They ignore me

7 Dreams

A/N thoughts=italic


Third Person POV

"Please let me explain." it came from Yuna when she took off the mask. "Why should we hear your explanation? You lied to us. We trusted you." Jiu said now and looked disappointedly at Yuna. The others did the same as Jiu and looked disappointedly at Yuna. "It would be best if Manager Oppa drove us back to the dorm. I don't want to stay here longer than necessary." Sua said and then looked at the others. Yuna tried to say something, but she just couldn't find the right words. "I wrote Manager Oppa, he said that he would be right there and that we should wait for him outside." it came from Dami who was putting her cell phone away. Then there was a soft sob and all eyes landed on Gahyeon. Handong had pulled her into her arms and her back comfortingly.

"Gahyeon, I ....." Yuna broke off in the middle of the sentence as the others glared at her. "Come on let's go, we shouldn't keep Oppa waiting too long." Siyeon said now and then went off. The others followed her, Jiu stopped in front of Yuna again. "See you again Monday morning, Yuna-ssi." Jiu said in a very formal tone. Then the door closed again after Jiu left the room. "I'm so sorry, Unnie. If I had known this would happen, I would never have asked you for this favor." said Mia, looking apologetically at her sister. "It's okay, it happened and there is nothing I can do about it." it came from Yuna and the girls noticed how much the whole thing was hurting her.

End of Flashback

Yuna POV

I was sitting in the cafe with my best friends. I needed someone to talk to and I told them both what had happened. Across from me was Park Ari, she was the manager of Mamamoo and next to her was Hwang Minho, he was the manager of CLC. Both were extremely calm and I wondered what was going through their heads. The next moment Ari hit me on the head with her hand. I dropped the fork I was holding onto my plate and held my head tight. "Yaah what was that for?" I asked her now, but only got a glare from her. "If Ari hadn't hit you on the head now, I would have. Yuna how stupid can you be? You should have expected that they would try to call you. You tried to explain the whole thing to them again?" it came from Minho and he looked at me questioningly. I embarrassedly my neck. "I tried, but they ignore me completely. They only talk to me when it is really necessary, otherwise they are silent." I said now and looked at my plate. Then I heard Ari start laughing, I looked at her in confusion. I didn't understand why she had to laugh. "I can't believe how stupid you are, Yuna. You always find a way to get someone to listen to you. Why do you act so stupid? How do you get Eunji to listen to you when the two of you argues? And if you keep shoveling cake into yourself you won't find an answer. This is your fifth piece of Red Velvet cake. You get fat if you go on like this. "Now she said to me and then continued to eat her piece of chocolate cake. 

Now I looked at Minho for help, but he just shrugged his shoulders and drank his iced americano." What a great help you are, Minho." it came from me now sakastically and he just gave me a smile. I now looked at my half-eaten piece of cake and then I knew what I had to do." I have to go. I will get in touch with you later and thank you for taking over my bill. "It came from me and I looked that I quickly got away from the table. I knew Ari long enough to know that otherwise she would have hit me again.

I reached the company half an hour later. I got out of the car and took the things I had bought in the cafe with me. After entering the company I went to the elevator. The girls were in the practice room, they had all finished their other schedules. I got out of the elevator and went straight to the practice room. Before I opened the door I heard a familiar voice. What the hell is Eunji doing here? I thought now and then entered the room. All eyes fell on me again when I entered the room. "Eunji, would you like to explain to me what you're doing here?" I asked Eunji now and was looking forward to her explanation. "That was so ....." I heard Eunji say.


15 minutes before Yuna entered the room

The girls were taking a break and then looked at each other. "Don't you think we're going too far?" Yoohyeon asked now and looked at the others. "She lied to us, Yoohyeon, but you're right we're going too far." it came from Siyeon. All eyes now landed on Jiu and she looked at them questioningly. "Jiu Unnie what should we do now? Every time Yuna Unnie wants to apologize, we ignore her and give her the cold shoulder. Do you think she will continue to work with us if we treat her like this?" Gahyeon said now and the others noticed how much she was dealing with this whole situation. They all knew that their Maknae, liked Yuna Unnie a lot and they would apologize to her when she came back. 

