Three days had passed since the first day you returned to the school. Nothing much going on except you goes to school and people whispering while staring at you as you passed by and you always eat on the bleachers during break and do nothing. Everything was monotone for you.

You wondered why people would staring at you, it’s not like you’re wearing something revealing to school. You just wore hoodie and a short shorts jeans or sometimes you wore skinny jeans. Guess the rumors had spread that you had tattoos now.

Then it’s time for P.E Class. For P.E Class, all students must wear the P.E Uniform, which is just a simple white V-neck shirt, and a track pants that goes above your knee slightly. You went to the running track since the teacher assigned the students to do 4 lap running circling the track field.

Your classmates made a large circle and they started to do a warm-up led by the class leader. You wanted to squish in but you’re pretty aware that they will feel uncomfortable and they will murmur beside you and you’re scared that you might lose your temper; you decided to stand behind them.

You took out your hair band and tied up your hair in messy bun. Girls who are facing you started to whisper in a loud voice.

“Yah yah yah! Look, she had tattoo on her left collarbone! See, I told you that she has more than one tattoo!” A girl shrieked in surprise. You just let out a big sigh and tried so hard to not listen to them.

“What is her tattoo? ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ ? Psh yeah right.” A girl scoffed at you.

A boy who stood near you glanced at you and examines your left ear. “Whoah, she even has a small tattoo right below her left ear!” That boy yelled out loud. All your classmates turned their heads toward you and staring at you like you’re an interesting statue.

You felt irritated, you shot them a glare and walked away and get ready to start run. The teacher blew the whistle and you immediately started to run ignoring your classmates as you grew furious the longer you stayed with them.


You almost had the idea to drop the school, but you knew it wasn’t a good thing to drop out and you needed to graduate either and if you left school, you won’t have any thing to do since your parents often went abroad for business matters and life would be too empty if you didn’t go to school.


Days passed and not knowing it has been a week or so since you returned to the school. You entered the gate but somehow the students were not whispering about you. You couldn’t help but to hear as the girls in your class were shrieking in happiness as you passed them by to get to your seat.

“Yah, I heard there will be a new student today! I wonder will it be a boy or girl!” The girl yelled in happiness to her friends.

‘A girl or boy, I hope that person willing to be my friend, unlike others.’ You thought as you let out a big sigh. Soon, the teacher came and ready to announce who is the new student.

“Quiet class. Now, as you have heard of course, we have new student! He moved from Cube High School.” The teacher announced. You tilted your head in interest.

‘Cube High School? Oh it’s…’ Your thought was interrupted by the sudden shrieked by the students on your class as you saw that the new student made his grand step into your class. Turned out it’s a male student.

“Good morning. My name is Kim Myungsoo but you can call me L. I’m from Cube High School. Let’s get along well.” L bowed down. The girls were shrieking in happiness but L just stood there emotionless.

“Treat him well, class. Now, Myungsoo there’s no empty seat left on the front row, so please sit there at the back, that’s the only empty seat left.” Your teacher motioned L to sit beside you. You reluctantly grabbed your bag that you put it beside you previously.

L made his way toward your desk as the girls kept swooning over him. He sat beside you and stared at you. You couldn’t help but to blushed at his deep gaze toward your eyes.

“What? Is there something on my face?” You asked him as you brush your face scared there’s something on your face.

L shook his head and smiled at you. Before he could say anything, he was cut off by a girl who sit in front of you and him.

“I hope you can endure well sitting together with a gangster freak like her for the rest of the semester.” The girl turned her head and scoffed at you. You glared at her and mumbled ‘’ under your breath, carefully enough to not let L heard you.

L just stays still in confusion. Then he turned his head toward you and smiled at you again. “Hi, Myungsoo or you can call me L. Nice to know you, my seatmate.” He offered his right hand with a warm smile. This is the first time someone smiled warmly at you since the first day you returned to the school.

You took out your right hand and shook hand with him. He glanced at your right hand as he noticed the small tattoo on your right index finger and he couldn’t help but to notice your other tattoo on your left inside elbow since you’re facing him and you’re just wearing a grey V-neck plain shirt.

‘Ah she was being called a gangster freak because she had a tattoo? Interesting. But, I couldn’t help but to notice that she reminded me a lot of…’ You interrupted his thought as you shook your hand harder to snapped him out of his daze.

“Yah, you’re daydreaming.” He realized that he’s been daydreaming and directly shot you a smile.

“Ah yeah sorry. What’s your name?” He asked you.

“Oh yeah forgot to tell you. Song ~~~.” You stated shortly as you smiled back at him. Even the students near you gasped as they saw you smiling again but you shrugged it off.

The lesson then started and you decided to listen well to the lesson. You leaned your body down as you jolted down on your notes. L who’s examining you, secretly took a peek at you who’s leaning down and make your shirt a bit revealing and he noticed your tattoo on the left collarbone.

‘Hmm, ‘Only God Can Judge Me’? Wonder what’s the story behind her tattoos…’ L thought silently and he turned his gaze to his notes.


@_DNA_Fact_pACT: Thank you :) Hope you stick around to my story :) keep commenting :*

@screamingaegyo: Hey there my first reader :* you can check on the foreword, I've listed what are her tattoos :)  hehe :3 it's a word 'poshypocrite' , i've wanted to have tattoo either, so yeah later if I had the tattoo already, I'll show you LOL

@kpop_maniac: awwww thank you so much :') keep commenting! :*

It's still the beginning, so basically I was just introducing things and if you're pretty aware I've put some teasers about the red strings between you and L :)


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Chapter 29: Aww so cute>< I really enjoyed reading it
Freezeinme #2
Chapter 29: Cute story :) really enjoyed reading it...
yooamie #3
Chapter 29: awh such a lovely story! ^^
bapfinite #4
What's hunch?
it's really nice! :D
I LOVE THE TWIST, altough it kinda reminded me of 'I remember' by Bang Yongguk and Yoseobbie! :D
anyways, I LOVED THE FIC! :D
omo! i hope jijico won't get hurt! :)
omo omo! tha plan is set! :O
whoa! what was the BANG for? :O
woohoo! Block Bis in teh chapter~ JAEHYOOOO~ <3
LOL! *i'm being biased again! XD*