Mommy Goddess & Daddy Jerk


Surprise!!! A LONG UPDATE for my readers...









I am currently sitting at the couch while I am looking at my Daddy Jerk, Goddess, Barbie, Chee, Lolli, Yunyun, Junnie, Mick-mick, Bamboo, Gummybear... ayay!!! So many names.. *sigh* *pouts*.. They are all currently standing and some are pacing back & forth which a little patootie, which is me, is already having a headache because I don't know who to look at and who to listen too.. They are talking about what happened yesterday with Troll Ahjussi.. Yep! I call him now Troll Ahjussi.. kekekekeke.. Back to what I am saying, here infront of me are my cutie family and they are talking nonstop on something like they have to prepare for whatever Troll Ahjussi will expose blah blah blah blah... With all the words that's coming from their mouth there is this one word that really caught my attention which I need to join their conversation now.. like now...



"HHHEEEELLLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!! I AM KIM PARK JAEDEE AND NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!!" I yelled and stand up at the couch so that they can see and hear me clearly.. Which is very effective because they all stop and eyes on me.. In return I showed them my Bambi eyes with those cute little smile...



"Dee, I already told you to be polite when you want to talk. You don't have to yell to get our attention. You have to learn to excuse yourself.. Aigoo this kid... Why don't you sit down and just play with your toys.. This is an adult talk.. And which remind me also, you will be punish today for not attending school.. Yesterday you missed the school already but it's ok coz you have an excuse but for today is different..." Ok... I should have not interrupted them.. Why I haven't learned my lesson yet from talking too much... I don't have an excuse why I hate going to school... think.. think.. think.. *ting... I know now what to say.. kekekekeke.. Little Drama Queen is up again.. I show them my pitiful face again and I pout sadly to them esp to Daddy Jerk & Goddess..



"But you don't want to drop me off to school. You and Daddy Jerk promised to drop me off to school together but you suddenly change your mind.. You always promise but never do it.." I said and i look down as i play with my fingers.. But before they could react my Barbie suddenly yelled at my parents..



"YYYAAAHHH!!! KIM JAEJOONG & PARK SANDARA!!! This was supposed to be yesterday but because of what happened I forgot to confront the two of you!! Anyway, HOW DARE YOU TWO PROMISE MY LITTLE DEVIL TO DROP HER OFF TO SCHOOL TOGETHER BUT NEVER INTENDING TO DO IT!! She was crying yesterday and being stubborn as she is, she started sulking at the corner and keep on yelling to us that she will not go to school if you two will not drop her off!! And you PARK SANDARA, you clearly know that your daughter hates promises if you can't keep it!! You two work on your schedules OR ELSE the next time you do this to her, I'm gonna break your pretty little neck!!" When Barbie shouted everyone suddenly move away from her and even me I jump from my position.. I am not scared you know, I just got surprise when she shouted..



"My God PARK BOM!! We will all die from heart attack because of you!! Tone it down, will you?? We don't want to be in a front page that a certain group died because someone just yell and cause heart attack.." Junnie said which everyone eyes are now to them including me because I tell you right now, Barbie is glaring at him and everyone just shake their heads..



"WANNA DIE JUNSU??!! DO YOU WANT TO BE IN A FRONT PAGE TODAY THAT A CERTAIN IDOL WAS THROWN OUT THE WINDOW FROM THE TOP FLOOR OF THE HOTEL??? DO YOU THINK THAT WOULD BE BETTER THAN YOU DIED BECAUSE OF HEART ATTACK??!!" Okay save Junnie 'AGAIN' and this time from Barbie.. Why I am always saving Junnie to everyone??.. My Junnie is the best, you know...



"BARRRBBBIIIEEEE!!!!" I yelled instantly before Barbie could do something bad to Junnie... Everyone eyes are back on me and I saw Junnie did a thumbs up on me.. I just smile on him and then look at Barbie who's looking at me curiously then she look at Junnie again..



"We are not done yet!..." Barbie said to Junnie then look back at me and she smile at me.. See my effect to everyone, they just love me so much.. kekekekeke



"What is it Dev??" ...oh... What should I tell her?? Aigoo... OH WAIT!!! THE MARRIAGE!!! That's the reason why I join their conversation awhile ago.. kekekekeke..



"Aaammm... I heard awhile ago Daddy Jerk & Goddess are married already?? Is that true???.... wait.. wait... The good Ajhussi said they are married already! Yea yea.. I remember.. So, is my Daddy Jerk & Goddess married already??" I have this tiny little voice when I asked..



"You see Dev, the truth is they are not yet married......" My eyes widened when Barbie said those.. But before I could talk she stop me..






"Bbbbbuuuutttt?????" I asked since Barbie is taking too long.. You know I don't like waiting...



