Chapter 22

Wrong Person... Or Not

"Please ?" Seulgi pleaded her.

"O-of course." If that's what you want I'll let you go meet her. "T-tell me when you're free... So that I can, you know..." Irene knew her voice weaken a little and quickly tried to fix it. 

"Well, tomorrow is maybe a little too late to inform them, so maybe on Tuesday afternoon ? Sorry I won't be able to attend your dance practice..." Seulgi apologetically said.

"It's okay, I'll inform her. Good night, Seulgi." Irene said to her, hiding once again her disappointment, and hung up nearly as soon as she as done speaking.

"Good night, Ir-" Seulgi did not have the time to finish her sentence as Irene had already hung up.

Irene sighed as she knew sleep would not come easily that night. She wondered if it would be convenient or nor to go see Joy in her bedroom. She then decided to go, whether it was convenient or not, and talk to the latter. After all, Joy also often came to her whenever she wanted, she did not know why she could not do the same, right ?

As Irene began entering Joy's room, she saw the latter spread on her bed and already sleeping soundly. She did not even bother changing her clothes and Irene shook her head in disapproval. She decided to do something for the latter and change her clothes in her place. At last she was sure she would not be able to find someone to talk to tonight.




The next day, as Seulgi was working and reviewing her lessons, she received a message from unknown number.

Hi, Seulgi. It's Soojung... Or now Krystal :) It's been a long time, right ? Irene gave me your number and told me you agreed to meet me. She also told me you're free on Tuesday afternoon. Is 4 pm okay with you to meet and maybe drink something ? I'll text you later the address.

Seulgi let out a breath she did not even know she had been holding. It was funny how she still could remember Krystal's voice and how she was imagining her saying this to her. Anticipation and anxiety grew inside her and it felt strange for her to feel these two feelings at once. However, something was bothering her, the way Irene had suddenly hung up the day before. She was sure Irene was upset about her meeting with Soojung, but she could not really pinpoint why exactly.

She asked herself if she should call Soojung or not. After all, she really wanted to hear the latter's voice once again. After thinking about it, she decided to call her after all and quickly typed in a reply and sent it to her, telling she was fine with meeting her at this hour. She wondered if her text sounded a little bit too formal compared to what they would send to each other two years ago. She frowned when she recalled how they parted ways back then. She only received a message from Soojung telling her she was going to the United States and nothing else.

However, she was finally about to get her questions answered. And maybe, just maybe, they would go back to being friends. At least, that was all Seulgi needed and wanted now.



Tuesday afternoon came more quickly than Seulgi had thought it would. She cursed herself for not getting prepared more quickly. She was already running late and bumped into Yeri while she was walking, nearly running to meet Soojung.

"Oh Seulgi ! What are you doing here ? Aren't you attending Irene's dance practice ?" Yeri asked her as soon as she saw the other girl and walked along with her.

"No, I have to be somewhere else today." Seulgi said as she fastened her pace.

"Oh, I see." Yeri simply said and Seulgi thought she would finally be free from the girl. However, luck was not on her side as Yeri added. "You didn't answer my text the other day."

"Ah yeah, I forgot..." Seulgi remembered she had forgotten to reply to the other girl since Wendy was there with her.

"No problem, you just have to tell me now ! What should I buy Wendy ? Does she like chocolates ? Or is it too common to buy something like that ?"

"Just cook her anything. She'll be happy as long as it's homemade and from you."

"Really ? Just something simple like that ?" Yeri excitedly said before calming down a little. "But... I only know how to cook rice, is it still okay ?"

"Erm..." Seulgi saw she was getting even more late as she talked to Yeri. "Well, forget about it. Just buy her chocolates !"

"Okay. Whata type of chocolates does she like ? Wait ! You just have to come with, this way it'll be easier for me to choose !"

"No, I really can't now ! Maybe another time, okay ?"

"Why ? What's so important that you're ditching me ?"

"I'm not ditching you, we didn't even plan on meeting before... Why do I always cross paths with you whenever I go out ?" Seulgi muttered under her breath. "I told you I had somewhere I needed to be. Please, Yeri." Seulgi said and Yeri nodded at her.

"Okay... But you promised next time you'll go with me ! Don't forget !" Yeri said as she walked away form Seulgi.

Seulgi sighed when she checked the hour she was definitely even more late at the moment.




On the contrary, Krystal had made she would arrive extra early since she had texted Seulgi they would meet around four o'clock in this café. She had thought of calling the girl but somehow, it felt strange for her and she had feared she would sound really awkward on the phone. A text message had been way more convenient for her.

She was currently sitting inside the café and waiting for Seulgi. She then checked out the hour on her phone. There was still some time until Seulgi would arrive. She wondered how she should greet her. Should she hug her ? Or maybe just stand up and wave at her ? She chuckled to herself, she really was nervous about meeting Seulgi again. She then wondered how the latter looked like. Did she change a lot ? Did she mature a lot while she was away ?

Then something began to bother her. Had she found someone else ? Had she already fallen in love with someone else ? Krystal did not ask these kind of questions to Irene. Heck, her sister had prevented her from asking anything at all about Seulgi. She checked out the hour once again and did not realize it was already 4:06 pm. Seulgi was running a little late but she did not mind. She had waited for two years, she could wait a few minutes more.


Seulgi indeed came a few minutes later on, a little breathless but she still looked as breathtakingly beautiful as Krystal remembered her.

Krystal then quickly stood up and waved at her to make her notice her presence and Seulgi immediately saw her. She stood rooted to the spot, unable to move and still trying to catch her breath.

"Seulgi !" She heard her name being called out by the girl who was previously sitting quietly.

