Chapter 8

Wrong Person... Or Not

The next day, Irene was a little bit nervous to meet Seulgi again. She had feared her text may have sounded too awkward or maybe too formal although the way Seulgi replied to her made her think it did not. She did not really know how to act when she would be in front of her. 

Should I say 'hi' ? She asked herself mentally.

Of course, you idiot, it's not that complicated ! Even though it would certainly be the first time I would greet her properly...


I haven't met her yet today, well it's still the morning. I wonder where she is. She won't act cold like she usually does, will she ?

"Irene !"

Why do I even feel bothered ? It's not like-

"Irene !!!" A voice snapped her out of her trance. She quickly turned her head towards her right. 

She realized she was already sitting in the lecture hall with Joy on her right.

"Yes ?" Irene asked innocently.

"What's wrong with you ? I've been calling you for the past five minutes ! Are you all right ? Did you get enough sleep ?" Joy said.

"Ah, sorry. I'm listening now." She then put her chin on her palm.

"Are you ready for the test ? I haven't seen you study that much recently..."

"What are you talking about ? We don't have any... Oh , we do have a test today ! We really do !" Irene nearly shouted. "What do I do ? Tell me, tell me ! I can't fail !" Irene was panicking but Joy only shrugged her shoulders.

She received some disapproving looks because of her outburst but she just shrugged it off.


Besides, at the opposite of the lecture hall, someone was making the same commotion. 

"A test ? Did you just say the word test ?"

"Yes, Seulgi. I told you about it last week and you told me you would revise during the week end. Did you revise ?"

"Not really. Seems like I forgot." Seulgi smiled sheepishly. 

Suho shook his head disapprovingly.

"How come you didn't revise ? Yah ! You better study as soon as you come home !" It seems like Omma Suho was right next to her.

"Yeah, I will. Now sit down Suho." Seulgi noticed all the heads towards them and tried to calm Suho down.

"Don't worry, you're good at maths, aren't you ? So everything's gonna be okay. I'm sure you're going to have a better grade than me. Even though I revised."

Seulgi only sighed. She hoped he was right.


After the test, two sighs could be heard rather loudly.

"Well, at least it was easy." Irene and Seulgi said at the same time but to different persons.

"What ??? You think it was easy ?" / "How can you say it was easy ??? I couldn't even get one answer right !" Joy and Suho responded.


It was already the end of the morning and Irene and Seulgi had not crossed paths yet.

Fortunately for them, it was finally lunch which meant they would surely eat altogether.

When Seulgi came to the table where Irene, Joy and Suho were already sitting at, she quickly greeted Irene and Joy with a smile. 

"Hey ! Aren't you greeting me ?" Sungjae said jokingly.

She eventually found herself sitting in front of Irene.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you here. Hi Sungjae." She greeted him sarcastically.


Sungjae wanted to even more so he decided to ask, looking at Seulgi and Irene who were sitting in front of each other at the end of the table. "So, how was your date ?"

Unexpectedly, Suho was the one reply, surprising both Irene and Seulgi who exchanged confused looks.

"It was great ! Right, girls ?" He did not wait for their answers. "Speaking about date, Irene," he then turned to her, "would you like to go with me this Saturday to watch a baseball match ?" He then showed the two tickets.

Sungjae quickly looked at the tickets and before Irene could say anything, he exclaimed "I'm going too and I can have more tickets since I'm friend with one of the manager of the team playing. Why don't we all go together ? It could be fun !" 

Sungjae ignored the dirty look Suho was giving him and continued smiling.

Joy was the first one to respond, excited by the idea of going to watch a baseball match with Sungjae and completely clueless of Irene's confused face. "I'm up for it !"

Sungjae was glad she said yes. "Give me five !" He said to the already fangirling Joy while holding out his hand for her to clap on it.


Seulgi sensed that Sungjae had something on his mind. She frowned to him as if to say What are you doing ? but he only winked back at her.

Irene saw the frown on Seulgi's face but did not think much of it.

"So, are all of you free on Saturday afternoon ? We could even eat ice cream after that !" Sungjae carried on.

"Of course !" Of course, Joy was the one to reply, again.