"Why I got a feeling that something not good will come out from your mouth Bommie.." Eh?? I look at Goddess curiously.. Barbie just smile at her.. You know those evil smile.. kekekeke



"But... They are getting MARRIED SOON... So from now on, you have to tell everyone that they are married already.. Arasso??" Eh?? Not married but I have to tell everyone they are married?? So confusing...



"YYYAAHHH!!!" My Goddess yelled but I ignore her.. I look at Barbie who's signaling my Mommy to be quite..



"You said they are not married but I will tell everyone they are married.. Barbie you are confusing me..." I said and pouted.. I saw Barbie did those inhale exhale again.. She is calming herself..



"What do you expect from her Bom understand you in an instant?? You really did confuse her.. She is just a 4 year old kid that can't fully understand what you want her to do.." Mick-mick said..



"Will you please stop telling her lies! And please for pete sake Bommie don't drag her to this mess already.." Ok.. What's going on.. Why is my Goddess mad.. And why did they forget about me again?? I was the one talking awhile ago.. *sssiiiiggghhhhh*



"Jeez Dara.. Don't you get it, we have to tell her that because apparently your daughter is born to be honest and you perfectly know that when she opens sometimes it cause us trouble. Your daughter can ruin everything by just opening .. And she had done that effortlessly and mind you she get away from it unscathed.. So what if she told someone about you not being married with Jaejoong and it reaches Mr. Jang.. I tell you right now, it will be a big trouble!" Did I tell you before that my Barbie talk fast?? I heard her but I didn't understand a thing.. Then I saw Fishy at the Door but he didn't come in and just close the door.. EH?? I was about to call him but since he is out already I look at my family again..



"Love, you know she is right... Right??" Oh... Goddess is doing the same thing like Barbie did awhile but the difference is she closes her eyes while inhaling and exhaling.. kyopta!!



"BARBIE!!! Are they married or not????" I suddenly interrupted gaining their attention again.. kekekeke... It's hard to sleep when you don't get to know the things you want to know right??



"YES! If someone asked you if they are married, just say they are.." Ok now I understand..



"So they are married??" I ask again.. But Daddy Jerk answer this time..



"Yes Baby, that's what you need to say.." Daddy Jerk said.. They are married.. I like it!!!



"So...." I said but stop thinking if they are gonna be mad again to me if I ask those questions that they always find very funny except for my Goddess..



"So?????" Eh???? I giggle when I saw everyones face.. they are waiting what will I say.. kekekekeke..



"Why do I have a feeling that something NOT GOOD will come from her tiny little mouth..." Aigoo Goddess.. I'm just gonna ask a question to you and Daddy Jerk.. Right now everyones eyes are on my Goddess..



"WHAT??? It's a MOTHER INSTINCT!!" Mother instinct?? What's that?? Ok ignore..



"So Dee, what was that you wanted to say again??" Chee asked this time...



"Aaamm... Since they are Married already can I have my BROTHER now???" I said sweetly.. But i told you before, when I keep mentioning that I will definitely receive same response from Goddess.. SHOCK FACE AND A LITTLE MAD look... But I can see my Aunt's & Uncle smiling.. Maybe trying not to laugh like they always do..Daddy Jerk, is smiling also because he is always very supportive to me.. He like my idea about having a brother..



"I knew it!! Why is this Brother thing brought up again?? Did I told you a lot of times that it's not easy.." My Goddess is mad..



"But I remember what Barbie said before.. I can only have a brother if you and Daddy Jerk are married.. Now that you are married then I can have my Brother now!!" I said a bit louder..



"I told you before.. It will take long.." Goddess said.. I always hear that..



"Ok!! If I can't have it right now.. Then tomorrow then!" I insisted.. I can hear a small laugh, probably it's my Aunt's & Uncle's again..






"Ok! The next next day then!!" I really want one! Help me convince my Goddess..



"I said NO! I can't! We can't!" I pouted.. And i did a deep long sigh..



"OK! Love, Baby you two cut it out!..." I didn't look at Daddy Jerk.. hhhmmpp.. They said I can have a brother when they are married already but now I can't have one..






"Baby, listen to Daddy carefully ok??*sigh* We already told you before it's not easy and having a brother for you would take long.. Give us a year or maybe if Daddy is luckier a less than a year maybe.." A year?? How long is a year..






"Love, will talk later about all this things.. Arasso?"



"Now you my little princess.. You have to be patient and wait atleast a year.. Arasso? We can't give you a brother that easily.." Daddy Jerk said again.. But how long is a year.. I wanna know..



"OK............. Oh wait!.." I said then rush to Goddess Little Office.. I took a pen and her calendar.. Then return to where I was sitting before and then i wave to Daddy jerk the calendar..



