Chapter 2

Wrong Person... Or Not

It was another Monday morning and Seulgi was ready to go to class. She was on the doorstep outside her apartment when her phone vibrated. It was Suho telling her to hurry up and meet him in their regular study room. Suddenly, another message popped up. 

Don't forget to bring us some food xoxo 

She rolled her eyes. He needed her to help him finish his homework. She did not like being rushed so early in the morning but Suho was always the hyperactive one. Although it would still be early in the morning, he would always be full of energy and drag Seulgi everywhere he would go.

Seulgi was the kind of girl who liked to keep it cool no matter what situation she was in. Even when Suho would call her at three in the morning, asking if she could lend him her homework when he had forgotten his - she often wondered if he would be able to survive in class without her. Sometimes, he would help her back but it was quite unusual. Hopefully, Sungjae was always there for her when she needed someone to talk to. Suho would be there too but somehow she found herself more comfortable around Sungjae to talk about her problems and Suho perfectly understood that.


When she arrived and entered their study room, she was met with the sight of Sungjae and Suho engrossed in their homework.

"Hi. I suppose you didn't do your homework yesterday." Seulgi greeted and teased them. "Here, I brought you some croissants." She then tossed them the paper bag.

"Thank you ! You're the best !" Sungjae was the first one to jump on it. "Did you buy them at the bakery in front of your apart ?" 

"Hmm. I know they sell your favorite croissants." Seulgi sat down and took out her books.

"Of course, they are delicious !" Sungjae gave a croissant to Suho. "Here, Suho, take one !" They happily ate while Seulgi could not do anything except smile and shake her head.


It was not long before two figures could be seen at the entrance of their room and Suho was the first one to notice them. His face lit up and a smile could be seen on his face when he recognized who they were.

"Hello Sungjae !" Joy, Irene's bestfriend. "Hello Suho ! Hello Seulgi !"

"Hi girls !" Sungjae and Suho responded at the same time. However, Suho replied with such a beam that Irene felt her knees go weak.

Seulgi only nodded a little towards them as a greeting.


They resumed their work but were interrupted by a hesitant yet sweet voice.

"Erm... Are you busy tomorrow evening ?" Seugli immediately recognized Irene's voice but did not dare look up. "If you're not, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and go somewhere after classes, maybe at that one café just outside the campus ?" Seulgi still kept her head down, thinking Irene was talking to Suho. 

Still, Seulgi could feel Suho elbowing her. She turned to Suho who nodded his head towards Irene.

She looked up and met the girl's gaze. It seemed like she had been talking to her. 

"Are you asking me ? To go with you ?" She made sure to insist on the words 'me' and 'you'. She tried to mask her hesitation by being cold as she thought she heard her wrong. 

Why would Irene ask me out ? Doesn't she have a thing for Suho ? She quickly shot a look at Sungjae who only shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, as in a date with you ?" Seulgi did not mean to say the word 'date' out loud, but somehow the situation was too confusing for her.

"Oh ! N-...Y-yes... Will you go out with me ? Please ?"

'Please' ? What's going on ? Seulgi was even more puzzled. Did I miss something or is she that desperate to date me ?

"Just ask Suho to go with you. I'm sure he would be delighted to go with you. What do you think, Suho ?" Seulgi's tone was firm and she realised she sounded a little bit rude but decided to keep on going on with her cold act. Why can't I be nicer with her ?

"Err... Well..." Suho scratched his head nervously. He was indeed expecting this kind of answer from Seulgi. She always avoided going out with someone by asking Suho if he was interested. But unlike usually, this time he was interested as in really interested. He was just about to reply when Irene spoke up.

"No, it's okay, don't worry, Suho." Seulgi could sense that Irene was taken aback by her harsh answer. Suho was clearly disappointed by her answer and had a face of bewilderment. Did she just reject Suho ? Something's obviously weird. 

"Just, just forget it, Seulgi, I..."

"Seven o'clock, in front of the Red Velvet Café. Don't be late." Seulgi did not want Irene to see her blushing so she decided to leave as soon as possible. "I'm going to class first." She left, noticing the smile of Sungjae, and frowned when she could not find any reason as to why he would be smiling. He could not possibly know, could he ?


Morning classes were not her favorite. Besides, Suho had been ignoring her and looked mad at her.

She would often look towards where Irene and Joy were sitting. But to her dismay, Joy would catch her looking. She noticed Joy was getting ignored by Irene, since whenever Joy would talk to her the only did not seem to move and would only look in front.

At lunch, Seulgi was already sitting in the cafeteria when Suho walked to her, fuming in anger. He sat down in front of her.

"Okay ! Now explain to me why you agreed ! Don't you think it's strange she asked you and not me ?"

"What ?" Seulgi feigned ignorance.

"Don't play dumb with me ! You've never accepted anyone before !" Suho was genuinely curious.

"She was being really persistent, that's why." Seulgi lied.

"Persistent ? Irene ? She has never showed any interest for you before !" Suho did not understand Seulgi. "And if she was being persistent back there, what about the others ? You must consider them extremely persistent, don't you ?"

"Why are you so bothered by it ? Are you jealous ?" She could see his face flushing but did not say anything and let it be. "It's just a friendly date, nothing more." Seulgi tried to convince him.

"See ! You're not even excited for this ! Please let me go in your place to that date !" Suho said, almost begging. 

"I don't know and I don't care. I'm going to that date and that's the end of it." Seulgi pretended not to be affected by all of this discussion while inside she was more than curious to know the reason of Irene's sudden behavior. "If you want, I'll talk to her about you, okay ?" 

"You would do that for me ?" His eyes lit up.

"Yeah, and I promise not to tell her when you almost drowned your-" She was cut off by him.

"Okay, okay, you can go !"

 Seulgi 1, Suho 0. Beware Irene, Seulgi's in the place !

"Ah ! Where's Sungjae ?" Seulgi tried to change the subject.

"Some assignement to finish, or something like that." He tried to speak as his mouth was full of chicken.

"Oh, well, I need to go, see you later !" Seulgi hurriedly stood up.

"Hey ! You've already finished eating ? But you haven't eaten all of your chicken ! Don't leave ! Give me your chicken !" Suho's pleads were left unanswered by Seulgi. But a girl sitting at the table next to him motioned towards her chicken. And Suho only shook her head while reassuring her . "No, thank you. It was just to bother her." He beamed at her.

"My precious chicken..." He then muttered.


Seulgi looked around the cafeteria before leaving. She was searching for a certain someone. 

There you are.

A genuine smile formed on her face but disappeared as quickly as it appeared when the said person looked back at her.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1050 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…