Chapter 21

Wrong Person... Or Not

"It was Seulgi. Kang Seulgi." Krystal said. "Why ?" She then added.

"K-kang Seulgi ?" Irene asked in a whisper. Although she already had a feeling Seulgi's Soojung was Krystal's first love, she could not deny hearing it and confirming it made her feel uneasy.

Irene must have made a funny face because she thought she saw Jessica frowning a little.

"Yeah. Why are you so surprised ? Do you perhaps... know her ?" Krystal asked, suddenly feeling curious about Irene's behavior.

"I..." Irene did not know why admitting seemed so hard at the moment.

"You do know her, right ?" Jessica said.

"Yes, I think I know her... Well, no I know her. Kang Seulgi is... She's one of my friend."

"Really ?" Krystal exclaimed, her eyes once again shining.

"That's, if we talk about the same Seulgi."

"Is her nickname Seulgom ? Just like, Seulbear." Krystal said and Irene widened her eyes.

"Yes, it's her. No doubt about it." Irene breathed out.

"Then, I have a favor to ask you." Krystal said with her eyes filled with hope, this time.

"Yes ?" Irene said, already knowing what the other was about to ask.

"Could you let me meet her ?"

"O-of course !"

"Thank you, Irene. Really, thank you ! Tell me, what does she do now ? Is she a college student ? Or is she already working ? Or-" Krystal began asking Irene multiple questions but was cut off by Jessica.

"Calm down, calm down. You'll have the time to properly ask Seulgi when you'll see her."

"Yeah, you're right." Krystal agreed with her sister.

"And you, Irene ? How is it going on with your girl ? You didn't tell us her name, not like it's absolutely necessary but..." Jessica asked while putting her head on the palm of her hand.

"Well, her name's... Wendy." Irene lied. "And I didn't made a move yet."

"Wendy... Is it by chance Wendy Son ? Seulgi's friend ?" Krystal asked her.

... I didn't think she would know her too ! What do I do ?

"Yeah..." Irene answered with difficulty.

"What a small world !" Krystal laughed. "Don't you think so ?"

"Indeed, what a small world..." Irene repeated.

"Ah, that's right ! Have you seen..." And their conversations went back to normal. However, Irene was the only one who had trouble keeping up with all their discussions as she was worried she may have made a mistake. And she did not know what to do in order to make everything go back to normal once again.




Seulgi and Wendy were comfortably sitting on Seulgi's couch, enjoying their Saturday together.

"So, how are you and Yeri ?" Seulgi suddenly asked in order to break the silence between them.

"So, how are you and Irene ?" Wendy imitated her, making the latter laugh a little. 

"Why are you avoiding the question ? Are you possibly in love with her ?" Seulgi .

"What ? No way ! I just like bossing her around, that's all !" Wendy said nonchalantly and tried to hide the blush which was slowly forming on her face.

"Yeah, right..." Seulgi smiled at her.

"Aren't you going out with Irene, today ?" Wendy tried to change the subject.

"No, she said she had other plans."

"Other plans ?"

"Yeah, but she didn't tell me what it was."

"Oh, do I sense jealousy ?" Wendy playfully asked her.

"What ? Wow, you really want to talk about jealousy ?" Seulgi asked her.

She then felt her phone vibrating on the table. She quickly stood up, thinking it was a message from Irene. However, she could not deny she was feeling slightly disappointed to see the message was from Yeri.

Do you know what I should buy Wendy ? I'd like to give her a gift but don't know what... Pwetty please :3

Seulgi chuckled to herself. It was obvious the feelings were mutual for them. She could not understand why they would not admit. She thought they were lucky to have found someone who returned their feelings. She held back

"What is it ? A message from Irene ?"

"Nope, it's from Yeri."

"Stop kidding me. Does Irene want to meet you ?"

"See for yourself." Seulgi held out her phone over the couch for Wendy to see it.

Wendy then read the message and madly blushed afterwards.

"Gross. You're blushing like a high school girl."

"Shut up, Seulgom. You're the same with Irene." Wendy said, still blushing like a mad girl.

"So, what should I reply to her ?"

"She has to figure it out herself." Wendy said, making Seulgi scoff.




During the evening, Irene decided to pay Seulgi a visit and called her before coming in order to know if she could come and see her. After receiving Irene's call, Seulgi tidied up her apartment a little. She also made sure to hide all the drawings of the girl as she did not want the other girl to find them out. She did not know what she would say to Irene if it ever happened.

