Day 1 in Bali

7 Dreams

A/N thoughts=italic


Third Person POV

After the two hours had passed, Yuna met the others down in the lobby. Before she went downstairs, she had changed. When she arrived in the lobby, the others were already coming towards her. "Yuna Unnie, let's go to the beach. Come on, it's been so long since we were here last time." Mia said now and grabbed Yuna by the hand and pulled her outside. The others could only smile about it and then followed them outside. Once on the beach, Mia was already pulling her sister towards the sea. "Eunji, I'm warning you." they all heard Yuna shouting. You could only hear Mia laughing because she had pushed Yuna into the water. The others who saw this had to laugh too. Yuna got up again and then went to Mia. Since Mia had turned her back on her she didn't see what Yuna was up to. The older one grabbed Mia's waist and then lifted her up. 

"Yaah Unnie let me down."

"Revenge is sweet, Dongsaeng-ah." it came from Yuna who threw Mia into the water. Now Yuna was the one who had to laugh. She now hold out her Hand to Mia to help her up, but she had another idea. Mia pulled Yuna back into the water. Both sisters looked at each other now and had to laugh.  The others now come in and a water battle has arisen. The girls all had fun in the water. What she didn't notice was that she was observed by a small group of men. One of the men had his eyes on Yuna all the time. 

Yuna POV

After the water fight I pulled back a little and went over to the beach bar for a drink. From there I had a good eye on the others. I now sat on a bar stool and ordered something to drink. "I hope you didn't order anything containing alcohol, because it's too early for that." I heard a familiar voice say next to me. I turned to face the person and looked into Ailee Unnie's face. "Unnie what are you doing here?" I ask now and Ailee laughed at my reaction.

"I'm here for vacation. I'll fly back the day after tomorrow. I've been here since last week and I have to prepare for my comeback." Ailee said now. The two of us talked for a while until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see who had tapped me on the shoulder. I thought it was Eunji or one of the others. But when I turned around I looked into the arrogant face of a man. "Hey beautiful, don't you want to have a drink with me? And afterwards we have some fun in my room." I heard him say now and saw his friends standing behind him as they all had this stupid grin on their faces.

"No thanks. If you haven't noticed, I'm already talking to someone." I said a bit annoyed and turned around again. I looked at Unnie and saw that she was annoyed too. "Hey sweetie don't act like that and have a drink with me. We both can have a lot of fun together if you know what I mean." it came from him and I didn't know what else to say. And the bartender disappeared briefly and could not intervene. "Didn't you hear what she said? She's talking to me and isn't interested. So do us the favor and get out." it came from Ailee and I noticed how annoyed she was by this guy. "So what? Do you think that interests me whether she speaks to you or not? So what do you say, sweetie?" he said now and just didn't give in. 

Can't he just leave me alone? I thought now and thought about what to say next. Before I could think of anything to say, I felt fingers under my chin. I looked at Ailee questioningly and the next moment I opened my eyes in shock. I hadn't expected her to kiss me. When she let go of me again and looked at the guy, I turned bright red. "It annoys me when a monkey like you tries to flirt with my girlfriend. I hope I have made myself clear and now let us alone." Ailee said now. I heard the guy mutter something and his friends laughed behind him. Then they disappeared again and Ailee looked at me with concern.

"Yuna excuse me for what I did, but that was the only thing I could think of, so that he would leave you alone. I hope you're not angry with me about the kiss." Ailee said to me now. I was still red in the face when I looked at Ailee. "I'm grateful to you for helping me, Unnie. But warn me next time." I said now and Ailee nodded. "Unnie I have to tell you something." it came from me and I saw that I had Ailee's full attention. I wondered how to tell her that. "Last week Hyuna showed up again. I realized too late that she would also appear at Inkigayo. She came to see me at the end of the show and wanted a second chance. She said she would still love me and at the same day she showed up later in my mother’s restaurant and did a scene there. Unnie I don’t know what to do." I said now and saw that Unnie was lost in thought.

