taboo on idols

I Love You Too

 Author's Note:


School has started for me, which has caused me with the slow updates. I know i said i was finishing this story, which is true, it's just my life has caused me to be busy. I'll do my best in the updates. Hope you all understand. Also please forgive me on an grammar/spelling errors. Didn't proof read. Comments=love


“Live from the SBS studios, we hold this press con on the breaking scandal surrounding two of the biggest music companies. It seems like this is the real deal now as we have life footage of the couple walking hand in hand into the studio.”

Yunho and Yoobin sat next to each with hands intertwined.

Cameras flashed them left and right.

Both nervous for the outcome and were wishing this damn conference was over with.

And so the questioning began…

“Is it true you guys have been dating for two years?”

“Yes..we have been seeing each other secretly.”

“Why for so long? Did your members know about this?”

“Anni…we kept it from everyone. It was a shock to them as well. We didn’t want our relationship to be found out like this but since it has there is no turning back now.”

“I see…how do you feel about the outcome of the fans responses once they hear that you two are officially dating?”

“We hope that they will all understand and that we didn’t mean any harm on anyone.”

“How does it feel to be break through the idol scene of this taboo on idols dating idols?”

“Not sure but we want everyone know that idols are just like everyone else and want to date. We just hope everyone understands where we are coming from.”

“So what are the future plans for the two of you?”

“Right now?..not sure. We are just like any other couple minus the celebrity status, we have to keep communicating with one another to keep the relationship going strong.” Yoobin answered professionally.

Yunho grabbed her hand and took this opportunity to proceed with his plan.

“I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, as long as she is willing to accept my proposal.”

He got down on one knee, which caused the whole room go into commotion.

Yoobin as well was shocked by Yunho’s actions.

“Jagiya, we have made it this far, will you accept my proposal and marry me?” He took the small box from his back pocket and showed a beautiful yet simple diamond cut ring.

Hesitant, Yoobin finally nodded as she smiled to Yunho’s proposal.

Words could not describe how she felt. Yes, she was happy but at the same time felt everything was just a dream.

She dreamt of this day to come for her prince charming to get down on one knee and propose. Now it was happening. She should be happiest girl in the world.

But why does part of her heart feel otherwise?

Shouldn’t this be the easiest question to answer?

Thinking yes was the correct choice, how come more questions kept popping inside her head.

I should be happy now. This is what I want…right?


Sitting in her newly installed leather sofa set, Hyomin smiled in content. Watching the live press conference, made Hyomin smile with glee asphase one was completed.

Everything was going as planned. Now she just had to begin phase two and things should run smoothly.

She dialed a number on her phone and waited for the other line to answer. A gentleman answered with a very deep voice.

“Yeh…I see it. You’ll see it first thing tomorrow morning on your account. Pleasure doing business with you. Neh…”

Tossing her phone to the side, she got out of seat as she began to get ready to put her other plans in motion.

Tonight seemed like a fun night to begin.


Jaejoong watched as Yunho got down on one knee and proposed to Yoobin on live television. He sighed looking down on the carpet floor with eyes closed.

Trying to look like he didn’t care, the rest of s could tell their hyung was not feeling ok.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the concerning looks from s, Jaejoong tried to shake it off by giving all a loving smile.

“Yah…why do you guys keep looking at me that way. I’m fine. We should congratulate them once they come back.”

“’s ok. We all know how you felt.”

“Whaa?..nonsense. It was mere infatuation. I think we should celebrate with them on this.”


“I’ll be right back. I’ll call a few friends so we can set this up.”

The boys just shook their heads at their hyung’s behavior.

Alcohol seemed like the only solution to numb the problem. Boy, they were going to need a ton tonight.


“Ok..Hands out. Rock, paper scissors.”

“Araso…” The three men stuck their hands out.

“1, 2, 3..”

“Aish…I lost.” Junsu sighed in defeat as Changmin and Yoochun gave one another a victory high five.

“Mianhae hyung, but it seems like you are babysitting tonight.” Changmin said while trying to hide his laughter.

