1 Year Later....

He Stole My Heart

It had been a year since L.joe was put into confinement. You barely saw him because of the director's threats and you couldn't bear to see your lover in the place where you didn't want him in at all.

Your year was filled with work, cases, interrogations and anything that could get your mind off of him. You visited him once in that entire time and it took five hours, security guards and L to take you out of the visint centre where L.joe was free to interact with you. You were in tears, makeup smudged and thrashing the in arms of the guards. L came later, receiving a call from your phone and willingly took you in his comforting arms.

Other than that, you were keeping your mind busy every single minute of the day so L.joe couldn't cloud your mind. F(x) helped you along the way, taking you out to dinners, clubs and other places to help you get your thoughts off of L.joe.

L.joe's year was filled with nothing but worry and concern for you ever since you had visited him at the time when he had just started his sentence. His day was filled with boredom as his thoughts were always drifting off towads you. He never like the meals they gave him or the time they gave him for exercise or showering.

All in all, L.joe hated life in prison. His mind was filled with you, every minute of the day and his biggest desire was to see you again. He remembered the time where you had come to visit him. He walked away, guards pushing him towards the exit of the visiting area, the chains on his wrists and ankles clanking along the sterile floor. He yelled your name, telling you to be safe and to not worry about him. But in the end, he just saw you break in L's arms. *Lucky L was there for her. I owe him heaps when I get out of this hole.*

You were eating dinner with f(x), Infinite and Teen Top (obviously minusing L.joe) at a fancy steak restaurant. You were trying to cut your steak when L took your plate and switched it with his. You looked at him with a smile as you thanked him.

"I said I was going to fill in L.joe's spot for the three years he's not here," L patted your cheek lightly. "Dig in."

You nodded and stabbed a small, biteable piece of steak and ate. *I just feel so guilty...* Your train of thought was interrupted by Victoria, who tapped your hand. "Come on ~~~~, eat," she urged you to eat, smiling with her eyes having a hint of sadness.

"Thanks Vic," the ed of your lips tugged upwards and you ate another piece of your steak.

L nudged you and he fed you another piece of your steak with salad to chase out the grease. He also gave you water and wiped the corners of your lips with his napkin. You would always be in debt to his genorousity.


L.joe was doing his weekly community service at the prison library. He was surprised when he first started how well the prisoners treated the library as well as who popped in and out, requesting for books.

He was shelving a trolley of books, his usual job whilst another prisoner would be at the desk, checking books in and out. L.joe came across a book, a thriller-romance one to be exact.

"The Murderer that Stole My Heart," L.joe said to himself. He flipped the book over and read the blurb. "Detective and a murderer..." L.joe's brain clicked. "That sounds exactly like me and ~~~~~..." L.joe's heart thumped as his grip tightened on the book. He put it back on the trolley, away from the other books. *~~~~~, my baby...*


"Do you want me to stay tonight as well?" L had tucked you in, the blanket up to your chin. It was usual for L to stay with you for the night. He had moved his bed (with the help of fellow Infinite and Teen Top members) into your room when you started run into L's room in the middle of the night, holding you pillow because of the nightmares.

The nightmares came often, the main character being L.joe and the setting being the prison. It was always the same nightmare except the degree of scariness would increase with every nightmare you had.

"Thank you L oppa," you gave him a timid smile, hands perched on the top of the blanket.

"Still our baby," L kissed your temple and went to his side of your room. He was already in his track pants and black singlet. He reached out and turned the lamp off. "Goodnight baby, dream pleasant dreams," he yawned towards the end.

"Goodnight oppa," you yawned as well. "Dream pleasant dreams too."


Finished with his shift at the library, L.joe was lying in his rock hard bed in his cell. He had his scratchy and itchy blanket at the end of the bed and his hands behind his head on top of his pillow.

*~~~~~, are you dreaming pleasant dreams? Are you lonely at night? I hope L is keeping an eye on you during the night. Just two more years and I'll be out to make you happy once again.* L.joe sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Lights out!!!!" the guard yelled in the corridor as all the lights in the prison turned off, the darkness engulfing everything.

L.joe sighed once again, determination and anger crossing his face. *Like I promised a year ago, I'm coming for you.* L.joe smirked to himself. *Be prepared, I never lose in my bets.*


So guys ! :D

I'm on holidays but I still have homework, studies and assessments to do :/

I'll try my best to update ! ><


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Is this discontinued??
chanita223 #2
Chapter 30: Please update soon love your stories
The heck?!? I thought this was done.. I read this, ready to read the end of the story.. And it's not! D:
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeee~
beautiirain #5
Yayyyy I'm done with Chapter 30! Such a heart breaking chapter :( I can imagine the dramatic scene in my head. lol. Update soon please! Loving it so far! <3
nitabyunghyun #6
Chapter 30: Update this story pleaseeeee
Chapter 30: Waahhhh an update! :D
I hope L.Joe get out of jail soon T^T can't bear to see them separated like that :(

Update soon! ^^
seungri_is_hawt #8
Chapter 30: I literally had a heart attack when I saw that u updated I'm soooo happppyyyyyyyy
Chapter 30: Update please ... :)))))))