The none leader anymore.

Driving me crazy! [Part 2 of I am not your baby!]

Block B was worried, not only for the fact that you had magically disapeared from the face of Korea but also cause you took Zico's heart with you as you left. It had been close to four month now since that day at Lotteworld. All of them had been terrified when they heard that Daegun was the one who dragged you away. Block B knew just too well what he was capable of doing to a girl and it drove them insane. Zico didn't even come out of the dorm anymore, he just spent all his time in there. He didn't even cry anymore, it was like he just gave up. Block B tried to cheer him up by helping him look in different places but there were no use as soon as he saw that you weren't there he just went back home to lock himself up again.

Nana was sitting on the sofa with U-Kwon that day, she looked just as pale as Zico did now days. She twirled her fingers around in a nervouse matter and it was clear that she didn't want to take her eyes off the ground.
"Do you think she will ever come back?" U-Kwon could tell that there were tears in her eyes as she asked the question that had been on all of their minds for the last four month. Thruth was that he didn't know, it was clear that Daegun had brought you somewhere that wasn't in Seoul at least. And he wouldn't be surprised if you weren't even in Korea anymore. He looked up at the girl sitting next to him and studied her face. She had gotten slimmer, her skin was as pale as the snow and she had dark circles under her big eyes. There were no way he could give her an honest answer at this point so he just patted her on the shoulder.
"I hope so."

She looked out the window, the days were getting colder and soon it would be winter. She couldn't even imagine what he had put you through all this time, just thinking about it made her crazy. You had been so happy that day and she had been happy for you. Finally you would get what you deserved, a boyfriend who loved you beyonde anything, friends who cared and just a happy life. Then they were forced to see it all get snatched away right in front of them. She had to admit it even though she was scared out of her mind for you, Zico was probably worse of then her. He used to be the strong leader of Block B, now he could barely keep himself on his feet. She lowered her head and glanced over at U-Kwon, he also looked paler then he usually did and that famous smile of his were nowhere to be seen.
"Do you think.." She cut herself off as the tears was threathening to come out. U-Kwon looked up at her and reached out to hold her hand. She swallowed hard one time. "Do you think she's still alive?" Before the boy could answer it there was a voice coming from behind them.
"She is..and he's bringing her back tomorrow."
They spun around at the sound of it, B-Bomb was standing there with a confused look on his face and his phone in one of his hands.
"What?!" Nana shot up from the sofa and starred at him, then he started to shake his head as if he didn't belive what he just had heard.
"He's coming back to Korea." He looked up to meet Nana's eyes before he continued "With his wife."

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Chapter 28: Finnaly the second story is finished. Usually i seldom interested in stories that nt teentop as main character. But you change my mind. This is sooo adorable story.

Now i will read the 3rd part. Good luck for your next stories. I 'll reading your story ^^
ShuHui #2
Chapter 23: Okay.. This chap is confusing.. But I guess the wife of this Daejun? Guy is going to send her back??
ShuHui #3
Chapter 19: AHH is she gonna say no or will there be a twist!! Typing this comment is driving me nuts too... Go next chapter GOOO!!!!
ShuHui #4
Chapter 19: I've a feeling Nana is gonna be with Ukwon?!?~~~
ShuHui #5
Chapter 14: ZICO is totally the sweetest~
ShuHui #6
Chapter 4: Omg.. That guy didnt even APOLOGISE for not contacting!!!! How rude...
ShuHui #7
Chapter 3: I wished she would end up with ZICO.. Okay... Ignore my last comment!! Lol~ so Ito the mode~
ShuHui #8
I was looking at the comments before I read the story and saw that she ended up with ZICO!! I cant wait to read!!
Omg!just finished this.ljoe ! I trust you~but u being such a jerk in this!how could you!*sob* back to zico^^ omg!!I can't I can't...oh my~ he's the sweetest thing ever~~this is what I call true love..his love for her stay forever~~im HAPPY the she end up with zico~ I hope they will stay together forever in the next part ^^thank you so much for writing this wonderful story~i love you~ gonna got to part 3~ let see what happen next~^^