Daegun returns?

Driving me crazy! [Part 2 of I am not your baby!]

Nana and you were sitting in the cafeteria as you head students gasp and gossip around you, you jerked your head up trying to see what was going on. They didn't even react like this when Teen Top entered the room, so something must be wrong. You heard some girls talk about that "they shouldn't be here." and "Wait until Teen Top Oppa's find out." Nana looked at them totally not amused.
"Aish what now?" She put down her bowl and turned around in the seat. You saw seven shadows pass the cafeteria doors and Nana's eyes grew wide.
"Omo Rivals?" She was about to stand up when she heard your name being mentioned, the guys then swiftly turned around and pushed the doors open. "I think you should make a run for it Hunnie."
She pulled you up by the arm and nodded towards the other doors, you frowned and turned your head towards the guys. You choked on your soup "What the hell is he doing here?" Nana looked at you funny and patted your back.
"You know him?"
You nodded "Ehm yeah sort of not really though that was the guy I danced with at the club." Nana looked up at him again, this time she took a good hard look at him.
"ooh yeah Mr good looking. Got it!" She smirked and winked at you "I guess he wants more huh." She nudge you with her elbow making you squeak. You saw the guys turn their attention towards your table at the sound of it. You covered your mouth and blushed *Aish thanks Nana* The leader waved at the rest to follow him as the group made their way over to you.
"Hey." Daegun pulled out the chair beside you and sat down, you sunk down on yours again.
He studied your face and gave you a heart melting smile. You could hear the other girls squeal and talk about how handsome he was.. You glanced over at the girls who were clearly fangirling over him and rolled your eyes. He chuckled as he saw how annoyed you were over it.
"Don't worry cutie I've only got eyes for you." He winked and you narrowed your eyes at him.
"How did you find me?" He reached over and poked your nose.
"That's for me to know. So how you been doing?"
You shrugged thinking about how much you should tell him, you didn't mind him he had been really nice to you but still he was just another gang member.
"Alright. and you?"
He leaned closer to you and gazed into your eyes "Never been better." Then he leaned back in the chair again "So what are you two up to tonight?" You looked over at Nana who shrugged, she sat down next to you again and held out her hand.
"We're not doing anything and Hi I'm Nana." He smiled and shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you Nana I'm Daegun. If you're not busy tonight we will be taking you out." He shot her another one of his gorgeous smiles and you could see her blush a little. Then she glanced over at you, you nodded. 
"Sure I guess it wouldn't hurt."
"Great! We'll pick you up at lets say.. 7.. wear something cute." He winked before he stood up and started to walk out of the room with the rest of the guys behind him.

As they were heading towards the exit he heard a voice call out his name.
"EY DAEGUN what the are you doing here?!" He spun around and came face to face with Teen Top, he smirked and looked from member to member until his eyes landed on L.joe.
"I came to see someone I know.." He stated making the rest of the gang chuckle, Teen Top had no idea that he was going for you and he did enjoy the little game.
"You don't know anyone here stop playing dumb!" L.joe hissed, it was clear that Daegun had been coming over for trouble. Why else would he be there.
Daegun took a step towards L.joe and smiled.
"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you..." He nodded towards the cafeteria "Maybe you should ask your ex girlfriend who I came to see. I think you would be surprised." L.joe stiffened as he mentioned you, he felt the whole world go black around him. *What did Daegun do to her?!* He lunged for Daegun but CAP held him back
"What the did you do to her?!"
Daegun just smiled back "Oh don't worry I didn't do a thing. Our little princess is totally safe. And I promise to take care of her tonight. Now excuse me but I've got better things to do then to stand around you kids." With that he did a small salute and the gang walked out the doors, leaving Teen Top standing there confused at what just happened.

Suddenly L.joe turned around and made a run for the cafeteria, none of the others managed to react before he had crashed in through the doors. You turned around as you heard the doors slam open and your eyes widened as you saw L.joe standing there looking more upset then you had ever seen him. He ran over to you and pulled you up from the chair.
"Is it true?! Are you really going out with that rat?!" He hissed making you jump. He didn't take his eyes off you as you tried to pry yourself away from his hands. "Answer me! Is it true?!" Finally you managed to pull yourself away from him, you felt all your feelings coming rushing back to you.
"Why do you care? huh? Aren't you happy?! Now you can go out and kiss more girls. I hope you have fun." You turned around and ran out the room, you felt the tears in your throat as you dodged the other students trying to get out of school. You were panicking, you didn't want them to see you cry. Just as you were about to give up you felt a hand around yours, then someone started to pull you towards the front doors. You looked up *CAP?*, he didn't look at you silently he just pulled out you out of the school and you followed him.



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Chapter 28: Finnaly the second story is finished. Usually i seldom interested in stories that nt teentop as main character. But you change my mind. This is sooo adorable story.

Now i will read the 3rd part. Good luck for your next stories. I 'll reading your story ^^
ShuHui #2
Chapter 23: Okay.. This chap is confusing.. But I guess the wife of this Daejun? Guy is going to send her back??
ShuHui #3
Chapter 19: AHH is she gonna say no or will there be a twist!! Typing this comment is driving me nuts too... Go next chapter GOOO!!!!
ShuHui #4
Chapter 19: I've a feeling Nana is gonna be with Ukwon?!?~~~
ShuHui #5
Chapter 14: ZICO is totally the sweetest~
ShuHui #6
Chapter 4: Omg.. That guy didnt even APOLOGISE for not contacting!!!! How rude...
ShuHui #7
Chapter 3: I wished she would end up with ZICO.. Okay... Ignore my last comment!! Lol~ so Ito the mode~
ShuHui #8
I was looking at the comments before I read the story and saw that she ended up with ZICO!! I cant wait to read!!
Omg!just finished this.ljoe ! I trust you~but u being such a jerk in this!how could you!*sob* back to zico^^ omg!!I can't I can't...oh my~ he's the sweetest thing ever~~this is what I call true love..his love for her stay forever~~im HAPPY the she end up with zico~ I hope they will stay together forever in the next part ^^thank you so much for writing this wonderful story~i love you~ gonna got to part 3~ let see what happen next~^^