"Yuna should she try talking to you again, just go. I don't buy it from her that she still loves you. And see that you are never alone when you go out. I worry about you and don't want anything to happen to you again." Unnie said to me now and I knew what she was talking about. I didn't know what to answer Ailee and then looked at my hands. "Now another topic, what's going on between you and BTS Leader RM? I saw the news and I think something is going on between you two." it came from her and I just looked at her stunned. I couldn't believe what she was saying. "Why does everyone believe that? You, Eunji, Sua and Yoohyeon and even my mother said this. I don't feel anything for him. Namjoon is a good friend and there's nothing more." I said now and started pouting. I saw Ailee Unnie smile and the next moment she squeezed my cheeks together. "Un ... nie ...... stop ......." I could just say, because it was not easy to say anything. "I know you don't feel anything for men, but your reaction to it was just so funny. Stop pouting." Unnie said now and let go of my cheeks. 

I glared at her and then had to smile. We talked about some other things and then someone hugged me from behind. I knew immediately who it was, so I didn't even have to turn around. "Hello Eunji, have you played enough in the water?" I asked her now and noticed how she nodded her head. "Hello Ailee Unnie. I didn't know you were here? How long are you going to stay?" Eunji asked when she looked over my shoulder. Meanwhile, I played with Eunji's fingers on my stomach. "Hi Eunji, nice to see you again. I just stay until the day after tomorrow, I have to prepare for my comeback. What brings you here?" Ailee said now. "I'm actually here to bring Unnie back to the water. Would you like to come with us, Unnie?" it came from Eunji and I looked at Ailee.

Third Person POV

The two sisters now looked at Ailee and waited for an answer from her. "Of course I will accompany you. I have to see who is making Yuna such a difficult time. Don't look like that, I won't do anything to them." Ailee said now and the three went back to the water. When the others saw the three approaching, the two Maknae ran towards Yuna. Yuna opened her arms and the two youngest hugged her. "Unnie play with us a little in the water." it came from Yiren. Before Yuna could say anything, Yiren and Gahyeon pulled her to the water. "Hello Ailee Sunbaenim." Jiu said now and she and the others bowed to her. Ailee smiled now and then looked briefly again in Yuna's direction. "You don't have to be so polite, it's enough if you say Ailee Unnie or just Unnie. Sorry if I should be too curious, but how is Yuna as a manager?" Ailee said now.

Jiu now looked at the others and they were all thinking about what to say.

"It's fun to work with Yuna Unnie."

"Unnie always blushes so quickly."

"It's fun teasing Unnie."

"Yuna Unnie always takes good care of us."

"Unnie is sometimes dense."

"This is Yuna Unnie's charm and she has hidden aegyo."

"Before we forget Gahyeon likes Unnie very much." Sua said now and the others nodded. Ailee smiled when she heard what the girls had to say. "And Jagiya doesn't notice if you flirt with her. I still remember that she came to visit us and we got a new manager. He should take over for Jongin Oppa until he was healthy again because he had a cold. He had Yuna Unnie asked several times whether she would have a coffee with him or eat with her, and each time she said no."said E:U now.

"When Jongin Oppa was back, Yuna Unnie came to visit us again. Our other manager tried to ask Unnie for a date again. He even came with flowers and told her he had feelings for her. When Unnie heard this, she didn't know what to say. She thought he was just kind when he always asked her. Jongin Oppa then explained that he had no chance with her. " Aisha said now and the others had to laugh when they remembered it. "That means if you don't tell Unnie directly, she doesn't notice?" Siyeon asked now. Aisha nodded now and then they heard how the other three came back.

