Entry 10

My Journal

I’m sorry nothing has been posted for a little bit. Not a lot has happened that most would consider worth mentioning. Just been playing games on my computer, watching youtube videos, stacking wood, doing my chores, watching anime, and listening to music. The usual. I suppose i should type something interesting.


Well while i'm on the subject of music, i could talk about what i like, and how i feel about music in general.


Music is something that can break language barriers better than most things. For some music, one song consisting of lyrics and musical notes that i don’t fully understand, can travel throughout the entire world. That song can speak to more people than one could imagine. I listen to a genre of music called Korean Pop music, kpop for short. It’s similar to any other pop music that is out there is the world, but it has captured me, and pulled deep within its web. To say i love it is probably an understatement. But i also love brazilian music, american music, japanese music, and tribal and celtic music. I love all music, i feel the emotions and beats go through me like a breeze on a warm spring day. Even the genres that aren’t my favorite to that do me.


The great thing about music is, no matter where you live, what color you are, or what language you speak; music is always going to be their to shake your heart.

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heioo9 #1
Chapter 25: Hey, you aren't heartless.. you care for wolves, that counts.
You've come this far.. that's really strong of you.
Future is unknown, which is why I try to live the moment if possible.
And things happen in life.. you know..
I don't know you and how your life is.. but I believe you have good qualities in yourself.. and I'm here in the other side of the world with you..
Oh, I like drawing too though it's not really good or anything.