Yuri's 'Idiotic' Act....

Daughter of the Devil - Heart of a Saint

Minho recovered quickly and scooped up Yuri into his strong arms. Ignoring the stares from his shocked classmates, he made his way hurriedly to the nurse room.

Yuri could feel that someone was carrying her. A sweet tempting scent hit her nose and she inhaled hungrily. The person’s heartbeat thundered loudly in Yuri’s right ear. She managed to resist her hunger pang and opened her eyes.

Minho’s worried face was the first to enter her view. His eyebrows were narrowed with deep worries. He gazed down at the awakening Yuri and asked “Are you feeling alright? I’m now bringing you to the nurse room. Please stay awake! You… You have vomited out a lot of blood…”

Nurse room?!The reality hit Yuri hard on her senses. She could not afford to be checked by the nurses. Although she had a normal human body but her irregular heartbeat would give her away.

Yuri struggled to get down but Minho would not let her. He thought Yuri was too shy to be carried by a guy but he still hold onto her tightly for fear that Yuri would lose consciousness again.

“Minho, let me down now!” Yuri commanded in a loud and strong voice. Minho was surprised by her sharp tone and relaxed his hands briefly. Yuri caught the opportunity and got down. She sprinted towards the forest and disappeared within seconds. Minho tried to catch up with Yuri but he lost sight of her.

Minho was unsure of the direction that Yuri went. However, as he was concerned about Yuri’s well-being, he found a spot near the forest entrance and sat down to wait for her.


“YURI!!! Have you gone nuts?” Yoona shrieked her famous high-pitch scream again. She flapped her wings up and down in anger. Although, she was mad that Yuri had prevented her from eating the guy, she was even madder at Yuri’s daring and idiotic action.

“Don’t tell me that you did not know what does kissing on the person lips mean during a food-fight” Yoona questioned Yuri disbelievingly.

Yuri shook her head. Of course, she knew what it meant. In order to save Yoona’s and Minho’s lives, she had executed a bold act. Kissing the victim’s lips meant that the ‘food’ belonged to the demon. Anyone who wished to devour the victim, would first had to challenge the demon.

As Yuri had no intention to devour Minho, she would be at a constant risk of being attacked by other demons that would be after Minho’s tender meat.

Yuri endured Yoona’s nagging for nearly two hours before she could go home. Even though, Yoona might seem fierce and evil, she cherished Yuri as a friend. Demons had no friends except family and relatives. Yoona might be a powerful demon but her race was often picked on as they were at the bottom of the demon’s hierarchy. Yuri was considered to be part of the royal family until she left home six years ago. However, Yuri did not look down on Yoona. She did not scold or punish her even though Yoona hurt her sometimes when she was too angered.


It was only slightly passed noon when Yuri came out from the forest.

“Sigh… What am I going to do? This incident will certainly mark me as a confirmed lunatic... Haha…” Yuri laughed bitterly. She was so absorbed into her own thoughts that she did not watch where she was going and bumped into a muscular chest. She tried to step back but the person s his arms around her back and hugged her tightly.

Yuri raised her head and was surprised to see Minho smiling at her.

“Glad to see that you are fine. You had me worried for nearly two hours when you disappeared into the forest.” Minho patted Yuri’s head and murmured fondly, the concern reflecting in his eyes. Yuri was touched by Minho waiting for her. However, she understood her status and proceeded to disengage herself from Minho’s embrace.

Yuri walked towards the school with Minho tagging along beside her.

“Eh…? The blood stain on your dress has disappeared! Did you wash and dry your dress in the river?” Minho pointed out and asked. “Yuri, this is so dangerous! There might be someone peeking at you, even though the first suspect will be me. But too bad, I wasn’t there. Anyway, there may be wild animals in the forest! The blood stain may lure them! I can’t picture what may happen!”

Yuri did not know whether to laugh or cry at Minho’s words. She decided to ignore him and walked briskly towards the school. She had already listened to Yoona’s nagging for almost two hours. Yuri had no intention to hear another one by Minho.


That's all for today... Hope that this chapter does not sound like rubbish to you... ^^

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myjojoz #1
I LOVE THIS! I've read this story at least 100 times already and it never gets old. Please write another story about MinYul! I'm also a fan of you now. :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@heartminyulcouple: Glad that you love this... ^^
@FlamingPearl_isLOVE: Wow... That was a record fast speed...! ^^
Wow awesome ~ I finished this maybe... 45 mins? <3
just finished this story umh, in 2 hours ?
and don't worry, your fantasy was popped out on my brain.
I can understand this story well cause you describe it perfectly .
soo,, this is another story i loved from you <3 kekeke
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
@BEaUtiful: Hi, thanks! Glad that you enjoyed this story... ^^
BEaUtiful #6
Awww it's over already? It was one of my favs! Anyway it was really good and I enjoyed reading it!
BlackPearl_Goddess #7
@ShineeShiDaePmSuju: Haha... Hope you will not get sweet tooth... joking joking... Thanks for loving this fanfic.. Will have another one, hopefully soon... ^^
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #8
Soo sweet ending
I really love ur ff <3

More Minyul plz ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #9
@jhazzy28: Oh... Will take note in the future MinYul fanfic... Try not to end so quickly... ^^
@Imlucifer: Haha.. Thanks... It's nothing compared to yours... ^^