Chapter 4

Wrong Person... Or Not

Seulgi's accepting Irene's rendez-vous spread like wildfire accross the campus. And as stupid as it sounded, Seulgi had been bothered for the rest of the day by people asking her why she accepted. She even thought on posting something about it on social network but was afraid of Irene's reaction if she ever posted something about them. So she decided to keep it cool and not do anything about it. Maybe they would calm down after some time ? 


During her afternoon classes, she tried her best to avoid Irene, just like she did in the morning. She did not know why, but facing Irene at the moment was not in her plans. She wanted the day to pass as quickly as possible. She could not wait for the next day to come. 

When her classes were finally finished, she spotted Sungjae who was calmly sitting on a bench, engrossed in whatever was displaying on his phone. When he noticed her, he waved at her, telling her to come closer.

"So, lover girl, how does it feel to finally have a date with your dream girl ?" He as soon as she arrived in front of him.

"My dream girl ? Who's my dream girl ?" Seulgi decided to play dumb as she sat down next to him and Sungjae could not help rolling his eyes playfully.

"Come on, I know you, Seulgi. Suho told me you were not that excited for that date and maybe you think you can fool him but you can't fool me. I've seen the way you look at her." He paused a little, studying Seulgi's expressions, before carrying on. "Whenever she's around us, you can't even look at her in the eyes ! And you won't stop blushing whenever she's close to you ! And I saw some of your drawings, you know, the ones which were on your desk the other day, when I came to fetch you."

"What ? No, it's not like that ! It's just... I..." She did not know what to say anymore. "Okay, maybe I kind of like her... Hey !" She rapidly turned her head towards him. "You looked at my drawings without my permission ???"

"Don't try yo change the subject." He looked at her intensely. 

"Okay, I like her a lot !" Seulgi was now blushing. "But I'm still mad at you for peaking at my drawings !"

"Did you just admit it ?" Sungjae had a teasing smile on his face. 

Seulgi pouted and Sungjae only laughed at her. 


"I'm happy for you, you know." Sungjae told her.

"I am too. But..." Seulgi hesitated a little. 

"Hmm ?" He was listening to her. "But ?"

"Nothing, nevermind." Seulgi smiled a little, not wanting to let him know something still troubled her.

A comfortable silence engulfed them.

"Oh ! Look who's just gone out." Sungjae pointed his chin towards the arts' building. "Go talk to her !"

"What ? No ! What am I going to say to her ?" Seulgi was panicking. "I am going to say something stupid !"

"Don't be like this ! You can do it. Just ask her how her day was and maybe her number ?"

"I can't do that ! What if she cancels our date ?"

"She won't ! Now move your before I drag you to her !" He hit her on her arm.

"Ow ! Okay, okay, I'm going..." Seulgi grumpily said before making her way towards Irene.




It was finally the evening and Irene had been looking around for Seulgi since the afternoon. She had seen her in class but whenever she would try to approach her, the girl would disappear. She was now standing in front of the arts' building. However the girl was nowhere to be seen.

She hesitated a bit and thought of asking Suho. But since the incident of the morning, she did not know how to look at him without feeling disappointed.

She blamed herself again. How could she be careless enough to ask Seulgi out and not Suho. 

"Hey." A soft voice interrupted her train of thoughts. "Are you okay ? You seemed quite absorbed by your thoughts."

Irene turned her head and found herself standing next to a smiling Seulgi. Surprise overtook her face as she did not know what to say back.

"What do you want ?" Irene flinched a little when she heard her own question. She did not know why her words came out so harshly. Maybe it was the smile on Seulgi's face disturbed her. It was safe to say she was not used to it. 

Way to go, Irene... You're behaving just like her. Well, serves her right. That way, it won't be difficult to cancel our "date".

Seulgi was taken aback by Irene's behavior and thought on backing out. But going back to Sungjae was out of question since she did not want to be teased even more for chickening out.


"Well, I just wanted to know... If you had a good day ?" Seulgi's question came out unsure. "And... If you'd like to exchange numbers ?" She quickly added.

