Chapter 17

Wrong Person... Or Not

"Hello, Wendy ?" Seulgi asked through the phone.

"Are you that desperate to know with whom I was going out that you have to spy on me ?" Wendy did not even bother greeting her. 

"..." Silence answered Wendy's question. "Who told you that ?"

"Some friend of yours called Yeri. She said you two were spying on me when I was on a date with Mark, the other day."

"Ah, so Mark is the name." Seulgi dumbly said.

"Whatever... Do you have her number ?" Wendy randomly asked.

"Do you mean Yeri ? No, I don't have her number... But why would you want her number ? Did she do anything stupid to you ? You know, Irene warned me about her ! She always makes jokes and..."

"No, Seulgi. She didn't do anything stupid to me, well... Not really..."

"What do you mean by 'not really' ?" Seulgi asked her, confused by Wendy's words.

"Nothing. So, she's friend with Irene, right ?" 

"Yeah, why ?" Seulgi once again asked, feeling puzzled about Wendy' behavior.

"Then maybe you could ask Irene to give you Yeri's number and then you give me her number. Sounds good ?"

"Erm..." Seulgi seemed to hesitate a little.

"Great ! Do it now, I'm waiting !" Wendy did not wait for answer. Besides, her voice made Seulgi think the latter was impatient, but Seulgi did not know what she was up to.

"Okay... But what are you going to do with her number ?"

"You'll see... Now hurry !" Wendy ordered. "And for your information, it was the first but also the last time I was going on a date with him." She added.

"Okay..." Seulgi said, feeling clueless about the situation.



Seulgi decided to call Irene to ask for Yeri's number since she had not seen the girl for the day, she could not deny she missed her. Hopefully, Irene quickly picked up.

"Hi, Seulgi." Seulgi smiled when she heard the voice of the person who picked up her call.

"Hi, Irene. How are you ?" Seulgi's voice unconsciously was getting softer than than when she was speaking with Wendy.

"Fine... Well, to tell you the truth I'm a little stressed since you know... All the tests coming up and all..." Seulgi then heard Irene sighed. "And you ? How are you ?"

"I'm good. Erm... If I'm calling you it's because I'd like to have Yeri's number." Seulgi said and she heard Irene chuckle.

"You know you could have asked by text message, it would have been easier."

"Yeah, but... I wanted to hear your voice..." Seulgi shyly said. "B-because I haven't seen you these days." She could feel her cheeks flushing and hid them with her hand as if she was afraid someone would see her - although she was alone at the moment.

"Seulgi, we saw each other yesterday..." Seulgi could imagine Irene's smile from the way she spoke. "Okay, I'm texting you her phone number. But... Why do you need her phone number ?" Irene shyly asked.

"I don't really know why but Wendy wants her number." Seulgi explained.

"Okay, that's weird... She won't murder her, right ?" Irene worriedly asked her.

"Again, I don't know... She didn't want to tell me why she needed her number. But don't worry, I don't think she plans on murdering her." Seulgi tried to reassure her.

"Okay." Irene laughed a little. "I'll hang up, okay ? Call me again if you need something."

"Okay, bye." Seulgi then reluctantly hung up.

Two minutes later, she received her Yeri's number which she quickly sent to Wendy.

"Seulgi ?" Irene asked, surprised.

"Yeah, you told me I could call you again if I needed someting. That's why I'm calling you right now."

"Okay. What is it that you need ?"

"To hear your voice, I already miss it." Seulgi sheepishly said.

"Seulgi !" Irene laughed.




Tuesday finally came and Irene could not deny she had been for that day to come. She was sure she would succeed in making Seulgi dance. She intended on staying later than usual at the dance studio after her dance class.

"You know, Yeri told me your friend wouldn't stop bossing her." Irene broke the silence.

"You mean Wendy ?" Seulgi asked her.

"Yeah. It seems she sent Yeri many text messages telling her to do and buy multiple things for her on Monday."

"Wendy did that ?" Seulgi laughed and Irene nodded.

"Yeri told me she couldn't stand it anymore. Didn't Wendy tell you anything about it ?"

"No... But, did Yeri really do whatever Wendy said her to ?"

"Yeah, it seems like she did."

"Wow. Are we talking about the same Yeri ? I mean, the one who would always boss around the others with her angelic face." Seulgi asked while trying to imitate Yeri.

"Yep, that one." Irene laughed.




Seulgi accompanied Irene and Joy to their dance practice, as always, not suspecting anything coming from Irene. After they had finished their dance practice, Seulgi stood up and was ready to go. However, she was surprised to see all of the persons, even Joy, leave the practice room except Irene. Irene was busy arranging some stuff near the hi-fi system so Seulgi decided to approach her.

