Chapter 10

Wrong Person... Or Not

Suho made sure he came earlier so that he would cross paths with Irene since he wanted to apologize as soon as possible. He did not want her to think he was some kind of rude guy. Once he spotted her, he hollered at her.

"Irene ! Irene !"

Irene turned towards the voice calling her. She had recognized his voice.

"Yes ?" She said once he was next to her.

"Hi, Irene." He greeted her.

"Hi." She slightly nodded to him, suddenly getting shy by his presence.


"Erm... I just wanna say sorry for yesterday. I mean, I was being pretty rude, especially with Seulgi."

"Ah, yes you were... a little." She forced a smile. "About that, I hope everything's fine with Seulgi. Seulgi told me you guys were okay but if you weren't, I think you should apologize to Seulgi, not me."

"I already did ! We're good now ! I just wanted you to know I'm not usually like that. I was just tired and you know..."

"Yeah, I understand." Irene nodded, although she was quite unsure about something. "But why were you fighting ? Was it something serious ?"

"Oh, we were not really fighting, I was just being a spoiled brat, you know." He tried to laugh it off. "But really, don't worry, she's not the one to blame."

Irene nodded a little. 


"You're coming Saturday with Joy, aren't you ?" He asked her, trying to mask the fact that he was still a little mad he was going with all of them instead of just the two of them.

"Yes, we're coming but I don't really know anything about baseball. I mean, like the rules or..."

"Ah don't worry ! You're not the only one ! You're just like Seulgi !"

"She's coming ?" Irene thought she sounded a little bit too enthusiastic but Suho did not seem to have noticed the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, she is. And to reassure you, I don't think she knows what a baseball bat looks like ! I'm even sure she doesn't know what baseball is !" Suho laughed, wondering why Seulgi accepted to come when she clearly has no interest in baseball.

Irene smiled and laughed as she could portray how the clueless Seulgi would look thinking about what a baseball bat was.

"Speaking of Seulgi, does she practice any sports ?" Irene asked out of curiosity. Suho was his best friend, he should know this kind of thing, right ?

"Ah, well she used to dance a lot before. Now, she sometimes dances but it's quite rare nowadays."

Irene's eyes perked up at the information.

"Why ?"

Suho shrugged his shoulders. "Don't really know, everytime we try to talk about it with her, she doesn't answer."

"Well, then I'll be going. See you later." Irene said before going but was stopped when she heard him speak again.

"Ah, before I forget. You were right, their hot chocolate was very good ! We should go there more often ! See you later !" He walked away from her.

Ah, now I'm all curious about Seulgi and why she stopped dancing... I'll try to ask her later... But if even Suho doesn't know anything, I won't be able to know either...


She then decided to go to class since Joy was already there.

While walking, she could not stop thinking about what he said just before going.

"We should go there more often !"

Did he mean just the two of us ? Or with Seulgi ?


When Seulgi arrived at the campus, Sungjae was the first person she knew she met. But before she could greet him, some students loudly greeted Seulgi and she only nodded politely to them.

"Hey, don't you think it's pretty cool ?" Sungjae said as soon as he was next to her.

"What is ?" Seulgi said with curiosity in her voice.

"Didn't you notice ? Those past  few days, you're not as surrounded as before."

"Oh, really ? I don't really see any changements."

"You're too busy looking at Irene to notice anything, aren't you ?" He while elbowing her. "You know, you shouldn't wait any longer and do something to get her."

"It's not that easy..." Seulgi sighed. "You know Suho likes Irene and I think Irene likes him back. I don't stand a chance."

"Of course, if you don't do anything she's going to like Suho back and you will really not stand a chance." He rolled his eyes. "But for now, they aren't together and even if they were, just because there's a goalkeeper doesn't mean you can't score." He winked at her.


"About Suho, you should thank me." He continued. 

"Why ?" Seulgi frowned, deeply thinking of why she should thank him.

"Don't you remember yesterday during lunch ? I saved your lover from a supposedly date with Suho."

"Hey ! Why did you do that ? Suho is our friend too ! You can't do that ! He was mad at me yesterday ! Even when we were studying with Irene, he wouldn't stop glaring at me ! So yes, thank you very much !" She said sarcastically.

"Why was he mad at you when you didn't do anything ?" Sungjae was confused.

"That's the problem ! I didn't do anything to stop you from inviting us ! He didn't want all of us to go there ! He thinks Irene is flying away from him."

"Wow, that's pretty intense !"

"You know if I'm preventing him from going out with her, it's because I think you deserve to be with her more than him."

"How could you decided something like that ?" She scoffed.


"Well, the way you look at Irene is much more intense than when he looks at her."

"Stop your nonsense, I don't think you can determined who has more rights to love Irene. And as I already said, he's our friend too !"

"Stop being such a chicken, Seulgi ! You're just trying to run away. You're not even doing anything ! You better do something before I do something for you !"

"Whatever, don't be surprised if he acts mad at you today. It's because of that stupid baseball on Saturday." Seulgi mumbled.


"Well, erm... I need to tell you something about this Saturday... In reality, I don't really know anyone playing baseball apart from my cousin but he plays at Busan at the moment, so it's quite complicated..." He scratched his head.

"But, so how did you get the tickets for the basketball match ?" Seulgi aksed him, confused as to how he got them.

"It's baseball, Seulgi."

He ignored her when she rolled her eyes and when she muttered a small "whatever, it's the same".

"And that's the real problem... I still don't have them... Do you know where I could buy them ?" Sungjae asked her but she shook her head. He sighed in dispair. "Well, don't worry, I'll find someone who knows. Until then, bye !" 

He waved at her and went off.


Seulgi carried on walking while thinking about this Saturday. She was not really a fan of baseball, she was not even sure what it was exactly. But since Sungjae and Suho were going... No, that was not it. Since Irene was going, she could not say no. She was even excited for the weekend to come.  

Hopefully, Wendy would maybe come to help her getting ready just like the previous Tuesday.

She made a mental note to read the rules of baseball before Saturday so that she would not appear totally dumb in front of Irene. What if she was a huge fan of basseball ?

After all, baseball is when you have to put the ball in basket...  Or is it basketball ? Or maybe it's when you need your feet... No, baseball is when you have to throw the ball with your hand. Yes, it's exactly that.

Seulgi continued walking while smiling with her head up and proud. She still knew what baseball was.

...Or so she thought.


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…