"Yes, I had a good day." Her answer was firm. "As for my number... Why would you need it ?" Irene did not know why giving her number did not seem like a good idea.

As for Seulgi, she thought talking to Irene definitely was not a good idea at all. 

"Erm...You know, in case one of us wouldn't be able to come." Seulgi was fidgeting. She could feel imaginary sweat dripping from her forehead.

"Is this your way of telling me you won't come ?" Irene scoffed.

"What ? No ! I'm coming ! I swear I'm coming ! I can't miss it ! I mean, I..." The poor Seulgi was flustered. Her cheeks were geeting red by embarrassment.

Somehow the view of Seulgi's getting all awkward calmed down Irene and a gentle smile made its way to her face. It was a new sight for her, even though she felt like it was not the first time She could not feel any bad intentions from Seulgi. She then felt bad for being so harsh with her.

"Relax, Seulgi ! I was just joking !" She smiled a little more, wanting to loosen up the atmosphere. "Sorry for being this straightforward. Here." She held her phone out to Seulgi. "Call yourself so we'll both have each other's number."

Seulgi hastily punched her number before calling herself. When she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, she ended the call and gave back the phone to Irene.

"Thanks. So, see you tomorrow ? Seven o'clock, okay ?" Seulgi shyly asked.

"In the morning ?" Irene . "Just kidding. Yeah, see you tomorrow." Irene replied, still smiling.

Seulgi then made her way out of the campus, smiling at Sungjae who was showing his thumb up to her, as if telling her she did well.


Irene watched as Seulgi went away, her smile never leaving her face. 

Maybe going to that date won't be that bad, will it ?


Once Seulgi finally came back to her apartment, the first thing she did after sitting down on her couch was to dial her number one counselor.

When the other line picked up, a loud voice greeted her and Seulgi had to move her phone away from her ear.

"Ddeulgi !" 

 "Hello to you too, Seungwan !"  Seulgi enthusiastically replied.

"Wendy ! My name's Wendy... Wait ! What's with the cheerful voice, Seulgi ? Usually you'd get angry at me for being so loud. Was I not loud enough ? Do you want me to do it again ?"

"No ! I heard you. You were so loud." Seulgi sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. So, tell me. Did something good happen ?" Wendy was genuinely curious as to why Seulgi was behaving so positively.

"Actually, yes. And you won't believe me but please, please, listen to me until the end !"

"Okay... This is getting weird..."

"Wendy !" Seulgi complained.

"But it also sounds interesting ! I'm listening." Wendy

"Well..." And Seulgi began telling her what had happened during the day.

"Wow  seriously Seulgi ? I'm happy for you !" Wendy was fangirling over her.

"But... Don't you find it strange ? You know, I think she likes Suho and then she... She asked me out and..." Seulgi did not know how to express her distress.

"Seulgi, you're just overthinking it. Just go to that date and see what happens next, okay ? When is your date ?"

"Tomorrow evening." She shortly replied.

"Perfect, you don't have any class tomorrow afternoon, do you ?" Wendy enthusiastically asked.

"No, I'm free. Why ?" Seulgi was puzzled. What idea had Wendy in mind ?

"I'm coming over tomorrow afternoon and we're going to impress that Irene. She won't believe she's going out with a girl as beautiful as you."

"Pff... Who said she'll be impressed by me. I don't even know if she swings that way..." Seulgi was never the best when it came to self confidence.

"Seulgi ! Don't be so pessimistic ! When she sees you, she won't be able to resist you !" Wendy reprimanded her.

"All right, if you say so." Seulgi sighed. "But... Don't you have any classes tomorrow afternoon ?"

"Oh, come one ! Skipping once in a while won't make me fail ! You know how smart I am !"

"Yeah I know." Seulgi giggled. "That's why you repeated your senior year."

"Hey ! Don't bring that up ! I'm trying to help you, you know !"

"I know, I'm just messing with you. I'm glad you're helping me." 

"Okay, I'm hanging up. See you tomorrow !"

Seulgi did not have the time to reply as the line was already cut.

She softly sighed as she laid down on her couch.


I hope everything's going to be fine.



A.N : Next chapter : DATE ! ;)

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…