Chapter 1

Wrong Person... Or Not

The campus was pretty calm on this early Monday morning. Some students were happily chatting and telling each other about their weekend whereas some others were silently sitting on the hall's various benches profiting of their morning's last minutes. That was, until footsteps could be heard throughout the corridors.

Two delicate silhouettes could be seen hastily running. It was a hurried Joy pulling a not so rushed Irene. Joy had finally made Irene make up her mind, today was the day. "No more running away from now on." Joy had said a little bit earlier when they were getting ready in their shared dorm. Joy was getting sick of always seeing Irene talking to Suho with her gaze filled with love whenever they would talk together. And she thought that maybe, just maybe, Suho felt the same way too.

Irene was going to confess to him today, this morning, now, as in right now. That's why Joy needed to find him as quickly as possible, so that Irene would not have the time to change her mind or to chicken out. She just needed to ask him if he wanted to go on a date with her on the next day evening.



Suho was well-liked for being good-looking and friendly with everyone. Irene had heard of him before meeting him but did not think much of him until she eventually met him during one of her physics class. He was seated next to her but she was not planning on talking to him at all. But luck was not on her side. Since he had forgotten his pencil case, he decided to ask her a pen.

"Would you mind lending me one of your pen ?" Suho politely asked her with a beautiful beam.

It was then that Irene eventually found herself blushing and weakly responded as she handed him one of her pen. "S-sure, take it..." 

Suho's smile widened even more (if it was even possible) as he gladly took the pen. "Thank you ! Don't worry I'll give it back to you at the end of the lecture." 

"It's okay, you can keep it." Irene did not know why she could not stop smiling. Besides, she could not stop looking at him, something attracted her eyes towards his face.

From then on, they began to greet each other and Irene discovered they had pretty much the same schedule. It was not long before Irene found herself liking him more and more as time passed by.

End of Flashback


"Stop dragging me ! You're just forcing me to go talk to him because you want to see Sungjae !" Irene stopped moving and complained.

Sungjae was one of Suho's best friends, along with Seulgi. They could even be considered his closest best friends. They were known around the campus for being friendly and easy-going. However for Irene, Seulgi was quite a mystery. Even though they shared most of their classes (along with Suho and Joy too), she only talked coldly to Irene and their conversations were always cut short by Seulgi. Their interactions were seldom, mostly because none of the two would engage a conversation with the other, knowing they could not keep a casual discussion. Besides, Irene was often jealous of Seulgi's being able to speak so comfortably to Suho. 

Since Irene met Suho, they would sometimes eat altogether and it was not long before Joy began to develop a crush on Sungjae. Although everytime Irene mentioned it, Joy would just blush a little and try to change the subject. But more importantly, Irene knew Sungjae would be wherever Suho would be.

"Stop your nonsense ! I'm doing it for you ! And if I want to see Sungjae, I can go see him whenever I want !" Joy answered back to her, slightly fluttered. "Come on, Irene ! You just have to ask him" Joy cleared , getting ready for her imitation of Irene's voice. "Are you busy tomorrow evening ? If you're not, I was wondering if you'd like to-" But she was cut off by a slap on her arm from the said girl.

"I know, I know ! Stop imitating my voice like that ! It's annoying !" Irene was getting really nervous and irritated by Joy's behavior. "Besides, don't you think saying that is a bit stupid ?"

"No it's not ! Well, at least it's better than not saying anything at all !" Joy replied quite annoyed as well since she sensed that Irene was going to back out. "Don't you trust me ?"

"I do ! It's just... I don't think I can do it." Irene felt her confidence dropping.

"Irene ! We talked about it last night ! Everything's gonna be alright ! You just have to believe a little bit more in yourself !" Joy then resumed walking with Irene trailing behind.

Irene knew that usually Suho was free and was spending his time in this small café a few blocks away. That's why Joy had convinced her to invite him to have a drink with her in order to know each other better.


They eventually found themselves in front of a familiar study room. Not any study room, but their usual study room. 

Irene spotted him and a smile formed on her face. He was seated and reviewing whatever lesson he had in front of him while talking to another person next to him, which happened to be Sungjae. He looked quite serious and Irene took this opportunity to lean on the door and take a better look at his face. His hair was falling perfectly on his forehead and he had this cute face when he was serious.

Suho rose his head and saw them. Joy's eyes lit up when she recognized the figure next to him.

"Hello Sungjae !" Joy shyly called out to the said person with a small wave, before adding, more confidently, "Hello Suho ! Hello Seulgi !"

"Hi girls !" Sungjae and Suho responded at the same time. However, Suho replied with such a beam that Irene felt herself going weak at the knees.

Seulgi only nodded a little towards them as a greeting and Irene could not help scoffing a little.


Despite her uncertainty, Irene decided to approach them who looked quite absorbed in their homework. 

"Erm..." Irene akwardly began. Suho rose his head towards Irene, paying full attention to her. Sungjae did as well, knowing where this was going. 

However, Irene got so destabilized by the anticipated look of Suho that something clearly incomprehensible happened.

"Are you busy tomorrow evening ? If you're not, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and go somewhere after classes, maybe at that café just outside the campus ?" Irene recited the lines she had prepared with Joy last night.

But she was not looking at Suho. Indeed, she was facing Seulgi as she was speaking.


