sorry. Goodbye, TOP. God bless you.'

Sorry, I'm sorry. Bye, TOP.

Woah... Nice, touching letter. So apparently, this girl was terribly sick and because of spending long hours in the hospital ward, she remincsed her time with Seung Hyun and I would say she was missing him. It was obvious, isn't it? The letter did tug on my heartstrings but at the same time, made me feel awful. I felt betrayed. I mean, how could he write that song infront of me when all he was thinking was another girl? And when that girl used to be his girlfriend. It was like the entire song was a reply to the letter. How more sneaky can he get? He could just call or visit her or something. 

"What are you doing?" Turning to the door when I recognized the voice, I stood up, trying to not look so hurt. I smiled a little, placing the letter back into the drawer. And I even smiled. He had stopped wiping his wet hair from showering and came forward, looking at me with an unreadable expression and picked up the letter that I just read.  "You looked at my things?" He asked, a tinge of disbelief shone in his eyes. 

"I was trying to search for the thumbdrive and came across it." I said, feeling a little bad for going through his personal things even though I was already feeling worse then. 

"Then you should have the manners to keep your hands and eyes away from it." My eyes widened slightly upon his harsh words. I have no manners? I was already trying to control myself to not make a big fuss over history. He started it.

"You should be the one keeping that out of my sight." I boldly talk back. "Why do you need to lure me to seeing that?" The both of us stared at each other intensely, not giving in.

"Maybe you want to check if there is anything more personal in here." I spat and threw the thumbdrive onto his bed, grabbing my bag, I walked passed him as I sharply shot. 

"You don't have to go to this extent to make me jealous. You know you won't get it. And don't share your love raps to me. It's disgusting." 

The next few days went normal. Working my off in the studio as usual, only that communication with Seung Hyun had stopped since that incident. No calls, no text messages. Psh. No way I am giving in, okay? I do no wrong. 

Opening the door, I dropped my things on my bed before grabbing my clothes for a shower. When I got back to my room, I heard vibration from my phone in the silent room. Yes, my room was this quiet. 


From Jin Hye unnie,

Reaching soon.


Smiling as I dropped the phone on the bed, I went to brush my hair, fixing my clothes before going to take some socks. Jin Hye and I were going to catch a movie at town so I was getting ready. It was a movie that caught my attention so I decided to watch it even though I don't really go to the cinemas. The weather had became colder as autumn approaches. The door bell rang when I just put on the last piece of black socks. 

"That's fast..." Pulling the coat off the hanger, I put it on as I made my way out to get the door. 

"Unnie...!" I opened the door without checking and my smile fell. "Why are you here?" 

"You're heading out?" Seung Hyun asked, seeing that I was all dressed. I only stared at him. He didn't answer my question. "Give me a few minutes."

"I'm going out soon. Sorry." I muttered, pushing the door closed when his hand stopped it. 

"I suppose you are expecting someone. Since she is not here yet, can we talk?" 

"There's nothing to talk about." I shot, pushing on the door harder but it wouldn't barge. Instead, he barged in with a hard push, the force totally overcoming mine and I jerked back. I glared up at him. With the both of us just at the doorstep, him stepping on the mat with his shoes on, I said coldly. "Talk. I need to go soon." He looked down for a moment before looking up at me again. 

"Look, I didn't mean any of those I have said that day. I was just surprised to see you looking at the letter." I felt my insides starting to boil. Is he here just to explain? Because that wasn't what I want to hear. 

"If that isn't something I should see, then don't let me see it." 

"That was from a long time ago..." He tried to clarify but I was the least interested. 

"And you have read it again recently. Since it isn't slot back into the envelope. You must be in a hurry. Couldn't wait to write a song out of it?" My y side appeared and I couldn't control it. Once I got angry, I'm just like this

"Jung ah, don't be like this. You don't even mean what you just said." 

"What?" My stares turned into glares and I talked back. "Who are you to say that? Am I a joke now? I mean everything I said, you jerk!" 

"What?" His eyes widened in surprise at my choice of words. 

