1D Taehyung?!

BTS reactions

“Please make their reaction what happened when V that is always alien suddenly become very serious person, charismatic and matured?”


A part of Jungkook would DIE inside. Seeing V drink a shot of espresso while reading the Odyssey in the waiting room would leave the fetus Jungkook hopeless and extremely confused about life. Jungkook might think that he, himself, has to grow up now that his best friend/admirer/playmate has become a man. Ultimately, Jungkook might start to imitate the Adult Taehyung, attempting to read the Odyssey--- in Latin—only to fall into a deep drooling slumber. 


Jin would love the peace and quiet he’s getting. However, when V walks in on Jin playing Maple Story and judges his immaturity, Jin would throw V a death glare indicating, “What'd you say, bi*ch?”

J-Hope & the 5 stages of grief:

  1. Denial: “No no no. This is just a joke, everybody! V’s trying to be funny. (To V) You’re funny, V. Now, stop it. It has gone on long enough! HA HA HA.” 
  2. Anger: “I said, stop it with this joke! The first few minutes was funny but now it’s not! STOP DRINKING THAT DAM* EXPRESSO!”

V: (calmly) “It’s espresso.”


  1. Bargaining: “Please? Let’s put down that expresso and let’s go out to the ice cream shop. You like sugar. You like cream! PLEASE? DON’T GIVE UP ON ME, TAEHYUNG BABY! DON’T GIVE UP ON ME!! What? You don't want ice cream? What is it that you want to stop this madness?” 
  2. Depression: *crawls into bed and contemplate on life and who everybody is while crying and laughing all at once* #crazyhits
  3. Acceptance: “I understand Taehyung. You’re 21 now. I suppose at one point in all of our lives, we all need to grow up and evolve like a Pokémon. You just evolved a little too fast but it’s okay. I still love you.” 


Jimin wouldn’t believe his fellow ‘95er’s act. Jimin would be a ticking bomb, trying to bring the old V back to his old self with crazy acts. Jimin would try dancing in front of V, remembering the good old times. Jimin would tease V, bringing a juicy piece of steak up close to his nose only for Jimin, himself, to eat it. Jimin would take V’s favorite stuffed tiger animal and rub it against his bum. Jimin would put vinegar in V’s espresso to make him mad but V’s maturity becomes too much for Jimin—making him wallow in his sorrows late at night, underneath his red and blue Superman blanket, because of how mind blown he is. 


I feel like Suga would enjoy the new V the most because of the quietness. V, now that he’s serious, mature, and charismatic, might have the maturity to discuss topics like an adult. However, when V starts to question and contemplate on things deeper than Suga had anticipated, he might be annoyed—secretly wanting the old V back.

 Suga: I just wanna sleep. 


Rapmon, as a leader, would be really confused and worried. However, he would be very systematic to make sure the ARMY fans would not notice a dramatic change in V. (Because, you know ARMY fan notice everything.) All in all, Rapmon would try to best assist V in the new image, making sure everything works out efficiently.


“Acting mature, sophisticated, and charismatic sure is tiring. *sighs*"

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imyourhope123 #1
Chapter 18: They are so cute and funny
I am late I know xD
Ivyttt #2
Chapter 28: V's comment is tooooo interestinggggg
Chapter 23: Hahahaks this is totally cute! XD
CaelumSky #4
Chapter 22: Oh mai gadd this is so cutee ! *dies* thank you so much <3
CaelumSky #6
Chapter 21: Haha this one was hilarious!
CaelumSky #7
Chapter 20: Thanks for doing my request! I love your story and your fresh ideas!
CaelumSky #8
Chapter 19: Hahaha this was so cute I just <3
I have a request, how BTS would comfort you if someone happened e.g. your dog died
the kind of pet the two of you would buy together
Chapter 16: What will bts do or react if jimin suddenly transform into a baby? XD btw im actually eunheeex0tics i've just change my username ;-)