Chapter 23

Wrong Person... Or Not

After parting ways with Krystal, Seulgi came back to her apartment and the first thought which came into her mind was to call Wendy, she needed to talk to her. After all, the other girl was not her best friend for nothing.

Fortunately for Seulgi, the other girl quickly picked up the phone.

"Hi, Seulgi." Her voice was softer and gentler than usual. "How did it go ?"

"I... Don't really know. It was strange and I didn't really know what to do nor what to say." Seulgi then began telling her all that happened.

"You're really confused, aren't you ?"

"Yeah, a lot. It's been so long since I've seen her."

"It's okay... What did she want ? Does she, you know... Erm..." Wendy did not know how to put the words she wanted to say together.

"Yeah, she wants to get together with me."

"..." Wendy did not say anything.

"But I said I already loved someone and rejected her."

"You did ? So easily ?"

"It was not easy at all but I know I made the right choice. I love Irene now, more than I ever liked or loved Soojung."

"Are you sure about it ? Are you really fine like that ?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to regret anything from now on. It's all in the past now, even if she has come back. I've already moved on from her thanks to Irene and I intent on being with Irene only."

"Wow, you sound so confident. I'm curious if you'll ever say these words in front of Irene." Wendy a little, knowing Seulgi would get shy as soon as she would find herself in front of the other girl.

"You're right... But I'll make sure I'll say what I really feel one day."

"Speaking about her, are you planning on telling her what happened earlier ? I mean, she was the one who made you meet Soojung, so..."

"Yeah, I think I'll call her later... But I don't really know what to say to her..." Seulgi knew she had to call the other girl but she did not really know what to say to the latter. She felt maybe Irene would not be that interested in knowing what happened with Soojung.

"Just tell her how it went, I'm sure she's waiting for you to tell her what happened with Soojung. Just give her a call, Seulgi." Wendy's tone was getting more serious.

"Okay, I will. Thank you, Wendy."

"You're welcome. Now hang up this stupid phone and call Irene right away !" Wendy said and hung before Seulgi could even say anything back, leaving the latter chuckling to herself.




Irene had been dying to hear from Seulgi but did not know if she should be the one initiating the call. After going back to her dorm with Joy, she could not let go of her phone and it seemed her eyes were glued to its black screen, waiting for a notification or an incoming call from Seulgi. She wondered if she should try to call or message Krystal to ask her how it went but she feared Seulgi would call her and she would miss it even though Joy had pointed out to her that it was impossible for her to miss anything coming from Seulgi with the way she was behaving at the moment. 

It was already past seven in the evening and Irene decided to wait again at least an hour. If she still had no news coming from Seulgi, she would call the latter. She was currently sitting at her desk, staring into space as she knew her phone would not be ringing anytime soon.

Just when she was about to open a book which she had taken from the shelf next to her desk, her phone rang and Irene quickly picked it up without checking the caller.

"Hello ?" She hastily said, holding her phone close to her ear with both of her hands.




Krystal remembered Seulgi saying goodbye to her earlier but she had not find the sparkle she had wished to find in the latter's eyes. That same sparkle Krystal had in her own eyes whenever she looked at Seulgi.

She took a cab in order to go back to her house, the same house she already lived in before moving. She had tried her hardest not to cry again on her way home but it was harder than she had thought. Everything fell on her too quickly. First, she learned she would be able to meet Seulgi again and then after what felt like seconds later, she could feel her heart shattered in pieces inside of her.

"What can I do ? She's already in love with somebody." Krystal said to her sister after telling her in details her encounter with Seulgi. She was already feeling heartbroken and hopeless.

"..." Jessica feared this would happened but she still had hoped that maybe, just maybe, Seulgi would accept Krystal's love.

"Didn't you hear ? She already loves someone else ! She doesn't want me !" Krystal cried out and hugged her sister, sobbing on her shoulder. "I came back because I felt like I couldn't live without her and now..."

Jessica could not do anything except try to comfort her little sister whom she knew would have a hard time digesting everything that happened to her. Krystal went to her bedroom, leaving Jessica alone on the couch of their living room.

Jessica was also hurting inside after seeing her sister like that. However, she did not know what she could do to help her sister. Feelings could not be changed as easily as everyone would like them to be.




Seulgi called Irene quite some time after having called Wendy. Despite having been motivated by Wendy earlier, she still found it difficult to press Irene's number. She looked at the hour and sighed. It was already past seven in the evening but she knew Irene would have ended dance hours ago. 

"Hello ?" Seulgi heard Irene's voice and immediately let out a breath.