"What's what? You must have treated me like nothing, haven't you? I still thought it might be a song about a close friend with some severe problems..." I choked a little on the last part as I looked away, trying to hold back my tears. He even had tears in his eyes everytime he performed that song. Everytime. Seung Hyun attempted to reach for my hand but I slapped it away before he could even touch me, feeling really agitated and not to mention, hurt. I'm really not going to be all easygoing this time round. How can he do that?

"You think I'm stupid too, right? I even helped you in the song you wrote for your ex-girlfriend!"

"It is not for her!" He finally raised his voice.

"Then who is it for?! Why do you want to deny it? You were so sad and depressed while making the song and it is for another girl!" I screamed back. 

"Why are you being so unreasonable?" He asked in exasperation and I froze, staring at him. I quickly looked away when I felt my tears about to fall and breathed in a deep breath to calm myself. 

"I would have slapped you if I'm back in Singapore." I muttered, hastily wiping the falling tears. "Just go." I don't want to argue with him anymore. It was so tiring. Almost bursting out in tears, I was about to walk back into the living room, keeping my pride. Don't wail infront of him, Yi Jung. Don't do it. Before I could even step my foot in, I was pulled back and embraced tightly. 

"I'm sorry..." Seung Hyun buried his face into my hair, saying quietly. "What I planned to do is apologise and get things back to place. Sorry for considering my pride that I had decided to forgo since I get out of my room. I'm sorry..." Tightening the embrace, he pulled me closer towards him, squeezing me as he bent down more to bury his face into my hair. Without me knowing, tears had flowed uncontrollably. My heart constricted at the longing to be hugged by him like this and this overwhelming feeling I got from his scent and secured embrace made my heart ache and long for him more. I have missed him so much...   

"I missed you a lot, Jung ah... I'm sorry for not coming earlier..." And it reminded me of what he did to me. I was still so upset then. Pushing him off, I punched him on his chest as I sobbed. My punches were weak on him and he just stayed still. 

"How can you think of other girls when I am with you? Have you ever written a song for me..." I kept throwing my fist at him, feeling myself grew tired and my sobs turned louder. It's just so unfair... Seeing that I was breaking down, Seung Hyun abruptly pulled me towards me again, my sobs instantly muffled by his shoulder pressing on my lips. But still, my hand between him continued to pound on his chest. He had no idea how much he had hurt me... 

"I'm sorry... It's my fault..." He said whisperingly, nuzzling into my neck, inhaling a deep breath.

"I really hate you..."

"And I love you so much." He said whisperingly into my neck, pushing me towards him more at my back. My arms slowly went to hold his waist and we hugged each other until the door bell rang again. Breaking apart, I wiped my face dry before reaching for the door. It's probably Jin Hye this time. True enough, there she was. 

"Ready to go? Why are you eyes so red? Did you just cry?" She came towards me, concerned.

"No, I was just rubbing them just now." She gave a small bow to Seung Hyun when she saw him and Seung Hyun bowed back.

"Shall we go then?" I nodded at that.

"Yes." I said then turning back to Seung Hyun. "I'm going out with unnie." He nodded and we went off. 

"I will call you later." I nodded with a small smile. I got into Jin Hye's car and he saw me off.

End of flashback


-New Year's Special-

"At that time, our relationship was not strong yet and that was why we mistook each other's intention much more easily. We fought a lot during that period." Yi Jung added. They then moved on to the next section where they will have to write down their opinion to the MC's questions without discussion.

"'One thing that you wish from each other.' It can be a habit or personality that you don't like and wish to be changed or things that you want." The both of them started writing and revealed their answers. 

"'Confidence'." The MC read and Yi Jung nodded. "Is it that he's over confident?" He chuckled while she shook her hand. 

"No, but the opposite. It might not seem like it, but Seung Hyun-ssi is quite inconfident when it comes to work. He worries whether he does the scenes well for the drama he starred in. Maybe it's because of his sensitivity and he always feels that the PD and staffs are not contented with this performace. Everytime he composed a song, he worries if it is good enough. Even when we commented that it is great, he still hesitates and amends the song." 

"She's just saying that in hope that I won't ask for her opinion in the future." She coughed a laugh of ridicule at Seung Hyun who accused her of such things, turning to him. 

