Chapter 26

Wrong Person... Or Not


It took Irene nearly one week to contact Krystal and she could not deny she was a little anxious about it. They had agreed to meet as Irene explained to the latter that she needed to tell her something important. Krystal was not in the mood to over think things and easily agreed.

That day, Krystal was not extra early like usual. Instead, she was running late and Irene feared the latter would not come after all. Fortunately for her, Irene saw a shadow hovering above her.

"Hi Irene."

Irene lifted up her head to see Krystal.

"Hi, Krystal." Irene replied with a small smile. She then took her time to look at the other girl's features while she was sitting down. Dark circles could be seen under her eyes and her complexion was paler than usual. Irene's eyes soften at the sight in front of her.

"You wanted to see me ?" She said softly, almost like a whisper. And Irene could hear that even her voice sounded weak.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you."

"Okay, what is it about ?" Krystal asked her.

"It's about... Seulgi." Irene attentively eyed Krystal but the latter had an unreadable face, or maybe Irene was not mindful enough to decipher it.

"What about her ?" Krystal asked and Irene thought she could hear a little bit of anger in her voice.

"Krystal... I need to be honest with you." Irene began, fidgeting a little, and looked at her hands instead of the person in front of her. "I don't love Wendy. I mean I like as a friend and all, but I've never seen her like a possible lover or anything." Irene looked back at Krystal before taking a large inspiration. "I love Seulgi." She breathed out.

"Sorry ?" Krystal's eyes widened however, the little bit of anger present earlier seemed to have disappeared. "Just... What ?"

"I... I lied to you back then because I couldn't bring myself to say the truth to you. You had come back just for her and I thought... I thought maybe she would take a chance on you and..." Irene did not know what to say anymore. "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, especially when I know how you feel about her."

"Does she know ?"

"No... I can't bring myself to tell her. I don't know how she's gonna react."

"Being in the ignorance won't bring you anything good. It's better to tell her. You shouldn't keep your feelings to yourself."

"But what if-"

"She won't. She won't reject you."

"How can you be so sure ?"

"Just trust me."

"But you ? What-"

"I'm fine. I... I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Krystal weakly smiled at her.

"Thank you Krystal."

Silence engulfed them and Krystal could not take it anymore, she needed to be alone, once more.

"I'll see you around." Irene said when she sensed the other girl did not want to speak anymore. 

Krystal only nodded, she knew saying any more word would only end up in a flow of emotions. She smiled sadly as she watched Irene standing up and making her way out.

At least I know Seulgi will find true happiness. I trust you Irene, don't mess up everything like I did. 

Although she said she would be fine, she clearly knew she would not be. But she could not stop Seulgi and Irene from reaching happiness. No, she could not be selfish. If Seulgi were to be happy then she would have to be strong herself. However, it did not take a minute for the tears to flow along her cheeks.



Days passed by, and neither Irene nor Seulgi tried to confess to each other.




It was a Saturday afternoon and the rain was falling heavily on Seulgi but she could not care less. She had to confess to Irene as soon as possible, she could not go on without telling her. Seulgi had been really stressed these days, exams here, projects there... She barely saw Irene and it made her go crazy. She felt lost without her and she missed her. Very much.

She had been taking a nap this afternoon and she had a strange dream. She could not class it as a nightmare and she could also not recall what she had dreamed of. Everything was a blur but she was sure of one thing : if she did not want to go anymore crazy, she had to confess to Irene. Too bad for her if Irene were to reject her, but at least she would know for certain if her feelings were reciprocated or not.

She had tried to contact Irene in order to meet her but the voicemail was the only one who replied to her. She then had thought of contacting Joy and she had made the right choice. The latter told her Irene was out to the grocery shop near their dorm.

So here she was, already drenched from the rain - she was in a hurry and did not really have the time to check the forecast weather - running mindlessly in order to find Irene.



​Irene was wandering with her umbrella as she did not really feel like going anywhere precisely. These past few day, she had felt quite empty even though a weight had been lifted from her chest after talking to Krystal. She was only supposed to go out and buy some food for Joy and her but ended up walking around.

"Wait ! Irene !" Someone called behind her.

Irene stopped in her tracks and looked back. Her eyes widened at the sight of Seulgi who was drenched in the rain and heavily panting in front of her.

"What-" Irene wanted to put her umbrella over Seulgi's head and talk to the other girl but was cut off by the latter. 

"No, wait ! Don't move nor say a word ! At least not before I'm finished with what I want to say ! No, after all, even when I'm finished, just... Just don't do anything ! Okay ? But please I really need you to listen to me ! 'Cause... I can't go on without telling you this." She blabbered before stopping herself and taking a deep breath. "Do you believe in love at first sight ?" Seulgi blurted out without looking at Irene, unsure of how the other girl would respond.

