Chapter 9

Wrong Person... Or Not

Irene did not want to think something was wrong with Suho's behavior. But seeing how Suho would look at Seulgi made her think something really was wrong. 

Suho was the one to drive them to the café since Irene did not take her car and Seulgi usually took the bus. Irene had sat beside him and tried to make some conversation with him. The silence inside the car made her feel uncomfortable.

She felt bad for Seulgi, something really seemed to bother her.

Since they entered the café and sat down, Seuldi did not say anything at all.

Suho was the first one to break the silence.

"I want to try their hot chocolate. I heard it's really good. What do you think, Irene ?" His voice was softer everytime he would talk to her and it seemed genuine, it did not seem forced.

"Yeah, it is really good. I think I'll also take one." She then turned to Seulgi who was still voiceless but did not dare speak to her. "Erm... I'm going to order for us." Irene replied but as she was about to stand up, a hand pushed her down.

"No, don't move, I'm going." Seulgi said almost lifelessly. It was the first time she spoke since they left the campus and Irene was feeling the gloom Seulgi emanating from Seulgi. But she could only watch her.


Irene's gaze followed Seulgi going to the counter before turning to Suho.

"Is something wrong with Seulgi ?" Irene finally found the courage to ask him.

"Hmm ? No, I don't think so, why ?" Suho replied nonchalantly.

"Nevermind." Irene shook her head.

Seulgi then came with their drinks since she waited for them to be made. She did not really like being with them at the moment.

"Thank you, Seulgi." Irene said with a smile, trying to cheer up Seulgi.

"Thanks." His answer was less cold.


"Erm, so, should we begin ?" Irene tried to loosen up the atmosphere by speaking.

"Yeah, so about that, tell me what you didn't get. I'll try to explain it to you." Seulgi replied, it seemed like talking to Irene made her feel better, made her forget about Suho sitting in front of her.

Indeed, Suho was just observing them and listening to whatever Seulgi was saying for the next two hours.

During these two hours, Irene listened carefully to every word Seulgi said and tried to do the exercises Seulgi was giving her.

Time flew without them noticing it.

"I think we should go. It's almost 8:00 pm. And I'm sure you're getting tired." Suho was the one to stop their tutoring.

"Yeah, we should just stop." Irene said, nodding.

Suho proposed to pay for their drinks but did not wait for their answers and went to the counter to pay anyway.

Suho drove them back and he made sure to drop Irene first. Seulgi noticed Irene did not live as far as she thought since it was only a ten-minute ride from the café.

Irene told him to drive safely and then waved goodbye to them.


When they were making their way to Seulgi's apartment, Suho eventually exploded.

"I'm sorry, Seulgi ! I know I acted like a jerk earlier. But please understand, these past few days, I feel like Irene is flying away from me ! And it's so frustating !" He paused a little. "First, she asks you out, but I know, we already talked about it and it was only a friendly date. But, now, when I finally asked her out, Sungjae just had to ruin everything ! You didn't even say anything ! You knew I was super excited to go with her !" He sighed. "Besides, I failed most of my tests and you know how much I try to study for them. I feel like nothing's on my side, right now."

Silence engulfed them again.

"I'm sorry, Seulgi, I really am. I'm just exhausted and unfortunately for you, you became my punching ball."

"I admit you scared me." It was her time to sigh. But she sighed in relief. "You're such a kid, Suho. I was feeling so bad since I thought you knew I-" She paused a little. "I mean, since I thought I did something wrong or... I don't really know but..." 

It's a lie. Somehow I did something wrong. I love the girl he has his eyes on.

"So... Are we good ?" Suho asked.

Seulgi remained silent.

"Pretty please." He showed her his puppy eyes.

"Okay, we're good. But don't ever do that ! Especially in front of Irene ! I mean, it was kind of rude, you know ! I could see she was feeling uneasy ! You should apologize to her tomorrow !"

"Okay, okay. I don't know what came over me ! I promise it's the last time I'm doing something like that. And apologizing to Irene is the first thing I'm gonna do tomorrow."

They smiled at each other.

"But, if you were mad at me for not being able to have some time with her on Saturday, why didn't you tutor her tonight ? You're better at physics than me ! And you could have spent some time with her. Just the two of you."

"Come on, you know I have no patience ! You were the only one who could explain everything to her and you don't lose your patience. Besides, she listened to every words you said. I think you helped her a lot."

When they arrived on front of Seulgi's building, she turned to him.

"Thanks. Good night, kid." She said in order to .

"Good night, Seulgom ! Don't dream too much of me !" He replied to her, smiling. All the uneasiness long disappeared in the air.


When she finally entered her aparment, she felt her phone buzz. It was a message from Irene.

Thank you for tonight ! It helped me a lot ! Hope I won't fail the next test or else I'm blaming it on you !

As she was about to reply, she felt her phone vibrating a second time. It seemed like Irene had sent another text.

Just kidding ! ;) Thank you again ! You seemed really bothered earlier, are you feeling better now ?

Seulgi smiled. A sincere one since she was delighted to know Irene cared about her.

Yeah, just tired. Feeling a lot better now since I came back home to my bed ! ;) And you better not fail all the upcoming tests or else... I'm teaching you every single day until you finally pass them ! ;)

5 minutes passed before she felt her phone vibrating.

I'm glad you're better now. You seemed quite distant with Suho earlier. Is everything okay between you and him ?

So she really noticed the tension between Suho and me.

We just had some stuff going on but now everything's okay between us !  Don't worry ! And sorry for Suho's behavior, he was also really tired. Don't think too much of it ! Good night ! See you tomorrow ! :) 

Sleep knocked out Seulgi before she could even read Irene's message.

Good night. Sweet dreams ! :D 


When Irene had come home, Joy was not home yet so she had no one to talk to and more importantly, no one to cook for her. She quickly ate before going to bed.

Irene was worried Seulgi and Suho had a serious fight. She was relieved they had none. 

She was laying down on her bed. But sleep would not come as she was recalling how Seulgi's eyebrows would slightly frown whenever she was trying to comprehend what was wrong with her exercise. She also remembered how some hair was getting in her eyes and how she had wanted to brush it back for her. She could even remember the few times Seulgi had smiled and how she wanted to see her smile more.

Irene quickly shook her head, tossing even more in her bed.

What strange ideas I have tonight. 

She sighed.

Must be the fatigue. I did too much physics tonight. 

Yeah, it's because of physics I'm thinking this way. I had way too much physics lessons today...

She closed her eyes before finally succumbing to sleep.



A.N : Trying to save Suho from all of your comments ! ;) Even though I know he was being pretty harsh with Seulgi.

I think I went a little overboard with him but I promise he's not that bad ! Ah ! Please be a little more patient with Seulgi, she's gonna (wo)man up later on ! :D

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…