Suho seemed surprised and elbowed Seulgi who was not responding nor looking at Irene. Joy and Sungjae exchanged a confused look as well but did not dare say anything.

Seulgi finally turned her head towards Irene and responded with a blank face. 

"Are you asking me ? To go with you ? I mean, as in a date with you ?" Seulgi responded at last, her face filled with confusion.

Irene did not know what to do anymore. She wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"Oh ! N-..." How can I reject her without sounding rude ? Maybe I should just go with the flow and tell her the truth later on...right ? "Y-yes... Will you go out with me ?" Irene tried to regain some composture though she couldn't stop herself from adding a desperate "Please ?"

Please Seulgi, please. Just say yes. Irene thought desesperately.

"Just ask Suho to go with you. I'm sure he would be delighted to go with you. What do you think, Suho ?" Seulgi nodded towards the said boy who was now blushing.

"Err... Well..." Suho scratched his head nervously.

"No, it's okay, don't worry, Suho." Irene cut him off with what seemed to be an embarrassed smile. She could feel Joy's confused eyes on her but panic was still invading her and she did not know how to stop from blabbering. "Just, just forget it, Seulgi, I..."

"Seven o'clock, in front of the Red Velvet Café. Don't be late." Seulgi said without looking up while picking up her things and putting them in her bag. She then turned to Suho who had a puzzled look on his face. "I'm going to class first." 

She stood up and went outside. Irene, Suho as well as Joy were flabbergasted by what had happened.

"Well... Erm... We'll be going too. Have a nice day." Joy was the first one to speak as she quickly took Irene by her arm while going out.

Even when they had finally left, Suho still had an astonished expression on his face while Sungjae had a knowing smile.


During all the morning classes, Joy would not stop bothering Irene with what happened earlier, only to be ignored by Irene.

They did not encounter Seulgi nor Suho although they were sitting at the opposite of them in the lecure hall.

It was only during lunch, as soon as they were sitting along with Yeri, that silence overtook them.

"What's wrong with you two ? Why aren't you saying anything ? Did something happen ?" Yeri was getting worried. Joy 

that their silence was eventually broken by Joy who decided to ask - rather loudly. 

"Why did you say it to Seulgi ???" Joy bursted out. "And don't even think of avoiding my question anymore !"

"Say it ? What did she say to Seulgi ?" Yeri nearly shouted was getting more and more curious. 

"Calm down you two ! Everyone's looking at us." She sighed loudly. "Well, you see, I tried to ask Suho out. But I ended up-" 

"Omo !" Yeri widened her eyes. "Don't tell me you asked Seulgi out instead of Suho ???" Yeri was amused by the situation.

Irene and Joy were definitely not amused by it.

"Yes, she did." Joy was the one to break the news to Yeri, who bursted out laughing.

"Listen, I lost all confidence when he looked at me, okay ? And, shouldn't you ask 'Why did she say yes ?' instead of a 'Why did you say it to Seulgi?'" Irene retorted.

"Hmm... Isn't it a little bit curious ? I thought she didn't want to date anyone ?" Yeri seemed to be intensely thinking.

"Well, she seemed hesitant at first." Joy then wondered. "She even asked Suho if he was interested to go with Irene ! But Irene, being as dumb as always, didn't let him talk !" Joy was getting desperate.

"Whatever, I need to find her and tell her that it was a mistake." Irene said as she was looking around, searching for a certain mono eyelid girl.

"What ? Excuse me ? I think I heard you wrong." Joy was beyong confused. "Isn't it quite rude to do that ?"

Irene scoffed. "As if she had never been rude with me before. I'm sure she accepted only to humiliate me even more ! She said yes but won't show up, I know how it works !"

Joy wanted to disagree but did not have the chance to speak as Irene carried on.

"Besides, even if she'd really show up, it's not like she'd be disappointed if I don't go ! I'm sure she'd be glad if I leave her alone ! And it's gonna be quite awkward between her and me if I go." Irene could not imagine herself on a date with Seulgi. The thought of it made her shiver. "No, I really can't go..." Irene mumbled. "I'll talk to her after classes this afternoon."

"Whatever, you still have some time to think ! For the moment, let's eat !" Joy said as she devoured her meal. "Hmm ! So good ! Love their chicken !"

"Hmm, I know !" Yeri was as enthusiastic as Joy when it came to eating chicken.

Irene shot them a look of disgust before resuming eating as well.

However when she looked up, Seulgi was standing not far away and looking at her. When their eyes met, Seulgi quickly turned her head away and walked out of the cafeteria, as if she had been caught doing something wrong. Irene was a little confused by the latter's behavior but just shrugged it off.

She's really weird.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 26: so cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 26: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 26: Usually the ff that I read are not reconciled between ex crush and his girlfriend character. But this ends with all the characters reconcile and make friends.
1056 streak #4
Chapter 26: 🧡🧡🧡
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 26: Yay!!! The web detangled! I honestly thought this was gonna be just humor. But there was angst. And there was massive confusion. There are sweet fluffy moments. It’s a good read. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 22: Things are looking up. Hhahahaha
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 19: It’s suho isnt it?
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 15: This is one heck of a web. A web of luuurvee
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 12: Please please please
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 11: Gah this was really a cute chapter. Wendy being introduced to the grp, Irene and Seulgi. Sungjae and Wendy. Nice nice. But there’s this anxiousness…