Chapter 16

Wrong Person... Or Not

Irene and Seulgi were once again hanging out together. It surely became an habit between the two to go out together even though nothing much happened between them in terms of relationship. They were casually walking in the street and holding hands like they would usually do.

"There's a friend of mine who came back and I'd like you to meet her, she's really... Really nice and friendly. I'm sure you'll get along with her too." Irene said.

"Oh, really ?" Seulgi said nonchalantly, trying to hide the fact that she was happy and touched Irene wanted to introduce her to her other friend.

"Yeah." Irene nodded. "She came back from America with her sister after studying there, that's why you haven't met her yet."

Came back from America ? Could it be... ? No, stop being so delusional, Seulgi. A lot of people go to America to study, it's not something out of the ordinary. Besides, I don't even know if Soojung has a sister... or maybe she has a brother ? She told me once she had a sibling but didn't say much about her family...

"Is she our age ?" Seulgi suddenly asked her after thinking for a while.

"No, Jessica, my friend, is two years older than us but her sister, Krystal, is our age. Why ?"


"No, just curious, you know..." Seulgi smiled at her.

Don't know any Jessica nor any Krystal... It's probably not her...

"They came back because..." However Irene did not finish her sentence. 

No, Seulgi doesn't need to know everything about them, especially something as private as that. She doesn't even know them yet.

"I mean, they came because they've finished their studies there and wanted to come back, you know..." Irene added, trying not to sound too weird nor too awkward.

"Yeah, a lot of people do that nowadays." Seulgi said while nodding.

Speaking of Jessica and Krystal, I didn't even think of asking what the name of the girl Krystal's searching for is... Well, it's not like I would know her anyway, Seoul is a pretty big city after all...

"What are you thinking about ?" Seulgi titled her head before smiling. "This time, you're the one who's spacing out."

"Yeah... I'm trying to see what it feels like to space out like bears, you know." Irene tried to tease Seulgi.

"So, how is it ?" Seulgi smirked after laughing a little.

"Empty. Your head must be like that too, right ?" Irene even more.

"Yah !" Seulgi laughed before widening her smile, unconsciously making Irene's heart beat faster.


They continued walking until someone came to them.

"Hi." A voice greeted them, it was Suho.

"Hi, Suho." Seulgi said.

"Hi." Irene greeted him as well.

Suho saw their hands intertwined and narrowed his eyes, making Seulgi let go of Irene's hand as soon as she saw him looking at their hands with that weird expression on his face.

However, Irene did not notice the look of Suho and looked at Seulgi, surprised as to why she let go of her hand so abruptly.

Suho then turned towards Irene who looked back at him when she sensed him looking at her.

"You didn't answer my messages so I thought you'd be busy this afternoon but it doesn't seem like it. If I had known I would have taken you somewhere with me."

Irene found his tone a little bit strange but did not think much of it.


"Sorry, my battery ran out. And I had already made plans with Seulgi." Irene said while taking Seulgi's hand in hers once again.

"Do you wanna come along with us ?" Seulgi carefully asked him.

"No, it's okay. Anyway, I have to go. See you around." Suho than walked away from them.

"What's wrong with him ? Why is he so cold ?" Irene asked Seulgi as soon as he was gone.

"Don't know..." Seulgi muttered. "Maybe he had a bad day..." She then looked down at their intertwined hands.

He's not suspicious of anything... Right ? Seulgi thought but decided to brush the idea off and enjoy her time with Irene.

"Are you coming next Tuesday for the dance practice ?" Irene asked her when none of them spoke.

"Of course, as always ! Why ?"

"No, just like that." Irene tried to say nonchalantly. In reality, she planned on making Seulgi dance again, not on her own, but with her. Irene wanted to see the latter dance, even if it was just once.




Yeri was walking once again in the street when she saw Wendy, Seulgi's best friend.

"Oh, I know you. You're the one we were spying on !" Yeri mindlessly exclaimed when she was next to her.

"What ?" Wendy thought she heard the girl wrong.

"Nothing." Yeri gulped and tried to walk away

"You were spying me ?" Wendy glared at her.

"N-no." Yeri gulped once again, getting afraid of the girl who seemed so sweet back then. 

She's scary... How can she be Seulgi's best friend ?


"Who are you ?" Wendy asked menacingly.

"I'm Yeri ! I... I'm Seulgi's friend !" Yeri defended herself.

"Seulgi's friend ? I've never seen her with you before." Wendy narrowed her eyes, making her look even more intimidating.

"Well, I'm friend with Irene, you know the girl whom Seulgi madly loves. And then I became friend with Seulgi."

"Oh." features softened. So, you're really friend with that bear, huh ? smiled before frowning once again. "But why were you spying on me ?"

"Well..." Yeri thought for a moment before remembering what Seulgi had said to her. "You didn't want to tell her who you were going on a date with, that's she followed you."

"Okay... That's totally Seulgi, I'll make sure to talk to her later. But, why were you with her in the first place ?"

"Well, I saw her being weird and decided to see what she was up to. Besides, when she told we would become spies, I totally followed her !" Yeri excitedly said.

Wendy chuckled at her. "You're cute."

"I know, I know..." Yeri said. "But... If you find me cute, you have to buy me a drink, right ? I'm craving for some caramel coffee !"

"In your dreams !" Wendy then walked away.

"Wait ! Then I'll be the one to buy you something !" Yeri exclaimed before widening her eyes after she realized what she had just said.

"Really ?" Wendy asked in amusement.

"Erm... Yes." Yeri was not sure if she had made the right decision.

"Hmm... No. Have a good day !" Wendy said before leaving an astonished Yeri behind her.

What just happened ?








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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…