Chapter 11

Wrong Person... Or Not

Saturday quickly arrived and hopefully for most of them, they did not have any classes in the morning.

Seulgi had barely woken up when she received a message. It was from Sungjae, she hoped he had finally found the tickets for this afternoon.

Guess who got all the tickets ??? Well in fact, not only do I have all the tickets but also I got one more, so if you want to invite Wendy as well since you know, the more, the merrier ! ;) But don't even try to ask me where I got them... It's a secret ;p See you later ! Don't be late !

Seulgi checked the hour. It was already 10:00 am. They had agreed to meet at 1:45 pm in front of the stadium. Wendy was supposed to come around 1:00 pm. She then decided to call her to let her know she was invited as well to watch the match of baseball.


After only two rings, Wendy picked up.

"Hello ?"

"Hi, Seungwan !"

"Erm... Hi. Who is it ?"

"Didn't you check the caller before picking up the call ? It's Seulgi." Seulgi was confused.

"Who ?"

"Erm..." Seulgi looked at her phone. She didn't call the wrong number, did she ? "Seulgi, Kang Seulgi, you know, your friend ! Ddeulgi Ddeulgi !" Seulgi said with a cute voice.

"Oh, Seulgi ! Didn't recognize your voice, I could feel too much rainbows coming out of your mouth..." Wendy said, teasing her.

"You knew it was me ! How can you mock me like that ! I swear once I-" She got cut off by Wendy. 

"Yeah, of course I knew it was you .You're so easy to fool, you know. So, why did you call me ? If you're worried I forgot about your hang out this afternoon, don't worry ! I didn't forget I have to come around one o'clock, you know." 


"Yeah, about this afternoon, you should get ready too ! Sungjae got a ticket and there's even one for you !"

"That fool... I can't believe him." She mumbled. "Of course, he got the tickets ! I am the one who got them for him ! But don't tell him you know ! He thinks his ego is gonna be affected since he had to ask me..."

"What ? You were the one who got them ? How ?"

"Yeah, long story... Some friends playing this afternoon got me some tickets. He told you to invite me since he got one more than necessary ?"


"Haha ! You know what ? That means he got rejected !"

"Sungjae ? Rejected ?" Seulgi was confused. She did not know Sungjae had someone he wanted to invite.

"Yeah, he told me to get four tickets since apparently he wanted to invite a senior student or something like that..." She sighed. "Poor Sungjae. If he continues like that you're going to have a girlfriend before he does..." She mumbled but Seulgi still heard it. "Well, okay I'm going with you ! See you later !"

 "Yeah ! See-" The line went off before she could finish her sentence. "-you later."


When Wendy came to her apartments, Seulgi felt awkward next to her. Wendy had such a sense of fashion that Seulgi felt a little bit old-fashioned next to her. It did not help when Wendy said.

"What's that ? I hope you're not wearing this, are you ?" Wendy shook her head in disapprovement while eyeing her from head to toes.

"Yes." Seulgi let out shyly and Wendy sighed.

"Okay, go back to your bedroom, I'm coming." She then muttered. "Why does she choose these 'things' when she has much cooler clothes ?"

Wendy ended up picking up the clothes for Seulgi to wear, much to Seulgi's dismay.

"So, here." Wendy showed Seulgi a small paper. "Here's what I already did on Tuesday, I'm going to apply the same today, so look carefully, okay ? I'm not letting you do it alone. I wrote you down the steps so that you'll be able to practice. Sorry if the handwriting is a little bit messy but I'm sure you can decypher it."

Once they finished their preparations



"Sungjae ! Look ! I brought Wendy !" Seulgi had a teasing smile on her face. "See ?" She waved her hand which was also holding Wendy's hand.

"Yeah." Sungjae frowned his eyebrows towards Wendy trying to know if she said anything to Seulgi but the latter only shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you okay with Suho ?" Seulgi asked.

"Yeah, he wasn't mad at me like you said he would be." Sungjae replied cooly.

"Ah that's right !" Seulgi suddenly said.


She then released Wendy's hand and came next to him in order to whisper in his ear.

"Don't worry I won't tell the others you got rejected by that senior or whoever it was." She then went back to Wendy, ignoring the look he was giving her.

