Chapter 5

New Life

We seated ourself on a small caffe near by. Krystal is sitting on my right hand side and Amber on the left. It is quiet sunny day today thats why we picked outdoor table. Enjoying the sun. We ordered ourself a breakfast. When the waiter left with our orders, it becomes silence. The atmospher is awkward until Amber decided to break the silence. "Sooo.. how do you guys know each other?" Amber is a little bit nervous i guess, as she shifting uncomfortably on her seat. Well Am, Krystal is *sigh* ... yeah Krystal is Krystal.

Krystal eying me while putting her hand up to support her chin. Her hair flawlessly falls to the side of her face she leaning toward. I can see Amber gulping awkardly in the corner of my eyes. Now Krystal pouting and showing me her i-dont-feel-like-talking cute face. I roll my eyes at her aegyo. Well at least i know that we're okay now. "Well that was random actually. I randomly approached her to asked her to show me around the campuss at first day i get here" I explain, throw a glance at Krystal to ask for a confirmation, she got my signal and lazily nod over my explanation. Its an early morning for God's sake and she runs out of energy already?Unbelievable! "...And yea we happen to get along pretty well so yea..." Do we? I mean i dont know. But i do feel comfortable with Krystal. "Krystal was such a big help, since my Korean is not that good she helps me alot with it, she even gave me her sister's unused books few days ago too" Amber scrunches her brows not really getting what i was saying. "Her sister was majoring in film making too, so yea" Amber nods and leans back to her chair.

As for Krystal, shes now playing with a crack on the edge of the table. Krystal honey, you make it hard for Amber. I nudge her under the table just to have her glaring at me. That was enough for me to mind my own business. Silence. Why is this so awkward? And Amber, she usually good at lighten up the mood. I guess she temporarily lost her ability when there is Krystal presence. Krystal is alot to handle, i dont mean it in a bad way, it takes a tough heart to deal with her natural chic self, but i cant believe that someone as cheerful as Amber fully shutted down. Krystal's force is unbelievably strong.

We are rescued from this uncomfortable situation when the foods arrived. We forget about the thick awkwardness, at least for now. Suddenly i remember something. "Oh yea, Krys can you help me with this project?" She just squeezes her brows while stuffing with her food, demanding an explanation. Damn! I didnt realize that i can easily understand her now. How time flies my dear Princess. "So my department hold this annual film making competition. It starts at the begining of the year until sometimes before the year end. Lets just say that we need to make short or full-lenght film regardless the genre, it could be any kind of film as long as it has a moral values and messages in it and ofcourse appropriate one" I nudge Amber under the table as i sense her about to lunch stupid joke about it. I can tell by the smirk she have plastered in her face.

I continue "... And the best one will get the honor to have their film being showcased at some fancy film festivals as our department's representative and some money too. How sick is that??" I excitedly explain but Krystal is sooo out of it. I nudge her and raise my brows. "Okay geez" now shes being grumpy. "No but Krys im being serious now, will you help me?" Im leaning towards her. Our eyes meet and she just nods casually and stuffing again not breaking the eye contact. She keeps nodding while chewing her food, widen her eyes to convinced me about her seriousness. You see, thats just Krystal being Krystal. Grumpy one second and damn adorable the next. I cant help but pinch her cheek, using "You got something on you" as an excuse to do so. She is not complaining instead she pouts and rubs her cheek adorably. Adorable Krystal is adorable. I can see Amber smile seeing our interaction, no not our interaction, but seeing Krystal being extremely adorable??

I shift my eyes back and forth to Krystal and Amber. Krystal doesnt know, no she doesnt even paying attention to everyones excistence, that Amber has her eyes fixed on her. And Amber have no idea that i witness everything. I lean back seeing their one-sided admiration. It takes only what... less than an hour, to get Amber unknowingly to herself to admire Krystal with her alien nature. But then again, theres Krystal not knowing, i mean not caring about anything in the world. I mean, if i say it like that, you can get the wrong idea but honestly its just her being natural and all, its just the way she is. And that is one of her many charms.