"Irene..." She softly said.

"Yes, Seulgi ?"

"Do you have time right now ? I mean to talk about..."

"Yeah, go on. H-how was it ? Meeting Krystal ?" Irene asked warily.

Seulgi began telling her what happened.

"And then she... She told me she used to love me back then and still does."

"..." Irene was patiently waiting for Seulgi's next words, fearing the latter's words.

"But... I told her I don't feel the same." Seulgi said and Irene let out a breath she knew she had been holding for quite some time. "I kind of turned her down..."

Is it okay for me to feel relieved that you rejected her ? Or should I feel insecure and sad because I know my friend is crying at the moment...

"Are you still here ?" Seulgi asked, unsure if Irene's silence was a good thing or not.

"Yes... I just don't really know what to say, Seulgi."

"Irene, I don't know why I feel the need to say that to you but... I don't think I'll ever love her like she loves me."

That's good to hear... At least, for me. But are you really sure you won't ? Will you let me in ?

"Is... Is there someone you... I mean are you interested in someone at the moment ?"

Seulgi's mind went blank for a moment and the only thing which came to her mind was to hung up her phone.

She scolded herself for acting so dumb and now Irene would certainly suspect something. She then turned off her phone as she thought she would tell Irene her phone ran out of battery.




The next day, Seulgi and Irene crossed paths and acted like nothing abnormal happened the previous day.

"Erm, sorry about yesterday, I didn't want to hung up on you like that... I ran out of battery..." Seulgi said, cursing herself in her mind for lying to Irene.

"Oh, don't worry. I figured it out." Irene said with a small smile. She could not let her know she had been dead worried about her and Joy was the one who told her that maybe Seulgi's phone could have run out of battery. No, she just could not. Especially when her question had been left unanswered. "Hmm... Seulgi, do you have something to do on Saturday afternoon ?" Irene casually asked, thinking she already knew the other girl would say yes to her.

"Ah, about Saturday afternoon,... I agreed to meet Krystal, we decided to dance together."

"Oh that's good." Irene harshly said. She could not deny she was feeling dejected by Seulgi's answer. "I asked you because I also have a date with Suho, so I won't be able to hang out with you this time." Irene said without thinking as she felt jealous Seulgi rejected her and decided to go with Krystal. Did she not say she had turned Krystal down ?

"What ?" Seulgi snapped her head at her.

"Suho asked me out." Irene repeated, her tone still harsh and cold.

"And you said yes ?"

"...Yes." Irene weakly nodded.

"Oh... I see." Seulgi said, her face void of any emotion and it pissed Irene off in as much as she could not tell what Seulgi was thinking.

An awkward silence then engulfed them as none of them dared look at each other.

"Erm...I'll be going now. See you around" Seulgi turned around

"I like Suho." Irene blurted out once more before Seulgi could go.

"That's cool." Seulgi lied and tried to act nonchalant about it when she was actually hurt by the other girl's words. "It seems he likes you too, you should be happy." She then walked away from Irene, trying to prevent the tears forming in her eyes.




Irene had not been asked out by Suho and if he ever asked her out, she was sure she would have said no. However, when she heard Seulgi was going to spend her afternoon with Krystal, she could not help feeling insecure and jealous, not like Seulgi was hers to begin with. She had just said in the heat of the moment and kind of regretted saying it at the moment.

However, she feared that if Seulgi happened to see him on Saturday, she wondered how she would react, knowing she had lied to her. That was why she was currently texting him to meet her up on Saturday afternoon. She did not want to have coffee with him, she just wanted to talk a little, maybe she would try to ask her why he was not on good terms with Seulgi.




"Why are you so sad ?" Krystal said, trying to catch her breath. They had been dancing for one hour now, showing each other how they could still move their bodies.

"Huh ?" Seulgi lifted up her head to look at Krystal and the latter took the opportunity to analyze Seulgi's features. Dark circles were under Seulgi's eyes and she also seemed a little bit paler than when she last saw her a few days ago.

"The way you look right now and the way you moved a few minutes ago make me think something happened. Tell me what it is."

"I don't think you'll be interested."

"Why not ? Just tell me."

"It's about..." Seulgi's voice faltered a little and Krystal immediately knew what the she was thinking about. "It's about the girl I love." Seulgi quietly added, trying to see if Krystal was okay with her speaking about it.

"It's okay, go on. Now, tell me how is she ? The girl you love." Krystal said, her voice filled with pure curiosity. She was genuinely interested in knowing who was the girl who could melt Seulgi's heart when she could not. Jealousy was present but she did not want to compromise anything with Seulgi.

