Worst mistake of my life.

Driving me crazy! [Part 2 of I am not your baby!]

When Zico came back the Block B's place he found all the guys sitting around in the living room with their heads hung low. He looked around the room for you but you were nowhere to be found. As if he had read Zico's mind Kyung spoke up.
"She's in your room." Zico nodded and walked towards the room, he didn't know what to do to make you feel better. He only knew he had to be there for you, no matter what he would always be there for you. Before he stepped in he turned to Block B
"I'll be with her. When they come..and they will don't let them in araso? And you" He pointed towards Taeil "you come and get me, I'll deal with L.joe."

As he stapped into the dark room he saw your siloute standing over by the window, he walked up and put his arm around your waist while he rested his head on your shoulder. You sighed and glanced at him.
"Hi..." Your voice was week and quiet, if it was possible it broke his heart even more.
"Don't let him do this to you. He doesn't deserve you." He looked out the window, still with his head on your shoulder. "None of us do."
You softened as you heard how much Zico really did care for you, you put your hand over his and gave him a weak smile.
"Thank you."
He starred at you "For what?" The smile came back to your lips.
"For just being here." His heart tumbled around in his chest as you turned and hugged him, slowly he put his arms around you and hugged you back. He never wanted that moment to end. You were the first girl who actually showed him love without being false or erted about it.

You broke the hug and stepped back "I'm sorry." The leader just starred back at you with a confused face.
"For what woman?" You chuckled, he was really cute when he was confused *Wait? Did I just laugh?* you face twisted causing Zico to poke you on the cheek. "Hey that's not exactly attractive you know." He continued to poke your cheek as you just tried to defend yourself by smacking his hand off you. You started to back away from him but he followed you with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.
"Trying to run are we you should know by now that you can't run from me." He smirked and you took one fast step back, causing you to trip on his bed and fall down. You closed your eyes shut and waited to hit the floor, but it didn't happen. Slowly you opened your eyes, you found his eyes starring back at you with a soft expression.
"Don't hurt yourself baby." You blushed as you noticed how close his face was to yours, you could feel his breath on your cheek and if you had turned your face slighty to the left his lips would have brushed against yours. Zico chuckled and pulled you up *Man I wish I could just kiss her*
"So.. does this mean you'll be sleeping with me tonight?" He wiggled his eyebrows in a seducive manner but you could see that he was joking. You slapped his arm
"Yah keep those nasty thoughts out of your head will yah!"
He raised his eyebrow and stepped closer to you "Don't call me yah call me Oppa and... I never said that I had naughty thoughts... damn girl.. I don't think I dare to sleep with you." You rolled your eyes and jumped up on his bed.
"Deal with it kiddo." You stuck out your tounge at him and layed back. He smiled at how cute you were but it dissapeared as he heard you sigh. *How I wish I could make her forget it forever* He layed down next to you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Don't think about him baby."
You moved your eyes up to his, it wasn't like you really wanted to think about L.joe it was just.. You couldn't get it out of your head, all you could think about was that girl pressing her lips on your boyfriend.
"You know when I came here I hated you jjangs." Zico's eyebrow was raised again
"Thanks girl way to hurt someone" He pretended to be heartbroken and you gently slapped him on his chest.
"I should've listened to myself instead of making the worst mistake of my life."
Zico just shrugged "Well that's what you get for choosing him over me." He placed his forehead against yours so that your noses were touching. Slowly you felt your eyes closing and so did his.
"Mm..." you mumbled half asleep.
"Saranghae.." He whispered as he pulled you closer to him.
"I know Babo.." He could hear your breath getting slower as you fell asleep. 

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Chapter 28: Finnaly the second story is finished. Usually i seldom interested in stories that nt teentop as main character. But you change my mind. This is sooo adorable story.

Now i will read the 3rd part. Good luck for your next stories. I 'll reading your story ^^
ShuHui #2
Chapter 23: Okay.. This chap is confusing.. But I guess the wife of this Daejun? Guy is going to send her back??
ShuHui #3
Chapter 19: AHH is she gonna say no or will there be a twist!! Typing this comment is driving me nuts too... Go next chapter GOOO!!!!
ShuHui #4
Chapter 19: I've a feeling Nana is gonna be with Ukwon?!?~~~
ShuHui #5
Chapter 14: ZICO is totally the sweetest~
ShuHui #6
Chapter 4: Omg.. That guy didnt even APOLOGISE for not contacting!!!! How rude...
ShuHui #7
Chapter 3: I wished she would end up with ZICO.. Okay... Ignore my last comment!! Lol~ so Ito the mode~
ShuHui #8
I was looking at the comments before I read the story and saw that she ended up with ZICO!! I cant wait to read!!
Omg!just finished this.ljoe ! I trust you~but u being such a jerk in this!how could you!*sob* back to zico^^ omg!!I can't I can't...oh my~ he's the sweetest thing ever~~this is what I call true love..his love for her stay forever~~im HAPPY the she end up with zico~ I hope they will stay together forever in the next part ^^thank you so much for writing this wonderful story~i love you~ gonna got to part 3~ let see what happen next~^^