I had to interupt Amber from deeply admiring Krystal from her seat. "And Am im also gonna need your help on this" Amber now rocking her chair back and forth stealing a glance or two at Krystal. I still cant get the clear picture on how this two antics would get along with each other. "Yeah sure, whatever you need, im on it" she says firmly. I got the idea for my film already but i dont know that i would be working with these two and i actually look forward to it. I have a feeling that they would have cute interactions in the future.

Krystal agreed to swing by at our place. Shes now laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. "What? We're not gonna talk about it?" I asked her referring to when she ignore me. She just keep tracing air with her finger. "You ignored me after you gave me that invitation" i explain myself further sitting at the edge if my desk folding my hands in my chest. "Krystal?" I call out because she didnt answer me. "I didnt" what kind of answer is that Krys? Before i could ask her more, she says "I just dont want to hear you telling me that the invitation was too expensive and you cant accept it and asking me why would i buy that for you, i just do, period" she answers me calmly and still havent stop tracing the air with her finger.

I know better than to push her to explain more or to give out any argument, that was sweet of her but that wasnt necessary but i guess i just have to accept it. "Thank you" i mutter walk up to her and sit beside her. I nudge her a little to get her eyes to meet mine. "I said thank you" she just nods casually, i let out a chuckles.

Krystal is absorbed into my comic collection. I dont think shes into it she just facinated by it. I step out my room feeling hungry. Decided to cook some food. Amber is not home, probably out with her mates. I feel like eating meat now. I pull out some meat and wraps and all. Wondering would Krystal like meat? "Hei Krys, would you mind helping me out in the kitchen?" I say peaking on the door, not saying a word she just rolls out the bed and follows me to kitchen. "Meat!" She squeals in excitement. So she LOVES meat, good to know. "Okay now help me set this up on the table" we set up the table and seated ourself across each other. I put some meats on the grill, chuckle over Krystal having her eyes fixed on the meat cant wait to have a taste. The more i know about Krystal the more fragile she seems. She maybe looks chic and cold and stuff but honestly she makes me wanna take care of her. So i make her a wrap and feed her. She happily chewing, showing her eye smile out of pure joy.

Krystal finished her meat in a record time. Her cheek puffed from chewing frenzy she had. "Im so full i feel like im going to explode" she chirps, thats the longest she had been said so far. "I think i need to get back home, would you walk me back?" Without asking i clean up the dishes and walk her home. "Thanks for the meat" she says as we walk down the street. "You love meat that much huh?" She looks at me and nods her head excitedly with big smile on her face. I dont know that one could be this happy over a meat. "Happy?" I lowered myself to meet her eyes while shes staring down. "Very" Eye smiling she is when she feels happy and overjoy. In this case, thanks to meat. "Alright this is you princess thank yo.." "You're not coming in?" She cuts me while she opens up the door. "I dont think i...well yea okay" i just have to say yes with the look of her eyes.

"Hei Krys where have you been?" A voice from our back says. We turned back to see the lady at the film screening standing there. "Oh i know you, i mean i see you at the film screening at the festival recently, right?" I was surprised to see her here. Why is she here? She knows Krystal? I have sooo much to ask now. The lady gives me amused smile at me. "Yes indeed" she steps closer and hold our her hand "Im Jessica Jung, Krystal's sister and the woman you saw at the screening" she smiles through out her explanation. "I'm Samantha, Krystal's friend and the one who saw you at the screening" i say shaking her hand. I somewhat nervous under her gaze. Geez why does the Jung sisters need to have a strong force? I realize now why she felt familiar at the screening. She chuckles and broke our hand shake. "So this is the Sammy you told me about Krys?" Jessica eying Krystal while leads us to their backyard. Krystal nods and follow her sister out to the patio. This house is gorgeous.

