About Me

Hi everyone! I love writing stories from my endless imagination. I will literally be trying to sleep at night and think of an amazing story idea and then be like "OMG I got to write that after I'm done with this story!" lol. I love singing, acting, music, playing piano, guitar, and fashion. I'm addicted to texting and Starbucks Mocha Fraps. I'm a total girly girl. I like lots of things and dislike lots of things, but I try not to offend anyone with my dislikes. I try to do graphics. I'm decent at them but not amazing...... yet. I'm a perfectionist and I have big hopes and big dreams. I'm not shy so if you ask my honest opinion I will give it to you. If you have any suggestions or criticism for my stories please let me know, and I will take them under consideration. Anyway nice meeting you all! Bye! :)