“Man…if Jaejoong hyung tries anything funny” Holding his hands on both sides of his hips, Junsu just stared at the ceiling as a relaxing fun night turned into a boring babysitting job.


“Chah…you guys did great. All we have to do is wait for how the public will take your big news.” Yunho and Yoobin looked quite worried after JYP’s last statement. Uncertainty was written across their faces.

Noticing their uneasy looks, JYP tried to ease the tension.

“Don’t worry so much. If they are truly your fans, then they will understand. Besides you have a ton of people who support and love you both. Don’t take all the criticism at heart. You both are idols, so you should understand. Relax..just take each day one step at a time.”

“Yeh.. JYP is right. Though you might get some disapproving looks from other, it isn’t the end of the world. You can’t make everyone happy. As long as you, yourself are happy with the decisions you make, then everything will just fall into place.”

Listiening to the words of wisdom from both of their bosses, gave the two some relief.

“Thanks again. I’m not sure how you two are so calm about the situation. Isn’t this like every bosses worse nightmare?”

Laughing at Yunho’s question, SM just gave him a reassuring look.

“Yunho-ahh, when you have been in the business as long as me, you come to understand that no matter how much you make a person into an idol, in the end of the day that idol is just some normal human-being. We all have our own personal dreams and desires, it just with your case, your life is monitored 24/7. You’ll come to learn as a boss, you have to be willing to accept these types of situations for no one has control over another person's feelings. I can’t make you stop liking Yoobin-sshi.”

“Chah..great words of wisdom from the well known SM. Chah…you kids need a break. Relax this week for your schedules have all been taken care of.”

“Yeh…just make sure you two stay out of trouble this time around.” SM joked.


Yoobin and Yunho respectively bowed to their bosses as they both left the dressing room.

As they walked out to the parking structure, Yunho received a message from Yoochun that there was celebration party for them at club AEROS. It seems Yunho’s proposal was seen by everyone.

Not long after, Yoobin received a text from her members as well saying they were with the rest of the DongBangShinki boys.

“Jagiya, do you want to go? If your tired, then they will understand.”

“Anni…it’s ok. They must have put a lot of effort in getting this gathering together. Let’s go…it’s the least we can do for them.”

The music was loud and clear from the entrance hall. The DBSK boys were shortly greeted with some of their colleagues as they entered the club through the V.I.P entrance.

“WAHH…it has been awhile since I have been in a club. I miss the feeling.” Yoochun complemented as he took a drink from one of the waitresses.

“Yeh…are you sure that no one knows we are here except for close friends?”

“Relax Changmin, the owner is a good friend of mine. You can have fun with not worries tonight.” Jaejoong answered the maknae’s question while he took another shot of Soju.

“Hyung…slow down. We just got here.” Junsu said while trying to taking the bottle of soju from Jaejoong.

“Ahh…my little Junsu. Relax, this is your hyung your talking to. I don’t get drunk so easily.” Snatching the soju bottle back as he poured himself another shot.

Aisssshhhh…this is the type of stuff I was saying earlier.” Junsu whispered to himself as he looked at his hyung with an annoyed look.

Not long after the boys arrived, the Wonder Girls made their entrance.

“Annyong! DongBangShinki Oppas.” Sunye greeted the males.

“Annyong! I’m glad you girls could make it.” Yoochun greeted them all with hugs.

The V.I.P lounge was soon getting filled as more friends started to arrive. Everyone was having a good time. From dancing, drinking, to talking everyone seemed to put all their worries to the side and act like normal human beings.

“ANNYONG EVERYONE!” Hyomin greeted everyone while sticking her arms in the air causing everyone to look her way. She made her way around the bar where Jaejoong was while quickly greeting those she passed.

“Oppa! How are you? Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yeh…Hyomin-ah glad that you made it. Let’s drink!” Noticing that Jaejoong was slowly loosening himself up, she smirked to herself.

Aigo…this will be a lot easier than I thought.

“Oppa! Don’t drink too much now. Besides the main celebrants aren’t here yet.” The mention of the reason why this whole gathering was setup made Jaejoong's face turn sour.

"Ohh..yeh. Right." he quickly took another shot once again.

