Forever Alone.

Driving me crazy! [Part 2 of I am not your baby!]

"Forever Alone..." Nana sighed and slumped down in the seat next to you in class, you tried to hold back your giggle as the teacher glanced back at the two of you with an irritated expression. When you didn't pay any attention to Nana's attempt to talk to you she moved on to poking you in the ribs, you started to jump and twitch uncontrollable every time her nail met your side. Suddenly your knee banged against the desk, you froze in your position with Nana's finger to your ribcage and your knee pressed against the desk. The teacher spun around and starred at the two of you.
"You two! Detention!"
You sighed and sunk down in your chair, Nana giggled and snuggled with your shoulder.
"Sowwy hunnie." She looked up at you with puppy eyes and you couldn't help but to smile at her. You slapped her on the forehead with your pen causing her to sit up to rub her forehead with her fingers.
"That's what you get for sending me to detention." You laughed.
"SHH!" The teacher hissed at you and it made you laugh even more. You got saved by the bell as it signaled the end of the first period, you and Nana ran out of the classroom.

"Yay my first detention EVER!" You stated sarcastically and narrowed your eyes at Nana, who just battered her eyelashes back at you. "Aish try to act innocent will you." She laughed and hugged your arm.
"Come on atleast you get to spend it with the BEST friend in the WHOLE WORLD!" she shouted causing people to turn around and stare at the two of you. You pushed her head away from you.
"Who also happens to be INSANE!" you shouted back at her, causing another giggle fit from her.

You walked over towards your lockers and talked about everything and anything. She had grown very close to some of the Jjangs in the school and you weren't surprised at all. Truth was she was drop dead gorgeous and you didn't understand how anyone hadn't made her his girlfriend yet. Not that she seemed to care about it, it was mostly you who about her forever single status. She would tease you back about being young forever while you and L.joe got married and had little toddlers. You thought about it and smiled, then the smile turned into a frown.

"Ehum... What's with the ugly face hunnie?" Nana snapped you out of your trail of thoughts.
You sighed and kicked the bottom locker with your sneaker. "Have you noticed that Teen Top haven't been in school since forever?" You turned around and leaned against the lockers. She mimicked your actions and tapped her chin with her finger.
"Now that you say it... I knew something was missing that used to be attached to your lips!" She snapped her fingers and grinned at you, earning a light slap on the head. "Does it bother you that much?" She laughed while patting her hair back in place.

You wasn't sure why it bothered you, usually you were fine with what ever L.joe decided to do with his life. But lately it wasn't just school he had been slacking off with. The two of you hadn't seen each other for more then two weeks now, if you didn't count him coming over last Friday to borrow a first aid kit for Chunji. Apparently you should never try to flirt with a club owners wife, it will earn you a broken nose.
You felt Nana's eyes on you as you were deep in your own mind and turned to her with a smile.
"Nope cause I've got you!" You squealed and hugged her by the waist.
"Shees fangirl much?" She giggled and hugged you back.
She pulled herself out of your arms and started to run down the corridor.
"First to the classroom gets an icecream from the looser after detention!" she shouted at you and you dashed after her through the surprised students.

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Chapter 28: Finnaly the second story is finished. Usually i seldom interested in stories that nt teentop as main character. But you change my mind. This is sooo adorable story.

Now i will read the 3rd part. Good luck for your next stories. I 'll reading your story ^^
ShuHui #2
Chapter 23: Okay.. This chap is confusing.. But I guess the wife of this Daejun? Guy is going to send her back??
ShuHui #3
Chapter 19: AHH is she gonna say no or will there be a twist!! Typing this comment is driving me nuts too... Go next chapter GOOO!!!!
ShuHui #4
Chapter 19: I've a feeling Nana is gonna be with Ukwon?!?~~~
ShuHui #5
Chapter 14: ZICO is totally the sweetest~
ShuHui #6
Chapter 4: Omg.. That guy didnt even APOLOGISE for not contacting!!!! How rude...
ShuHui #7
Chapter 3: I wished she would end up with ZICO.. Okay... Ignore my last comment!! Lol~ so Ito the mode~
ShuHui #8
I was looking at the comments before I read the story and saw that she ended up with ZICO!! I cant wait to read!!
Omg!just finished this.ljoe ! I trust you~but u being such a jerk in this!how could you!*sob* back to zico^^ omg!!I can't I can't...oh my~ he's the sweetest thing ever~~this is what I call true love..his love for her stay forever~~im HAPPY the she end up with zico~ I hope they will stay together forever in the next part ^^thank you so much for writing this wonderful story~i love you~ gonna got to part 3~ let see what happen next~^^