Gahyeon POV

Yiren and I had a lot of fun with Yuna Unnie. It was nice to let myself go without being scared of being photographed by reports. When we got to the others they seemed to have talked about something. "Yuna Unnie you are really dense." Dami Unnie said now and Yuna Unnie looked at her confused. "What? Why are you saying this to me now, Dami-ah?" Yuna Unnie asked now and I saw the others laughing. Mia now went to Unnie and put an arm around her. "Unnie just forget about it. If you think about it now you will only get old and gray." Mia said now and jumped to the side because Unnie wanted to hit her.

"Yaah come back here you little brat." we heard Yuna Unnie say when she ran after Mia. We watched them for a while, until it became too much for E:U and she walked towards them. "Can you two stop acting like little children? You two can be really embarrassing." we heard E:U say to the two and both hung their heads low. We all talked about different things. When evening came we all went to a restaurant and ate together. Ailee Unnie accompanied us and she also told us what had happened at the beach bar earlier. 

I didn't know why, but when Ailee Unnie mentioned the kiss she gave Unnie, my heart tightened. I just didn't like that Ailee Unnie kissed Yuna Unnie, even if she only did it, so the guy left Unnie alone. I didn't seem to be the only one having a problem with it, my Unnie's didn't seem to like it either. After dinner we went back to the resort and in the lobby Ailee Unnie said goodbye to us. "I'm going to go to my room now. Sleep well and see you tomorrow." Yuna Unnie said to us and then went to her room.

"So which one of us will share the room with Unnie?" I asked now. I shouldn't have asked this question because somehow all of us wanted to sleep with Unnie in the room. "Why don't you play about it? The winner shares the room with my sister." it came from Mia and we looked at her. "What do you suggest?" Yoohyeon asked now and I was also looking forward to the answer. Mia grinned now and E:U just shook her head over it. "Why don't you play Kawi Bawi Bo?" Mia said now and we all looked at each other.

"Okay we'll do that." it came from Jiu Unnie and we stood in a circle. "Kawi Bawi Bo." we all said at the same time. "Yes, I won." I said now and saw that my Unnie's disagreed. "Whoever wins two out of three rounds. So you haven't won yet, Maknae-ah." I heard Sua Unnie say now and I just shook my head. So we played another round and I won it again. 

"Yaah that's not fair."

"I wanted to be the first to share the room with Unnie."

"Unnie's you are bad losers. See you again tomorrow morning." I said now and then went up to Yuna Unnie's room.

But before I went to Unnie's room, I went to mine and put on my sleeping clothes. After I finished changing, I went over to Unnie's room. When I got to the room I knocked on the door and waited for Unnie to open the door. A few seconds passed before Unnie opened the door. "Gahyeon-ah, did something happen?" Unnie asked me now. I had to smile when I saw Unnie looking concerned. "Nothing happened, Unnie. I wanted to ask if I could sleep with you tonight?" I said now and saw Unnie thinking. "Ok come in. I was about to go to sleep." it came from her and I entered her room.

The two of us went to bed and I got a little nervous. "Good night Gahyeon-ah. Sweet dreams and sleep well." Unnie said now and she switched off the bedside lamp. "Good night Unnie." I said now and then fell asleep a little later.


to be continued......







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I don't know how long it will take me to write the first chapter, but I will try so that it doesn't take too long


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Chapter 40: It has been a fun reading experience. The story is great~ kind of different from what I usually read, so it's very refreshing.
Keep on writing! You'll do great ^^-
Energizer_bunny22 #2
Chapter 40: Wow, it ended so was a great story but tbh I’m left wanting.

Either way, thanks for the story.
Chapter 39: Awwwwwwe
Chapter 38: Get that bag Yuna
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 37: Ahh gaming with Yoohyeon would be so fun!
akrr1997 #6
Chapter 36: Dongie~~~
Chapter 35: Eyyyy my bias!
Energizer_bunny22 #8
Chapter 35: Okay, I get it now.....& Sua! Hahahaha
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 34: Byuntae Bora is hilarious!
Chapter 34: Bora is such a ert.....I love it!