"Where is the year in here?? Put a mark on it Daddy Jerk so I could know when is how long.." I told Daddy Jerk then everyone started laughing again but this time very very loud except Daddy Jerk and Goddess..



"OMG!! YOU REALLY SMART DEV!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Lolli said while on the floor now laughing like the others.. Aigoo.. What is so funny anyway.. I remember also how they all laugh when I got mad to Daddy Jerk & Goddess yesterday...






I don't like my Goddess and Daddy Jerk now.. Because they don't want me to see how they make a brother for me.. But they can't even explain to me why.. I am at the corner not talking to ANYONE.. Daddy Jerk, Goddess and my aunts and uncle are all just looking at me..






"1..." I can hear Chee & Lolli talking about me while Barbie is laughing at me.. Why are they counting anyway..






"2..." eh??



"Why are you counting??" I heard Bamboo asked my Chee and Lolli..



"Just watch.. You gonna love this..." Eh?? Chee & Lolli are really really having fun at me..



*hmmp* I cross my arms and pouts again...



I can't take this anymore.. Why is Daddy Jerk & Goddess ignoring me..



*long sigh + pouts + stomping of foot*



"3!" That's it!!!




"WWWWWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Why can't I watch Goddess & Daddy Jerk HOW TO MAKE A BROTHER??!!!! WWWWAAAAAHHHHH!!! I wanna know!!! Daddy Jerk!!!! Goddess!!!! WWWWhhhyyyy??!!" I started wailing infront of my parents, aunts & uncle for not getting what I want..



"JJJJAAAAEEEDDDDEEEE!!!! OMG!!! Stop her from blurting out things like that!! God this is so embarrassing!!" And I heard my Goddess panicking again from what I have said... Then....



"Bbbbwwwwhhahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!" I stop from whatever I am doing when I saw Barbie, Chee, Lolli with Junnie, Yunyun, Mick-Mick & Bamboo at the floor laughing so loud.. Try imagining they are rolling on the floor, one hand hitting the floor while other hand in their stomach and laughing out loud. I should be laughing also but I don't know why they are laughing like that.. I look at Daddy Jerk and he just smile at me while Goddess is covering her face..



"Goddess, are you blushing blushing blushing red again???" I innocently asked which again my crazy family laugh so hard again..



"Oh Dee please.. Do Mommy a favor and don't talk for the meantime.. Please??" Eh?? I look at Daddy Jerk and he just smile again but did a signal of zipping a mouth.. It means I should 'SHUT UP'.. Oh don't worry, I learned that accidentally from Junnie when he did that to Bamboo.. I promise you, i learned it by accident.....



"Oh God Dev.. You just gave us a good laugh!! Hahahaha!!" Barbie said... Aigoo and they can't stop themselves from laughing..






But in the end they told me that I really can't watch how Brother's are made because it's rated.. Rated means not for my eyes.. Aigoo..



Oh I am currently in our room now because Goddess punished me for not attending school today and for insisting again to give me a brother. Daddy Jerk also told me that he needs to talk to Goddess.. Now in our room I am currently coloring my fairytale books.. But I feel really tired, I think it's my nap time already.. Why my nana forgot about my nap time..



I'll talk to you all later.. Bye bye.. I'll just take a nap.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz






I'm sorry Dara.. But you can't get married to him.. I know I have to let you go now.. But we have a lot of things to settle before you could marry him.. But I won't let you go that easily, if you just tell me right into my face you love him and you will marry him then I will let you go..



This time I will let you know who am I in your life.. Mianhe.. Mianhe.. I know you will understand me.. 





I'm BACK! Well I got back from my Business trip last Monday..

But I can't start working on my fics coz when I arrive at the office,

I have heaps of paperworks to do..


Sorry if it took me so long to update this one.

Oh well, I have got one hella of a job that almost consume all my time.

I am still learning my new accounts so yea it's hard to update not like before.

But I will try my best to update once in awhile..












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Chapter 33: Pls I hope you can find the zest to get back to this story
Chapter 33: I love the story, hope you can continue and finish this story authornim, jebal?
hilariously funny in so many ways. I am officially loving the Kim family esp little Jaedee
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 33: Authornim, update juseyo..
Chapter 33: When will you update this story authornim? It's such a nice story! Thanks..
greiyz_14 #6
Chapter 33: Oh how I love this beautiful story!please don't forget to update authornim please please
afourse #7
Chapter 33: hiiii authornim.... remember this story??? please update soon... i like ur story...jaedee FTW!!
Obey_kp0pp #8
Chapter 33: Please update authornim!! I love this story soo much i cant count how many times i reread it!!!! Hope you update on one of these days!!!
greiyz_14 #9
Chapter 33: Please update this story authornim please,please
DerpyTroll #10
Are you still gonna update? ><
I miss this already