"When he was making one of the songs, he kept adding and taking out the beats and was very indecisive. I mean it when I say it is fine, but he has doubts. It would be great if he has more confidence in himself." She concluded and the both males nodded.

"Okay, 'Jealousy'." The MC read Seung Hyun's answer and the latter nodded.

"She doesn't know what jealousy is." He stated which the MC gave a wondering look.

"How is that possible?"

"It's true. She don't get jealous at all. No matter what I do." The MC laughed. 

"And what have you done?" 

"Normal things that will cause girlfriends to get jealous over. She don't mind if I party the whole night. She don't mind if I get close to girls."

"But isn't that better? She's giving you freedom, isn't she?"

"Maybe because I have not seen her jealous, I hope she don't grant me too much freedom." The set burst out laughing as Seung Hyun replied, like it was a matter of a fact. 

"I just feel that I shouldn't restrict him on things." Yi Jung spoke up to say her stand. "Because I want to be able to do things that I like, I hope he can as well. It doesn't mean that people who are attached can't go drinking with friends or get to know other people. If I say 'no' to everything he wants to do, then I don't think we will be happy. I always oppose to the idea of giving up everything for the person you love." 

"I heard that you will choose work before love. Does that mean you are still thinking the same way?" 

"Yes, I guess so." 

"And I think I am affected by her too. Unlike before, I'm more hardworking and somehow, I became a workaholic. Sometimes, we talk about work issues when we are having meals or chilling out at the cafe." The female turned to the male who said that, her gaze blank as she knew that the guy had said something he don't mean it. Yes, they will discuss about work every now and then, but he was obviously not a workaholic. She was the one. Smiling a little, knowing that he was saying this to match her previous statement so she won't receive too much criticism on that, she was thankful. "I don't think I will give up my career for her."

"But you previously said that you will give everything Yi Jung wants." The MC said and Seung Hyun smiled, tackling the question calmly even though he was caught offguard.

"I can give her everything. If she wants me to be more caring, I will. She wants a car, I will buy it for her. But her requests cannot involve my family, work and friends." 

"Actually Yi Jung and I had agreed on not discuss about this. Things like 'Is work or me more important?' We will not ask. It's not that we think each other as not important, but other things are important too. We really don't know how to choose between the two and we can't give a definite answer to which do we want more." 

"Ah... I got it."

"But I still do hope that she will get jealous for once. Just once will do." Seung Hyun said.

"Yi Jung-ssi, do you really not get jealous?" The MC turned to her and asked.

"I have not really experience jealousy but of course I still feel something, but it is more towards the surprise side." She went to say more when the MC and Seung Hyun both wore a blank look. "Like the time when Seung Hyun-ssi sat on senior Go Hyun Jung, I was kind of surprise."

"Oh, I don't know about this." Seung Hyun said, getting interested at the thought of his girlfriend finally had a little feelings to his socializing issues. 

"I mean, yes, I know he is playful and all, but to sit at a senior's lap? It might be because of variety, and he did make me laugh." 

"It's more like she is seeing me as her artiste, lecturing me than being jealous." Seung Hyun inwardly rolled his eyes. "I should have known not to expect too much from her." The other two laughed.

 "It's actually kind of cute to see him playing around like this. I'm used to it. He fools around a lot in YG building together with the label mates." 

"I know she is being understanding in situations like this but when I see it at first, it confused me. Because I don't feel good when she gets too close to other males and when I realised she don't mind me playing and joking around with females, I wondered, how can she laugh along so casually? Does she not care as much as I do? I seriously thought that way." Yi Jung turned to him, surprised at his confession. "Does she not love me as much as I thought? At first, I really couldn't understand. But slowly, I realised it is just in born in her. She's just like this." Seung Hyun gestured to Yi Jung sitting next to each other. 

"He should be grateful instead. It can be extremely suffocating if I control him too much."

"I'm actually very envious of Ye Jin. Ye Jin is a young girl she found and had talked about a few years ago on a programme and Yi Jung is very protective of her. Can't you protect me more too?" He turned and asked her.