"What are you doing ? Aren't you leaving ?" Seulgi asked Irene.

Suddenly, silence was replaced by music. It was some soft but rhythmic song and Seulgi saw Irene beginning to dance while making her way towards her.

"Come here, Seulgi. Dance with me." Irene stretched her hand out to her but Seulgi only shook her head.

"Come on, Seulgom." Irene pouted and it was all it took for Seulgi to take Irene's hand, making Irene smile brightly at her as she had eventually succeeded in dancing with Seulgi.

"You know, it's my first time dancing since... since someone precious to me left." Seulgi confessed. "I mean, she's not dead or anything, she just disappeared in America after graduating from high school. I was so devastated when she left that I couldn't dance anymore. We used to always dance together.

"Were you in love with her ?" Irene hesitatingly questioned her.

"In love ? No, but... I guess I was really fascinated by her... Maybe infatuated to her." Seulgi explained.

"Are you still... Infatuated to her ?" Irene warily asked.

"No, not anymore." Seulgi stopped moving and smiled tenderly at her. "Why ? Would it bother you if I still were ?" Seulgi intended to ask her in an attempt to but the blush forming on Irene's face made her feel confused for a moment.

"No, you'll still be my Seulgom !" Irene said with a smile while Seulgi smiled back at her.

"That's good to hear, Baechu !" They then laughed although both of them were quite bitter about the topic.

What was I expecting... For her to tell me she would rather not see me falling in love with someone other than her ? Stop being delusional, Seulgi... You really need to stop... Seulgi thought.

Of course, it would bother me... But I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell you that yet... Irene thought.




Seulgi and Irene parted ways and Seulgi was happy she had been able to dance once again. Although she had talked about Soojung to Irene, she did not feel as gloomy as before and she had also been able to be happy while dancing, which became nearly impossible for her during two years.

Seulgi got home later than usual due to her dancing with Irene and when she entered her apartment, she saw light was on in her living room. She then saw the figure of Suho sitting at the table and reading what seemed to be a magazine or something like that, she could not clearly see what it was.

"Oh, Suho ! You're here ?" Seulgi enthusiastically said.

"Yeah." His tone was cold and weak and Seulgi immediately sensed it.

"What's wrong ? Tired ? Had a hard day ?"

"Don't know. You tell me what's wrong. Is this a joke or something ?" He then threw what he was previously reading and Seulgi recognized what it was. It was not a magazine, it was her sketchbook, her precious sketchbook.

"Hey ! What are you doing ?" She quickly picked it up before widening her eyes as she realized the sketchbook mostly contained drawings of Irene.

"I had a feeling this would happen and now I feel so stupid. You didn't say yes to her just like that back then, right ? And this past few weeks, you were all over her... You actually like her, don't you ?" Suho was getting mad at her and she could not face him anymore.

"Suho, listen, I-" Seulgi could not finish her sentence as she was cut off by Suho.

"Answer me !" He yelled at her.

"I don't... Y-yes, I like her." Seulgi weakly said. She knew she could not lie anymore, she had to face it at this instant.

"And when she asked you out a few weeks, when you hadn't spoke to her yet, were you already harboring feelings for her ?" Suho asked her, his voice getting louder.

Seulgi could not stand the look of Suho and she merely nodded in response.

"You're joking, right ? You knew I-I liked her !" His voice cracked a little. "I told you everything about my feelings for her and you... You just wanted to make a fool out of me, right ?" Seulgi could tell Suho was clearly hurt and she hated herself for doing this to him.

"No, Suho..." Seulgi began but did not know what to say as tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"I knew holding hands was not something you'd do easily with anyone. Heck, you don't even hold hands with Wendy. Irene's not just a friend for you, is she ?"

"She's my friend Suho ! Just like you are !" She paused a little as she had a hard time letting the words out of . "I didn't want to tell you I liked her because I didn't want to hurt you." Seulgi's tears at last fell on her cheeks.

"Too late, you already hurt me." He  scoffed then took his coat and went out of her apartment while slamming the door.


She knew from the start it was not a good idea to also love the same person you best friend loved. Besides, she knew it hurt him even more to know he had been telling her everything when she had been hiding all of her feelings. She then took her phone and waited for the person she called to pick up.

"Hello ?"

"Wendy..." Seulgi sobbed.

"Seulgi ? Are you crying ? What's wrong ?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"I need you..."


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1050 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…