The Secrets are Out

I Love You Too

To tell you the truth i cried in a couple of scenes while writing this. I hope you guys enjoy as well as leave comments!


Secretly meeting at the Han River, Yoobin knew her plan succeed.

Acting as if she did nothing wrong, she waited for Yunho to speak.

“Oppa, is something wrong?”

“Yah! Since when did you become so touchy feely with Jaejoong?”

“Ohh..well it was only for show. I’m his wife after all isn’t that normal?”

“Chuh…yah! I’m your real boyfriend and he is just your pretend husband.”

“Oh…really? That’s not how you acted earlier.” Yoobin pouted.

“Aigo…is that why you acted that way because I ignored you? Jagiya, there are other people around, I was trying not to cause too much attention on us.”

“Araso…i keep forgetting we have to pretend still. Oppa, the girl’s know about us. How about the boys?”

“Not yet..”


“The timing isn’t right. I don’t want to jeopardize your show with Jaejoong by making it awkward when he learns the truth.”

“Oppa, he will eventually know. Besides, I already told him I already seeing someone but he doesn’t know that it is you.”

Sighing in defeat from his girlfriend, Yunho grabbed Yoobin into a silent embrace.


“Yes…ma’am Hyomin will be very pleased to see this.”


Three weeks passed and the episode finally aired causing great stir of commotion from the media.

WGM staff was surely happy to see their ratings sky rocket.

It seems everything was going smooth sailing for everyone.

DongBangShinki was finally going to open up a concert in Seoul from the much awaited comeback.

The Wonder Girl’s single “Two Different Tears” received much love as they kept winning back to back on different music programs.

Yes, both groups careers were flying high but the news that was about to come was surely going to put everything to a halt.


Yoobin and Yunho were enjoying their dinner with their favorite television program playing.

Oppa..AHH!!” Yoobin sweetly fed Yunho.

Their show was quickly interrupted with urgent news.

Pictures flashed over the screen of Yunho with the mystery woman but none showed her face.

 “It appears to be that the leader of DongBangShinki, UKNOW Yunho was spotted with a mystery woman, who some believe to be his long time girlfriend he has been hiding.”

Yoobin looked quite concern as well as Yunho did. It seems as their worst nightmare seemed to come true. After so many years of careful watch for the media, the two were finally caught, well one was at least.

“Oppa, what are we gonna do? I can’t let your career go down the tubes just for me.”

“Jagiya, don’t worry so much. It will work out for the best. Just remember I love you. Though they have pictures, there are still none with your face. SM probably has something up his sleeve. Remember, we have gotten through one of these scandals, what makes you think this is any different.”

“It appears from an unknown source that the mystery woman with Yunho is Wonder Girls, Kim Yoobin.”


The boys were speechless. It was as if a huge bomb was set off in the Kpop scene.

Jaejoong dropped one of the plates he was cleaning when he heard the news.

It finally clicked to him that all this time, Yoobin had been talking about was Yunho.

It made sense to why Yunho was never able to tell the rest of them his secret girlfriend.

Chuh….so it was him all along.

Jaejoong could hear the background noise of the boys commenting on their own about the scandal.

He just hoped Yoobin and Yunho were ok, even if his heart wasn’t.


“O MY GODD!” Breaking into as little English Junsu knew, the boys were speechless indeed.

“So..what does this do with Jaejoong hyung and Yoobin? Do they still be a pretend couple even with this scandal?”



Yoobin’s phone rang. She answered it with a very upset JYP on the line.

Yunho’s phone rang as well. He got an angry SM on the other line as well.

It seems the couple had to come clean now. Both hoping the results won’t be a break up.


“Do you guys have an reason to explain why the media has all these photos of you two together?” JYP questioned the two.

The couple went to a secluded building where both SM and JYP as well as some staff members were there too.

The couple went through some rigorous questions which took about two hours to sort out.

It seems as though they have been seeing each other since Yoobin’s early trainee years as well as Yunho’s first debut.

It wasn’t how the media perceived as some onetime thing where the couple got caught.

Seeing that the two looked seriously about the relationship, SM and JYP had no other way but confirm that Yunho and Yoobin were a couple.

Going with this route meant a couple of changes to the schedule for the duo as well as a lot of conference meetings.


Jaejoong was sitting by the dock. He needed time to be alone.

Sitting at the usual spot while looking over the Han River, a tear escaped Jaejoong’s eye.

He wanted to get away from any device that talked about the media.

He was fed up with listening about  the latest scandal. He just needed to be alone.

Grabbing the soju bottle next to him, he took another shot.


Yunho got home with s still awake.

“Chuh..figures you guys would be still be up. Huh..where’s Jaejoong?”