"I got it. I shall take care of you more." She pretended to be really gentle, saying in a motherly tone.

"But I think Seung Hyun-ssi is really unpredictable," The MC said after Yi Jung. "Things like 'can't you protect me' coming out from you, it is really surprising." Seung Hyun nodded lightly as he chuckled along with Yi Jung.

"Next question, 'One thing that is unknown to the public.' Let me elaborate on this." The MC moved on, putting down the card. "As the both of you have a public image, you behave in the way that matches your image on stage and on camera, right?" Yi Jung and Seung Hyun nodded. "However, there will surely be some of the behaviours that you two possessed that are totally different from your image. Please write one down." The couple started jotting down on the small whiteboard after thinking for a while and revealed what they wrote upon the MC's instructions. When the female turned to see what the guy wrote, she inwardly got a little surprise. That was not in the script! He changed the topic!

"Yi Jung-ssi wrote 'Cool? 0%'." Seung Hyun let out a chuckle and turned to 'glare' at the smiling Yi Jung.

"Oppa isn't born to be a cool guy." She said, waving her hand. "What, playful, mischievous, childish, silly, possessive, easily jealous. All these aren't cool and he has all of them." 

"We have seen Seung Hyun-ssi's playful side on television, but possessive?" The MC stared at the both of them. 

"Yes! See! It surprises you too...!" Yi Jung said excitedly. 

"But... Wah... It's really a little unexpected." The MC laughed.

"Isn't it normal for people to become like this for their lovers?" Seung Hyun spoke, trying to 'save' himself.

"No...!" Yi Jung objected. "He often talk as if every guy does it. But not all guys are possessive...!"

"You're right. Not all are like that, Seung Hyun-ssi." The MC took side of Yi Jung. 

"You should look at the way this girl behaves and listen the way she talks about guys. I'm not being unreasonable for no reasons." Seung Hyun complained childishly, pointing at Yi Jung. 

"Oh, Seung Hyun-ssi, I really wasn't expecting that from you." The MC said when Seung Hyun's complaints became rather whiny and laughed along with Yi Jung. 

"Okay, I admit." The other two turned to him and Seung Hyun continued. "I admit I get jealous easily, but possessive... I think not too much. It's just an instinctive reaction." 

"That's being possessive..." Yi Jung gave a 'duh' look and the MC chuckled.

 "So, ya. The production crew have no means of affecting your relationship with these questions so, yeah." The MC wittily replied and moved on.

"Seung Hyun-ssi wrote, 'Much aegyo'." 

"Yes." He said with a proud smile, knowing that his girlfriend was caught off guard. "She always had a very independent and matured image. It's all fake." He concluded sharply, causing the MC to ask more.

"What did she do?"

"Her managers said that she is very whiny and does a lot of aegyo and although I don't know if what I experienced is the same as her managers, she does a lot of aegyo to me, even without her realising." Laughing, Yi Jung asked,

"What did I do? I really don't remember myself acting cute." She told the MC. 

"Don't do it?" Upon his reply, she burst out laughing again. 

"You call that cute? You can't be serious, oppa..." 

"Her aegyo is at another level. It's like shyness, whining plus cuteness. You will get it once she demonstrates." Eyes widened, she turned to the guy who practically 'betrayed' her. 

"Please show us." The MC requested and she laughed nervously. 

"Out a sudden? How am I suppose to just do it like that?"

"I will help you." Seung Hyun was quick to say and Yi Jung gave a sharp turn to 'glare' at him. "Although others might think it's not really cute, I'm liking it a lot already." He ignored her and said with a laugh. 


"Yes. When we fool around, I do something that she don't like and she acts cute to stop me."

"Are you serious..." Yi Jung spoke in her hands as she covered her face, smiling embarrassedly. The couple stared into each other's eyes and the girl had the urge to laugh more. 

"Here." The MC got their attention, turning to the cameras. "This is exclusively only on KBS." 

"So if I attempt to tickle her, for example," And Seung Hyun turned to Yi Jung, his hand casually reaching over to her waist slowly, waiting for her response. Almost immediately, her hand stopped him.