Then there was a knock on the door, they knew that Yuna would not knock. Handong now went to the door and opened it. She looked up in wonder as Everglow's Mia stood in front of her. "Can I come in?" Mia asked now. Handong nodded, then stepped aside and let Mia in. Everyone looked at Mia in wonder and wondered what she wanted from them. "Sunbaenims I wanted to apologize to you. If I hadn't persuaded Unnie to help me, then this whole situation would not have happened. All week long, where you give Unnie the cold shoulder and silent treatment, she was no longer herself. I've never seen my sister so depressed. Sunbaenims means a lot to her. So I came here today to apologize and tell you that it wasn't Unnie's fault. " Mia said now and then bowed to the girls.


"I came here to apologize and told them that this idea was my fault and not yours." I heard Eunji say now. Why didn't I trust her when she said this? "It was the other way around, Jiwon had to force you to come here." I said now and saw how Eunji looked at me in shock. "How can you say something like that Unnie. You are my sister and I love you with all my heart. I couldn't watch how you were so down." it came from Eunji and I have never seen her lying like this before. I put the things I still had in my hands on the table and then walked very slowly towards Eunji. When I stood in front of her I took her into a headlock. "Stop lying. Do I have to ask Jiwon first if you came here on your own?" I said now and then I heard the girls laugh. I looked at them in confusion and didn't understand what was going on. "Yuna Unnie, we would also like to apologize to you for how we treated you. We didn't even let you explain the whole situation. We're sorry." I heard Jiu say now and saw them all bow to me. I let go of Eunji and just looked at the girls. "You don't have to apologize or bow. I should have told you the truth from the start. I even brought iced Americanos and a strawberry cake as an apology." I said to them now and saw their eyes shine at the mention of the cake.

Third Person POV

They were all sitting on the floor now and eating the cake, except Yuna she couldn't see any cake at the moment. "Are you sure you don't want a piece of cake Unnie?" Mia asked her sister now and she just shook her head. "I overdid it a little with cake today. You know how I can be when I'm worried about something." it came from Yuna. "Yuna Unnie, there is one thing we still have to sort out." Siyeon said now and sounded very serious. The older one looked at Siyeon questioningly. "And that would be?" Yuna asked, not knowing what Siyeon wanted from her. "Why didn't you tell us that you have such abs? I would die to have them myself" it came from Siyeon and Yuna just looked at her speechless. If Yuna was honest, she expected everything, but not that.

"Exactly Unnie why didn't you tell us."

"I thought we were going to tell each other everything."

"How long have you been training for them?"

"Tell us what your secret is."

"Mia, you should know your sister's secret."

"Can you tell us?"

Mia now had that playful look again and Yuna didn't like it at all. "I can show you bikini pictures of Unnie, it shows her abs better." Mia said now and had to laugh. "Yaah Han Eunji, I forbid you to show these pictures." Yuna said and then attacked Mia. She tickled her sister now and the girls laughed at the two sisters. The girls were happy that everything was the same again. Unconsciously to them, Yuna had received a message from someone unknown.

From Unknown:

'Baby I promise I'll get you back. I give you my word. You only belong to me alone. Nobody else can have you.'


to be continued......



A/N: Who may have sent this message? 

and here are the pictures Mia wanted to show

(and these are Yuna's abs)



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I don't know how long it will take me to write the first chapter, but I will try so that it doesn't take too long


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Chapter 40: It has been a fun reading experience. The story is great~ kind of different from what I usually read, so it's very refreshing.
Keep on writing! You'll do great ^^-
Energizer_bunny22 #2
Chapter 40: Wow, it ended so was a great story but tbh I’m left wanting.

Either way, thanks for the story.
Chapter 39: Awwwwwwe
Chapter 38: Get that bag Yuna
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 37: Ahh gaming with Yoohyeon would be so fun!
akrr1997 #6
Chapter 36: Dongie~~~
Chapter 35: Eyyyy my bias!
Energizer_bunny22 #8
Chapter 35: Okay, I get it now.....& Sua! Hahahaha
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 34: Byuntae Bora is hilarious!
Chapter 34: Bora is such a ert.....I love it!