We seat ourself around the coffee table they have. Jessica and I get along really well, we quickly absorb in our conversation. Jessica and Krystal have similar icey looks but Jessica seems more approachable. But both of them are everything but ice princesses. Krystal pats me on my shoulder and say "I'll be in my room" before she dismiss herself.

Jessica and I are really into our conversation, before we know it, its already dark now. Wow i cant believe we've spend hours already. Jessica gets up from her seat. "You should definitely stay for dinner" Jessica says before dissapears to cook for dinner. I mean does she give me a choice other than stay? You just gotta obey the Jungs. I follow Jessica to the kitchen to help her out cooking. "No no, you can stay at Krystal's room, i'll do the cooking myself, i'll let you guys know when its ready" she was smiling but theres just-do-as-i-say feel in her smile. So i walk myself to Krystal's room dont bother to argue. Before i even left the kitchen my phones ringing. Amber. "Hei Am, sorry i wont be home for dinner, yes, i'll be back later, no, dont worry im fine" I answer her before i hung up. "Your sister?" Jessica asks stopping me from my walk. "Nope, that was Amber my flatmate" i answer her leaning to the kitchen counter now. "Oh how sweet of her checking up on you" her gaze didnt leave the chopping board, consentrated. "Invite her in, its not nice to have a dinner alone" Wow really? I mean thats sweet of her but what did Amber do wrong to have her having meals with two Jungs in a freakin day? I just sit there, froze. Poor Amber. Can she handle it? "Go on, ring her" Jessica snapped me back. "Oh yea ok..okay" i stuttered and just do as she says.

I walk to the patio and dial Amber's number. She picks up at the first ring. "Hey whats up?" She says from the other end. "Uhm well when you gave me a call earlier.." i pause "Yes?" I dont wanna give her a hard time but i have to let her know about Jessica's invitation. "..I was with uhm Krystal's sister. Im at their house now. She was making dinner and uhm when i told her that it was you on the phone, she said that it was nice of you checkin up on me. But she feel bad to know that you would having your dinner alone tonight.." here it comes Am, be prepared. Although she might got the hint already. "..Sooo she invited you to join her for dinner." I finish that last sentence quickly. Silence. I know she is now in a deep consideration and probably hasitate on what to decide. I 100% understand Amber, but i suggest you to say yes. You dont wanna let the Jung down, nu uh not gonna be good. I still wait for her answer letting the silence there, not wanting to push her. "Okay" she says "Okay?" I ask just to make sure i heard it right. "Yea okay, whats the address?" I can sense nervousness in her voice, sorry Am.

I ended our call after explaining to her about the address. "How'd go?" Jessica asks as i enter the kitchen. "She said she feel honored to be joining you for dinner" By honored i mean nervous af. I have no idea how well Amber gonna take care the situation, but i know this is gonna be a long night for her.




Hello there :D

another chapter is up, read it up hehe :D

thankyou again for reading it,i appreciate it peeps and let me know what you think :D xx

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I am having that time when i cant seem to be sure about the chapters i wrote. Please bare with me. Kaistal news... yea kinda uhm... yea well..


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hdsall01 #1
Chapter 30: The plot twist... I hope you will continue this fics someday:)))
Chapter 30: Hmm
Chapter 24: Ouch triste
Chapter 21: Mira nada mas
Chapter 19: Vrga

Sam is such an idiot! I would totally be all over krystal if i was her! You got urself a very cute and adorable gf, and you're still being that awkward!!! TT_TT
Why i always feel that this is only a one sided love. Poor baby krys. Poor jessi too! OMG!! Poor everyone in this story!! Lol (well, except for taeny)
Chapter 30: I prefer kryber with their cute interact and same goes to samjess a little drama is quite interesting i hope their end with my couples hehehe keep it up author waiting for you update
hwangsmile #8
Chapter 30: SamKrys is so beautiful! ♥
Sina_neiyz #9
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update.. more plssss... more to go, right???
Movie91 #10
Chapter 29: This story is awesome.