Park Jaedee or Kim Jaedee???

Mommy Goddess & Daddy Jerk




"LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA" I am singing a random song while skipping at the hall where all my Uncles and Aunts rooms are. Thinking who will I disturb first because my Daddy Jerk told me to go outside when Goddess went to the Bathroom.






"Baby why don't you go outside and disturb your Uncle and Auntie for the meantime." Daddy Jerk said and I look at him curiously.



"Eh??" I said and Daddy Jerk smiled at me.



"I just want to be ALONE with your Mommy." Alone?? OMO! I remember Junnie said I need to leave them ALONE so they can make a brother for me.. Kkkyyyaaahhhhh!!!



"ALONE with Goddess??? Are you gonna make a brother for me now???" Daddy Jerk widened his eyes to me and his blushing..



"Kkkkkyyyyaaaaahhhh!!! Your blushing blushing blushing red Daddy Jerk!" I started clapping and jumping while laughing at Daddy Jerk.



"YAH!" Omo... I stop from laughing.. I better go out...kekekekekeke.. But before that I closed the curtains.. Daddy Jerk is just looking at me. You see, hotels do have heavy curtains.. But I was able to close it.. Wanna know why I am closing the curtains??? Because it's too bright..



"Why are you closing the curtains? It's dark baby.." Daddy Jerk said when he the light then I smile at him when I'm done and went to the door..



"Daddy Jerk, I remember what Junnie told me before that you have to turn of the lights when you make a brother for me. It should be dark. I'm going. Bye bye. I love you." I told Daddy Jerk but then again his eyes widened.. Aigoo.. So I just left and close the door. But even before I could go out I heard Daddy Jerk screamed from the room.



"KIM JAEDEE!!!!!!!!!!!" OMO??? I am no longer Park Jaedee??? I went back to our room again and just let my Daddy Jerk see my head...



"AM NO LONGER PARK JAEDEE?????" I asked Daddy Jerk and then Goddess went out from the Bathroom with only her towel wrapped around her and waters dripping. She probably heard Daddy Jerk screamed my name that's why she hurried going out from the bathroom..



"What's going on here? I heared you screamed Jaedee's name and what is she doing stucking her head like that at the door??? And why is so Dark in this room???" Goddess asked while pointing at me and then look at Daddy Jerk. When Daddy Jerk look at her, his jaw dropped... I can't explain why he did that.. You tell me why... But since Daddy Jerk doesn't want to talk, then I will tell Goddess then..



"Goddess I will just go disturb others.. Arasso? Daddy Jerk said he wants to be ALONE with you... kekekekekeke" I giggle after saying those... I look at them and Goddess eyes widened... Then I continue from talking again....



"And ALONE means making baby brother for me so I closed the curtain so you can turn off the lights... Arasso??? I want a brother soon!! kkkyyyyaaahhhh!!! Bye Goddess! Bye Daddy Jerk!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH!" I closed the door again and head to the door without waiting for their response but before I could go out I heard my their voice...



"PARK JAEDEE!!!!!!!"



"KIM JAEDEE!!!!!!!"  Aigoo......... Now I am confuse....






Park Jaedee or Kim Jaedee??? Park Jaedee....Kim Jaedee....Park Jaedee...Kim Jaedee.... Aigoo... See I am really confuse now.. Goddess call me Park Jaedee while Daddy Jerk Kim Jaedee.. Is it because Goddess last name is Park and Daddy Jerk is Kim??? So Uncle Yunyun will call me Jung Jaedee also?? or Chee will call me Lee Jaedee?? Gong Jaedee?? Aigoo so many names... sigh... *pouts*



"Hello Deedee!!" Omo.. I look to where the voice came from and its from my friend Yoongie... I wave my hands and smile at him...



"Yoongie, which is better? Park Jaedee or Kim Jaedee??" I asked him but he just gave me a look...



"I don't know? Are you changing your name?"



"I don't know either. Goddess called me Park Jaedee while Daddy Jerk called me Kim Jaedee. Really confusing.." I said and pouted..