"Could you keep it a secret ?"

"Of course !" Krystal exclaimed, although she was slowly getting more and more jealous. "Why ? Is she the Prime Minister's daughter ?" She then jokingly asked.

"You actually know her. It's Irene." Seulgi shyly said.

"I-Irene ?" Krystal asked with great surprise. She was not really expecting that answer at all.

But she already loves someone else, you'll only get hurt Seulgi... And I don't want to see you hurt...

"But I think she already loves someone else..." Seulgi sadly said.

"Then why don't you stop loving her ?"

"Because I can't, I'm in too deep."

Then you also know how I feel. Krystal thought.

"Do you think I should try to give up ?" Seulgi added.

Yes, please.

"I think you already know what I think about that." Krystal began. "But... I think you shouldn't give up without even trying at least once. Just... Just try to confess to her and... I don't know what will happen after that. But you know I'll still be here for you." She paused a little and looked at Seulgi's face. She did not know how the girl could still make her feel like that after being away from her for more than two years. "You need to know you're my first love and first loves are never easily forgotten. But if you can't return my feelings, then I won't force you to."

"Soojung, thank you... And I'm sorry, for not being able to return your feelings."

"It's okay. Let's not talk about it for now. I need some time, you know..."

"I understand." Seulgi gently said.

"Now, get up. I want you to teach me what you did during the chorus with your feet. That was so cool !"




"Why did you want to meet ?" Suho asked Irene as soon as she sat down beside him on a bench. He had been waiting for her in the park for fifteen minutes before she finally showed up. 

"Just... Just to chill out, you know. It's been a long time since we saw and talked to each other..." Irene said quite uncomfortably and Suho rolled his eyes at her.

"I heard her friend Soojung is back. Since she found her again, I'm sure you don't see her that much now. That's why you wanted to see me, right ? To kill time ?"

"Huh ?"

"I'm being Seulgi's rebound, aren't I ? Listen Irene, I need to tell you... I really like you. I mean, I'm sure I'm in love with you. And I think you're just playing with me right now."

"What are you talking about, I'm not playing with anyone right now."

"But you already knew I loved you ! And now you're sitting beside me because your interest number is busy ! Why are you doing this to me ?"

"Doing what ? I didn't do anything !" Irene answered him back.

"That's the problem ! You didn't do anything back then, neither did I and now I'm stuck in the middle !"

"In the middle of what ?" Irene asked in disbelief. She would have never thought she would be having this kind of conversation with him. Everything was getting out of control for her. Just before it was Krystal and Seulgi and now Suho was confusing her as well. He was not talking to Seulgi anymore and here he was, telling her about Seulgi.

"I'm stuck between you and Seulgi." He said, his voice making him sound helpless.

"What are you saying ?" Irene asked, fearing his answer.

"Are you possibly... in love with her ?" Suho ignored her question and hesitatingly asked even though the answer to his question seemed pretty obvious for him.

"Yes." She said and her voice did not falter even a little. She was not afraid to voice out her feelings to him as she knew she had to make everything clear between them.

"I don't understand... What does she have that I don't ?"

"I'm sorry Suho, but she's got my heart." Irene said, looking at him straight into his eyes.

"I'm too late, aren't I ? You used to feel the same, didn't you ?" 


He then chuckled sarcastically. "I knew I shouldn't have waited... I should have made the first move back then..." He muttered under his breath. "And who says she feels the same too ?" He added, anger could slightly be heard in his voice.

"What ?" Irene was taken aback by his tone.

"You don't even know if she feels the same towards you."

"So what ?" Irene knew he was trying to make her change her mind, change her heart. But she also knew she would not, not anytime soon for sure.

"I can love you more than she ever would, you know." Suho claimed.

"But I won't love you the same. And... I'm sure she will love me just like I love her, one day."

Suho did not say anything back right away. 

"And... How can you even know what Seulgi really feels ? You don't even talk to her anymore, right ?" Irene was thinking maybe hanging out with him was not a good idea. "Ah ! That's why you're not talking to her ! That's because you're jealous of her, aren't you ?"

He scoffed at her words. He knew Seulgi already did love Irene more than anything. However, he had still hoped Irene would love him back too. He had thought she felt the same some weeks ago but when she became closer to Seulgi, everything seemed to change.

Her supposed feelings for him too apparently.

"I get it. I won't try to do anything to change your mind but remember this, I'm the one for you. Not Seulgi." He then stood up. "Come on, get up. I'll drive you back. Unless you intend on spending more time with me, but I don't think that's the case."

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…