Entry 4

My Journal

Sometimes there are days where not allot happens. You go about your day, wake up, do your chores or go to work, come home and eat dinner then go back to sleep. I tend to have allot of days like this because i don’t have a job yet. My job is keeping the house cleaned and doing stuff for my family. I’m 19 if you were wondering. I have done 1 year of community college so far at Sinclair community college. I will hopefully be going back there next year when i, hopefully, have my driver's license. The reason i don’t do online classes is because i’m the type of person who needs face to face learning. I have tried to teach myself stuff online but it doesn’t work well with me. In class i keep my attention focused on the teacher and the assignments. I think the only assignments i could do well over a computer would be research and english assignments because i’m used to doing that kind of work on a computer anyhow. But if i did stuff like math and science, i would probably not so well through a computer because i need to be able to talk to the teacher face to face. Over a computer i have learned that with messaging, teachers can be slow and not respond quickly, some teachers didn’t respond until two days later and by then i would have already tried to figure the assignment out, or it would have had to be turned in already. Technology is a wonderful thing, but some people aren't diligent with it and so it becomes less helpful. And the reason why i had to wait a year was for my driver’s license was because the classes i have to do are at the main campus, thus i would have to drive myself, because unlike my first year where my parents only had to do 15 minute drives to and from a learning center of sinclair’s, it’s a much longer drive and they both have jobs. At least i have allot of free time.

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heioo9 #1
Chapter 25: Hey, you aren't heartless.. you care for wolves, that counts.
You've come this far.. that's really strong of you.
Future is unknown, which is why I try to live the moment if possible.
And things happen in life.. you know..
I don't know you and how your life is.. but I believe you have good qualities in yourself.. and I'm here in the other side of the world with you..
Oh, I like drawing too though it's not really good or anything.