Once Irene came inside, they began talking a little about their day and Irene told her she had met with her friends, Jessica and Krystal.

"What if... What if you could meet Soojung again ?" Irene blurted out without thinking.

"What ?" Seulgi asked her, surprised Irene would ask her such a question. "What's with the sudden question ?"

"What if I had found her ?"

"What nonsense are you saying ?" Seulgi rose an eyebrow. 

"I'm... I'm serious, Seulgi. I..."

"It doesn't matter now. I'm okay."

"But what if..." What if she still loves you... "What if she wants to see you ?"

"How did you even find her ?" Seulgi asked, avoiding Irene's question.

"She goes by the name of Krystal now, you know the sister of the friend I wanted to introduce you to. The one I met earlier."

"How can you be so sure it's her ?"

"She told me your name, Seulgi, and your nickname, Seulgom. And she... She came back for you..."

Seulgi's eyes shone a little and it made Irene's heart constrict a little. 

"I-if you want, I can arrange a encounter between you two."

Seulgi thought for a moment. Was she ready to see the other girl yet ? Then maybe meeting her would help her heal her interior wounds.

"Can you give me some time to think about it ?" Seulgi said. "It's not that I don't want to meet her. It's just... I don't know if I'm ready to meet her yet."

"I understand." Irene said.

"Can I call you later ? Or maybe tomorrow ?"

"Yeah, of course." Irene then thought again about her hang out. "Ah, and just so you know, if you ever met her... She thinks I'm in love with Wendy."

"What ?" Too much information coming in Seulgi's skull made her unable to let out any decent sentences.

"Yeah, they were asking some questions... And I let out her name, so... Yeah. But it's not true ! I just made a mistake and forgot to tell them." Irene quickly made up.

"Okay..." Seulgi muttered.


Irene knew she had left a confused and lost Seulgi by herself. The latter did not know what to do once she was alone once again and decided to call Wendy in order to ask for her advice.

Once Wendy picked up her phone, she did not let her the time to speak.

"Wendy." Seulgi hastily said.

"What ? You already miss me ? But as you already said earlier, I got my eyes on Yeri and Yeri only, okay ?"

"..." Seulgi did not really listen to what the older had said.

"Seulgi ?" Wendy hesitatingly called out to her.

"I, no. I mean..."

"What's wrong with you ?"

"Irene found Soojung. She really is back. And..."

"And ?"

"She asked to meet me."

"That's good !" Wendy excitedly said.

"But I don't know if I should go and meet her or not..."

"Seulgi, you've been waiting for that moment for more than two years now. You can't back out now that she's back. You need to see her, Seulgi. That way, you'll be able to say everything you'd wanted to say since she left. That way, no regrets would be left and you'll be able to open up even more to Irene. Don't you think so ?"

"I don't really know... I need to think about it."

"You think too much, Seulgi. If you want, ask Sungjae and I'm sure he'd say the same thing to you."

"Maybe you're right."

"Okay, that was Wendy Son's personal advice. The bill will be delivered to you by the end of the next week." Wendy made a funny voice, trying to ease up Seulgi.

"Thank you, Wendy." Seulgi slightly smiled.

"You're welcome ! Don't think too much and good night !"

"Yeah, good night." Seulgi then hung up.



Seulgi spent nearly all the evening thinking about it. A part of her wanted to meet Soojung and the other part of her did not want to meet her. She was afraid whatever she had felt in the past would come flooding back. However, she made up her mind, even though she did not know whether it was the good decision or not. 

It was already 11 pm and Seulgi decided to try calling Irene despite the late hour.

Fortunately for her but also unknown to her, Irene had been waiting for her call.  She could not deny she was also afraid of what would happen if Seulgi and Krystal ever met. Would Krystal make a move on her ? And if she did so, would Seulgi accept her and like her or love her - or whatever she had felt in the past for the girl - once again ? So much questions going on through her mind to which she did not have the answers, much to her dismay. She then wondered if telling them about each other was a good idea. Would it have been too selfish to keep everything to herself ? Then maybe, she would not find herself being faced with such a dilemma.

As she was still thinking about it, her phone rang beside her and the incoming call was from Seulgi. Irene took her phone and could feel her hands shaking her little.

"Yes, Seulgi ?" She answered and tried her best not to make it too obvious she had been waiting for the latter's answer.

"Erm... About what you said earlier..." Seulgi began talking.

"Yeah ?" Irene weakly breathed out.

"Could you arrange me an encounter with Soojung, I mean, with Krystal ?" Seulgi hesitatingly asked her. "Please ?"

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…