Are you really happy?

Driving me crazy! [Part 2 of I am not your baby!]

You ran up the stairs to get changed into more comfortable cloths, just as you had pulled the sweatpants up there was a knocking on the door. You looked at your watch. "That took him long enough." You skipped down the stairs two steps at the time and stumbled abit at the last one causing you to crash into the door.
"ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT'S GOING ON! OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR!" You could hear Zico shouting and kicking the door on the outside, you just giggled and opened it slightly.
"Sorry. I fell." He furrowed his eyebrows at you and glanced in behind you.
"Is he here?" You knew the he Zico was referring to was L.joe, but there was no need for him to worry about that. It wasn't like L.joe showed up at your house after school anymore. You shook your head and moved abit so he could get through the doorway.

"How could you forget a shoe?" You asked and studied him curiously. He threw himself on the sofa and buried his face in one of the pillows.
"I said it wasn't my fault! Aish! When will you start to listen to your Oppa huh?" you hit his leg for him to move it so you could sit down next to him.
"I'm just curious.. didn't you notice that you walked home with just one shoe?" You giggled at the thought of Zico the Jjang walking around Seoul shoeless on one foot. He sighed and turned around to face you, you saw a worried look on his face.

"What?" You starred at him dumbfounded.
"How long has it been since you saw him?" You froze, this was the last thing you wanted to talk about. You tried your best not to think about it since every time you did you could feel your heart break little by little.
"How about some tee?" You were about to stand up when he grabbed your wrist pulling you down on the sofa again.
"Come on. He treats you like crap. Don't let him do this." You felt the tears threatening to reaching your eyes and that knot in your stomach grew bigger by the second.
"Please Zico I don't want to talk about it." You brushed his hand of your wrist and walked over to the kitchen. He fell back on to the sofa and starred at the ceiling as he heard you slamming with pots and cups while making the tee.
*I would never had played with her like this! That idiot!* Zico growled to himself as he thought about how heartbroken you had just looked as he mentioned L.joe.

As you came back with the tee he patted the space on the sofa next to him for you to sit down again. After hesitating or a spit second you placed yourself beside him, you could feel his eyes on you and you forced yourself to smile.
"Baby let me just ask you one thing. If you can answer it convincing me that you're telling the truth I swear I will drop the whole thing okay?" You bit your bottom lip and nodded.
He studied your face *How can she be so cold about it all?* "Are you really happy?"
Without you noticing you twitched at the question causing Zico to frown. "Y-yes why wouldn't I be?" You nervously stirred the tee with a spoon and couldn't get yourself to meet his eyes.
"You're lying."
He was right you were, it was all a big at lie. You were sad, angry, heartbroken and confused at the same time. You wanted to cry and scream and hit L.joe hard in the face for what he was putting you through. But you knew it wouldn't make things better and it wouldn't answer any questions that you needed to ask him. Finally you forced yourself to meet Zico's eyes.
"Look if you want to know what's wrong with him right now I can't help you!" He heard your voice tremble as you spoke. "I'm just as confused as you guys okay! And YES I hate it! YES I'm unhappy! And YES I FREAKING WANT TO CRY!" He saw the tears welling up in your eyes as you finished. "And.... I HATE HIM FOR DOING THIS TO ME!" The tears ran over your cheeks and you threw yourself in Zico's arms.
*Finally.* Zico you over the hair and hushed you, just like he did that night that Jjion had abused you. You just sobbed into his T-shirt and hugged his waist, you didn't want to let go of him.

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Chapter 28: Finnaly the second story is finished. Usually i seldom interested in stories that nt teentop as main character. But you change my mind. This is sooo adorable story.

Now i will read the 3rd part. Good luck for your next stories. I 'll reading your story ^^
ShuHui #2
Chapter 23: Okay.. This chap is confusing.. But I guess the wife of this Daejun? Guy is going to send her back??
ShuHui #3
Chapter 19: AHH is she gonna say no or will there be a twist!! Typing this comment is driving me nuts too... Go next chapter GOOO!!!!
ShuHui #4
Chapter 19: I've a feeling Nana is gonna be with Ukwon?!?~~~
ShuHui #5
Chapter 14: ZICO is totally the sweetest~
ShuHui #6
Chapter 4: Omg.. That guy didnt even APOLOGISE for not contacting!!!! How rude...
ShuHui #7
Chapter 3: I wished she would end up with ZICO.. Okay... Ignore my last comment!! Lol~ so Ito the mode~
ShuHui #8
I was looking at the comments before I read the story and saw that she ended up with ZICO!! I cant wait to read!!
Omg!just finished this.ljoe ! I trust you~but u being such a jerk in this!how could you!*sob* back to zico^^ omg!!I can't I can't...oh my~ he's the sweetest thing ever~~this is what I call true love..his love for her stay forever~~im HAPPY the she end up with zico~ I hope they will stay together forever in the next part ^^thank you so much for writing this wonderful story~i love you~ gonna got to part 3~ let see what happen next~^^