“He ahh…went out for some air.”


“Hyung, we can talk in the morning if it’s better for you.”

“yeh..” Yunho quietly walked to his room for he was tired.

He didn’t blame Jaejoong’s behavior. If only he was honest in the beginning then things wouldn’t be so complicated.

Now, that all the secrets are out, Yunho knew he had to tell everything to s.

This is the final step before I can be with you completely.

He looked at the small velvet box sitting by his desk and nodded in determination.


Walking back to his dorm quietly, Jaejoong got back a little pass 3 A.M.

“Hyung!...where have you been?” Yoochun said with a concern look.

“I’m fine Yoochun. Just took a little drive around.”

“You smell of alcohol. Let’s talk outside.”

The two men found a spot outside the patio.

Jaejoong was a little bit drunk but this was the perfect opportunity for Yoochun to get some dirt out of Jaejoong.


Yoochun-ah, she told me she loved someone. I already accepted that. But..but why does it have to be one of my members?”

“It must have been hard for you to listen…”

“Chuh…that was a lot easier than hearing this now. What can I do? I love her too much.”

“Hyung…she never was yours to begin with.”

“Chuh…if I could turn back time, I wish I could have done things so differently.”

“I knew you always had a thing for her back then and now with We Got Married, it has made you into this love sick puppy. Hyung, it’s time to face reality. She is only your pretend wife.”

“I know Yoochun. I know. I keep reminding myself that.” Jaejoong just stared into blankness. Smiling to himself he just shook his head.

“You should get some rest Yoochun.” He patted his friend on the shoulder as he headed back inside.

Yoochun just watched silently as member just pour his soul to him. Unfortunately, that was the only time, he ever got to see the real Jaejoong.

Wishing to take some of pain away for him, Yoochun just sat there as the sunrise began to emerge.

A new day has begun yet problems were just starting.


The boys woke up past their usually wake up time. It seems as though all schedules were postponed till further notice.

They sat around the living room in pure silence.

Jaejoong was trying to recover from a hangover as he pinched the bridge between his eyes.


“Mianhae everyone. I wasn’t being leader like from hiding all these secrets from you especially about Yoobin. Believe me, I was going to tell you guys soon but with the whole We Got Married, I wasn’t sure how.” Yunho confessed.

“Hyung, it’s ok. If we were in your situation, we would probably do the same. It just you didn’t have much faith in us to keep it to yourself.”

“I’m sorry guys. I’m especially sorry to you Jaejoong.”

“It’s ok Yunho. It must have been hard to tell me that my pretend wife was actually your girlfriend.”

“Boy, they way you say it hyung makes it .” Junsu commented but was soon smacked in the back of the head by Yoochun for his dumb comment.

I hope you guys understand and will back me up in the future. I don’t want the band’s career to be jeopardized because of my mistake.”

“Don’t worry hyung, we have your back. What ever it is we will respect your decision.”

“Thanks guys. I’m going to ask her to marry me once this scandal gets fixed. I wanted to let you guys know first.”

“That’s great hyung. We wish you luck.”


Jaejoong smiled half heartedly for he still could not erase his feelings. He knew it would take some time but how could he let go of the one girl he truly loved for the past four years slip away so easily.

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ilikek444 #1
pls do another jaebin story !!!
love this one too !!! im glad that this one was a jaebin !!
yay for jaebin!
but I feel really bad for yunho.
any who, i loved the ending.
Nice, loved it <3
JoJomontano #4
aww nice :))
faez21790 #5
It's Impossible, How can Hyomin shi get pregnant while she is still young?<br />
<br />
Jaejoong makes her pregnant
Poor hyomin
lemons #7
I'm so glad yoobin and jaejoong ended up together.<br />
This story was so awesome and I enjoyed it so much. I'm really sad that it's finished. Can you write another one? Maybe a yoochun/yoobin? Or even a xiah/yoobin? PLEASE? Kamsamnida.
Ezzy658 #8
OMG I've been gone forever because of school and work, but wow you finally finished this!!!!<br />
It ended as a JaeBin!!!!! Wooho!!!!<br />
I like how you handled everything and put everything nicely!!! Great job!!!!<br />
YunHo is love, while I feel bad for him, it's okay because he will see the girl he loves happy and his Hyung happy, which will bring him even bigger happiness!!!!
jennabear #9
YES! I was hoping for Jaebin =)<br />
But I feel bad for Yunho =\<br />
Good job with this story!
Awww, this story is so GLAMOROUS! Hehe, I feel bad for Yuhno, but I was hoping for Jaejoong and Yoobin, so I'm happy! LOL! I might re-read this story. :P