The rest of them only nodded their head as a sign of agreement although Suho was quite angry at Sungjae for ruining his supposed-to-be date with Irene.

After their rather short conversation, they did not talk much. Only Sungjae and Joy would sometimes exchange some words.


Seulgi arrived late at her last lesson of the day - how unusual ! - and could not find any seat, except at the back of the lecture hall. She spotted two empty seats and decided to go sit there.

When she was finally sitting, she saw a shadow of a student sitting next to her but did not think much of it, thinking it was another student she did not know.

But she got surprised when the one who sat down next to her was Irene.

"You don't mind, do you ?" Irene was the first one to speak up.

"No, it's okay. Baechu." She widened her eyes when she realised her mistake, a blush now visible on her face. "I mean, Irene." Irene giggled.

"No, It's okay. Seulgom." Irene imitated her while smiling.  

Seulgi smiled but she was even more flushing. 


"How did you do this morning ? You know, the maths test." Irene asked her.

"I guess it'll be okay. But I had forgotten we had a test this morning..." 

"I had forgotten about it too ! But fortunately, it was quite easy, don't you think ?"

"Yes, it was. Although I think Suho didn't think as well."

"Joy also thought it was quite hard. We'll see later." Irene shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure you did more than okay. Joy told me you often get the best grade when it comes to maths and somtimes in physics too. It seems like she knows everything about you." She added with a chuckle.

Seulgi did not dare look at Irene in her eyes.

"Speaking about physics, I can tutor you anytime you want. Just let me know when and what you want to revise so that I can help you the best I can."

Irene nodded at Seulgi's words. "Hmm..." She thought for a little. "I'm free after this class. What about you ? We could go back to the café we went. It's calm enough to work. I don't really like the library. It's supposed to be quiet when it's clearly not. Remember Yeri ?"

"Yeah, I remember." She chuckled. "Okay for tonight. Let's meet at the end class. What do you want to do ?"

"Well, what we did this afternoon was quite complicated and I don't think you've got any other lesson with you, so let's do this one for today. Is it okay ?"

"Yeah, of course !" Seulgi smiled. She checked her watch. Only 50 minutes left to sit beside Irene before she would go with Irene. She could not be happier at the moment.

Well, maybe I'll be happier if she-

"Oh ! Here comes the professor..." Irene pouted a little.

She then looked quietly at Irene and could not help smiling at the sight of Irene frowning.


When she looked in front of her, she noticed Suho looking at them before turning back to the front. Somehow his displeased look made her feel uneasy.

Am I being too selfish for wanting to be with Irene tonight ? 

Sensing the person next to her was not moving, Irene turned her head towards Seulgi. She could see the other was deeply thinking.

"Hey, are you okay ?" Irene said with a worried look on her face.

"Hmm ? Yeah, don't worry, just thinking." Seulgi said with a forced smile. Irene noticed it but kept mum.


"If you're too tired, we can always cancel-" Irene finally asked at the end of the class.

"No no ! I'm really okay !" Seulgi said while she put her things in her back.

"Seulgi." Someone called out to her. She immediately recognized Suho's voice. However his voice was way colder than usual. "Aren't you coming ?"

"Ah, about that..." Seulgi hesitated a little, fearing his reaction. "I'm helping Irene with physics just after."

"Oh, you are ? Can I come along ? I think I need you to tutor me as well." He then turned to Irene, his voice softer. "Is it okay, Irene ?" 

"Yes, of course." Irene replied to him with a smile on her face. Seulgi felt disappointed she would not be able to spend the evening with Irene alone.

Suho then rose one of his eyebrow to her, waiting impatiently for her answer. His gaze was still cold when he looked at her.

"Don't you want to tutor Irene ? You're better than me at physics !" Seulgi tried to say it cheerfully. "Besides, I remember I have something else to do. You should go without me-" She got cut off by Suho.

"Come on, you don't have anything else to do ! Just come and tutor us !" Suho had on his face a fake smile.

"Yeah, let's go." Seulgi said, the feeling of uneasiness she had earlier coming back. Something's clearly wrong with him.

He really is better than me at physics.

And he seems really mad at me.

What's wrong with him ? Seulgi thought as she followed them, trailing behind and not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…