And suddenly, Seulgi founded herself engulfed in a hug initiated by Krystal, who had run to her as soon as she entered the coffee.

Seulgi could not help being silent and quite stiff during their hug. It still seemed unimaginable for her to see the other girl once again. 

"You don't how much I missed you, Seulgi." Krystal said during their hug.

"I missed you too, Soojung." Seulgi said before embracing the girl as well.

After breaking their hug, they quietly sat down at the table Krystal was previously waiting earlier, facing each other. Seulgi took her time to take a better look at the other girl and thought the latter had changed a little. Her hair seemed brighter and she put on more make up than before. Her face also got slimmer and her beauty seemed to have upgraded since she last saw her.

For a moment, none of them said anything and Krystal carefully placed her hand on Seulgi's, making Seulgi a little surprised by the other girl's action. She was not used to Krystal reaching out to her like that. The latter then looked at Seulgi into her eyes.

"I... I loved you, Seulgi and I still do... more than ever since I know I can see and meet you again and again." She confessed. "Will you let me show you how much I love you ?" She added.

All Seulgi could do was listen to the other girl. She did not know how to tell her she did not feel the same.

"Why aren't you saying anything ? You're scaring me, you know. I'm the only one talking. Back then, it was the contrary, you'd speak and I'd quietly listen to you." Krystal tried to ease up the girl sitting in front of her.

Still, Seulgi was not responding and seemed to be deeply thinking.

"It's because it's quite a shock for you to see me again, right ?" Krystal said with a smile telling Seulgi she understood her. "It's okay, I feel the same."



Irene could not dance properly that afternoon. She always seemed to be somewhere else.

"You're out of it, today. Is it because Seulgi's currently meeting Krystal ?" Joy came next to her and sat down beside her. 

"Yeah..." Irene sighed.

"You're afraid she'll go back to her, right ?" Joy asked her and Irene only shrugged her shoulders.

"If she's happy with her then I'm more than happy myself even if I'm not the one providing her happiness." Irene told her.

"Don't be so dramatic, Irene. Everything's going to be fine, Irene."

"But what if they get together, what will I become, huh ? I can't lose Seulgi. I really can't lose her."

"..." Joy didn't respond.

"You know, one time you said I looked at Seulgi like she had put the stars in the sky." Joy nodded her head as Irene was speaking to her. "You were wrong, she didn't put the stars in the sky, she put them in my heart."

"Oh my god, Irene. Have you heard yourself ? You're so cheesy !" Joy was cringing and laughing along with Irene. She was nonetheless happy she could help Irene ease up a little by saying that. She had sensed the latter was stressed out by it and wanted to help her just like Irene would also help her if it was her.

"Do you think I should call her during the evening ? Or wait for her to call me first ?" Irene asked her.

"Maybe it'll be better to wait for her to call you first."

"But... If she doesn't think it's necessary to call me ?"

"She'll call you, believe me." Joy tried to reassure once again. She knew how anxious Irene was about Seulgi meeting Krystal.

"I hope so..." Irene said.

"Don't be so sad, come on ! Dance with me ! Imagine I'm Seulgi !"

"It's impossible, she's such a better dancer than you !" Irene stuck out her tongue.

"Oh, really ? And can she do that ?" Joy then made some weird moves, successfully making Irene laugh at her.




"I'm sorry." Seulgi said to Krystal, the hot chocolate she had ordered earlier already forgotten on the table.

"You don't have to say sorry, I know it may be difficult for you." Krystal said, her hand still on Seulgi's hand. "I mean I came back and-" She was cut off by Seulgi who could not take it anymore and decided to ask the questions which had been on her mind for a little more than two years.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about your departure ? Do you know how much it was hard for me when my best friend left me and the only thing to inform me of her departure was a text message telling me she was going to America ?" Seulgi breathed out a little. "I... I couldn't dance without thinking of you. I even had to stop dancing since I didn't have the strength to dance anymore. I used to cry a lot and-"

"Do you think it was easy for me ? Do you think I didn't cry whenever I thought of you ? Seulgi, maybe at that time I was not bold enough to tell this to you but I love you. I really do." Tears began running down from Krystal's cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Seulgi said once again, feeling her own tears forming in her eyes. She then removed her hand from Krystal's grasp. "But I don't love you like you love me. Maybe I was infatuated to you back then, but I don't feel the same anymore..."

"Why ? Is there someone ? I mean, someone you love." Krystal asked weakly. The reality hurt her more than she thought it would.

"Yes, there is." Seulgi breathed out. "I really love her, more than ever. But Soojung, I'd like for us to be friends, just like before minus the feelings part."

"Then, if I can't make you love me again, will you do me a favor ? Will you dance with me again ? Just once ?" Krystal asked, almost begging her. If she could not reach Seulgi with the words, she was more confident dancing would make the other girl understand what she felt.

Seulgi looked at Krystal in the eyes, she could see she was desperate and Seulgi did not have the heart to reject her.

"Okay." She let out, her voice shaking a little. "But only one time. After that, you have to promise me you'll move on from me, okay ?"

"You know I can't promise you that, Seulgi." Krystal knew it would be a hard battle, but she was willing to try her best to win it.



A.N : Okay, so I got some bad news for you... :( This chapter, which is a little longer than usual, will be the last chapter for the moment.

Indeed, I won't be able to update until the 25th August I think, since I'm going on holiday and I won't have my laptop with me and I can't write anything with my phone, only some notes here and there... 

I'm sorry but I promise I'll try to find even more ideas and finish this story as soon as possible ! :)

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1050 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
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Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
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Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
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Chapter 12: Please please please
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Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…