Entry 21

My Journal

Well today i went to my grandpa's funeral. I saw some relatives i hadn’t seen in years. I really enjoyed seeing them all again. For one day, there was no fighting, no drama, no hatred, we all gathered together and even after the funeral, regathered and enjoyed spending time with each other. Maybe, just maybe, things will start to turn around for this family, and we’ll finally see each other more often and be able to spend more time together. I don’t want the next funeral to be for someone who i have very limited memories of. I want to be able to cry and actually feel depressed when the next person in this family passes on. I loved my grandpa, but he wasn’t in my life like my grandma is. I did feel some things today at the funeral, but  i didn’t cry or weep. I instead consoled the ones who did cry and weep, because i didn’t know what else i could do. I think i hugged today more than i have in a long time.

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heioo9 #1
Chapter 25: Hey, you aren't heartless.. you care for wolves, that counts.
You've come this far.. that's really strong of you.
Future is unknown, which is why I try to live the moment if possible.
And things happen in life.. you know..
I don't know you and how your life is.. but I believe you have good qualities in yourself.. and I'm here in the other side of the world with you..
Oh, I like drawing too though it's not really good or anything.