Chapter 20

Wrong Person... Or Not

Seulgi was still patiently waiting for Irene to come out. Yet, she was thinking the girl was taking longer than usual to go out of the hall. Rain was pouring but she did not mind as she was protected by her umbrella despite the cold wind blowing in her face. 

Still, she thought Irene was taking a long time coming out of the building so she decided to go in and wait for her there. Once she entered the building, she saw Irene standing next to the other door leading outside. She then decided to approach her as she noticed the latter did not have an umbrella. She thought it was the perfect moment to try make it up with her.



"Do you need an umbrella ?"

Irene turned to her left, to the source of the voice. It was a guy whom Irene thought was in some of her classes. However, she could not clearly remember his name. Was it Kyungson or Kyungsoo... Or Kyungseo ?

"Hmm..." Irene appeared puzzled as she did not know whether she should accept his offer or not.

"No, she already got one. But thanks for the offer."

Irene did not need to look back to know who had spoken. She immediately recognized Seulgi's voice.

"Oh, okay." He bowed a little before walking away.

"I hope you don't mind if we share ?" Seulgi said while showing her umbrella and Irene only nodded as she suddenly did not know what to say to the other girl. "Except if you feel uncomfortable being with me since..."

"No !" Irene exclaimed and looked at Seulgi in her eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry about this morning, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. It's just you were..."

"In a really bad mood, yes." Seulgi finished Irene's sentence. "And I'm also sorry about it." Seulgi added. "It's true I fought with Suho yesterday. And..."

"It's okay, I understand." Irene comforted her.

"No grudge held back ?" Seulgi warily asked.

"No grudge held back." Irene said while smiling.

"Thank you. Then, should we go ?" Seulgi asked her and Irene nodded back at her once again.




"You don't have a car, do you ?"

"No. Why does it feel like you're reproaching it to me ? Don't you have one ?"

"Do you even have a driving license ?" Wendy ignored the other girl's question. "Or maybe you're too young to have one." Wendy teased the other girl.

"Hey ! I'm not too young ! It's just I don't have time to pass it, okay ?"

"Then, how are we going to go back, huh ?" Wendy accused her.

"Hey ! I'm not the one who wanted to meet here ! You just have to take the bus or whatever !" Yeri huffed in annoyance. "Bye, I'm going." She then began walking away from the older girl but was stopped.

"Hey, Kim Yerim ! Where do you think you're going ?" Wendy took her by her arm, preventing her from moving anymore. "Let's just... Let's just wait together until the rain calms down, okay ?"

"It's not like I have the choice, do I ?" Yeri complained.

"No, you don't." Wendy sternly said while tucking on the other girl's arm.




"Come on, come closer. Your shoulder's getting wet." Irene said to Seulgi while they were slowly walking towards Irene's car. They did not know why they were walking so slowly when everybody around them were trying to avoid the rain.

"No, it's not getting wet, I'm okay."

"And stop only protecting me only !" Irene then wanted to take the umbrella but her hand grabbed Seulgi's hand instead of the umbrella. "Sorry..." Irene blushed and tried to retract her hand when Seulgi spoke up.

"No, it's okay. Keep your hand on mine. It keeps me warm." Seulgi shyly said despite her bold move.

"Okay." Irene could stop the large smile forming on her face upon hearing what Seulgi said.



Irene drove Seulgi to her apartment before going back to her dorm. It was not a surprise to see Joy did not come back yet as she was certainly busy with Sungjae. At least, Irene knew she could tease the girl even more now although the other girl would also back.

Irene was lying on her bed and pondered on the name Soojung. It somehow sounded familiar in her ears.

Where did I hear it before ? She then shrugged her shoulders.

After all it's a common name. 

Still, she could not stop thinking about the name which bothered her.

Soojung... Soojung... Soojung... Jungsoo...

Jung Soojung ?

Her eyes widened.

Krystal ?

No, it's not poss-

Then something seemed to click in her mind.

Krystal left nearly two years ago for America and came to find her first love who used to dance with her.

Seulgi's Soojung also left left for America two years ago. She also used to dance together...

However she didn't say anything when I talked to her about Krystal and Jessica... Maybe she only knows her Korean name...

She then heard the entrance door closed.

"Irene ! I'm back ! She heard Joy say. "I hope you didn't get drenched." She added once Irene came out of her bedroom.

"No, Seulgi had an umbrella..." Irene's voice trailed off a little.

"Ah, I suppose everything's good  between you two, right ?"

"Yeah... And, did you know Yeri was dating Wendy ?"

"What ?" Joy exclaimed. "Since when ? How can someone date Yeri ? And Wendy ? I thought she was into boys." Joy was blabbering even more but Irene only shrugged her shoulders.




The next day, Irene and Seulgi went back to how they were before and the day passed by rather quickly. Suho was still not hanging out with them and was rather distant.

Irene was at the moment alone, sitting on a bench ouside the campus. She then felt her phone vibrating, thinking it was either Joy or Seulgi calling her. However, when she looked at it, she saw Jessica's name on it.

"Yeah ?"

"Yeah ? Is that a way to greet me ?" Jessica pretended to be mad at Irene.

"Sorry, hi." Irene emphasizes on the word 'hi' and slightly rolled her eyes.

"That's better. So, I was wondering if you were still up to meet with us with your friend next Saturday ?"

"Yeah, of course..." Irene's voice faltered a little.

"What's wrong ? You can't come ?" Jessica asked worriedly.

"Of course I can come !"

Irene did not have any plan with Joy or Seulgi or whoever else as she had made sure she could meet up with Jessica and Krystal.

"Then, everything's good. Are you still bringing your friend ?" Jessica asked her, referring to Seulgi.

​"Erm... Yeah, I will ask her if can come." Irene said though she did not plan on asking Seulgi.

"Okay ! See you on Saturday."

"Yeah, bye..."

Irene wanted to take that opportunity to confirm something. It involved both Seulgi and Krystal but it would be easier to only ask one at once.




When Irene met with Jessica, Krystal was also there.

"Hi." Irene said once she was next to them.

"Oh ! You're here ! Where's your friend ? Didn't you say you would come with her ?" Jessica asked her.

"Ah, no, she couldn't come." Irene lied.

"That's too bad, I wanted to see her ! I wanted to see what she looked like !" Krystal said and Jessica nodded along.

"Another time, maybe..." Irene smiled uncomfortably.

They then spoke with some light talk here and there until Irene decided to ask Krystal something. It was the question she had been dying to ask the latter since a few days ago.

"Krystal, I'm curious... What was the name of your first love ?" Irene shyly asked, knowing the question may have sounded a little bit inquisitive.

"It was Seulgi. Kang Seulgi." Krystal said with eyes full of passion and love.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1055 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…