She then frowned a little. It was not exactly how she had prepared her speech, but who cared ? She just needed to tell Irene her feelings, how she would do that did not really matter for her at the moment. Seulgi then lifted her head to stare into Irene's eyes and Irene could see a wonderful brightness in them. It made her feel butterflies stomach even more than usual.

"Because I do and that's exactly what happened to me when I first saw you inside the lecture hall... You may not remember that time when I sat down beside you but after that, I could not stop thinking about you. At first, I thought it was just a mere attraction I felt for you just like I had felt for Soojung in the past but time passed and then... You came to me, asking me to go out on a date with you and I knew I already had deeply fallen in love with you..."

And it was all Irene needed to take the courage to drop her umbrella and her grocery bag and step forward. She then softly cup Seulgi's face with her hands before delicately posing her lips on Seulgi's soft ones while both of them closed their eyes.

She didn't care if she or if the food inside the bag were getting drenched. All that mattered at this moment was Seulgi's lips. She wanted to convey all her feelings to the other girl. She lied. Too many times and she regretted but she didn't want to anymore. She would do her best to make the other girl love her. She wanted to show her she was truly sincere about her feelings. 

"I love you too." Irene said once they parted a little.





Maybe Irene should thank Joy, for real. If it was not for her rushing Irene to confess, things would not be as they were at the moment.  And maybe she should also thank her own self, for being such a coward in front of Suho,

Irene would not find herself side-hugging Seulgi. She would not be as happy as she was at the moment. The thought of everything that happened made her smile. She then looked at Seulgi who was busy typing her essay on her laptop.


"Hmm ?" Seulgi turned her head towards Irene.

"I need to tell you something. You know that day, when I asked you out on a date. Well, I was supposed to ask Suho out but since I was too nervous... I ended up asking you."

Seulgi softly chuckled.

"You know, at first I was quite shocked, I couldn't understand why you would do that. I even thought you really were into me." Seulgi replied. "And then I kind of figured out what had happened."

"You had always been so cold to me." Irene carried on, looking into Seulgi's eyes. "And when I went out with you... You were not cold at all and I found myself enjoying every seconds spent with you."

Seulgi then put her laptop beside her before fully turning herself to Irene. They looked at each other, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you." Seulgi breathed out.

"I love you too." Irene replied.

They closed their eyes and as they were about to kiss...


​Irene lightly growled.

"Ah, it must be Wendy. She's the only one who would push the bell as long as that." Seulgi said before standing up.

"And I'm sure Yeri's with her. Don't forget those two are always stuck together."

"Yeah you're right." Seulgi chuckled. "Joy and Sungjae should also be here soon, right ?" 

"Yeah... Maybe you shouldn't open the door."

"Why ? Don't you want to see them ? Plus, I think Wendy's going to break the bell."

"No, I don't want to see them. I only want to spend the day with you."

"Okay." Seulgi sat back down and finally closed the gap between her and Irene.




"Are you sure they are inside ?" Yeri asked as Wendy rang the bell once more.

"Yeah I'm sure. I bet Seulgi's just pretending she can't hear us !" Wendy kept on pushing on the bell.

"Aren't you going to break the bell if you keep going on like this ?"

"Well, if she doesn't invite us inside, yes." 

"What's going on here ?" A voice said behind them. It was Sungjae who was with Joy.

"Ah ! You two are here. Seulgi won't open the door ! She's the one who wanted us to come and now she doesn't even want to let us in !" Wendy explained.

"Maybe they're busy... You know..." Yeri slightly blushed.

"No, I don't think they are. Seulgi's just being her usual lazy ." She then pushed repeatedly and violently the bell.

"Wendy ! Stop it ! I'll open the door !" They could hear Seulgi's voice from behind the door.

"See. I told you she would come and open the door !" Wendy then winked at Yeri while Joy and Sungjae chuckled to themselves.



A. N : The first thing I have to say is : I'm really sorry for taking so long to update this story. I had a lot of homework and projects to do and I couldn't find the time nor the inspiration to keep on writing. Please forgive me !

And the second thing is : Story finished ! I have to tell you I'm quite sad too ! :(

I had to do what I call a "Disney Ending" you know, with most of the characters who are gathered all together and happy (except for Suho and Krystal...) I don't plan on continuing it... I don't have enough time nor ideas on how to continue it. I'm sorry ! :( But if I ever have something in my mind, maybe I'll add a bonus chapter ?

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it ! :)

And happy new year to everyone ! :D

Feel free to leave any comment or anything to tell me what you thought of it ! ^^ 

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…