Yunho and Yoobin entered V.I.P lounge with many cheers as everyone congratulated them on their big engagement. Both were touched to seem so many of their friends found time from their busy schedule to celebrate with them.

Yunho saw s and lead Yoobin over to where they were sittingt. Soon after, they got greeted will all warm smiles from everyone.

Congatulations Unnie. It was about time you two tie the knot!”  Hyomin happily congratulated them.

Bwoh…Hyomin-ah, you knew they were dating.”

“Of course. What kind of cousin am I to not notice these types of things.”

Jaejoong eyed her suspiciously but brushed it off as he noticed the ring on Yoobin’s important finger. Greeting her with a monotone voice, Jaejoong seemed to different. He didn't greet her with his usual warm cheerfulness.

Yoobin could sense that and tried to hide her uneasiness around him. The way he stared at hear just made things seem off and uncomfortable.

“Mianhae, hyung’s just had a few drinks so he is a little loose right now.” Changmin tried to cover his hyung’s behavior.

As the night progressed everyone seemed to loosen up more. With a few drinks here and there, everyone was having a good time.

Sitting close Yunho’s arm was s around Yoobin’s waste as he continued to chat with his friends on the side. Yoobin didn’t drink much for Yunho was very strict about her alcohol intake. She didn’t mind for she wasn’t a very good drinker. Sitting across was Jaejoong, who seemed like a drinking machine. Soju seemed to taste like water to him. It was as if he was a whole different person in her eyes.

Yoobin wasn’t sure if this was Jaejoong’s true character but tonight, he seemed off. Sitting beside him was Hyomin. The closeness between the two made Yoobin uneasy.

Yoobin-ah, stop.

“Oppa..your so funny. Cha! It’s nice to see you relaxing now a days. You have been so busy lately.” Hyomin took the opportunity to put her hand on Jaejoong’s thigh.

Yoobin’s eyes lite up. The uneasy feeling was coming back to her. Seeing Hyomin act different with Jaejoong made her wonder how close their relationship was. If she didn’t know any better, they seem to be a couple.

“Oppa…I think I want to go home.” Yoobin asked as she couldn't take anymore of the awkward night.

“Araso…Cha..we are gonna head out now. Enjoy the rest of night and drive home safely. Jaejoong hyung, get home safely.”

“Don’t worry Oppa, I will watch him for you.” Hyomin said while giving a fake smile to Yoobin.

As their eyes met, it was at that moment Yoobin felt threaten by Hyomin. Her eyes gave Yoobin an uneasy feeling almost like Hyomin was telling Yoobin to back off. Quickly shaking her thoughts to the side, Yoobin just shook her head.

Aigo…maybe a few drinks aren’t that good for me. Making me think of crazy ideas.


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ilikek444 #1
pls do another jaebin story !!!
love this one too !!! im glad that this one was a jaebin !!
yay for jaebin!
but I feel really bad for yunho.
any who, i loved the ending.
Nice, loved it <3
JoJomontano #4
aww nice :))
faez21790 #5
It's Impossible, How can Hyomin shi get pregnant while she is still young?<br />
<br />
Jaejoong makes her pregnant
Poor hyomin
lemons #7
I'm so glad yoobin and jaejoong ended up together.<br />
This story was so awesome and I enjoyed it so much. I'm really sad that it's finished. Can you write another one? Maybe a yoochun/yoobin? Or even a xiah/yoobin? PLEASE? Kamsamnida.
Ezzy658 #8
OMG I've been gone forever because of school and work, but wow you finally finished this!!!!<br />
It ended as a JaeBin!!!!! Wooho!!!!<br />
I like how you handled everything and put everything nicely!!! Great job!!!!<br />
YunHo is love, while I feel bad for him, it's okay because he will see the girl he loves happy and his Hyung happy, which will bring him even bigger happiness!!!!
jennabear #9
YES! I was hoping for Jaebin =)<br />
But I feel bad for Yunho =\<br />
Good job with this story!
Awww, this story is so GLAMOROUS! Hehe, I feel bad for Yuhno, but I was hoping for Jaejoong and Yoobin, so I'm happy! LOL! I might re-read this story. :P