"Wendy !!!" He yelled at her.

Wendy shrugged her shoulders for the second time before replying. "Oops !"

"Seungwan !!!" 

And it was all it took to make Wendy glare at him ferociously.

"What did you call me, you-" However, before she could end her threat, Seulgi caught sight of three familiar figures and cut her off.

"Irene ! Suho ! Joy ! We're here !" She hollered at them while waving her arms in the air to let them know where they were.

So this is the famous Irene... Not bad. Wendy thought.


After doing their greetings, they decided to buy some snacks before entering the small stadium. They were sitting so that the order was, from left to right, Joy, Sungjae, Suho, Irene, Seulgi and Wendy. The game began with some small talks here and there. It ended with Wendy and Sungjae fighting over which one of their drinks was the best. 

Joy could only watch from afar Sungjae getting all comfortable with another girl who was not Seulgi.


The game had began twenty minutes ago and Suho had been observing Seulgi for the past five minutes. He thought she was so funny to watch and decided to share his fun with Irene.

"Hey Irene. Let's see if Seulgi understands anything." Irene looked at him curiously. "Just look." Suho said low enough for Irene only to hear.

Irene turned her head towards Seulgi.

"Hey Seulgi ! Did you see what just happened ?" He tried to put on a serious face.

Seulgi blinked, thinking as fast as the speed of light about what had just happened on the field.

"Yeah ! Home run !!!" Seulgi exclaimed while lifting her two arms in the air and everyone laughed, even the persons around them. 

Irene was laughing the whole time, wondering how Seulgi could be this funny. 

"No you idiot ! Nothing happened ! He's just messing with you !" Wendy said while slightly hitting her on her arm repeatedly. "You're embarrassing us !" 

"You don't know anything about baseball, do you ?" Irene said although she already knew the answer to her own question.

"No I don't. I even discovered two days ago what was baseball ! Seulgi said while smiling sheepishly.

"Don't worry ! I don't either !" Irene said, trying to comfort her.

"But I know what a home run is !" Seulgi said proudly.

"Yeah, that's why you yelled it just a few moments ago..." Wendy said sarcastically. 

"You're adorable !" Irene ignored Wendy and laughed while touching Seulgi's arm, making Seulgi blush at her words and at her actions. 

Wendy, who was watching the whole scene, could not help smirking. 

Well, that's interesting...


"Is Seulgi always like that ? I mean, always so bubbly ? She seems so cold usually and doesn't smile much." Joy asked, unsure of how she should ask it after seeing Seulgi's behavior.

"Yeah, when you get to know Seulgi, you see she's anything but cold to her friends. She's usually quite clumsy and clueless." Sungjae said and Joy nodded her head at his words.

"It's surprising to see her smile like that at Irene. She was so cold to her before. Irene was even worried Seulgi hated her." Joy muttered and Sungjae chuckled.

If only you knew...

"Why are you chuckling ? Did I say something wrong ?" Joy asked while titling her head.

"No, nothing." He shook his head. "Let's watch !" Sungjae said and Joy excitedly nodded her head before turning her head back towards the field.


"HOME RUN !!!" Seulgi exclaimed again.

They all looked at each other. This time, who was going to say to her it was not a home run ?

"No, Seulgi. There's no home run here." Wendy was the one to tell her. She could not let her friend get all stupid in front of strangers, could she ?

"But it got out of the fields ! Just like before ! And we said home run, didn't we ?"

"Yes, but this time there isn't any home run since the ball didn't pass the foul line." Suho took over Wendy.

"The what ?" Seulgi asked, confused and trying to see what he was talking about.

"Forget it, Seulgi." Suho, as well as Wendy, sighed in dispair while shaking their head whereas Sungjae and Joy laughed at her.

"It's the white line. Right there." Irene calmly explained while pointing towards the said line.

"See ! Even Irene knows it !" Suho said, getting frustrated. "And she doesn't know the rules either ! So why can't you do the same ?"

But Seulgi was too delighted to have Irene by her side to explain it to her. She did not even hear whatever he had said to her.


Maybe baseball is not that bad... It's even better if Irene explains to me the rules... Seulgi thought while smiling and listening to Irene.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1055 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…