Chapter 19

Wrong Person... Or Not

"Irene... Please Irene, stop !" Joy at last stopped Irene by yanking her arm.

"What ?" Irene harshly said and Joy knew she was definitely in a bad mood.

"Hey ! It's the first time you get annoyed like that ! Why are you like that ? This morning, you were all rainbows and unicorns and now..."

"Why am I like that ?" Irene asked her, annoyance visible on her face.

"Yeah, why did you snap at her like that ? I thought you two got really close yesterday." Joy said to her.

"Yesterday, we were really close, she even opened up to me and now she's acting like I'm bothering her ! And now you dare wonder why am like that ?"

"She's just not in a good mood today." Joy tried to reason her although she could clearly understand Irene's reaction. "Let her be, she'll come back."

"..." Irene did not say anything back at first. "It's the first time we fight since we became friends..."

"I know, I know. But don't worry, okay ? She maybe just need some time alone. I'm sure she'll talk to you later. Let's go." Joy was the one to take her arm this time and led her towards their next class.




Seulgi could not remember the last time she had spent a day worse than this one. Maybe when Soojung left ? Or when she noticed she could not love dancing as much as she used to ? She could not decide between the two, both of them were too painful to remember.

First, she and Suho fought after he found out about her crush on Irene and earlier she fought with Irene because of her own bad mood. She really felt bad for the latter, she should have just tried to explain that she had quarreled with Suho and everything would have been fine with Irene at the moment.

Since Irene had left her earlier, she could not focus on anything and regretted not leaving the campus earlier as she thought she had lost her time there instead of clearing her mind somewhere else.

In the evening, Seulgi decided to wait for Irene to come out of the Arts building. She quietly chuckled to herself as it reminded of the time she asked for the girl's number in front of this same building. She still remembered how the girl was patiently waiting for something, or maybe someone, Seulgi did not really know what the girl had been doing all alone at that time, but it did not matter at the moment. All she had to do was to say sorry to Irene and everything would go back to normal after that. At least, she hoped Irene would let her be with her again, just like before, just like the day before.

She had first thought of texting or giving a call to Irene to apologize for her behavior but found it a little bit rude to do so and then decided to do it properly in front of her.

As she was still waiting for Irene to come out of the building, she noticed the sky getting darker as grey clouds began to invade the sky above her. Hopefully for her, she had thought of bringing an umbrella this morning since she had checked the weather forecast. Still, she hoped Irene would quickly come and would not get drenched by the rain.




Irene went out of the building alone as Joy had said she had to meet Sungjae for... For whatever she had to do with him, Irene did not really pay attention to what the latter had said to her earlier. She fished out her phone in order to check if Seulgi had sent her a message or had tried to call. However, she was disappointed to see she none of them. As she was walking, she felt a raindrop falling on her and she then noticed the dark clouds and loudly sighed. Afterwards, more raindrops began falling.

"Oh, crap." She muttered before quickly running back into the hall. 

Can this day get any worse ?

She cursed herself for not bringing an umbrella with her even though Joy had told her it would rain this day. Her car was parked not too far from the campus so she just had to run and exit the university to avoid the rain. However, she still would have to run into the rain in order to get there.

She fished out her phone once again and wondered for a moment if she should call Joy. However, she knew the latter would be busy with Sungjae and would not want to leave him for her, she was sure of that. Seulgi appeared in her mind but she knew it would not have been correct to ask for her umbrella after fighting earlier. She then decided to call Yeri to ask for her help.


"Hello, Irene ?" Yeri picked up the call.

"Yes, Yeri. Where are you right now ?"

"Right now ? Erm... I'm at... Wait a minute." Irene then heard the girl asking someone else where she was and she could not help frowning. "I'm near Deoksugung Palace... I don't really know exactly where I am and Wendy doesn't know too."

"What ? You're with Wendy again ?" Irene asked, acting surprised.

"Yeah and we're stuck into the rain. We can't move because we haven't got an umbrella and none of us wants to get drenched. And you ? Where are you ? Why did you call me ?"

"I'm still at the campus and I haven't got an umbrella too."

"Ah... Aren't you with Seulgi or Joy ? Or maybe they don't have one too, I suppose." Irene then heard again Wendy speaking. "And Wendy's asking if Seulgi's okay. Is she with you ?"

"Well, Joy's busy and Seulgi... Seulgi's been busy too..."

"Ah, I'm sorry but I can't help you..."

"Why does she ask if Seulgi's okay ?" Irene did not even heard what Yeri had said. "Did something happen to her ?" Irene frowned and worry began to grow inside of her.


"Wait, I'm giving the phone to Wendy." Irene then heard a different but familiar voice. "Hello, Irene ? Did you see Seulgi today ?"

"Yeah, I saw her..." Irene began, unsure whether she was supposed to say the truth.

"How was she ?" Wendy eagerly asked her.

"Hmm... To be honest, I'd say she was in a bad mood and maybe... Kind of gloomy too. We thought a little too earlier... Why ? What happened ?" Irene asked worriedly and heard Wendy sigh.

"She fought with Suho last night and was pretty affected by it..."

So they really did fight...

"Was it serious ?" 

"Pretty serious yeah... But please don't ask Seulgi about it, she's quite sensitive about the subject." Wendy added.

"Is it about the girl Seulgi..." Irene began but was quickly

"Ah no no, it was not about Soojung..." Wendy clarified but did not want to tell her the truth.

Soojung ? Why does the name sound familiar ?

"Is Soojung the girl who left Seulgi ?" Irene warily asked.

"Yeah, she talked to you about her yesterday, right ?"



"Please take it slow with Seulgi, she may become sensitive at times, especially right now but please don't take her for granted. I'm begging you. If she opened up to you, it's because she believes you can make her happy and heal her. Please take care of her and don't hurt her. If you do, be aware of yourself ! I even have Yeri as an hostage...- What ?" Irene distinctly heard Yeri's voice. "I'm your hostage ? But... I thought we were on a date ? - Shh... I'm talking to Irene right now."

"I understand Wendy. And don't worry, I'm not going to let her down. I... I care about her, a lot."

"I know. And if you fight with her, she's gonna be the one to return to you, so don't worry too much about that, okay ?"

"Thank you. And I'll let you continue your date with Yeri ! And if you want to give a gift to that kid, remember she's fond of Hello Kitty !"

"Thanks for the info, I'll see if she deserves something..." Wendy laughed a little following by Irene.



Irene hung up and look outside as rain was still pouring. She sighed. She did not have any other choice, she would have to run.

​As she was about to make her way into the rain, someone stopped her by taking her arm and put an umbrella above her head.

"Do you need an umbrella ?"

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…