" Don't... Don't do it...~ Hm?" She uttered in a light soft tone, looking up at him with innocent puppy eyes and pouting a little. Trying to look as sweet as possible, she broke into laughter as she covered her face in embarrassment.

"So this is Yi Jung-ssi's aegyo?" The MC laughed. "It's kind of adorable though."

"Yi Jung style. I like it so much and I think it will be the upcoming trend." 

"Yi Jung-ssi, do it more infront of Seung Hyun-ssi." The MC suggested. "It looks fine."

"I'm not going to do it ever again." She was quick to reply as she turned to 'glare' at the other man, that traitor. 

"Once again, KBS has no intentions to affect the two's relationship in any negative way." The MC said to the camera, causing the set to burst into laughter.


-Back in the waiting room-

"I don't know unnie actually acts cute." Min Ah turned to me and said with a slight smile. 

"That wasn't the topic he was supposed to share. He totally exposed me with that." I laughed a little, remembering the time when he said he will expose me just before the recording of the programme. 

"I heard that Seung Hyun-ssi likes to do that a lot, improvising scripts and all. But isn't that wrong?" Soo Hyun asked. 

"He is just lucky that the directors happened to be easy-going. You should really see the faces of the PD when he changed the discussion topic." I replied. 

"I heard that's the way the both of them showed affection." We turned to the source and saw one of the production crew by the door.

"Get ready. We will be starting in five minutes time."

"Yes." Soo Hyun and I said as we stood up, grabbing the scripts to look through for the nth time. After that, we headed out. 

It was four hours after that we wrapped up for the day. The last scene was with Min Ah so we decided to wait for each other so we could leave together. Since Jin Hye is still talking to the director and scriptwriter to make some arrangements, I agreed to follow Min Ah up to the rooftop for some fresh air. She was a step ahead me and stopped at the fencing. Staring at the dark sky, we stayed silent for awhile until she took out a packet of cigarette. Like she wasn't aware of me taken aback, she stuck one between her lips and lit the tip. Okay, what I mean is, she can smoke. She's not even underage or anything. It's just that it was so unexpected. She offered me and I shook my head lightly with a smile. Another silence came and she finally spoke.

"Unnie said I won't always be a sidekick." I nodded and she smiled back at me. "From now, I'm going to work extra hard. I really don't want to be a sidekick anymore. To you and Seung Hyun oppa." I continued to stare at her flawless face, not understanding what she meant. This doesn't sound right...

"Min Ah yah... What do you mean?"

"What made you come all the way across the sea to suffer here?" She ignored my question and asked again.

"The desire to be a singer." I replied, matter a fact.

"It must be very strong then, to let go off everything. Your parents, good friends, cousins, your nanny, grandparents, especially your grandfather." How did she know that I once had a nanny? And how did she know I like my grandfather more than my grandmother?!

"For me, it's the same." Her voice interrupted my thoughts. "Don't you want to know the drive that motivates me?" I seriously don't want to know. I was getting a very bad feeling about this girl already, but out of politeness, I still asked. 

"What is it?" 

"Choi Seung Hyun." She said, making my eyes widened and she smirked, like she expected and wanted to see my shocking look.

"This," She held up her cigarette stick. "Is the bond between me and oppa. He told me a lot. About you. His trip in Singapore with your family and friends. How nice your grandparents are, how fun your friends are, what wonderful parents you have and all about your cousins, not to mention the one who is a playboy. Did he ever tell you that he was nearly dismissed by Mr Yang last year?" No, this is the first time I hear this.

"I took up smoking because of him and I didn't regret it. Why? Because he tells me things he don't tell you." Her tone wasn't arrogant or anything. It was just casual, like I was her close friend and she wasn't saying something to threaten me. But I was! Threatened and challenged. By her. 

"I want to be the female lead. The main one. I really want to."


Finally! This is up...

Buried in school work and all, I apologise for my poor time management that caused this major delay. I'm really sorry...!

P.S. Thanks for reading and hope you have enjoyed it.


To Bungsky_, Hello. Well, Seung Hyun can be quite a child to something he likes. XD Jung Jun? Hmm... He's one major headache. I can only say that. Thanks for supporting! ^^


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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue