Entry 16

My Journal

Finding a passion for something is probably one of the best feelings in this world. Like some have said, it is like falling in love. When you find that passion in something, thinking this is what you want to do and have it as your career is wonderful. For the longest time whenever i was asked in school, from elementary to the end of my sophomore year in highschool, i had always answered with being a vet. I love animals, most of the time more than people. I wanted to have a career where i a surrounded by animals. When i was in my sophomore year of highschool, all of students in my year went for a tour at the college prep school Miami Valley Career Technology Center. We chose which areas of the school that interested in us in the lab half of the time being there. Of course the vet lab was my first choice, and i put other areas that were apart of the FFA(though at the time i had never heard of FFA or known what it was). FFA stands for Future Farmers of America, and has many fields surrounding it. When i saw what would go down in the vet lab, i started to think that area wasn’t for me. Maybe it was me being slow, but it was then that it hit me that, if i was a vet, i am most definitely going to put some animals down. I love animals, but i realized that that i time, i don’t have the strength to kill an animal. If i was living in the wilderness, i could probably do that because it would be for my survival. Even though some animals are put down because that is better for them so they won’t suffer, i just can’t find myself to do that. It is probably one of my weak areas, harming animals difficult for me. I know in a vet clinic the animal is given a medicine to where it will never wake up again, but it’s still difficult for me. It might not be a painful process physically, but it is mentally; because no matter what the animal is dying, that's a fact.


So once i figure out that i wouldn’t be able to do that i decided to go into COSA which at that time you would go in a rotation throughout the junior year and figure out which lab you actually wanted to be in. I really enjoyed my first year there, i had allot of great experiences, and made new best friends. When it came to decide which lab i would be in, i chose an animal care lab(forgot the name) as my first choice and environmental engineering as my second. I go into my second choice. I highly enjoyed my time in that lab, the teacher was the best i had ever had in my life. While i was in that lab i decided on becoming a wildlife biologist, but then that changed to a zoologist, which is basically the same thing. It is the study of animals. When i finish college and get my bachelor’s degree, i plan on working at a zoo for a year or so, and then deciding whether i want to further my career and get a PHD degree(Master's degree is lower than PHD, but i figure if i were to go back to school, i would shoot for the highest degree so i don’t ever have to go back again.)


My passion is animals, and i figure that i would be better of studying them then operating on them. Will there be times when animals are going to die and i have to put them down? Most likely, but it won’t happen quite as much. I mean i'm the type of person where if i see one of my gerbils dying and can’t end its life. I would much rather study animals then be entrusted with other people's pets lives. Will have the responsibility of looking after the animals in the zoo i will work at? Absolutely. I just feel i will do much better in this field, plus i like wild animals more than domestic ones. I might get bored being surrounded by the same old animals. But being a zoologist i will have the chance to see many animals and possibly study and discover new life form, the thought excites me.


So whatever passion it is you have, stick with it. I might not have ended up decided on the choice that i had being using all my life, but i’m still going to be around my passion, and that’s what matters most.

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heioo9 #1
Chapter 25: Hey, you aren't heartless.. you care for wolves, that counts.
You've come this far.. that's really strong of you.
Future is unknown, which is why I try to live the moment if possible.
And things happen in life.. you know..
I don't know you and how your life is.. but I believe you have good qualities in yourself.. and I'm here in the other side of the world with you..
Oh, I like drawing too though it's not really good or anything.