"We will ask Uncle Junsu later. He knows everything right?" OMO!



"NEH! NEH! Junnie knows a lot of things...kekekekekeke" We both giggle and then he hold my hands and pull me.






"Come on! Let's play.. Let's bang all the doors and then hide!! They will all come out for sure! kekekeke" kekekeke.. I like the idea.. So we decided that I will take the right side and he will take the left side.. I will not knock on our room, I don't want them to be mad at me before they go out on a date.... kkkyyyyaaaahhhhh.....



"Ready.... set..... go!!!!" Then me and Yoongie started banging all the doors and before we could hide Barbie saw us and I did a peace sign before Yoongie pull me to hide....



"YYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Aigoo....... She really screams so loud.......






The two was beyond shock from their Little Devil's word. The two are blushing and when they look at each other then they can't contain it anymore...



"PARK JAEDEE!!!!!!!" Dara shouted.



"KIM JAEDEE!!!!!!!!!!" Jae shouted but Dara heard it and she glares at him...



"Seriously KIM Jaedee??? Since when did she become Kim Jaedee?? Huh??!!!" Dara said while glaring at him...



"Stop looking at me like that! I didn't do anything. I just wanted to talk to you privately because if Jaedee hear us she might rat on us to our annoying friends and then they will tease us to death. And if your asking when will she become Kim Jaedee........ VERY SOON my Love....." Jae said and smile at her...



"Then why the hell does the 'Brother' Topic brought up again??!!!" Dara exclaimed... Then Jae started thinking why did she suddenly open up that topic..



"Oh remind me next time or even yourself to never ever say the word ALONE, you & me in one sentence.... I swear that kid memory is very sharp!" Jae said then look at her. Then he remember again the building lust the moment she went out from the bathroom. Dara look at her curiously why Jae is looking at her like that...



"What the hell are you looking at???" Dara said while brows raised and arms on her chest which Jae gulp once Dara put her hand on her chest making her  went up a bit and showed just enough cleavage...



"My Love... Are you trying to kill me?? Don't you know that you are just wearing a towel and let me guess you got nothing under it since your were rushing when you went out from the bathroom... I swear I am already close to GRANTING OUR little devil's request........ Or not unless you like to grant HER wish already?????" Jae said teasingly and slowly approaching dara who's eyes widened upon hearing him...



"YAH KIM JAEJOONG!!!!!!! IN YOUR DREAMS!!!!!" Then Dara rushed back to the bathroom before Jae could reach her... Her heart beating so fast, but she don't know why.. She leaned on the door and heard him talking...



"You are always in my dreams! Past, Present & Future.. You will always be in my dreams Love!" Jae said whose leaning on the door as well.. Then he smile and silently throw his fist up when he heard her giggle...



"Score for Kim Jaejoong!" Jae said in low tone while opening the curtains with a smile on his face that tells I-AM-SO-INLOVE with her...





WOW.... I am updating regularly again...

You my dear reader are being spoiled by me lately...kekekekeke

Aigoo.. But don't worry I love spoiling my readers, subscribers, friends etc etc etc...



Enjoy the update...






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Chapter 33: Pls I hope you can find the zest to get back to this story
Chapter 33: I love the story, hope you can continue and finish this story authornim, jebal?
hilariously funny in so many ways. I am officially loving the Kim family esp little Jaedee
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 33: Authornim, update juseyo..
Chapter 33: When will you update this story authornim? It's such a nice story! Thanks..
greiyz_14 #6
Chapter 33: Oh how I love this beautiful story!please don't forget to update authornim please please
afourse #7
Chapter 33: hiiii authornim.... remember this story??? please update soon... i like ur story...jaedee FTW!!
Obey_kp0pp #8
Chapter 33: Please update authornim!! I love this story soo much i cant count how many times i reread it!!!! Hope you update on one of these days!!!
greiyz_14 #9
Chapter 33: Please update this story authornim please,please
DerpyTroll #10
Are you still gonna update? ><
I miss this already